"He's been staring at you all night!" Rachel Berry insisted to her best friend, Kurt Hummel.

"Rachel, stop! He's probably staring at how horrible my hair looks windblown." Kurt told her, but he couldn't help and take another glance at the waiter across the restaurant. He was cute.

"Kurt your hair looks fine. He's totally checking you out!" Just as Rachel said that, the waiter came over to their table.

"Is everything to your liking?" He asked, ending his question with a confident smile aimed at Kurt.

"Oh yes, everything is wonderful!" Kurt responded without hesitating, although his cheeks were flushed pink.

"What did you say your name was?" Rachel asked, much to Kurt's horror.

The waiter didn't seem bothered though, and said "Sebastian," with another smile.

"Thank you so much Sebastian. Although I hate to bother you and ask where the ladies' room is."

"Right down that hall and to the left," Sebastian gestured.

Rachel smiled and nodded, getting up and leaving Kurt alone with Sebastian. Kurt didn't know if he should hate her or love her for it.

"So, you live here or just visiting?" Sebastian asked, arms leaning on the table so he was face to face with Kurt. He's even more gorgeous up close.

"We live here, Rachel and I. Just moved here not too long ago from Lima, Ohio. My name is Kurt, by the way." Kurt smiled, staring into Sebastian's gorgeous eyes. They were the color of the ocean; blue with a hint of green .

"She your girlfriend?" He asked, a devious glint in his eyes.

"Oh no, no no no!" Kurt exclaimed, "She's my best friend and she's got a boyfriend."

"And he's not upset she's living with such an attractive guy?" Sebastian said, noting how Kurt blushed at the compliment.

"I-I'm gay." Kurt managed, still thinking about what Sebastian had just said.

"Well that makes the two of us," Sebastian said with a wink. "I'd love to take you out sometime, Kurt." With that, he slipped him a folded up note, winked, and walked away.

Kurt opened the note and found Sebastian's cell phone number scrawled across it with a winking face next to it. Rachel returned at that moment and grinned that signature 'Rachel Berry' smile.

She sat down and giggled, "I told you!"

"Shut up!" Kurt blushed, "He might hear you!"

"You already have his number, it doesn't matter! Text him now!" She was practically bursting out of her skin.

"Alright, alright!" Kurt pulled out his phone, typed in the number, and sent Hi, it's Kurt.

The reply was almost instant. Hey gorgeous, I see you :)

Kurt looked up and locked eyes with Sebastian across the restaurant. The other boy winked and gave a crooked smile before returning to waiting tables.

"You're blushing!" Rachel practically yelled, "What did he say?"

"Nothing! He didn't say anything," he didn't want to jump the gun with Sebastian. He'd go out with him and see where things led.

"Well if you're not going to tell me, I guess we'd better leave. I've got class early and you've got work."

He reluctantly agreed and followed Rachel out the door of the small restaurant. He paused just before leaving to try to get one last look at Sebastian. The young waiter apparently had the same idea and they locked eyes once more. Sebastian motioned for Kurt to text him before disappearing into the array of tables in the restaurant. Kurt sped after Rachel, pulling out his phone simultaneously and sending another text to Sebastian. He had a feeling things were heading in the right direction with him.