Sophie Evermore: Long dark brown hair and hazel green eyes, pale complexion, portrayed by India Eisley. She is 14.

Jack: Beautiful beach-blonde hair, sun-kissed skin, startling gorgeous icy blue eyes. Abs. Portrayed by original actor from the 1990 movie. He is 14.

Ralph: Chiseled, bronzed skin and muscular stature, ruffled golden brown hair and light brown eyes. Abs. He is 14. I couldn't find the link for the picture :(

Roger: Straight, black hair, and piercing green eyes. Has an intimidating, fierce look on his face. Muscular and broad, portrayed by Gerard Ways. He is 13.

Simon: Golden curly blonde hair, bright green (ocean blue) eyes and rosy cheeks. Resembles a child angel. Portrayed by original actor from the 1990 movie. He is 12.


* I do not own LOTF

* There will be some describing words that will be purposely repetitive throughout the story (Sorry if it bugs anyone that I'll be describing how gorgeous Jack is every 5 sentences)

* WARNING: The main OC, the character of Sophie, might be viewed by some as a mary-sue. I don't know. You decide, and tell me at the end if there's anything I could fix about her. Overall, her personality is very gentle and morally righteous, so yeah...

Other than that, enjoy!

Chapter 1

I merged from the shallow depth of the tidal pool onto the warm, countless grains of sand of the beach. I shook my long, dark hair, dripping seawater around me. My head felt dizzy, my limbs exhausted. I could hardly see in front of me. Salt and miniature sea life clogged my ears, my feet, and my clothes. Wiping down my dark blue uniform dress now soaked and immensely heavy on my body, I removed my thick navy jacket to decrease the weight of wet clothing on my skin. I squeezed it to dry, wrapped it up in my arm, and began trekking up the beach.

The boiling heat from the sun made my body resist walking any longer. My sandals had been swept away by the sea while I had fallen unconscious, allowing my feet to burn slowly as I walked. I didn't know for how long I had been knocked out, all I remembered was that my flight hadn't quite made it to America. I couldn't quite believe what was happening. Not that it was my most enjoyable flight, but I wasn't asking to for a crash-course into an uninhabited, seemingly completely deserted island.

I went to the strict, all-girls school next to the boy's military school in England. But I was a true American, native of Bronx, New York. My father was a military soldier and had sent me to boarding school while he fought in the war. But everyone was getting sent to America, or in my case, getting sent back, and evacuated for our safety. I was anxious to return home, trying to ignore being stuck on a plane with about 30 other boys (there wasn't enough room on the other flight), and then this has to happen. What a ridiculously tragic turn of events. I may be trapped here forever, with lord knows who else managed to survive that crash.

I was so preoccupied by my thoughts that before I knew it, I had walked straight into a pit of sharp, tangled vines amidst the trees, my mind naturally directing me towards the shade. I tugged at my foot. I cried out at the pain on my bare foot, but no luck. The leg was firmly caught between the vines and some heavy rocks, and I would possibly not be able to release my foot myself. I was stuck.

"Sophie! Sophie!" A voice cried out from only a few meters away. "Sophie! Sophia Evermore!" Was it a miracle? Was it a dream? Or was there someone really on this island who knew my name? Before I could reply to my savior, a boy came running out of the bushes. Yes, I knew this boy. I had only met him hours ago aboard the plane, but I remembered him clearly.

I boarded the plane with a grimace in my head, but a forced smile on my face. I didn't like the sound of a 10-hour flight with about 30 boys, but if that's what it was going to take to go home, home to America, then I would gladly endure it. I didn't have any disdain for boys, but I wasn't particularly fond of them as girls my age were. I saw no reason to drool over them in my spare time. It was apparent, by all the young boys' curious stares, that this would be a very long flight. Sighing, I walked barely two steps before a blonde boy whistled.

"You can sit here, if you'd like." The boy grinned, flashing his big white teeth. His hair, a beautiful beach blonde shade, was rumpled and flowing with perfection. His face had a slick, admirable look to it. The sunlight shone brilliantly on his pale skin, making him appear to be glowing. This gorgeous boy's icy blue eyes bore into me as I walked to accept the seat next to him. They looked like they could be cold, perhaps even cruel, but looking at me they were simply a beautiful, startling blue, nothing but curiosity and a slightly wicked cheeriness in them. Maybe this was his usual nature towards females. From the moment I sat down he immediately began to shamelessly flirt.

"So, princess. May I have your acquaintance?"

I turned slowly and looked directly in his eyes, trying very hard not to stare, and spoke calmly:

"My name is Sophie. Sophia Evermore."

