Hello! And welcome to my rewritten first chapter! I wasn't happy with how it was, so I went back to rewrote it! It's a lot better now. I also went over all my current chapters and changed a few things. Anyway, hope you enjoy this first chapter! :)

It was a beautiful day outside, the sun shining its rays of light down onto the people, the light breeze cooling off the soccer team as they practiced in the field. The class rooms where fill of students attending classes, some of them paying attention, while the other lot was goofing off. In the back of one class a girl sat her head on her desk hidden behind her arms, while she snoozed away. The teacher continued her lesson, unaware of the sleeping girl. This girl had gotten the reputation of being the 'bad girl' or delinquent (seeing as the other students just wanted to spice things up and she was the only thing 'different' they could talk about) in the school. She skipped classes, bad mouthed teachers (when she was in a bad mood), got detention all the time and when people tried to talk to her, she'd give them a glare and a scowl and they'd all leave her alone after that. Her choice of clothing didn't help, either. She wore a chocker that had sharp metal studs along it, a dark blue long sleeved shirt with a studded vest, a black skirt that stopped just above her knees, fishnet tights and sneakers. She had gotten in trouble with the teachers with her style and she'd said to them that she was still following the dress code (loosely), just spicing it up a bit. She was an interesting sight, to say the least. Had she always been like that? Her peers didn't know. After all, she had transferred in like that so they dubbed her 'bad girl' of the school. At this moment, her classmates where gossiping about the 'bad girl'.

"I can't believe she's sleeping again!"

"She's such a sloth!"

"I wonder what she does at night to cause her to sleep in class."

"She probably partied all night."

"You're right! She seems like the type."

Contrary to what her classmates believe, she hadn't been parting all night. In fact, she'd been working at one of her jobs. Since her father didn't work, it was up to her to get the money needed to pay the bills, and enough food for the both of them, though she never did get her share…

The teacher called for silence and continued the lesson, until she noticed the sleeping girl.

"Tanith Nephthys!" The teacher yelled banging the sleeping girl 'gently' on the head.


Said girl lifted her head and started at her teacher, with a look that was half annoyed and half sleepy, basically saying 'why'd you wake me up?'

The teacher huffed and smacked Tani's head again.

"Classes aren't for sleeping, they're for learning. If I catch you asleep again, you'll be walking to the principal's office." The teacher threatened, which wasn't as scary as the teacher thought it was. After all, Tani has walked that route to the office so many times now that there were probably little dents in the floor of where her feet made contact. Tani watched the annoying women walk back to the front of the class with a blank face and continued the lesson.

Shaking her head, Tani tried to focus on the lesson. It was difficult, since she was so tired. After a while, her eyes started dropping and before she could stop herself, she fell asleep again.

Once the teacher noticed the girl sleeping again, she decided to ignore it and just continued with the lesson.

The lunch bell went, causing Tani to jerk awake. She watched the other students through half lidded eyes as they gathered in their little groups and started conversation with one another, ignoring the lone bad girl. She envied the people in her class, though she wouldn't admit it to anyone. They all had people they could hang with, friends they could talk to, while Tani had none. That was her own fault, but that didn't stop her from feeling a little lonely. She didn't mind though, she always tried to tell herself, though, deep down, she knew she did mind. A lot. It was her difference that made the other students steered clear of her. Of course it was better this way. Only stupid people would get close to her, considering her situation bad home. Not that anyone knew about it, mind you.

She couldn't help eyeing the food the others had. She didn't have any lunch to bring. Sighing, she leaned on her desk and waited for the school day to end.

After the boring school day finally ended, she walked home slowly, dragging her feet as much as possible. She had an off day on both her jobs today (why she was in school) and now she could go home early.


