A/N First Pokemon fanfiction

Location: Three Miles North of New Bark Town

"This is the third time you've slept through your alarm Duke."

I cracked open one eye and looked up to see my mom standing over my bed.

"What?" I said.

"This is the third time you've slept through your alarm Duke." she repeats.

"Sorry," I say as I rolled over on my side and sat up, "I guess I'm a hard sleeper."

"Don't give me that young man, this is the third time in a row you have slept through the alarm. The first two times the alarm rang for ten minutes before I woke you up, this time it was thirty." she sighs "How is that even possible."

I shrug, "I don't know." I mumbled still half a sleep.

"Anyway," she sighs, "get dressed and comb your hair, it looks like a rattata's nest."

I groan as I stood up from the bed and walk to the bathroom. I look in in the mirror to see my hair sticking in every which way.

Dang it.

During the warmer months I keep my jet black hair cut short, but its the middle of December so I let my hair grow long enough that it covers half my ear. I turn on the sink and put head under the faucet to wet it don't, before drying it with a towel and combing it.

After putting on my work jeans and a long sleeve shirt, I hear laughing and barking. I turn just in time to see my little sister Sally and Fang run down the hallway. Moments later she comes back to the bathroom door with Fang right on her heels.

"Morning big brother," she grins, "what are we doing today."

"Don't know yet." I said getting down on one knee so I could scrat Fang, my poocheyena, behind the ear.

Sally laughed, "Fangy likes that." she giggled.

Now I love my little sister Sally to pieces, she being four and me being 15 I'm in charge of taking care of her. I don't mind though.

"How about you and Fang go play in the living room," I said, "I've got to check on the Pokemon."

"O.K." and she's off with Fang running closely behind.

After putting putting on my work boots, gloves, and wool lined coat, I reach for my most important piece of clothing.

A plain old ball cap. It may not seem like much, but I've had it since I was a kid.

As I walk out the front door,I yell out "Mom I'm going to check to Pokemon."

"O.K. Duke" is the response I hear as the door closes.

The bitter cold of December bites at my nose as I walk across the yard. Its cold enough to see your breath as I inhale and exhale the freezing air. A light snow covers the fields as I walk other to the fence. As I lean against the fence I see my Ponyta,Cinder, already wide awake pawing at the ground looking for grass. On the other side of the pen my Tauros was asleep with snow covering him.

I jogg over to the barn and open up the doors to the sight of sleeping miltank. The lazy pink pokemon snoozing z's.

Smirking at the sight, I trotted back to the house.

Opening the door and feeling the warmth was awesome. I passed through the living room to see Sally and Fang rolling around playing. When I arrived in the Kitchen my mom was already cooking breakfast.

"Hey." I said as I sat down at the table, "whats for breakfast."

'You got a letter from your father." she says, "it was in the mailbox this morning."

"Dad" I though as I reached for a envolope at the middle of the table. I turned the red envolope in my hands.

Grabbing a envolope opener, I beggan cutting the seal.

A/N:My first ever Pokemon and addvice is very welcome. Chapter 2 in the works.