He gave a quirky, one-sided smirk that made me inhale very quickly. This boy was beautiful, just a lift of his cheek could make my heart pound.

"Honored. Name's Jack. Jack Merridew." Everything he said was with a pompous, self-confident manner, with his smooth English accent and no hesitation in his tone. Maybe he was used to being the leader around here.

"Well, Sophia. What brings you here to our humble country? I see you're from America."

"I like Sophie," I corrected. "And my papa had to send me here because of the war. He's a soldier."

"I see, Sophie." Jack's eye glimmered as he winked. "What about your mother? Wasn't she awfully sad to have to send you to this place?"

I shook my head. "My mother died when I was young."

"I'm sorry," Jack spoke softly. It was the first time I heard sincerity in his voice.

"It's alright. My father is very kind, and he loves me."

Jack chuckled darkly. "My father doesn't. He'd just like to see me grow up as a military maniac. He expects me to be perfect in everything."

"Oh. Jack, that's awful."

He surprised me with another smirk. "Not that it's difficult, in my case."

I rolled my eyes. I had tried to be caring and sensitive, my first nature, but apparently Jack Merridew wouldn't take any of it. He simply enjoyed flirting with every girl he set eyes on. Irritated, I turned my head away from him and began singing a song in my head to distract me from my surroundings. In my case, loud, giggling schoolboys.

Jack tapped my shoulder. "Was that too much? But you have to admit, you've probably been fantasizing about me since you saw me." How dare this Jack Merridew be so arrogant? But his words weren't exactly false, and I held my breath, hoping he couldn't hear the fluttering in my stomach. "Come on, admit it. You like what you see. Hm?" I couldn't look away as he cocked one pale eyebrow. I laughed, finally giving in, as he poked me and continued, "Come on, say it! Come on!" His laugh tinkled with mine, like a melody. I could hear in his voice, he was possibly a singer. As I laughed, I saw a bronzed, golden-brown haired boy looking at me from the aisle seats. He shied away when he saw me looking back. So not everyone in military school was like Jack. This one was quite good-looking as well. I blushed. Were all these boys not used to seeing girls? Why would they all be staring at me? I wasn't used to attention. For the fourteen years of my life, I had managed to stay at the back of people's vision, being a pretty timid and quiet person in public. But I sort of felt comfortable around boys, the way I couldn't around girls. Boys had a different, more pure nature, from what I figured. Girls could be very irritating, gossipy and talkative.

"Have I got to you yet? Are you in love with me?"

I chuckled. "Yes, Jack. You're incredible." Jack smiled, appearing satisfied. I lay back, relaxing my head on the cushiony plane seat. Maybe I could actually enjoy this flight. My eyes closed, my fingers nonchalantly drumming the armrest. I felt a flutter when Jack slid his arm onto the same armrest, brushing against my hand. I slipped into a near-unconscious state, drowning out the noises about the plane, when I first felt the turbulence...

While I was surprised Jack could remember my full name, I felt a stab of annoyance as he came closer, his gorgeous blond hair blowing wildly over his forehead and eyes that smirked devilishly. He clearly didn't believe I was capable of taking care of myself. But this was a slightly desperate situation. I couldn't possibly free my leg now on my own, without cutting them.

"Need some assistance?" His lips parted into that half smile. His crooked, but beautiful teeth just barely showing between them. What was with me? Why couldn't I get it out of my head, silly girl?

"Yes, please." Jack whipped out a small survival knife from the pockets of his uniform shorts, and slashed at the vines, unbinding me from the tangle. I noticed, maybe feared, the determined look in his eyes as he used the weapon.

"Thank you," I said quickly. I didn't want his head to inflate any bigger.

"You're most welcome." He grinned. "Have you seen any of the others? You're the first person from the plane I've found."

"No, not yet. But we can't possibly be the only survivors. They must be around somewhere." I searched around me. Blue skies filled with just the right number of clouds, forests and greenery were all I saw. No humans. Not a living being in sight.

"Maybe we should go and look for them." Before we could move, however, a long, strange noise filled the air. I had never heard a sound like this before, but it sounded like some sort of musical instrument, playing a single, low note. One thing was clear however- someone was blowing the sound.

"Maybe there'll be a man with a trumpet," Jack said excitedly. "To rescue us. Come on, Sophie." He lightly put his arm on my back, guiding me towards the sound.

There was no man with a trumpet, though. All Jack and I saw was a group of the young schoolboys sitting around one older boy. He held what looked like a shell, probably used to make the sound. Next to him was a fat, squat boy who looked slightly younger, maybe 12 or 11. A pair of wide, round glasses sat on his little nose. He introduced himself to us first, as Piggy.
Jack nearly fell over with laughter. "Piggy!" he exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. He could look so mature and handsome, yet have the maturity of a 5-year old.

