Dan's POV

What just happened?!
No, wait… I know what happened… Why did it happen?!
I don't care, it was perfect either way.
Because Phil just kissed me!
I can't stop smiling. Literally, I just tried… It's not happening!
I laugh happily and flop down onto the bed. I push all the bad thoughts away and let the happy ones engulf me, they're full of Delia Smith pancakes and llamas and Maltesers and Phil. My imagination stops at Phil, taking in his pale skin contrasting his ebony hair. His bright blue eyes light up as he laughs and his tongue pokes out quickly before his hand covers it up. I feel my body shake but I try my hardest to stay in my imagination. I swat and moan and twist and turn and try everything to stay inside my head but whatever/whoever's with me isn't having it.
My eyes pop open but I must be still dreaming. I'm greeted with literally the exact same face as I just left. Straight down to the hand over the face. Then I realise that I'm in my bedroom and Phil is sitting there laughing. I take a moment to admire his laugh before I blink back to reality and narrow my eyes. Phil looks at me and stops laughing abruptly.
"Are you okay Dan?"
"I'm fine. If you call just being woken up fine!" I suddenly grin and jump on him. Tickling Phil's neck while he starts laughing again and ferociously trying to wriggle out of my grip to no such success.
I eventually take pity on him and we both collapse onto my bed laughing and out of breath.
"Hey Dan?" Phil says, still breathing heavily.
"What are we to each other now? I mean… What are we going to do about u-" I decided to cut him off by lightly kissing him. When I pull back Phil's cheeks are flushed red.
"What do you think idiot?" I say smiling at him. This is going to be the start of something incredible I whisper in my head.

"You sure you want to do this?" Phil looks at me with concern. I look back and give a reassuring smile.
"I've never been more sure about anything in my life." I turn then to the camera, sitting on its usual tripod, ready to be turned on. I reach over a press the 'start recording' button.
"Hello internet!"
"Hi guys!"
"But wait Phil!"
"What is it Dan?"
"Don't we have some super big news to tell the audience?"
"Oh yeah! I forgot about that." Phil laughs slightly.
"Idiot." I say grinning. "Anyway, WE'RE GETTING A LLAMA!"
"Urm… Dan…?"
"Yes?!" I say, pretending to hyperventilate due to excitement.
"We live in an apartment that isn't even on the first floor. Where are we going to put a llama?"
"Don't ruin my dreams!"
"Too late!" Says Phil, grinning. "That's not the news anyway."
"Oh yeah… My turn to forget now!" I say smiling and squeezing Phil's hand that isn't showing on camera.
"Anyway," Says Phil looking at the camera after smiling at me. "This news is something that not a lot of you will be expecting. Especially due to… The way we've been acting recently…"
"Mainly the way I've been acting…" I add quickly.
"It's both of us…" Phil corrects, giving me the look that says 'don't bother arguing… I'm only going to contradict you.' So I let it go. "But… It's hard to explain really…" Phil looks at me desperately for assistance. We stare at each other for a while before I make up my mind.
"I've got the perfect way to explain." I murmur before leaning forward and lightly kissing his lips. The kiss lasts a while before we break away and smile at each other. I then look at the camera.
"So there you have it. The big news I mean. So go crazy with the shipping, we'll enjoy it now! I'm also re-opening my ask box as long as you guys don't harass me and Phil with questions like 'do we have butt sex every night?' And stuff like that because the answer is no. There." I say looking at Phil. "That's most of the Phan questions answered in a single word!" Phil laughs before looking at the camera.
"Well, that's all everyone… Bye!"
"Yeah, bye!"
Phil leans forward and stops the recording. Our grip on each other's hands doesn't change as we upload the video onto the laptop and watch it over. I do the typing, Phil does the clicking. And it works out perfectly because I'm left handed anyway.
When we're done I look at Phil.
"Ready?" He glances at me, smiling.
"Ready." He replies.
We both click the 'Upload to YouTube' button and watch the bar slowly move towards the finish as we choose a name, a description and a thumbnail for the video.
It finishes and we leave the laptop open. We walk away and ignore the laptop for the rest of the night. We've both made a mutual agreement to leave it 'til the morning but I can't help but glance at the screen every now and then. I click on the video and look at some of the comments.
Aaaaawwww! That's the cutest thing ever!3
I knew Phan was real!
*Slaps boyfriend* "Why are you never as cute as that?!"
Dan… I don't think you realise that we will always be there for you… No matter how much you think we won't, we will. And I only have one thing to say to this video…
I smile while reading the comments. I knew the fans would take it well, I just didn't realise it. But one thing I do realise now…
Things are only going to go up from here.

Wow, short chapter… I know. But I like it like that:) And things will be going up… For now… Muhahaha!XD
ThatOneOverTheTopPhanGirl x