=That Dream=

Chapter 13

©PrincessLesse 2003

            When I stood up, I didn't know what to do.  I didn't know what to say.  Nothing.  I knew nothing at all.  All I could do was stare at her.  I kept staring at her face, and then the next thing I knew, I hugged her.

            "Sakura," I mumbled into her hair.  I was truly at a loss for words.  I had no idea what to do or say.  Sakura was here!  I was hugging her!  I… I hugged her!  Jumping back, I stared at her once more.

            "Syaoran, you love me?"

            I gulped but I couldn't say anything at all.  I merely nodded.  Sakura's face at that moment I nodded would be the only thing I would have to remember for a truly happy life.  She is… she is the love of my life.  I couldn't think of spending time with anyone else.  She's perfectly wonderful.  She's the one.

            "Oh, Syaoran, I-I believe we put this off for a long time."

            I nodded, still not quite sure what she meant by this.  I just shrugged, not knowing what to say at all.  She came closer to me, and I didn't know what she was going to do.  Sadly (or perhaps luckily?) I didn't find out.

            "SAKURA-CHAN!  Look, it's Sakura-chan!"  I turned to the interruption, actually it was interruptions, and there were my sisters.  They ran into the room and they were hugging Sakura madly.  I felt bad for her, but I couldn't do anything as my sisters next assaulted me.

            "Xiaolang, why didn't you tell us Ying-fa was here?"

            I could only shake my head and shrug my shoulders.  I had no idea what to say or do.  I couldn't even begin to tell you how overwhelmed I was.  I was only wondering what we had put off.  If I wanted to go with Pedro's idea, I would be a very happy boy indeed.

            "Ladies, Sakura-chan is a guest at our home.  Treat her accordingly," Okaasan said when she walked back into the dining area.  I bowed when she walked in.  I knew that I wouldn't have to do anymore to convey my thanks.

            "Xiaolang, I have a feeling that you and Ying-fa have much catching up to do.  We shall leave you two to yourselves.  Come, dears, Xiaolang needs his time."

            I grinned at Okaasan after she left.  Sometimes she was too much at once.  I turned back to Sakura, who was blushing and staring steadily at her feet.  I gulped and started pacing around the room.  I couldn't think of anything else to do, and I knew that I was about to die of the fact that Sakura was here… for me.

            "Syaoran, I have something to tell you, since you poured out your thoughts to me unknowingly.  I—uh—well, I've always had this—this thing for you.  I can't really explain it.  You were always so distant, so cold.  I mean, other than your close circle of friends, you did nothing to make girls that fancied you feel welcomed.  I took that as a hint, and I never, and I mean never tried to approach you about things like that.  In fact, I thought you might've been, oh… you know…"

            I glared at her.  I had a feeling I knew where this was going.

            "…Gay." Sakura finished for me.

            "Arigato, Sakura, you surely know the way to my heart," I told her, my voice sarcastic.

            She giggled at me and she smiled slightly.  I didn't want to lose this moment, so I stared at her, not blinking, but memorizing every line of her face with this timid smile on her face.  It was truly wonderful, and I loved it too much.  Especially too much for a Li.

            "Oh, Syaoran, let me finish.  Anyhow, Tomoyo-chan was so tired of me being "wonderfully oblivious" as she put it, and she told me that you liked me.  Well, I was so happy because I've liked you all along, Syaoran.  In conclusion to that, I went to your apartment, but you and Eriol-kun were fighting, and Eriol-kun said it was because you kissed Tomoyo-chan."

            She was smiling now, but she was looking sheepish and her face was red.  I grinned a bit, now I knew why Sakura was at my apartment.

            "Sakura, I don't know what to say except that I'm sorry.  I was trying to do Daidouji-san a favor.  I didn't realize the consequences.  The thing that I did do was giving her a peck on her cheek so Hiiragizawa could see."

            Sakura was still smiling sadly at me, before she said, "I know.  I thought Tomoyo liked you, and she was just trying to make me feel better.  I didn't believe Eriol-kun when he tried to tell me differently, I was only confused and hurt."

            I smiled wanly; there was nothing I could do to make her feel better.  I was the cause of this.

            "Oh, Syaoran, I know that Touya-kun came over and fussed at you.  Gomen nasai!"

            I walked over to her and gave her another hug.  These things were sparse and in-between; therefore, I surprised myself when I gave Sakura another hug.  "You know I don't care about that, the only thing I care about is you."

            At those words, I blushed considering, and gulped, my Adam's apple bobbing.  Then I heard a soft giggling, and I looked down at Sakura, who was staring up at me.