The boy holding the conch was the brown-haired boy I had seen on the plane earlier. Now that I saw him more closely, I could see how incredibly cute he was, too. But not in the exact same way as Jack. His face was like a sculpture, chiseled and bronzed. His clean white, but soaking wet shirt stuck to his chest. I could see now that he was built and fit, muscles clearly showing through. His body read hot, but his face was attractive in a pretty little boy, charismatic kind of way.

"Well," Jack said haughtily. He clearly wasn't satisfied with this authoritative, but young boy. "If it isn't Ralph King."

"Hullo, Jack." Ralph replied politely. Then he turned to me. "I'm Ralph. Pleasure to meet you." He shook my hand warmly. I could feel my cheeks grow warm as his brown eyes twinkled at me.

"Ralph King," Jack added, snickering. "You're the headmaster's favorite, aren't you?"

"I don't think that's quite what I am-"

"Whatever. I'm Jack. Jack Merridew." He put his hands on his hips, grinning.

"I know you," Ralph said. "You're the head of the choir."

"That's right. I can sing a C#." He said proudly. "Would you all like to hear?"

"I think we should get on with roll call," replied Ralph. Looking at me, he said asked, "Name?"

"Sophie Evermore," I answered softly. His dimpled cheeks put a small smile to my face. As we exchanged looks, I saw Jack's icy eyes frown.

"Well! Let's get on with it then!" Jack yelled loudly. Ralph and I both jumped, startled, but shared a quick smile before the other boys began belting out their names.




"Percival!" Squeaked a particularly tiny boy.

"Roger," said a pitch-black haired boy in the corner of the huddle. I could barely hear his low voice, but it sounded rough and maybe a little menacing to me. I saw that he and Maurice must be best friends, as he was the only one Roger would let close to him. He sat on a big rock, aloof and slightly distanced from everyone else. This boy had a strange, mysterious aura around him. Like he didn't want anyone to touch him. I felt it would almost be dangerous to be in close proximity of Roger. Maurice rumpled his hair with his fingers, and nudged Roger to loosen his stiff mood, laughing. The two were complete opposites. Maurice had kind, hazel eyes and chestnut brown hair, and wouldn't stop grinning. Roger's eyes, I noticed, were a bright, striking green.

"Alright, listen up," Ralph spoke with authority. "There doesn't seem to be anyone here except us. We're going to have to have rules, and behave as disciplined as possible around here. If we want to be rescued quickly, we need to work together. I think we should have some sort of constant signal going, like a fire." I immediately admired the leadership qualities Ralph clearly possessed- his voice was strong and direct; his eyes were caring and charismatic as he spoke to the boys. "As for the conch in my hands, you can speak anytime during an assembly when you're holding it. That's the rule. Whenever the conch is blown, we'll know we're going to have assembly."

"Can I have the conch?" Jack asked. When it was handed to him, he said, "Yes, we've definitely got to build a fire. And everyone ought to follow the rules, so we can survive." I felt Jack had just repeated what Ralph had said to gain the same sense of control. But I didn't say anything.

"We oughtta have a chief!" Bill cried out.

"Yes, a chief, a leader!"

The boys agreed excitedly.

"I should be chief," Jack exclaimed, as I predicted. "I am the oldest here, and therefore most knowledgeable."

"But what about him with the conch?"

"Yeah, I think Ralph should be chief!"

"Yeah, Ralph!"

"No, Jack!" The boys continued argue over who would be more fit as their leader.

"Everybody QUIET!" Ralph shouted. Immediately, the noise died down. Ralph was dictatorial, and I could clearly see who would win this election.

"Ok, everybody who wants Jack for chief, raise their hands." A handful of boys, including Roger and Maurice, raised their hands. "Now who wants me for chief?" The rest of the boys put their hands up. He didn't need to count one by one to see who had won the votes.

"Ok, then, I guess I'm chief," Ralph concluded. Jack's pale cheeks flushed, clearly humiliated.

"Wait, Sophie hasn't voted yet," he said. He and Ralph looked at me, two pairs of gorgeous eyes boring into my green ones.

"I, uh I…" I stammered, hesitant. I didn't know who to choose. Jack had saved me from the vines, and he had captured my attention from the beginning. But Ralph was the obvious choice for a good leader.

