disclaimer: Don't own it, very sad about that.

Ratings and warnings: T should do it to be safe.

Thanks: as always to Sagey who is my most wonderful cheerleader. To Jeyla, for keeping the J/T love alive.

Feedback: Always love to hear from you what you think.

A/N: This was written for the LJ Beya Secret Elf Exchange as a gift for my lovely Emily, Firedew who deserves great things and more.

The first chapter was a little teaser and is actually a little epilogue type ficlet. The later chapters explain how John and Teyla got to this point.

FYI: For any of you who follow me and are so loyal, I want to let you know I may not post much for a while. I am currently writing an original manuscript that I wish to sell (yes, and get paid real money for) and so I am concentrating my efforts on this for now. When I get my Rejection letter I am sure I will be back to writing John and Teyla. I would love to continue my 'R and _" universe and I'm sure at some point I will. I still have to marry Ronon off since he's the last hold out on the team. And Teyla needs to have John's baby. But I'm still working on what complication could arise because you know that nothing in the Atlantis universe ever goes smoothly. Thank you so much for all your continued support. It's what makes me keep writing.



Truth Shall Set You Free

by kariesue




"Did you find anything out about our newest Air Force Colonel?" Sarah Jansen asked her partner, Anna Woodman as they entered the lush ballroom filled to capacity.

"Nothing!" the tall, slender redhead petulantly answered the petite, blond woman who walked in beside her. "It's like his records just stopped five years ago. He was flying choppers in Antarctica one day and then … nothing. There's a slight note that crossed the President's desk about four years ago when he was promoted from Major to Lt. Colonel but no reason why."

The two reporters made their way through the crowd looking for their table but also checking out the guest list. There were some very important people here and they wanted to know exactly what the big fuss was all about. They'd never actually heard of this John Sheppard but suddenly he was being promoted to full Colonel and being given the very prestigious Medal of Honor.

"Obviously there are some big secrets being kept in Washington," Sarah said as she narrowed her eyes trying to place some of the faces mingling in the grand hall. "I, for one, would like to know what they are."

Anna laughed her dainty, feminine laugh and almost rolled her eyes. "Of course you do, you're a reporter. Digging up secrets is what we do."

"One thing I did dig up was a little background on this guy," Sarah bragged then focused her gaze across the room to the subject of their conversation. She tilted her chin in that direction and her friend aimed her vision toward the man as well. "Seems he grew up with some money. His father was Patrick Sheppard, a very wealthy utilities mogul who passed away a few years ago. His brother, David, runs the company now and it's on the Fortune 500 list every year. Yet Colonel Sheppard doesn't even have a credit card or own a car. At least not one that's registered anyway. And his driver's license expired two years ago."

Anna lifted her well plucked eyebrow and surmised, "Perhaps he doesn't need those if he's stationed out of the country somewhere. The Medal of Honor, and no explanation, I'm thinking covert operations and I mean really covert; like Black Ops. Unless someone here tells me otherwise, that's what I'm going with."

"Who are those people near Sheppard?" Sarah asked looking at the handsome man in dress blues. "They aren't military but he seems very friendly with them."

Anna made a face as she checked out Sheppard's entourage. The shorter balding man seemed almost nervous as he glanced around the room as if looking for someone but the very large younger one with the dreadlocked hair acted as if it wasn't a big deal to be invited to an event this special. Anna truly doubted that. He didn't seem the type to haunt fancy parties.

Anna pulled on her colleague's arm wending her way through the crowd saying, "Let's move closer. I want to see if I can overhear what they're saying. They're quite an odd crew."

Sarah grabbed a few glasses of champagne from a passing waiter and stuck one in Anna's hand. They paused within a few feet of Sheppard and pretended to chat with each other and be interested in other things. A stunning woman with mocha colored skin and russet hair glided delicately toward the group. Sarah noticed Sheppard's response was immediate.

"Teyla, wow, you look absolutely amazing!" Sheppard grinned then moved his gaze up and down the silver gown she was wearing.

The balding man scowled. "Is that why it took you so long? And where is Jennifer? She isn't still getting ready is she?"

