"Hurry up Vic!" My brother yelled at me from outside the bathroom door.

"Calm down Mike! I can't get the cap to stay on!" I yelled back. I sighed in frustration as the cap slid off of my head for the sixth time.

"Here, let me help." He had picked the lock and stepped in behind me. "Give me that." He took the cap from my hands, grabbed some bobby pins that I really hoped were my mother's, and stuck them through the thin material. I watched as he pulled it onto my head and pinned it down.

"This is why you're a genius." I laughed.

"No, I just know that long hair and bobby pins get along." He patted my shoulder before promptly shoving me out of the bathroom. I chuckled as I headed downstairs to find my gown. Once that was on and Mike had joined me a few moments later, our parents bombarded us with photos, claiming that every relative in existence wanted copies. After that was over with, we met up with Kellin and his mom and drove to the school.

Today was the beginning of the rest of our lives and I was already ready for the ceremony to be done with. We had planned a big class BBQ in the stadium and then the guys and I would be heading home to get some rest before the big move tomorrow. Our parents had tried to get us to stay a little longer, but we really wanted to go and get our new house set up. That and we had had enough of Colorado to last a lifetime.

"Vic, what are you thinking about?" Kellin nudged my shoulder. I snapped out of my thoughts and focused on him.

"Tomorrow." I stated simply. He chuckled lightly and pat my shoulder a few times.

"I should have guessed as much. That's all you've thought about for the last two weeks." He pouted slightly.

"I'm sorry baby." I gave him an apologetic look and leaned over to peck his lips. "I just really can't wait to get to our new place."

"The way you say that sounds really sexy." He rubbed his nose against mine and kissed my lightly.

"Ugh, can you two not do that when I'm right next to you?" Mike whispered harshly. "Your cuteness is making me nauseous." We just chuckled and I shoved his arm playfully.

We pulled up to the school and Mike, Kellin, and I headed towards the gym to meet up with the rest of our class. There we met up with Tony and Jaime and moved to our places in line. Mike, seeing as he was the valedictorian, headed to his spot at the front of the line. I really was proud of my little brother for his accomplishments.

"Ready students?" Jaime's dad stood at the head of the line and checked to make sure that we were all in order. "Alright then. Let's go."

The ceremony was so long. I didn't even know how that was possible considering we only had fifty graduating students. The only part that I actually paid perfect attention to was the speech my brother gave and that was only because he was my younger brother. All in all, once we were all given our diplomas, the remainder of the ceremony went by rather quickly.

The BBQ was actually more fun than we had intended. Our parents had all volunteered to cook for us and it was like a huge family gathering. It was nice being able to actually speak to the others in my class without having to worry about how they would treat us. Since we had announced that we were moving, everyone had been really nice to us and were wishing us luck on our journey. It was a nice way for things to come to an end.

"Make sure you call us as soon as you guys get to California." My mother squished both Mike and I into a hug. It was a nice gesture but at three in the morning, I really wasn't up for this kind of contact.

"We will mom, now can you let me go, I can't breathe." I gasped.

"Oh, sorry Victor, I forget that Mike is a whole head taller." She kissed my forehead and I walked over to say goodbye to my father. He was standing by the van helping Jaime load up the last of the equipment and bags. I reached over and grabbed his shoulder.

"Ah, Mijo." He pulled me aside. "You ready?"

"As I'll ever be dad." He pulled me into a hug and ruffled my hair.

"I know you guys can do it." He held me at arms length and stared into my eyes. "I'm so proud of you Vic. Proud of both you and your brother, and I know you guys will be amazing. Your mother and I will always be here for you." I gave him another hug, trying to keep myself from crying.

"Thanks dad."

"Of course." He placed his hand on my shoulder and walked over to my mother. Everyone was already in the car and we were ready to make our journey to California. I got into the front seat and looked at my parents for the last time. My mother was trying her best to keep herself from crying. Kellin's mom was standing next to her in an almost identical state. Tony and Jaime's parents were standing behind them, everyone watching as we drove away.

"Alright guys." Mike started from the first bench seat in the van. "One day and we will be in California."

"This is going to either be the greatest road trip ever or the longest headache of our lives." Jaime chuckled.

"Oh Jaime, stop being such a drama queen." Tony ruffled his hair.

"Tony that was kind of mean haha." Kellin turned from the passenger seat and watched as Tony and Jaime wrestled playfully.

"Just imagine what it's going to be like when we live together." I added.

"Now that is a scary thought." Mike kicked his feet up and laid back on Tony's lap. Tony just put his arm around him and poked Jaime one last time in the arm. Kellin turned back around and reached over, grabbing my hand.

