Summary: Arthur's thoughts in his last moments, all summed into two words that says little but means much.

A/N: I've never written for Merlin before, nor do I consider myself a shipper or devout follower, but this story simply wouldn't allow me to focus and so it must be written. If you like/disliked it, do leave a short comment (or a long one, I won't complain!) and I would be grateful.

The truth was, the moment Merlin had admitted to his accounts of sorcery, Arthur had known without a shadow of doubt that he would die by the time the week was over. Arthur had known then, that no amount of magic would save him, not even the love of his most loyal friend.

He'd asked Merlin to leave, couldn't look at him, because it was all too much. It wasn't the fact that Merlin had lied – though of course Arthur was hurt by it, but he could at least understand that – no, it was the fact that Arthur literally owed Merlin his life many times over and not once had the man demanded anything, not even respect. More than the pain of a cursed blade travelling to his heart, was the pain of overbearing guilt. He had so much to repay the man for and couldn't possibly in a lifetime, never mind a week.

"Sire," Gauis called, drawing Arthur's attention outwards to the frail physician. It was almost ironic how ancient Gauis was, and yet, he had outlived Uther Pendragon, and now, his son.

Gauis said no more before attending to Arthur's bandages, cleaning them with practiced ease. He frowned at something, and retrieved a bottle with a bright blue glow, dabbing some liquid at the wound. It hissed, Arthur winced, but felt no pain.

"To help with the pain," Gauis said, by way of explanation when Arthur opened his mouth to ask.

"Can't you just… pull it out?"

"Mordred's blade was forged by dragon breath, not even Merlin can pull it out without hurting you."

At the mention of Merlin's name, Arthur soured and said no more. Gauis, ever perceptive, gave him a stern look, "All he's done, all he's suffered, he's done it for you."

"I didn't ask him to!"

"You didn't have to. It's long since been his destiny. He knew Mordred was the one who would be the death of you, and yet he still saved the boy, simply because of who he is – of who you are."

"I saved- " Arthur trailed off, because he was suddenly struck with another horrible thought – of all the things he had done, all the victories and triumphs, which exactly, had been his, rightfully earned, and which had been the doings of sorcery? If he died in this instant, was there truly anything to be proud of? Then again, what did the means matter if in the end, Camelot was safe?

"The two of you sire, are like different sides of the same coin," Gauis said softly, catching Arthur's gaze and holding it intently, as if there was something he needed the king to understand. Arthur didn't understand. How could he possibly fathom any of this?

"Gaius, I'm tired." There was far too much to say that he simply couldn't say anymore. For where would be begin, and when would he end?

"Of course, sire." Gaius excused himself, and Arthur wondered, not for the first time since the revelation, if Gaius himself still had magic. He sighed and closed his eyes. There was just too much. How was he supposed to make sense of this? How was he supposed to understand?


He opened his eyes to see the physician stopped in his tracks, looking back at the king with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"Is magic something you're born with, or do you learn it?"

"Everyone has magic sire, its in the very fabrics of the universe…some people learn to coax it out of them, some will never be able to, but some, like Merlin, and even Morgana, are blessed with unimaginable power from the day they are born."

Arthur smiled, "You're trying to tell me that he's good at something?"

Gaius smiled in return, understanding the goodwill of the king, and replied just as cheekily, "The most powerful warlock to have walked this earth, if you can believe it."

Arthur gave a nod and closed his eyes, dismissing the physician.

A/N: This is chapter 1 out of 2. The subsequent chapter will be posted soon. Please feel free to leave a comment. :) Cheers.