Teyla glared at the man as Sheppard moved a step closer. "Don't pay any attention to McKay. It was well worth the wait."

Teyla bowed her head and responded, "Thank you, John. I am pleased that you approve. I was hoping you would."

McKay rolled his eyes and pursed his lips. The large man next to them slapped him on the side of the head. "Watch it Conan, in this country that can be called assault with a deadly weapon." And he pointed to his hands. "Those things are definitely deadly."

He looked back at the couple who were now staring intently at each other with shy smiles. He groaned and rolled his eyes again. "Please tell me you aren't going to stare goo goo eyes at each other all night after what happened on the last mission."

"Shut up, McKay," Sheppard quipped. "Why don't you go find Keller and stare at her for a while. Maybe you'll get lucky tonight."

McKay lifted his chin and said, "I'll have you know that when I'm with Jennifer …"

The dreadlocked man grabbed him mid-sentence and pulled him away. "Let's go find the doc and see if she's with Amelia. I can't wait to see what she's wearing tonight. I heard she didn't need to wear the uniform and would have on one of these long gowns."

"Thanks, Chewie," Sheppard called out and Teyla also smiled her thanks. "Thank you, Ronon."


John pulled Teyla closer and leaned down to whisper, "Really, you are without a doubt, the most gorgeous woman here tonight. Any possibility I can coerce you to hang out with me and maybe dance with me a few times?"

Teyla's hand curved around John's arm and she smiled up at him. "I think there is every possibility. Especially if you continue to compliment me the way you have."

John made a face, going back to his old ways of shrugging off any notoriety. "I'm just stating facts. Don't go getting a big head or anything."

Teyla chuckled and John felt his insides curl. He loved making her laugh and he knew tonight wouldn't be as bad as he'd originally thought. He hated the idea of getting up in front of so many people and being fussed over, especially since the Medal of Honor was a huge deal for the military. He had to admit he was honored beyond anything he'd ever experienced before but he still wished they had chosen to do it on a smaller scale.

Unfortunately a month ago, with Atlantis hurtling through the sky just minutes after the dart and 302 battle, people were crying for explanations. He knew the government wasn't planning on giving away any real secrets of the Stargate but they did plan on hinting that Sheppard had stopped some sort of major attack. Though he knew they wouldn't give any suggestion of who it had been from. The government was very good at deflecting negative publicity.

Unfortunately they planned on directing positive publicity straight at him. For right now though the only attention he wanted was from Teyla. He held out his arm and offered, "Would you care to dance?"

Teyla nodded and walked by John's side to the dance floor where he slipped his arms around her and began to sway from side to side in rhythm to the soft music playing. Teyla sighed knowing she loved feeling his arms around her. It had been so long since she had desired to be with him like this.

"This is very nice," John whispered close to her ear as they pressed their bodies nearer to the other. "I can't believe it took me so long to finally tell you how I feel."

"And you most likely would not have, had it not been for our last mission," Teyla responded raising one eyebrow.

John smirked as he remembered what had happened. He'd been horrified when he realized what he had done but Teyla had quickly informed him that she felt the same way. Now he just thought of it as fate.

John held Teyla for quite a few songs and made sure to sit near her during the dinner. More dancing was done after the meal and he had to admit he could get very used to holding her close.

"So they gave me my very own hotel room," John whispered into her ear, thinking how Rodney had complained about sharing a room with Ronon who he knew snored incessantly. He figured since Banks was sharing a room with Keller, maybe that group could come up with a solution that would benefit all. Teyla was sharing a room with Carter but John had seen the glances Carter and O'Neill were shooting at each other when they thought no one was looking. He didn't figure the Colonel would be using her own bed tonight. He was hoping he might convince Teyla to forgo hers, too.

"Tonight you are a very important guest," Teyla replied. "I hope they would treat you well."

John sighed. "Yeah, but the thing about that is the room is really large and I'll be in it all by myself. That can be very lonely you know."

"Hmm, yes, I see your dilemma," Teyla answered her eyes gleaming with mischief. John loved when she got in an impish mood. "Perhaps someone would be willing to stay with you. Have you asked anyone yet?"