In reality, she'd rather go to work then go home. She took two jobs just to make sure she had excuses to stay away from home and even worked overtime at both, just to make sure she couldn't go home. Why? Well, ever since her mother died, life at home has been hell. Her father had started drinking a lot more and after being in the depressed stage of lounging around and doing nothing but drink, he had entered the pissed off stage. And by 'pissed off' she meant 'ready to kill' stage. He'd hit Tani a lot, punches, kicks; he even used a knife on her a couple a times. She had scars all long her legs and arms and over her back where still red whip marks that he had put there himself. That day was one of the really bad days. That day was the day that made Tani certain that he had gone off the deep end. She couldn't sleep in the house, or she was sure her old man would kill her in her sleep.

What a nasty thought.

Anyway, she had made (with a lot of trial and error) a tree house thing in the tree on her front lawn. She used that as a kind of sleeping area and it was where she spent most of her time. You're probably wondering why she didn't just run away and rent an apartment, instead of staying in (near) that hell house. As much as she hated her father for everything he had done, she couldn't bring herself to leave him alone. That small hope that maybe things would get better kept her there. Even though most of her wanted him to curl up and die.

She'd take care of her drunken old man as much as she could; make sure he had food and water and booze. Even in his drunken state, he still had enough sense to eat, which a small part of her was glad about.

Her mind wandered to her sister, Elegia. El was the sweetest thing alive. She didn't like fighting, though she will stand up for herself when she had to. She was a bit of a crybaby and she's shy. She doesn't like speaking out or being the centre of attention. Tani had spent most of their childhood protecting her younger twin from bullies and the like. They were identical twins, with Tani being the older one by a few seconds. Their appearances where quite similar, the differences being their eyes, Tani had green eyes, while El had blue and their hair color, Tani had dark brown and El had light brown. Elegia didn't live with Tani and their father, Thank the gods for that. Tani had been able to convince the slightly younger girl to go move in with some nice (she thinks and hopes) relatives of theirs. Ever since the day El moved away, Tani hadn't been able to send any letters (her father steals all the paper and pens for god knows what) and on the other hand, Tani hadn't received any letters from El either. She considered that a good thing. After all, no news is good news, right?

Tani watched as her house came into view. Sighing, she walked toward it. She'd have to make sure that the house had food and water before she could escape to her safe haven, her tree house.

"Who the hell is there?" was what she heard when she opened the door and had to dodge an empty beer bottle flying at her head. For a drunken man, he sure had good aim. She walked into the living room and closed the door, shooting her dad a blank yet cautious gaze. His hair was down to his shoulders, since he never got it cut anymore and he had a tangled beard. He was tall, and had slight traces of muscles, as if he had them at one point, but lost them a while ago. He would have been good looking, but now he just looked wasted and haggard. He was sitting in a chair in the living room, facing the door. They had a ripped couch, and a broken TV. The floor was covered in broken bottles and bottle caps.

"Oh, it's you." He sneered at her, his lips curling into a scowl. Tani didn't say anything and walked into the kitchen, avoiding the shards and caps. He, of course, followed her. The kitchen was pretty normal, with counters lining the wall and the fridge on the opposite wall. It was stocked with everything a kitchen would need for cooking and such. She checked the fridges food supply, and the water in the house. As she did that, her father's anger filled eyes burned a hole into her back.

"I don't need your help. You're nothing but an eyesore." He said to her, his voice filled with disgust and hatred. Tani didn't respond. She was use to his verbal lashing and she knew from experience that if she made even a tiny sound, he'd explode in anger and start using whatever he could get his hands on to end her life. She grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and closed the door. Next she would have to get some kind of food, probably bread. She started in that direction when she heard a noise behind her, causing her to freeze.

She turned around to see her old man looking at a knife with great interest. Her stomach dropped and she had a sinking feeling she knew where this was going. Her eyes had widened with a look of surprise and fear. Her father looked at her with a twisted sense of happiness at her fear and with an insane looking smile; he swung the knife at her. She tried to dive out of the way, but he got her arm and knife sunk in all the way to the hilt. She could feel the blade scrap her bone. Tani gritted her teeth in pain and fled out of the house as fast as she could, one hand holding her injured arm, while the other one gripped her water bottle with as much strength she could muster. It aggravated her wound, but she ignored that pain as much as she could. She needed water, or she'd die within three days.

