No Hope Left

Hello. If any of you don't know me, my name is Link234521. If any of you read my Fanfics; Skyfall 007 or Till Death, We Part; welcome back! To any of you, who don't know me and didn't read Skyfall, welcome.

First of all, I got the idea for this FanFiction from playing Resident Evil 6, so I thought: "Why not make another type of FanFiction that doesn't involve a lot of James Bond?" So, basically; this FanFiction is non-canon to Skyfall 007 or the Resident Evil series; just an alternate dimension in the Skyfall 007 Universe IF Link failed the Bio-Weapons mission during Skyfall 007, although it has some elements from Skyfall 007 and takes place in 2013 like the game, but with a couple of changes. First of all, I'm aware of how the game ends and I DON'T NEED YOU TO SPOIL THE FANFIC!

The changes that make No Hope Left different from Skyfall 007 are:

1: Link and Sora (Still brothers, teenagers and Double-0s, but not usually called 007) are replacing Leon and Chris in their campaigns and their partners in the campaigns may or may not be unaffected.

2: MI6 isn't mentioned a lot, but only a couple of items from Skyfall 007 are used.

3: Labrynna, Hyrule, Termina, and Holodrum don't exist and is replaced with their Real-Life counterparts. In other words, the Earth represented in No Hope Left IS this Earth.

4: The Raccoon City Incident in this dimension of Skyfall 007/Resident Evil was in 2002; not 1998. If you read the summary, you'll know that Link and Sora are 17 in 2013. If the Raccoon City Incident was in 1998, do the math on how old Link and Sora would be at the time. Hint: subtract 17 from 2013 and for the original Raccoon City Incident, then subtract 1998 from the answer for his and Sora's age.

Formula: 2013-17=X & 1998-X=X

The characters from Skyfall 007 and Resident Evil 6 will be integrated into this one. I'm going to rate this as "M" because of the game. Hope you enjoy it.

Here's the Writing Legend with lesser functions that applies to No Hope Left as well. New functions will be marked with an asterisk:

Writing Legend:

Normal- Dialogue


Italic- Dreams, Sarcasm, Thoughts, and Flashback* [Caplock yelling property applies to dreams, flashbacks and thoughts]

Bold- Talking On Phone, Radio, Speaker, Time, Day, and Location, Line Where It Shares The Chapter's Title, Alarm, Sound Effect, and Transmission [Caplock property applies to everything listed excluding the Time, Day, and Location]


Bold Italic- Text Messaging, Countdown and Revealing Name* [Caplock bold property doesn't apply to Revealing Name]


Disclaimer: I don't own Resident Evil, Kingdom Hearts, or The Legend Of Zelda.


"Ugh…" A teen clad in a navy-blue shirt and onyx waist-coat with an engraved 007, pants, fingerless gloves, and boots. He heard gunfire and looked up. He saw a Helicopter shooting at the decaying-skinned creatures. Taking the gun in front of him, he slowly stood up in pain, as he suffered an explosion earlier and looked around. He saw a woman in her mid-20s, clad in a white tank-top under a burgundy dress shirt that remained unbuttoned, brown cargo pants that were tucked into heeled knee-high dark brown leather boots, and an onyx belt holster and finger-cut gloves, lying face-up on the ground next to him.

"No!" He turned his attention to the Helicopter, covering his eyes from the searchlight shining on him. His face was dirt-stained mixed with bruises and cuts. Crawling to his Partner, he dragged her along with himself to the sidewalk, but the Helicopter helped him by shooting the debris blocking an alley. The two staggered, the teen aiming his pistol at the debris, Partner's head resting on his shoulder. He stomped up, throwing his Partner's arm across his shoulders, helping her up.

"C'mon, it's not over yet." He lowered to get below a garbage bin, Partner limping. "Hang in there Helena." The teen assured. The wooden crate under their feet crumbled, making the two fall. The teen crouched next to Helena, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"I'll only slow you down. Just go." She requested, feeling ashamed. The teen retracted his hand and placed it for her to grab.

