Full summary: Sebastian is dead and gone but is he? When Lilith makes Vampire Werewolf Hybrids will they wipe out the whole race of all Nephilim and bring back her son? When one Downworlder murder becomes one hundred mundane murders. But Clary has more than that problem. She must choose from Raphael's saying that she has one week to choose between him or Jace. Will she choose the one her friends want or what her heart wants? Will the Nephilim Race end and become the past or continue on into the future? Who will Clary choose and what will happen when the past events come to haunt the present?

*So i hope you like the sequel to my story I Love Him, I Love Him Not. If you haven't read it, go check it out and review what you think about it. SO this is mostly with Clary and Raphael will be in the next chapter and the rest. But i hope you like this.

Clary POV

She woke up from the sunlight hitting her eyes. It has been four days since her encounter with Raphael.

One week to make up my mind, she said in her mind. She still didn't know who to choose. She had three more days till she had to tell him her answer. She hadn't seen him ever since.

Clary stretched and got out of bed and did her daily routine.

Once finished, she went to the kitchen, where there was a note on the fridge.

Be back soon, at a Clave meeting,

Mom and Luke

Clary sighed and put the note on the table, where there was a cup of coffee and a blueberry muffin waiting for her. She took the coffee and out on a jacket. She left her house and started to make her way to Simon's.

I like the both of them but I can't them both. I have to choose. Jace loved me from the start and is nice and gentle and caring and loving but Raphael can sometimes be like that but it would only make me drown in him.

She sighed. She went up the step and knocked. She played with the two rings Jace and Raphael gave her. A ring and a snowflake. Two complete different things that meant so much.

Simon opened the door and said, "Hey."

She smiled. She went inside and to his room.

""What's up?" he asked.

"Nothing much," lie. She had a ton of things to do and explain.

She looked at the tv in his room. He was playing the new Assassin's Creed game.

"I have a totally, weird question to ask you," Clary said, sitting on his bed.

"What is it?" he said, getting back to his game.

"You know that Isabelle and Maia like you. So if you had to choose one, who would it be and why?"

He looked at her with a confused face,

"What type of question is that?" he asked.

"Oh, just answer the question," she said.

"I don't know. There both awesome and beautiful girls that shouldn't be messed with but very fun to hang with. Isabelle is feisty and isn't scared when she needs to be and takes care of others like they're family members. But Maia, she different and the complete opposite of Isabelle. She doesn't treat me like I'm a Downworlder, just a complete ordinary human being. But I don't know who to choose."

Clary groaned. That didn't really help her at all.

"Are you asking me this to choose between Jace and Raphael?" he asked, grinning.

"Maybe," she said too quickly.

"Clary, no offense, but why do you like Raphael?" Simon asked, putting the controller down and sitting next to her on the bed.

"Well, he has this pull on me and he's very nice to me and likes me," Clary said.

"Okay, but he almost killed you when you first met him. He tricked you and Jace, remember?" Simon said. She did remember. He was kind to her when he helped her down the grate but that was just an act.

"Yeah, but he seems different," Clary said,

"To you maybe but not for the rest of us," Simon said.

Clary scoffed.

"Some help you are," she said and got up, throwing her empty coffee cup into the small trash bin.

"Clary, I'm just being honest. Yeah, Raphael may have his ups and downs, but he isn't the vampire you would want to mess with. What if you two have a fight? He could hurt you or do something far more worse, Clary. He may act like he likes you but the monster he is in the inside will come out and hurt you," Simon said to her.

Clary didn't know what to say. Simon was right and maybe wrong. Was she so blinded by love and lust to see the meaning about him from someone so close to her?

"You may be right, so you're saying that I'm better off with Jace than Raphael?" she asked, making him confirm her final choice.

He nodded.

"Okay," she said. She stayed at Simon's for a few hours but had to go.

So it's Jace, she said in her mind but her heart sunk.

She was, sad. For Raphael. So, she might like him, a lot. But sad for a man that could kill her in one strike, or bite, her conscious added.

