For any of you who are still following this story,

I have decided that I am not going to continue this story anymore,it was a very difficult decision since it was one of my very first stories that were both a hit and I was serious about writing it..

I remember sitting in front of my macbook with my eyebrows tangled,sketching on my notebook during class about this story..

Sadly,I have no more ideas on how to continue this story…At least on how to write it.
If you are new viewers and you've never seen this story before,then I can tell you it was one of the works I am most ashamed of.I,myself believe that my writing has improved a lot more and as my little library of knowledge expands,I can no longer follow the writing style I did for this story,thus I was always stuck in between deleting this story or continuing it and try to follow my old writing style.

I apologize deeply for any of you who still had hopes in this story.

If you really wanted to know,I was planning to reveal that Sting was controlled by Rogue and thus he followed the order to kidnap Lucy and he took the ring of time away from Lucy. Rogue had lied to Sting about how they would use the ring together,Sting had wanted to use the ring to rewind time back to when Lucy and he were childhood friends,back to the time when he could've confessed to Lucy his true feelings,how he had loved her all along.

Rogue wanted to use the ring to rewind time and since he knows the future,he would take over the Heartfillia family and he would rule over the heavens. He wanted to change the corrupted world of the humans,one way or another.

Then ofcourse,Gray would come and save Lucy(I don't know how or when),Rogue would realize that Humans were not so corrupted after all,he would feel sorry about what he did and commit suicide.

Sting would apologize,confess,but Lucy would reject his feelings and return to the human world,where she would learn more about humans bit by bit before she returns to the heaven to succeed the ancient job of the Heartfillia family.

Most probably falling in love with Gray along the way.

Again,I apologize.