"You're not gettin' off that easily." He reassured. Helena looked up and took her Partner's hand, "Come on." Helena's Partner helped her up and threw her arm across his shoulder again, "After all we've been through, it'd be a waste to give up now." His eyes burned with rage and despair, after the recent events that happened. He reached a door, putting all of his spare strength on it.

"Guess I'll have to pry it open." He looked around and took a wooden 2X4 plank. He implanted it in the space between the door and the wooden barricade, using his strength and pried it off. He placed his palm on the door, cautiously opening it. He saw the same navy-colored searchlight and hid behind the wall until it passed. "Let's try this way." He proceeded down the hallway, seeing a gruesome sight.

The hallway floor was covered in crimson and corpses.

"We're almost through this." The pair exited the hallway and Helena's Partner crouched to get pass some debris.

"Let's take a break." Helena's Partner gave a heavy breath before setting her down on the wall next to them. The Unnamed Partner drew out the pistol he had earlier and pulled the slide, whatever bullet was in the clip chambered and ready to be fired. "There's gotta be a First-Aid Kit in here somewhere." He wandered around, checking the S.U.V.

"Makes me sick seein' good Soldiers die like this." He checked the rear and found a Green Herb. He smashed the window and deactivated the lock, grabbing the Herb.

"Link! Are you there?"

"Hunnigan!" He touched his ear.

"Good to hear you're OK. Where's Helena?"

"She's not doin' too good." He looked at his Partner, "She needs medical attention."

"Do you have any Herbs left?" The operative questioned.

"A few. But I'm not sure they'll help." He returned.

"OK, listen. Just follow my instructi-"

"I know. Thanks for the reminder." He took out his Green Herbs and mixed them, then placing it in the Tablet Case to convert the mixture to a Tablet form. "Hold on Helena." He knelt next to his Partner, "Too many good Agents and Civilians have died here today… You're not getting added to that list." Link's partner looked at him, eyes filling with hope.

"Link…" Helena's face changed to horror and turned her attention to the S.U.V.

Helena's Partner turned to see the deceased driver standing in the light, skin the color of decaying flesh and bruises. He stood up, ready to fight as the reanimated corpse shuffled to his direction. He opened fire.

But the internal striker clicked after firing three rounds, indicating a bad case of empty bullets.

"DAMMIT! Out of ammo!" The reanimated corpse grabbed him and almost bit him. Link and the attacker struggled, then staggering back. The attacker caught Link and pinned him down, victim struggling. The attacker's victim grabbed the Survival Knife from the backpack-strap holster and stabbed it in the side of the head, crimson fluid flowing out of the wound and the attacker stopped.

"Get off me, you good-for-nothing bastard!" He pushed the corpse off him and stood up, "Can't let your guard down even for a SECOND." His mood quickly changed from those words. He walked to where his injured Partner was and handed her a Health Tablet produced from the Herb mixture. She grunted in pain.

"How do you feel…?" Helena's Partner questioned.

Helena flexed her arm and looked the ground, "I think I'm gonna be OK…" She shifted her gaze at her teenage Partner, "Thank you."

"Link, what are you doing? You need to get out of there. NOW." Hunnigan instructed.

"We're heading to the Quad Tower." The teenage Partner protested, walking to the attacker's corpse.

"What…!? No, it's too dangerous!"

"There are B.S.A.A. Agents there with survivors." He scavenged the corpse for supplies, "I can't abandon them." He found five handgun clips and ejected the empty clip in his current handgun, adding a fresh one in it's place.

"…All right… Then let me help. I'll direct you through the safest route."

"Thanks, Hunnigan…" He returned, Partner behind him.

"I've sent over the Field Guide to your Cell. You can refer to that in a pinch." The teenage Partner swiped out his Sony Xperia T from the cellphone holder in his waistcoat, activating the Route Finder. He wandered to the door, cautiously opening it and entered the dim hallway. The hallway suddenly shook, rocking the area and fragments of the ceiling falling.

"WHAT THE HELL!" He exclaimed, shaking it off and reached the end of the hallway. Helena reached the door and waited, prepared as her Partner slowly opened the door, looking if the coast is clear.

"Oh, God help us all!" He hissed.

It was a horrid massacre.

The freeway, filled with cars of all shapes and sizes were deserted and a horde of Zombies were devouring the survivors, bit by bit for their endless hunger.