            "Syaoran, you're too much for words.  I can't describe how happy I am that you don't like Tomoyo-chan!"  After Sakura said this, her eyes widened and she covered her mouth with her hand.  "Oh!  I didn't mean that.  I don't have any ill feelings toward Tomoyo-chan.  I didn't mean that!  That was mean and spiteful of me."

            I shook my head and moved her hand away from her mouth.  "Don't worry about it, I understand what you meant.  I like Tomoyo-chan, but not in the way I like you.  Not nearly as much as I like you, anyhow."

            I grinned at her, unable to contain my giddiness.  You know those dreams where they're so great; you never want to wake up?  That's what this is, except this isn't a dream!  Well, I don't think it is.  Ouch!  Nope, this definitely is not a dream.

            "Why'd you pinch yourself, Syaoran?"

            "No reason.  Well, Sakura, there's something that I have to tell you.  There was a bet that Hiiragizawa and I had going on.  If you and I ended up together by the end of the week, I'd um… never mind.  Forget I said anything about it."

            It was too late though; the damage had already been done.  I could tell that I piqued Sakura's curiosity, because she was tilting her head in that ever so wonderful way, and she was staring at me with her wide, green eyes.

            "A bet?  What bet, Syaoran?"

            I shook my head, and I sighed exasperatedly.  "Oh, don't worry about it.  It was stupid, and it doesn't matter anyway."

            Sakura was grinning coyly at me now, and she was backing away from me, her hands on her hips.  "No, tell me what the bet was about, Li Syaoran!  I want to know!"

            My shoulders slumped, and I took in a deep breath.  I sat down on one of the chairs, and I propped my head on my hands.  "Sakura…"

            "Syaoran!  I mean it, I want you to tell me about this bet."

            I shook my head negatively, but I still continued to stare at her.  There was no point in telling her about the bet, because that would mean I'd have to tell her about the dream, and I most certainly wasn't ready to tell her about the dreams.  I know that they were common, but I wasn't a common person.  I refused to let her know about the dream.  That just wasn't something I wanted to share.  It was bad enough that Hiiragizawa knew about them.  I was upset that I would have to live with the fact that he knew—unless I disposed of him.

            Sakura was still staring at me, and her eyes were narrowed, although there was a playful grin on her lips.

            "Sakura, it's too embarrassing for me to tell you about the dream…"

            I stopped there because I knew I slipped.  I said the word 'dream'.  She glanced at me quickly, and a slow smile spread across her face.  Her eyes were sparkling as she asked me the inevitable words, "What dream?"

            The words going through my head at the moment were 'that dream'.


            I sighed n defeat.  I knew there would be no way of getting out of this, and if I really wanted to spend the rest of my life with Sakura (Which I do!) I have to be open and honest with her.

            "I didn't say dream.  I said team.  I didn't want to tell you about the team Hiiragizawa and I made.  It was a silly bet and Hiiragizawa and I worked together on it."

            Sakura narrowed her eyes at me after I said this.  I gulped nervously as she said, "I may be gullible, Syaoran, but I'm not stupid."

            "I know that!  I never said that you were stupid!"

            "You're treating me like I am, and if you don't tell me, I'll get Eriol-kun to tell me.  I have an inkling that he'll be more than happy to tell me about your team."  She narrowed her eyes at me, and I shrugged.  I grinned slightly and walked to her.  I grabbed her arm and led her to the den and to the couch.  We sat down and I turned towards her and stared her in the eyes.

            "If you really want to know, you have to promise not to get angry with me."

            Sakura looked surprise that I actually complied, but she nodded nonetheless.  I had a feeling that she wouldn't be too understanding after I told her.

            "Well, the dream is about as standard as any dream gets.  First off, it's about school, and you, and the student body, and of course, myself.  Uh, I don't know how to tell you, but at first I wake up.  Well, in my dreams, I'm always going to school naked."  Sakura's eyebrows rose up at this.  I gulped nervously and I smiled.  "Well, uh, that's it!" I said shakily.

            "Li Syaoran, quit lying to me.  I know that isn't it.  I want you to tell me the whole dream!"

            I nodded after a moment, and I sighed.  There was no way out of it.  "Okay.  I went to school naked.  I had thought that everyone was missing out, and I didn't have a care in the world, and ah, everyone was either looking at me appreciatively or admiringly."  I hastily added in, "Because that has a point later on!" at her look of skepticism.  "Well, when I got to school, I still didn't have a care in the world.  I sat in my normal desk, went about my normal morning routine.  Yet, the only thing different was you.  Instead of turning around and telling me 'ohayo', you merely told me that we couldn't be friends anymore and you couldn't call me by my first name anymore.  All because of me being naked."

            I sheepishly looked at Sakura, and she was grinning wickedly.  "Oh, Syaoran, that's hilarious!  Why, are you feeling guilty?"

            I blushed when she said this and said hotly, "No!"