After a day of driving, we were ready to kill each other. Mike had managed to piss off Tony, who had pissed off Jaime, who had picked on Kellin one too many times and I was just irritated from lack of sleep. I had never been happier to pull up to some random house in a town I had never been to before.

The house itself was really nice. It was a two story house in the middle of a decent neighborhood in the middle of San Diego's residential area. We got inside, none of us wanting to unpack, and headed straight upstairs. There were three bedrooms upstairs. The master was downstairs, but we had all agreed that that was going to be the new practice room so we wouldn't fight over it.

Jaime went straight to his new room, Tony and Mike went to theirs, and I literally dragged Kellin into ours. Once inside, I pushed him down onto our new bed. His mom was nice enough to give us all new mattresses and this one was really comfortable. I crawled next to him, pulling him against me.

"I can't wait until we soundproof this room." He whispered seductively into my ear.

"Mmm, and why is that?"

"So I can hear you screaming my name." He rolled over and pinned me to the bed, leaning down and kissing my neck. I groaned lightly and rolled my hips up against his.

"I won't be the only one screaming." I reached down and ran my hand over the growing bulge in his pants. He gasped into my ear and I was even more turned on by him.

"Let's consummate our new home, yeah?" He rolled against me again, kissing along my neck.

"And here I thought you were tired." I chuckled before pulling his shirt over his head.

"Mmm, not tired enough to wait for you to be inside me." His dirty talk was getting to me. I groaned and flipped him over, kissing down his chest.

"Alright, but we have to be at least considerate. I don't want one of the guys barging in on us." I undid his pants and pulled them from his body, moving to kiss the insides of his thighs. He was already tenting inside of his boxer briefs, begging to be released from his confines. I kissed him through the cloth and he groaned, bucking his hips against me. He reached up to cover his mouth as I pulled him free and slipped my lips around him.

I bobbed my head a few times before pulling off and ridding myself of my remaining clothes. It had been a while since the last time we had been alone and this was long overdue. I moved my hand to his mouth and he sucked my fingers inside, coating them with saliva.

"This might be a little uncomfortable without lube, babe." I told him as I slipped a finger into him. He tensed a little before taking a deep breath.

"Just hurry, I need you inside of me." He reached down and pulled me back up to kiss me. I slipped in another two fingers and worked them around, stretching him as best I could. He moaned into my mouth and I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled my fingers from him and lined myself up, pushing in slowly. He bit my lip, almost drawing blood, and his breath hitched in his throat. I gave him some time to adjust before moving.

It took him a few moments, but he was soon moving to meet my thrusts. He kept kissing me to keep himself from crying out, and the need to breathe only made the feelings that much stronger. I felt him reach down and start stroking himself, signaling that he was close. It wasn't long before his back arched up from the bed and he moaned my name deeply. A few more thrusts and I was groaning his name and spilling inside of him. I collapsed against him and tried to catch my breath. He moved to kiss my neck and I moved to his side and pulled him back against me.

"I love you Vic." He mumbled sleepily.

"Love you too, Kellin." I kissed his temple and pulled the covers over us.

Like I said in the beginning, you don't always expect the people you meet to become important parts of your life. Meeting Kellin completely changed my life and I wouldn't change that for anything in the world. I couldn't imagine living on this planet without him, and I couldn't see myself any happier than I am right now. Well, at least not yet. Speaking of Kellin, here he comes now.

"Are you ready babe?" He questioned as he wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug.

"I've never been more ready for anything in my entire life." I leaned over and kissed him softly before pulling away and grinning at him.

"I'll be watching you the entire time." He released his hold on me and smacked my ass as I ran over to the guys. I turned around and he winked at me. The guys and I did our pre-show chant before running out onto the stage.

Fans had filled the venue tonight and were chanting choruses of our name. I was suddenly overcome with so many emotions that any fear I had was gone instantly. I glanced behind me, looking at Jaime, Mike and Tony, asking if they were ready. They each nodded and I turned back around, grabbing the mic from the stand. I took a deep breath before speaking.

"We're Pierce The Veil and this song is called Chemical Kids and Mechanical Brides and it goes out to someone really special to me." The fans screamed as we began the song. I sneaked a glance in Kellin's direction. He was watching us intently, a wide grin on his face. I caught his eye and as he smiled at me, I thought to myself, there's nowhere else I'd rather be.

To Be Continued…

A/N: Alright guys, that's the end. I'm kind of sad that this one is over… but as promised, there will be a sequel. It will be called Still Holding On and I should have the first chapter posted within a week or so. It's midterms so I won't be posting until they're over.

Comment me with things that you might want to see in the sequel.

Oh, and be prepared. I have a few surprises for you guys =) Love you!