Disclaimer: Obviously Rizzoli and Isles don't belong to me. They are the property of TNT, JTam, and Tess Gerritsen. I'm just borrowing them to create a story.

A/N: This one starts right before 2x15, but there's a lot more to it than that. Slightly AU. I don't want to give away too much, but it will be Rizzles, of course.

I Almost Forgot You

Chapter 1

It was still early on a Thursday evening at Angela Rizzoli's house. The weather still nice outside, the sun was just about to set, and it was mostly quiet in the neighborhood. That was until, a woman's gruff voice shouted loudly in displeasure.

"Oh. My. God. Frankie. I think you broke my nose, again." Jane dropped the ball and moved her hand up to her face, gently touching her nose. "Ma is going to kill me, then you, then probably me again." She pulled her hand away from her face and looked at it; yup, there was definitely blood on it.

"Ma is going to kill you? I think she will have to get in line behind Maura." Frankie pulled an apologetic face at his sister and pointed over her shoulder.

Jane slowly turned around, where she saw the two women her brother mentioned glaring at her, looking anything but happy. She cringed, while waiting for either of them to open up their mouth and start yelling at her. But Maura just shook her head, her face showing her clear disappointment.

This coming weekend was important for the both of them. The two women had been together for a little over a year now and during a recent vacation to Italy, Jane had asked Maura to marry her. Upon their return to Boston, they had happily shared the news with their loved ones, including Maura's parents; who had decided to throw them an engagement party this Sunday. The party itself was important, but more than that, this weekend was going to be the first time Jane was actually going to meet Maura's adoptive father. And a swollen, bruised face would not exactly make the best first impression. Jane knew she had screwed up, Maura had asked her to be careful. She had just planned on playing a friendly game of basketball with her brother, get rid of some extra energy. However, she should have realized that with the competitive nature of their relationship, it would end up like this, there was no such thing as just a friendly game of ball when it came to the Rizzoli kids.

"Just come inside, and I'll fix your nose, …. again." Maura sounded irritated. "You're going to need rhinoplasty if you keep this up."

"Rhinoplasty?" Jane tilted her head backwards, she didn't want to drip blood everywhere.

"Nose surgery," Maura said, grabbing one of Jane's elbows and slowly leading her inside the house. "This is the third time you've broken your nose since I've known you. You can end up with a deformity, problems breathing, repeated nosebleeds, snoring. You can't keep breaking it like this."

"I know. Things just got a little heated with Frankie. Sometimes I think he puts those bony elbows out on purpose," Jane frowned, her voice sounded muffled from the awkward position her head was in.

Maura pushed Jane down on one of the kitchen chairs, then moved the brunette's chin so she was looking straight at her. "Hold still, ...and yes," she answered the unspoken question in the brown eyes before her, "this will hurt." She lightly moved her fingers over Jane's nose, feeling for the break.


"Jeesus Maur! You weren't kidding, were you." The detective said, reaching for her face with both hands, tears stinging in her eyes from the pain.

"Here," Maura pulled Jane's hands down from her face and replaced them with a bag of ice, gently holding it in place. "I asked you to be careful, Jane. I wish you would just listen to me, once in a while. This weekend and the party is important for me; for us. And I would prefer it that when you meet my father for the first time, you didn't look like someone beat you up."

Jane knew Maura wanted her to make a good impression on her parents. Of course she already knew Maura's mother; Constance Isles. But her father was a bit of an enigma, the doctor rarely spoke about him. As far as Jane could tell, the father and daughter had an interesting, but somewhat distant relationship.

Jane knew she had screwed up. She carefully removed Maura's hands and the bag of ice down from her face so she could look the doctor in the eyes.

"I am really sorry Maura, I know how important Sunday is for you, it is for me too," her voice was completely sincere, devoid of any sarcasm. "Everything is going to be fine, okay? Better than fine actually, it's going to be great. I'm going to be so charming, your dad will have no choice but to love me." Jane said the last bit with a little smirk on her face.

Maura didn't look completely appeased yet, but a small smile was starting to show on her lips. "You are not as charming as you think you are, detective."

Jane, feeling the shift in mood, decided for a more playful approach next, "really?" she moved a little closer, and slowly lowered her head towards Maura's neck. "My charms worked on you though," she placed a gentle kiss on the doctor's clavicle.

"Yes, it only took you three years to charm me," Maura responded, kind but sarcastic.

"MAURA!" Jane said, pretending to be offended, before letting her lips continue the journey up the blonde's neck; nibbling and placing little kisses until she reached her ear. "I love you Maura. Everything will be perfect, I'll make sure of it", she whispered.

Maura turned her head and softly kissed Jane's lips, slow and sweet. "It better be detective, or you might find yourself sleeping on the couch. Now lets go and get ready for dinner."

Maura and Jane didn't stay very long after dinner, both had been eager to go home. It was never a question anymore who's place they would go to, since Jane had pretty much moved in with Maura months ago. Because the lease on her old apartment wasn't up yet, she still technically had her own place, but they rarely if ever stayed there anymore.

So they drove home to what was now their home together in Beacon Hill.