But she knew Jace wouldn't do that to her, Raphael had a fifty – fifty chance on doing so.

Jace, she had to go along with her choice. Many of her friends and family have told her or hinted her to stay away from Raphael and be with Jace.

But, Jace has to be the right choice. Think about the consequences if you're going to be with Raphael. A dead or undead life. I want to live my life.

Clary sighed. Jace, that's it.

How would Raphael react? He would be definitely angry and outraged at her but she wanted what the heart wanted.

Or what my friends and family wanted.

She wanted to kick the living shit out of her conscious arguing with her. She didn't even realize that she had walked to the Institute.

I should tell Jace.

She walked up the step and put her hand on it.

She was going to say the first word but the doors opened with a loud bang. She walked in and took the elevator up. She looked in the mirror. She was flushed from the coldness and her hair was frizzed.

What could those two boys see in her? She was just plain: having a flat chest, pale skin, freckles, and just being short.

She wasn't anything special. She was just Clary.

She stepped out the elevator after it stopped. She saw Church lying on his stomach.

"Hey Church, where's Jace?" she asked the blue Persian cat. The cat meowed and got up. He led her to the library.

She found Jace in one of the arm chairs, reading a book. The fire was ablaze and the light that casted from it formed on his figure, dancing around. As if sensing her, he looked at her.

"Hey," he said, setting the book aside.

"Was I interrupting something?" she asked him, entering the library and standing in front of him. He looked up at her.

"Nothing, just reading," he said.

She just smiled, awkwardly.

"Is there something you need to tell me?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow up and she had to roll her eyes. She still couldn't do that.

"Yeah, I- ," she started but didn't finish because Marsye, Alec, Isabelle, and Robert came in.

"Clary, thank god you're here. I'll call your mother to tell her you're here," Marsye said and taking out her cell phone.

"What's wrong," Jace asked, getting up.

"There's been a murder or what seems like a murder with one of the werewolves in Luke's pack. A guy named Aaron. We found his body near an alley. He looked beaten up but there was a needle next to him and it was broken. But he died from a silver blade," Isabelle explained.

"So what's the big deal?" Jace asked, not seeming surprised about what she told him.

"The big deal Jace," Alec started, "is that Aaron was changing. He's paler than he was and has black eyes. Not like a werewolf that has glowing yellow eyes."

"Those descriptions sound like a vampire," Clary said.

"Exactly. Now, we're trying to figure out why he's like that," Robert said. Marsye came back.

"She said stay with Jace, Isabelle, or Alec."

"Okay," Clary said.

How's it possible that Werewolf would look like a Vampire?

"We're going to need to inform all the Downworlders," Marsye said.

"Yeah, Alec, go tell Magnus what's happened. Isabelle, tell the fey. Jace, go to Raphael's clan and tell them what has happened and try not to get into another fight with him. Clary, stay here. I have already told Jocelyn to inform Luke and his pack about it. Go after we contact them but Alec go and try not to get into any trouble," Marsye ordered and Alec left.

The other two teenagers waited till their parents contacted with the two remaining Downworlders. She could see Jace's jaw contract and tense. He really didn't want to go to the Dumort.

Clary grabbed her phone and texted Simon what had happened.

He replied, Jesus, who could've done it. But for the most parts, it didn't hurt anyone of you.

Be careful and stay safe, she texted back and put the phone back into her pocket. She had realized that Isabelle was gone.

She took a breath and let it out slowly.

"Don't worry Clary, I won't let whoever did that, hurt you," Jace said. She smiled at his protectiveness.

"Thanks," she said.

"What was it that you wanted to tell me?" she asked. Before she could say anything, Marsye interrupted.

"Jace, it's time for you to go," she said.

"Sorry again for the interruptions," he said and was coming in but stopped himself and left.

He was going to kiss me, I know it, she thought.

She took another breath. But she couldn't think straight. She was kinda terrified at the thing or person that had done something terrible to the Werewolf boy.

She sat down, trying to calm herself down at what was going to happen later in the future.

So it's really not that long but it's late at night and I am tired. But review and I hope you like this story.