            Sakura started laughing; she was holding her stomach.  I glared at her through half-lidded eyes, and I had my arms crossed.  "Oh, Syaoran, what a silly dream!  I wouldn't tell you that.  Although, I'd be very, eh, surprised if you were to come to school naked."

            I started chuckling nervously.  She glanced up at me quickly and asked, "Syaoran, what was the bet?"

            I shook my head negatively; then she gasped and giggled.  "No!  The bet was for you to go to school naked?"

            Laughing filled my ears as Sakura almost fell of the couch.  I only shook my head in annoyance as she glanced at me through tear filled eyes.  "Oh, Syaoran, that is rich.  I can't believe that you agreed to such a bet."

            "I would've agreed to anything to get you back," I told her quietly.

            Sakura quieted down and looked up at me with serious eyes.  "Oh, Syaoran…"

            I shook my head as if to clear it, and I grinned.  "Well, I guess I sort of lost the bet.  You and I are friends again, and it's in the time that Hiiragizawa set; he did prompt you to come to Hong Kong."

            "Why, Syaoran, it sounds as if you want to go to school naked."

            I smiled slightly, "Whenever I know you want get angry with me, when I for sure know, I'll tell you about my other dream."

            "No!  Syaoran, you can't tease me like that and not tell me."

            "Yes I can.  Anyhow, I get to publicly humiliate Hiiragizawa and tell Daidouji something horrible about him."

            Sakura glared at me and I glared back.  (Never mind the fact that I ceased immediately after she started sniffling.)  "Hiiragizawa deserves it, no matter what you say."


            I.  Hate.  Wednesdays.  It is now my least favourite day of the week.  Bloody, bloody Wednesdays.

            "Li-san!  What do you think you are doing?"

            I shook my head and looked at the floor.  How humiliating.  "Li-san!  You are facing expulsion!  Li-san!"

            I continued walking and I walked into school, my face set in grim determination.  I was red, far too red than any normal human being should be.  Yet, I had a feeling that I'm not quite that normal.

            "Oh my…"

            I turned around quickly when I heard a thud.  I blushed even more and hurried down the hall when I realized a girl had fainted.  I was greeted much the same way as I continued down the hall to my classroom.

            When I walked in, the whole of the room was silent.  I was staring fixedly at my feet, and I heard some of the desks scraping and whispering.  Lots and lots of whispering.  I guess was humiliating myself beyond repair.  There was nothing that I would be able to do about this.

            I heard the whirring of the camcorder before I saw it.  I looked up and glared guiltily at Hiiragizawa, who was smiling wickedly.  I hate him.  I do.

            "Wow!  Li-san, congratulations!" I heard a classmate of mine say.  He was grinning brightly and he held out his hand to shake mine.  I was staring confusedly at him as he shook my hand, and then there was a whir of excitement all at once.

            "Goodness, Li-san, what's gotten into you?"

            "Wow, you're girlfriend is really lucky?"

            "Are you positive that you're not cheating somehow?"

            "Damn nice body.  I could just eat him up."

            "Oi, he's not cold.  He's just… he's all naturale."

            At each and every comment, I'm positive that my face got redder and redder.  Gee, how I hated Wednesdays.  Bloody horrible Wednesdays.

            Before I lost my nerve I said what I wanted to say.  "Hiiragizawa Eriol has wet the bed in this past week, and Daidouji-san, Eriol has peeked at you in the shower."

            I grinned slightly when I heard gasps at this and a 'crack' of a slap.  I could now rest at ease.  I was smiling I felt a presence close to me.  I looked down and Sakura was standing there, smiling at me.

            "Damn Wednesdays, ne?" 

            I grinned slightly, but my mind was preoccupied.  Sakura was seeing me naked, and she wasn't repulsed?  What a joyous day indeed!

            "Oh, Li-san."

            Damn it all to hell!

            "I think you look wonderful."

            I looked up at her quickly.  She was smiling and she held up her hand and the room went silent.  She grinned at me sweetly as everyone seemed to fall asleep.  She glanced up at me before she said, "Now, Eriol-kun can't say that you didn't complete the bet.  Don't worry; no one will remember a thing.  Well, except for a pleasant dream where you were naked."

            I blushed and she smiled.  "Arigato, Sakura," I told her.  Then, doing something that wasn't expected of me, (Especially since I was naked) I bent down and kissed her hard on the mouth.  I wanted to freeze this moment, because it was the best that I ever had.  I felt her grinning against my lips as she said, "Syaoran, you aren't happy are you?"



            I want to thank everyone who has stuck through with me and continued on with the story.  I thank you for your support, and this story wouldn't have been half of what it is without you guys.  Well, I hope this has been as fun to read as it has been for me to write.  Arigato!