"I can't choose," I finally said with a sigh. "I'm sorry." I didn't work well under pressure, and at the moment, every boy in the group were pressuring me to vote Jack, or Ralph. My vote wouldn't have mattered anyway. Ralph was still the winner.

"Fine," Ralph said, a disappointed grimace on his lips. Jack simply scowled. I wasn't sure if it was just my crazy imagination, but at that moment I saw a look exchanged between the two boys, a spark of jealousy between their eyes. I gulped. Well this was going to be…interesting. Jack leapt off the rock he had been standing tall and proud on for the past few minutes, his ego bruised, and walked into the forest alone. No one bothered to follow him. Ralph continued speaking to the crowd, putting each of the boys to work at building a camp. He assigned some of the "biguns" (older boys) to look after the "littleuns" (younger boys.) We were to work together to make shelters, find food and water, and build a fire on the mountaintop. When he was finished, I headed into the forest following the direction that Jack had gone in. I figured my job as a babysitter could wait a little. Ralph began to say something, but closed his mouth and let me wander into the forest.

It was surprisingly calm, and relaxing once I let myself get lost in the midst of the trees. A jungle lay in the middle of the forest, with creepers and vines crawling up towering trees. I followed Jack's bare footprints, leading me to the very center of the jungle. It was a fairly small island, not quite big enough to get lost in without finding your way back to the beach in a few hours. Here, I found my breath taken away by a beautiful blue lagoon, filled with sparkling water. It shone brightly back at me from the light of the sun, peeking through the trees. I stepped around the pool of water, admiring it, when I saw Jack sitting on one of the rocks closest to the water. Small cliffs and rocks surrounded the lagoon. I climbed over to him as quietly as I could, hoping if I came up to him before he saw me, maybe he wouldn't push me away, and sat down next to him on the rock. He didn't look up. He mindlessly played with a small stone near him, and then threw it down into the water. It broke the pool's still, motionless being with a tiny splash, ripples appearing all around the stone now sinking to the bottom of the lagoon forever.

"Are you okay?" I began, looking up into Jack's face. One eye was covered by a short lock of golden hair. He flicked it away, then looked down at me.

"I'm fine," he said. He stretched his arms out wide and leaned back on the rocks behind him. "Nothing I haven't been through before."

"What have you been through before?"

"Rejection," he said simply. His mouth smiled lightly but his eyes were still dark, his pupils narrowed. "A little injury, but no damage done. I'll be alright."

"Thanks again," I said. "For saving me. It would've been a lot harder for me to move the vines without the knife."

"You're welcome," he said, suddenly grinning. "You really are a girl, aren't you? You really couldn't get out of those vines yourself?"

"Oh-Jack Merridew!" I was finished trying to boost his ego. His head had apparently inflated back to its original size-enormous. "I don't believe you!" I shoved him gently, who was now shaking with laughter. He pushed me back. I giggled, then reached down to the water and splashed him in the face.

"There! I hope you're happy now that you're head is the size of an elephant again!"

"I sure am." He splashed me back. Laughing, we continued our playful splashing until I eventually pushed him into the water, head first. He spiraled out of the pool, blowing out water from his mouth, his clothes now drenched. His body rose up slowly, he shook his wet hair back and forth, he was elegant, like a dolphin rising up after doing a trick. Quickly, he grabbed my ankles and shoved me in as well. I laughed and shrieked as we continued our splashing in the lagoon. In the midst of it all, he took off his soaking t-shirt and military jacket. I held my breath. He was astonishingly beautiful, his bare chest gleaming under the sun. I couldn't look away from his perfectly articulated 6-pack, his shoulder muscles that flexed every time he stretched his arms. He must have caught me distracted, because at that precise moment he managed to dunk my head into the water. Screaming and gasping, I pulled myself up and attempted to return the favor. Jack guffawed. I didn't have enough strength to even move his head.

"There's nothing funny about it," I huffed. "If I can't even fight you, how am I supposed to survive on this island?" He simply shrugged, and we returned to our playing again, this time being more careful as we messed with each other.

As the two teenagers splashed and laughed, the sounds echoing throughout the entire jungle, Ralph watched them from a well-hidden wall of greenery and tall trees. His brown eyes frowned. He didn't like the two of them being so friendly. And goodness, the way that shameless Jack Merridew ripped his shirt off like he was some god, like he could get his hands on any girl, Ralph did not like that at all. He was going to be very watchful of the two of them now. He couldn't deny that a small seed of affection was growing in him for Sophie, who was so purely beautiful, and looked so innocent. From how childish and cocky Jack behaved earlier, he didn't deserve someone like that. Sophie may prefer you now, Ralph thought. But just wait, Jack Merridew. Just wait…