Knock knock knock


Knock knock knock


Knock knock knock


"Yes Sheldon" opening the door.

"I have to ask you something."

"Kay, what do you need?"

"Can we go into your apartment please?"


Stands aside and lets Sheldon in. Sheldon sits in his usual spot.

"Sweetie, I need to finish eating because I'm going to work in about an hour. So can we talk while I eat?"

"Yes, that is acceptable."

"Ok, good. So what do you need sweetie?"

"I have a proposal for you."

"Ok, what is it." Eating a spoon full of cereal. Grabbing the glass of orange juice. Starting to drink.

"I what like to engage in coitus with you on a weekly basis."

Spits out the orange juice out "WHAT!"

Sheldon stands up, walks over to the kitchen sink and garbs the cleaning supplies from under the sink.

"I would like to engage in coitus with you on a weekly basis."

Begins to clean up the mess.

"Ok, can you repeat that?"

"Are beginning to have a hearing lost?"

"I think I maybe or in another universe."

"Alright, I would like to engage in coitus with you on a weekly basis. If you are having problems with your hearing you should see a doctor. If you don't already have one I can recommend one for you."

"Yeah, that's what I thought you said…when did you began to want to have sex. Also why with me?"

"I have not just started to want to have coitus. I am a male or a man if you prefer. I just don't flaunt it in front of everyone or make announcement about it like everyone else. Also, I can control myself a lot more than your average male. As for why you first you are a good physical specimen, second I'm use to you being around me, third I'm use to you touching me, and forth you are good at taking orders. Also you and Leonard have not tried to reopen that part of your relationship. So I assume that part it is over for you two."

"Boy, you sure do know how to butter a girl up."


"Yeah, have you ever been with another person before?"

"Yes, I lost; as most people would put it "being a virgin" when I was 17 and before you ask it was to a girl. That I had known for a little over 2 years."

"Oh, so you just want to have sex not a relationship."

"Yes and no."

"What do you mean?"

"Yes, I want to have sex but not forgoing our friendship but without becoming a couple."

"So, you want to become friends with benefits with me?"

"If that is the social term for it then yes."

"Is it alright that I think about this first before I give you an answer?"

"Of course, I would not think of it any other way. It will also give me a chance to finish the contract between us. I would like you to read it before giving me answer. I have a few things that I enjoy being done to me and that I enjoy doing to my partner. I have found that some girls don't like and don't like to or do not want to do."

"Like what."

While putting away the cleaning supplies.

"Oh, you can read it in the contract when I'm done with it. I should be done with it by tomorrow afternoon after work. Well see tomorrow."

"Wait that's it? Shouldn't we talk a little bit more about this?"

"I don't see why we should talk about this when I don't have the contract finish yet. Don't worry you can add or say no to something's if you want."


"I'll see you tomorrow after work" and leaves.