"That's right! You better run. If you ever come back, I'll make sure not to miss!" He yelled after her. Tani grit her teeth in pain and she felt blood run down her arm. It's a good thing she had a first aid kit in her tree house.

She ran to the tree, and after throwing the bottle into her little house with her good hand, she climbed up as best she could with only one arm. Once she was up, she collapsed onto the floor and crawled one-handed to the first aid kit. She grabbed it and placed it on the floor next to her. Next thing she did was, after getting comfy, relaxing her arm muscles and pulled the knife out in one swift movement. Tani grunted in pain and grit her teeth, and then went about treating the wound as best she could. It was a deep wound and would leave a scar once it healed. Unfortunately, she'd have to avoid using her arm to much. Once that was done, she lay on the floor, listening to the breeze rustle the trees leaves and branches.

She sat up, looking around her room. The tree house was plain, just one room. It had a make-shift bed, a desk (where the first aid kit had been), and 5 walls, meaning 4 walls and a roof, with a bag where all her clothing was. The two big branches the tree house was sitting on ran under it. There was a branch running along the roof, and two branches on both sides, supporting it. It was almost like a safe enclosure.

She walked to the only window her small house had and leaned against it in thought. This wasn't the first time she had been knifed by her old man, but this was the first time he had tried to kill her outright. It seems things where a lot more worse then she had thought.

"I need to leave." Tani said to herself. But where would she go? She could go to her aunt's place, but that seemed a little bit demanding, since they are taking care of Elegia. Besides, when Tani had gone to drop off Elegia at their aunt's place, she had specifically said they'd take only one of them. There was also the fact that Tani felt duty bound to keep him alive. No matter how much her instinct told her to get the hell out of there before she was killed, she just couldn't leave. Damn her and her protectiveness over family.

"I can't leave. I have to stay and take care of him. He is my father, no matter how much of a bastard he is. But I want to leave. I want to have a different life, a new one. I wish I could start over, and have an adventure. Maybe make some true friends while I'm at it." Tani said to herself, smiling a little at the cliché-ness of it.

Tani pushed off the window and walked to her bed. She climbed in and said good night to herself. The wind had picked up, causing the leaves and branches to rustle. The sound helped her fall asleep, unknown to what adventure she was about to go on.

When Tani was close to waking up, she noticed the soothing rocking under her, almost putting her back to sleep. The next thing she noticed was the fact that she was soaking wet. In the back of her mind, she noted how that wasn't good for her wound. When she was more aware, she realized she was on a boat. Then voices made themselves apparent.

"Do you think she's a mermaid?"

"She doesn't have a tail. She couldn't be a mermaid"

"But we found her floating in the sea"

At this point, Tani thought she was dreaming. Soon, though, she realized that everything was a little too real to be a dream. The smell of the ocean was tickling her nose, the rocking was definitely real and she could feel the hard wood of what she assumed was a boat beneath her. As if to tell her this wasn't a dream, her wound throbbed and everyone knows you don't feel pain inside a dream. That was when it clicked. She wasn't dreaming.

Tani opened her eyes and started lazily at the blue sky above her. She had a strange feeling that that shouldn't be what she was seeing, but she still found the time to note that there were a few clouds in the sky. Wait sky? She should be looking up at a wooden ceiling, not sky. She quickly sat up and looked around her. She was indeed on a small boat, surround by the ocean. She noticed two other people, the people who were talking before, with her and when she saw who it was, her jaw dropped to the deck.

Monkey D. Luffy (she had a fan girling moment in her head) was sitting there, staring at her with that big grin of his. The Luffy was there. Coby was there too (this was noted as an afterthought). Tani started at them and they started at her. She had been a big fan of One Piece, but had to stop when her father started drinking. He had trashed her computer, saying something about ungrateful bitches don't deserve good things. Stupid old man.

"Look! She's awake!" Luffy said, grinning happily. By this point, she had a feeling she should say something, but her mind was still miles behind and was trying to work out just how she ended up in this very strange, but not unwanted, situation.

