Here's chapter one. I've slightly edited it to allow it to read better/better grammar. Thank you for reading.

I am woken up by the loud shrill of my alarm, groaning as I look at the time. Fuck- it's 7:30, meaning that I have 30 minutes exactly to get to my first lecture. I curse myself, questioning my decision to stay out late partying last night. I honestly blame that Kavanagh. Following that brief evaluation of my questionable life decisions, I jump out of my bed and rush into the shower, relaxing as the hot water hits my skin. After scrubbing my body and brushing my teeth simulating, I step out of my en-suite and walk into my huge closet. Yes- I'm rather 'rich'; My father is a lawyer, and my mother owns a successful clothing line, allowing my younger sister Andrea and I to live a relatively privileged life. We grew up in Los Angeles- home to the rich, famous, and vain. Upon graduating high school, I moved to Seattle to attend university here along with my best friend Katherine. At the insistence of my slightly pushy socialite mother, I also do a bit of modelling, although I hope to go into psychology following graduation(much to my parents' disapproval). I look through my closet and quickly pull on a pair of blue faded skinny jeans, a white linen shirt from Civil clothing's and some black pumps to go with them. Sighing as I pull my long brown hair into a messy bun, I decided I was presentable enough for the day.

I walk into the living area and there's no sign of Katherine, so I open the door to her room and find her sleeping in bed with some random dude from last night. Rolling my eyes, I grab my keys and head out of my apartment. My morning isn't quite complete without my daily appreciation of my Mercedes. Having a well off father does come with it's perks I guess, not that it made up for his general lack of interest in my life, but I guess you can't have everything in life. Sticking the key into ignition, I see that I have exactly 15 minutes to get to my lecture and have an internal debate as to whether it's worth stopping for my daily latte ritual. In the end, my coffee addiction won and I stop a couple of streets away from WSU, grabbing my class folders and rushing out of the car. A few minutes later, I have my latte in hand and begin to run towards campus. In true clumsy Ana style, I find myself running into someone, my folders scattering all over the floor and my latte spilt all over my course work that due for today. Fuming with anger, I snap my head up and see the most beautiful man I've ever laid eyes on. He was tall, handsome, and he had the most captivating grey eyes ever. In my current angry state however, his good looks were not enough to subdue my anger and irritation. "Watch where the hell you're going" I yell. Now I know my reaction may be slightly misplaced, as I was technically the one who bumped into him, but rational Ana was taking a backseat here. Unfortunately for me, he had just as much as a temper as I did and snapped back. "Rude as well as blind- you're lucky that none of your damn coffee spilt on my suit" he rebutted. I look behind him, and also see a man in a suit with a low buzz cut who was assessing the situation intently, although with slight humour. Realising that this man may be someone of importance, I calm my rage and pick up my folders from the floor. "I swear, I better not get graded down for this" I mutter, shaking my wet folder and coursework. "Perhaps you should open your eyes next time", the man mutters dryly. "You know what, fuck you" I shout as I storm off. Important or not, the guy was an asshole.

I'm already 10 minutes late for class, so I don't even bother running. When I walk into the class, all eyes are on me. This is the most humiliating experience ever, and despite not being one to shy away from attention, I turn bright red and take my seat. After the lecture, I go to speak to Mr Sullivan -my lecturer- to explain why I can't hand in my coursework. "That's not good enough Anastasia, it was meant to be in today" he states. Trying my best to look convincing, I muster up my womanly charms: "I understand, I'm so very sorry sir, it's just that my work is absolutely ruined. Please give me an extended deadline", I plead. "Fine you have one day to hand it over, no excuses" he says. Relieved, I thank Mr Sullivan and head to my next lecture.

The rest of the day passes by uneventfully and I head back home. Surprise surprise Kate is still at home with the unknown guy she hooked up with. "Hey Ana" she greets me unashamed, "this is Elliot, Elliot Grey" she says. "Hi, nice to meet you I'm Ana". He has blonde hair and blue eyes, typical american boy- Kate's type exactly. "Hey, i've heard a lot about you" he winks. I roll my eyes and head over to my room. Thanks to that stupid, cocky bastard, my plans to spend my evening relaxing are crushed. I groan and start working on my coursework, thinking about those stormy grey eyes that both anger and fascinate me.