AN: I have no excuse for the delay but here's the next update.

As always I own nothing and all rights belong to FOX and RIB.

Santana POV:

Okay, so like there have been many times in my life where I have wanted to cut a bitch, and on occasion I actually have.

Look I may be a doctor's kid but the razor blades are real people, Lima is one bigoted ass place to grow up and sometimes the only way to make bitches recognize is to give them stitches.

I am Santana Fucking Lopez, I gets mines back.

But never before have I felt the all-consuming rage and fury that I experienced two weeks ago when I showed up in Bushwick to finds my Hobbit all weepy and shit over what when on between her and that pressed lemon.

Now Q being a raging bitch hell-bent on repression and trying to control a situation? Nothing new there right? Despite all the shit we give each other she's like my best friend or whatever so I was just going to beat her ass out of the closet and all the way to New York so that all would be well in the realm of Lilliput when I moved in, but that was until I saw Berrylicious. It wasn't the crying that got me, though to be honest besides the funeral I've never actually seen the munchkin break down before, and it was deeply unsettling. Unsettling because I actually had this disgusting urge to like hug her or whatever, and me hugging the Hobbs?


No me gusta!

That wasn't what made me want to kill Quinnie the Pooh though. What made me want to drag my perfectly toned caramel colored ass to the whitest place on earth was why she was crying. It wasn't what Quinn said, which…fuck I think even I'd cry over that even without alcohol because dayum that was way harsh; it was the fact that Berry felt it was her fault, that she had driven Q to that point. There wasn't a whole lot that we wouldn't say or do to the midge back in the day to crush Rachel but Shelby has always been the one thing errbody agreed was over the line when it came to trying to break Berry, even Sue would never go there.

But Quinn Fabray did, she went there in a big way and just like we all knew it would be that was the straw that broke our little pony's back. So when I showed up at their door Lady Hummel wordlessly dragged me to Berry's room where she was curled up with quiet tears running down her cheeks. I have never in my life seen Rachel Berry looking so devastated and empty, I must sat on her bed for like an hour before she very quietly told me what happened, and it honestly sickened me and I wanted to beat the dye job out of Fabray's head as it was but then she said the words that seriously made me livid and sick with guilt.

"She's right you know."

"The fuck Hobbs? No she wasn't! How dare she fucking pull that shit with you! I'm gonna go all Lima…"

"No Santana, she is. Don't you see? I do latch onto the people who pay me attention in a mindless and pathetic attempt to force someone into loving me. Puck never cared about me, he just wanted in my pants because of the status boost he'd get for swiping the Virgin Berry's v-card and because of Jewish guilt. Jesse was just using me because Shelby forced him to seek me out and so that he could destroy the New Directions from the inside out. Finn only wanted me because he thought he would finally get laid and because he wanted a girlfriend who blindly worshiped him and built him up, if he thought he could have done better he would have dropped me faster than he can fumble a football. And Shelby wanted her baby back, but after meeting me she couldn't even tolerate me enough to have any kind of a relationship with me and took the first upgrade she could get. You know that expression a face only a mother could love? Well if my own mother can't stand to be around me, what possible chance could I have with anyone much less someone as beautiful and perfect as Quinn Fabray?"

I could not believe what I was hearing and for the first time in my life I was speechless, did we really fuck up Rachel's head that much? And what could I even say to that? Everything she said about her douchebag ex-boyfriends was completely true and I had no idea what really happened with Shelby so I can't exactly refute that, I mean the woman only coached me senior year but I don't think she's a heartless bitch and I could tell she really loves her oldest daughter but I could totally see how Berry could take what happened that way, it's not like the woman really tried to be a part of her life or get to know Berry. In the end my total lack of usefulness didn't matter because Rachel kept talking like I wasn't even there.

"I should have just married Finn, it's not like I can ever do better anyway. Sure he would have kept me in Lima and ultimately cheated on me once something better came along but at least I wouldn't have to spend my whole life alone, I may have even gotten a child out of it. Now what do I have? Some shady guy that wants an open relationship with me so he has a free pass to fuck whomever he wants while he gets to ride my coattails to success. Of course Quinn freaked out and was disgusted once she realized what happened, who'd ever actually want me?"

That moment was the first time I have actually wanted to kill Quinn Fabray. Those venomous words said in a moment of blind panic cut Rachel deeply and wrecked her in a way that she may never truly recover from. But the most sickening part was that in spite of it all, Berry still had that girl on a fucking pedestal and would probably jump at the chance to be with her, all too willing to bend over backwards to hold onto the girl, just like she has in every other relationship but the difference was she really loved Quinn and that point if they were dating I don't think there was a line Q could cross that would make Rachel leave. Q could beat her and cheat with everything that moved and Rachel would stay devoted, I mean she's already shrugged off years of emotional abuse, some borderline assaults and a literal slap to the face at Junior Prom because Quinn needed someone to blame over losing the crown and all because she was just that desperate to be her friend. Can you imagine what she'd be willing sacrifice or overlook if they were in a relationship?

Needless to say there was no fucking way I was gonna let that happen, and I was ready to date and even marry Rachel myself if that's what it took to make sure that no one would ever hurt her like that again , I was even willing to risk death penalty for that girl, but then Q called and told me her side of it…and yeah I was and still am majorly fucking pissed at her for everything she said but the girl is honestly remorseful and she will do anything to be worthy of her.

The fact is I love Quinn as much as I do Rachel and in another life I could easily see myself ending up with either one of them. So as sappy as it makes me sound I want them to be happy and since I'm not going fucking anywhere I'ma make sure that Fabray fucking grovels like she's needs to and that Berry never gets hurt like that again. Because the second Q steps outta bounds? I am gonna be all up on that Berry fine piece of Jewish American Princess and I ain't never letting her go, 'cause not only is that girl gonna be fucking world-renowned, she's smart, sexy as hell, loyal to a fucking fault, and I just know that girl is gonna be a fucking goddess in the sack.

…Fuck, Q is luck as hell I love her because now that I'm thinking about it, maybe I should make a play for Berry, and if I weren't still completely in love with Britts I would. But I am and I don't exactly deserve the little diva either and I already promised Fabgay I'd help her with this so I'll play nice for now, but is she fucks it up again, all bets are off and I already know I gots a chance because Berry already told me she's thought of getting all up on this fine ass body.

One thing's for fucking sure, this is gonna be one epic wedding in spite of who's tying the knot.

AN: I know this was supposed to be the last chapter but Santana deserves to be an update unto herself. The wedding will happen next chapter and I'll let you all know Brittana isn't going to happen, nor will Quintana or Finchel even in duet form so no worries there.