"Uhhh" Was Tani's brilliant answer. To say she felt only a little embarrassment would be a giant understatement. When asked about it later, she'd deny it with her entire being. Her face was red as she realized just how stupid and unintelligent she sounded. Luffy just gave her an amused look (which didn't help not one bit) and turned to Coby.

"Anyway, Coby, what's the pirate hunter like?"

"Oh, you mean Zoro? Last I heard of him was that he was being held prisoner at some marine base" Coby answered him. Wait, if they were going through this conversation, that means they just got away from the marines and where heading out to find Zoro. 'What the hell is going on?!'

"Oh well, a weakling, huh?" Luffy answered, his ever constant grin turning into a frown.

"NO! YOU'RE SO WRONG! He's as vile as a demon and three times as horrifying!" Coby answered, sounding terrified. Then he looked confused as he asked "Why are you asking about him anyway?"

Luffy's grin almost split his face in two. "I figure if he's good enough, I'd ask him to join my crew."

Coby's jaw dropped and his eyes started watering. He looked terrified (nothing new here). "Chasing him down is just plain reckless!"

"You never know, he might jump at the chance to join" Luffy answered.

"He's a bad enough guy that the MARINES caught him! NO WAY! NOT A CHANCE! FORGET IT! NO! NO! NO-"


"OW! Why'd you hit me?" Coby asked, holding his head in pain. Tani felt slight pity for the guy, but it paled in comparison to her anger. Zoro wasn't a bad guy at all. She calmed down by telling herself Coby didn't know the full story, like she did.

"Cause I felt like it" Luffy answered. Then he looked over at Tani and asked "What where you doing in the water, anyway?"

Tani looked blankly at Luffy as he abruptly addressed her. It took a minute for her brain to register that he had asked a question and she answer with "um I don't know?" It came out like a question and she inwardly cringed at her stupid sounding-ness. Her pride took a big hit, to say the least.

"You don't remember?" Luffy asked in all his 'smart' glory. Her pride felt a little patched up after that comment.

"Um, yeah, let's go with that" Tani answered. She felt Coby's eyes on her, so she met his eyes evenly.

"What's your name?" Coby asked her.

"Tani. Nice to you meet you" Tani answered absently.

"That's an AWESOME name! I'm Monkey D. Luffy" Luffy called out, grinning widely.

"I'm Coby. Is it short for something?" Coby asked again. Tani looked at him, after grinning at the young soon to be captain. Coby was a scared-cat, but he was smart.

"Yeah. Tanith." Tani said. She blinked as Luffy started generating glowing stars (was that even possible?). Was her name really that awesome? What was she supposed to do now? She was here, in One Piece, with no idea how she got here and with no way to get back. Did she even want to go back? "Is it okay if you take me where ever you're going and drop me off on the island?" She asked.

"Yup! That's okay with me!" Luffy said, smiling like no tomorrow.

"It's alright with me, as long as you're not some assassin" Coby said, looking her up and down. "You certainly look like one."

Tani looked down at herself and noted, with amusement, that he was right. She did look like an assassin, dressed in dark colors as she was. For all they knew, she had hidden weapons.

Ignoring the two for a moment, she looked around again and noted with annoyance that she didn't have her bad. In fact, she only had the clothes on her back. Just great. She was going to need to go shopping for clothes. Not that she could when she had NO MONEY!

"Hahaha! Don't worry about it! We saved her life, so she can't hurt us!" Luffy laughed. And so, that was how Tanith Jezabel Nephthys ended up in One Piece on the same boat as Monkey D. Luffy. What kind of adventures await her?

The start of a new adventure! Also, to those of you who had read this story a while ago. Sorry for dropping off the face of the earth like I had. I ran into a plot problem, where I could have gone different ways. After a long while of thinking about it (and being lazy ) I picked a route that I feel is better then what I had before.

Anyway, thank you for reading! Leave your thoughts in a review. After all, I love hearing from you guys!