"Hunnigan! Can we make it to the Tower this way?"

"Yes. Just keep moving in that direction." The Partners nodded and vaulted over the railing, fighting the Reanimated Corpses with melee and ranged attacks. They heard a sickening CRACK! and turned their attention.

"THEY'RE COMIN' OUT OF THE WOODWORK!" They heard a loud BOOM! and turned their attention to the building next to where they entered.

"LINK, LOOK!" Helena pointed to the Fighter Jet embedded in the building. The Jet, loosening from it's embedded area and above Helena's Partner. He dodged the falling remains and the remains collided with the freeway, leaving a large gash with a Tanker still filled with gasoline.

"RUN!" The Partners broke into a run, away from the Jet. KABOOM!

The Jet exploded, making a chain reaction of explosions that followed the Pair. They ran for their life, dodging debris until an onyx Agusta Westland AW101 Helicopter flew overhead and a Soldier landed on the Delivery Truck ahead of them.

"OVER HERE! GET IN!" The Partners hightailed it to the Helicopter, Helena entering the Helicopter and her Partner on the railing.

"SHIT!" Link cursed. He had a Zombie on his leg. He stomped on the Zombie's head with his free leg, making it let go and into the blazing inferno below. "Go burn in Hell where you belong, bitch." He entered the Helicopter's interior, sighing in relief.

The moment was sadly ruined.

They heard the Helipilot groan and the Helicopter losing altitude. "What the…!?" The Helipilot had a large gash on his side, now dead. "Shit!" He took control of the Helicopter. "Dammit! I can't bring her up…!" He reported, Partner carrying a B.S.A.A. Soldier to the load-out seat, "Come on!" The Helicopter began spinning out of control.

"PULL UP!" Helena yelled. He barely pulled it up.

"C'mon, c'mon. Pull up!" He gave the Control Stick a medium pull and the Copter pulled up.

"This thing isn't going to hold up much LONGER!" Helena reported.

"JUST A FEW MORE BLOCKS!" He hoped. The Soldier suddenly turned grey and fell off the seat. Link's Partner noticed it and grabbed the Soldier. She turned him around and witnessed a horrific event.

The Soldier turned into a Zombie, moaning and gurgling in a disgusting, shivering way. She jolted up and struggled to survive, Zombie struggling to devour her and turn her into a Zombie.

"HELENA!" The current Pilot saw what's going on and aimed his handgun at the Zombie. He shot it, and Helena finished it by throwing the undead Soldier out of the Chopper. "YOU OK?!"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

Link didn't pay attention and was about to collide with a building, he pulled up and lost control, "HOLD ON!" The Copter landed on a railway and sparked with the Train next to them, crashing into a nearby building and into a T.V chandelier. The chandelier tilted and the Partners tumbled to the Cockpit of the Helicopter, grabbing the edges of the fragmented windshield for dear life. A sudden jolt forced them to let go and fall to the glass window below, landing on their shoulders and looked below. They saw a horde of Zombies elevating to their area.

They looked up at the embedded Helicopter, jolting up and escaping the falling remains of the Helicopter-embedded chandelier.

"You all right!?" Link questioned.

"Yeah." Helena answered. They reached the door and kicked it open; rushing to see that there's nothing but abandoned S.U.V's and no-one in sight.

"Something doesn't feel right."

"I got a bad feeling about this." They said together, then looking at each other in confusion.

"We never had this unison topic." Helena convinced.

"Agreed." The teenager seconded. He vaulted over the railing with Partner in tow. He prepared his handgun and knelt next to a B.S.A.A. Soldier, checking for a pulse. He looked up at his Partner and nodded mournfully. They heard a loud noise and aimed their handguns at the area where the sound originated.

"Back for more?" The teenage Partner questioned coldly.

-Shifting to Link's perspective-

I can't believe that it became a reality. Now I know Sora's and my Past. It's up to me and Helena to stop Him. I'll never be the same person, not even Sora, again.

It started just like this. One week ago. Fighting to survive from a Nightmare you can't even wake up from. That evening, that day, THIS year, EVERYTHING changed.