Things on the way there had gotten a little heated; in a good way.

Jane was glad when she finally drove the car into the driveway. She thought it was a miracle they hadn't gotten into an accident with the way Maura had been touching her while she was trying to drive.

As soon as they got inside the house, Jane pushed the teasing woman up against the front door, with her own body flush against her.

"I can't believe you did that," Jane breathed, bending her head and kissing the soft hollow of Maura's throat. Her hands quickly found their way under Maura's shirt, tracing the soft skin of a toned stomach. "I thought I was going to crash us," she brushed her lips against the doctor's, "you were driving me crazy."

Maura instantly deepened the kiss, her lips parting, hungrily exploring the detective's mouth. Jane ran her fingers higher, across smooth skin before cupping ample breasts, massaging and kneading while her thumbs teased erect nipples; eliciting a shiver and a soft moan from Maura.

Jane slowly slid her hands back down over the slight ridges of the doctor's rib cage, and around towards her lower back.

She pulls them closer together, squeezing and lifting Maura's firm behind; the intent clear.

Maura hopped up and wrapped both her legs around the brunette's slender frame, letting Jane carry her towards their bedroom; their mouths never breaking contact.

The brunette pushed the door open, and walked further into the room. She was just about to carefully guide Maura down onto the bed, when they heard someone knocking at the front door.

The detective stopped her progress and looked at Maura whom she was still holding in her arms, "are we expecting anyone?"

Maura shook her head, then slowly slid her legs down Jane's body until she had both her feet back on the ground. "I have no idea who that could be," she shrugged her shoulders, looking a little puzzled. "We just left all your family at your mother's house and they wouldn't knock anyway."

Jane let out a small laugh. "No, they wouldn't. Let's just ignore them, whoever it is." She pulls Maura close again, tilting her head to recapture the soft, enticing lips.

It was only a few seconds later when there was another knock on the door.

Jane sighed, "okay, whoever it is, they are persistent," she reluctantly released the doctor from her arms.

They quickly straightened out their clothes somewhat and went to check who was interrupting their evening together.

"Mother," Maura said in surprise, her hands quickly trying to smooth the wrinkles in her shirt.

"Hello darling," Constance gave her daughter two kisses, european style.

"Come in. Come in. We didn't expect you till tomorrow." Maura stepped aside to let her mother enter the house. "Where's father, is he with you?"

"No, your father is flying in from Tanzania tomorrow afternoon. I just took an earlier flight from London myself, I wanted to spend a little extra time with my daughter." Constance finally noticed Jane, who was sort of sheepishly standing to the side. "Jane," she said, "it's so good to see you again."

"Likewise," Jane responded with a smile, shaking her hand. "Maur? Guest house or guest room?" she asked, taking Constance's suitcase in her hands.

It didn't take long before Maura's mother excused herself; the woman was still on London time and after flying for 8 hours, it was understandable she wanted to rest. With the evening interrupted like it had been, and both feeling a little weary after a long day at work, Jane and Maura decided to call it a night themselves and went to sleep as well.

The next morning Jane awoke to three women excitedly chatting away in the kitchen. It still surprised her how many mornings her mother would still be there in their house, even though the woman didn't live in the guest house anymore. The detective was not exactly a morning person, especially when she didn't have any coffee or breakfast yet, but she would make the effort today.

Maura was fumbling with the new coffee maker. The doctor had bought the ridiculously expensive machine earlier that week, but they hadn't had time to put it together yet.

"My mother is an espresso enthusiast," she explained to Angela, dropping several of the machines pieces on the counter.

"I'm what they call a super taster," Constance kindly added.

"And a super smeller," Maura smiled.

Jane noticed how happy Maura looked to have her mother there with her, "morning" she said, quickly kissing the blonde's cheek. "You want me to put this together?" she asked, pointing at the half put together coffee maker. When the doctor appreciatively responded in the affirmative, Jane went to work to put the contraption together, tuning out the happy banter around her. She was just about finished when her phone rang, "Rizzoli."

It wasn't long until Maura's phone rang as well, "Dr. Isles."

"Okay, I'm on my way," they both said simultaneously.

Maura looked at her mother apologetically. "I'm sorry, mother. I need to go into work. There's been a fire at the Whistler's factory."

"Oh darling, go. I'll be fine." Constance responded, smiling at her daughter.

"Come on, babe." Jane gently encouraged her, "ma will be here, and we'll be back before dinner."

"Yes, I'll keep her company. I can make a mean eggs Benedict." Angela piped in.

The doctor reluctantly agreed. She was disappointed not being able to share some extra time with her mother today. But, knowing duty called, she got in the car with Jane, and they drove off to work.

A/N2: So the cookie monster is back, even though I almost lost my motivation to write rizzles after seeing 3x14 and 3x15.

As with my last story, I got quite the journey mapped out. I hope you'll enjoy taking the ride with me, and I'll try and do my best to make it worth your time.

A shout out to Krazyhippo66, who helps me fix the little stuff I always miss, and for overall awesomeness. (Sharing a muse is still crazy). ;)

Shall I continue? Let me know what you think.