Bella's POV

Two weeks.
It's been two weeks since I last cut myself.
And it's killing me.
I'd been trying to hide it from Edward and it hasn't been that hard since the only thing has been focused on was keeping me from cutting. And as long as I wasn't then everything else just slipped by him.
Not to say that Edward hadn't been rewarding me as he promised. His kisses almost made giving up worth it.
So here I was. Sitting in Carlisle's study at 10:30am, waiting for him and Edward.
"Good morning, Bella," Carlisle said as he walked in.
I looked up from the loose, flannel material of the hospital gown I was made to wear.
"Are you ready for your check-up?" he asked, standing before me.
I nodded, getting up to strip out of the gown.
This had been going on for a while.
Due to Edward's insistence and, for lack of a better word, paranoia, Carlisle had started giving me daily body checks.
It was to make sure that I hadn't harmed myself anywhere on my body. Edward also insisted on being present during the check-up to make sure that Carlisle wasn't helping me by covering for me if I had indeed self harmed.
Even when Carlisle reassured him that he would never do that for the sake of my safety, Edward wasn't about to take chances.
Just as I slipped out of my gown and was standing in my bra and underwear, Edward walked in.
He wasn't bothered about my lack of clothing anymore, although when it was time to check…elsewhere he politely averted his eyes.
"Alright, Bella," Carlisle started, "I just need you to stand still and this will be over soon. You know the drill."
I nodded again, my eyes glued on Edward. His face held a pained expression, as it always did during check-ups. He didn't like the idea of having my body searched anymore than I did, but he felt that it needed to be done.
And I trust him and Carlisle to keep me safe.
The first thing Carlisle did was inspect each of my arms and legs carefully. Then he move onto my stomach and back, then my neck and ankles.
Then it was time for the most uncomfortable part.
"Bella, I'm going to need you to remove your underwear for me," Carlisle said softly.
He knew how violated I felt when I was searched.
I whimpered, looking at Edward with a pleading look.
"You know what, Carlisle," Edward said, "I think Bella's been searched enough for today."
Carlisle opened his mouth to argue, but upon looking at the hopeful look in my eyes, he gave in and just nodded, steeping away from me.
I mouthed a silent thank you to Edward and walked across the room to retrieve my clothes.
"We'll be outside," Carlisle said looking away from me. Out of respect I hoped. "Don't be too long."
I nodded, even though I knew he didn't notice.
After about 10 minutes I was fully clothed in my black jeans, black long-sleeved shirt and black converse. Edward was confused about my sudden love of black. So was I.
But I dress according to my mood. Without cutting, my mood isn't as cheery as I would like.
When I got downstairs I saw Edward waiting for me.
"Bella," he started as I walked into his arms, "would you like to come shopping with me?"
I giggled. "Isn't that Alice's line?"
He smiled into my hair. "Well, yes, but I promised Alice I would pick up some supplies for her Chemistry project. And I'm not doing anything now."
He held me an arms length away and cocked his head. I smiled.
"Okay, sure. It would be nice to get out of the house."
Ever since I began to be 'babysat' I never found the chance to get out of four walls.
The drive to Walmart was short, mainly because of Edward's driving, and we got there in no time.
For hours we roamed around the mall with Edward picking things off shelves and shoving them harshly into the trolley.
It didn't take long to figure out that Edward really didn't enjoy shopping.
Then we walked into the chart paper aisle and Edward couldn't decide what to get.
For a few minutes he contemplated getting both, then he decided to phone Alice to find out what she would prefer.
"…but the Butterfly chart paper is less expensive…"
"…well, yes, Edward, it is cheaper but you pay for quality…"
I listened patiently to their conversation. Edward seemed to be getting more and more frustrated by the second and I just had to smile at the expression on his face.
After a few minutes though, I did get a bit fidgety so I began to look around.
I turned around expecting to find more poster and chart paper, but the entire wall behind me was covered with school supplies.
And that wasn't the bad part.
All I saw were scissors, compasses and craft knives.
My palms started to sweat and my breathing picked up.
It had been so long since I had even been this close to anything remotely sharp. I felt a stabbing pain in the pit of my stomach that could only be interpreted as need.
The need for something sharp.
The need to feel the familiar pain of a blade slicing my skin.
The releasing sensation of blood flowing from an open wound.
I looked back at Edward, who seemed too engrossed in his chart paper debate with Alice to even notice me.
Acting on pure instinct alone, I quickly snatched the nearest craft knife off the shelf and stuffed it into my sleeve so that it was barely noticeable.
I turned back to Edward, who was still on the phone and was now holding up a pack of bright yellow card paper.
I might actually be able to get away with this.
Suddenly, Edward dropped the paper to the floor.
"She WHAT?!" he yelled into the phone. He turned back to look at me and I tried to keep my face blank.
"Okay…yes I will…thank you Alice."
Once he'd hung up, he moved towards me and grabbed my arm.
I tried to resist. Bad idea.
When I pulled my arm away from him the blade from the knife cut me. Not too deep, just deep enough to draw a little blood. And I couldn't deny the instant relief I felt with the pain.
Edward took that opportunity to pull down my sleeve and snatch the craft knife out of my reach.
He walked to the other side of the aisle and stood silently, holding the bridge of his nose tightly.
I stared at the floor, waiting for him to speak.
"Stealing, Bella?" he said finally. "Is your habit that bad that you're willing to resort to stealing?"
I could hear the disappointment and anger in his voice and I was afraid to look at his face.
"I'm sorry," I whispered after a long moment of silence.
A few more minutes passed, then he wordlessly took me by the wrist and pulled me out of the store and into his car, leaving all his shopping behind, completely forgotten.
"Now what?" I asked him when we were on the road.
"We're going to the hospital," he answered curtly. "To Carlisle. To find out what's the next best option for us."
I groaned, causing him to glare at me.
"Bella, if you had the slightest clue how much you mean to me you would understand why I cannot allow you to do this to yourself."
I sighed, but other than that, displayed no emotion.
When we got to the hospital, Edward walked straight towards Carlisle's office, not bothering to reply to the secretary's questions about his visit.
As soon as we were in front of the door, Edward didn't even bother to knock before bursting in.
"Carlisle, we need to talk."
Then I noticed who was sitting in the chair in front of Carlisle's desk.