"No," John frowned though he tried to hide the twitch of his lips. "I wouldn't want just anyone. It would have to be someone I can really get along with and who would be willing to keep me company. You know, keep me from being lonely."

Teyla's eyes lit up. "I have it, Dr. Zalenka. You and he seem to have a wonderful working relationship and he is great company and he has an abundance of stories so I am sure you would not become lonely with his conversation skills."

John glared at the beauty in his arms and pulled her in closer. "I was hoping for maybe someone a bit more feminine who might be able to keep me warm. The night air has gotten a bit chilly."

"Ah, yes, I understand. You are looking for female companionship. Then I know just the person."

John pressed his nose into her loose curls and nibbled on her ear. "Excellent!"

Teyla shivered at the contact but kept her face straight as she said, "Doreen, the lab tech from the biology department. She would be willing to keep you warm. I have overheard her many times explaining in detail exactly what she would do with you if you were to just glance her way with interest. I think perhaps you would enjoy much of it."

John frowned and repeated, "Doreen? I'm not really sure who she is but I can assure you there isn't any interest there. I am interested in one woman and one woman only. I was hoping I could entice her to stay and keep me warm all night. Maybe even heat things up a bit if possible."

Teyla's hand rifled through the back of his hair and skimmed the soft skin of his neck. She heard John's breath go in quickly and then release shakily. "Perhaps I could help persuade this woman if you inform me of her identity. I would not wish you to be alone and cold tonight, John."

John's lips caressed her cheek as he spoke. "Well, she's the most beautiful woman here tonight. Honestly I think she's the most beautiful woman I've ever met. She's wearing a lovely silver gown that accentuates her beautiful copper skin and auburn hair. She's a petite little package but I know for a fact that she packs a mighty punch when she needs to. She's been my best friend for so many years and has put up with me and my stupidity for far too long."

Teyla's expression softened when she heard his words. John was not one for gushing sentiment but his eyes held longing and desire for her and she knew he spoke the truth. He had given her much truth just recently and she was truly thankful for that. They had both hidden their feelings for far too long. She was glad they had been forced to open up about their feelings to each other.

Teyla slid sassy eyes at the man holding her close. "Well, I am wearing a silver dress and have the correct skin tone and hair color and you told me I was the most beautiful woman here tonight. Is there someone else who also fits that description or did you prevaricate earlier?"

John breathed huskily against her neck and stroked his hand down her back. "No prevaricating at all. You are more gorgeous in my eyes than any other woman I've ever seen. And I hold myself lucky that I'm even here right now with you."

Teyla's smirk grew. "Would you like to hold something better than that later?"

John's eyes almost glowed with desire. He simply nodded. He wasn't sure he could control his voice right now or even know what to say.

"Good," Teyla said. "I believe they are looking for you to present your award and your promotion. I am aware that you do not prefer the attention but keep in mind that once these festivities have ended, we may begin our own celebration. And I am very much looking forward to that."

John leaned down and gave her a quick kiss. He knew it was uncharacteristic of him but he needed the taste of her lips one more time to get him through being up on stage in front of this large audience. But as he felt her hand slide away from his, he knew he could get through anything if he knew Teyla was waiting for him. And what he had in mind to do with her would be well worth the wait.


"Did you hear any of what they said to each other?" Anna asked her friend as Sheppard moved up to the stage for the award and promotion ceremony. She kept her eyes on the petite woman who had cozied up to the Colonel all during the night.

Sarah frowned. "Not really. They were speaking too low and Sheppard was practically gnawing on her ear while they danced. He didn't need to say anything too loud being that close. But by the looks on their faces I'd say they weren't discussing politics."

"Make sure we get a picture of the two of them. I'd like to run her picture through some face recognition software and see what kind of hits we get. There's something different and intriguing about her. I'm not sure what though."

"I agree," Sarah returned and split her gaze between the man on stage and the beaming woman who was obviously filled with pride at his actions and subsequent recognition. "But I know us, we're a good team and if there's any information out there on this planet to find, we'll find it."

Anna nodded and smiled.



*** The next chapters show you just what happened on that last mission ***