Disclaimer: I do not own either works, they belong to their respective creators, publishers, and companies. My only profit from writing this is experience in writing and editing.

Full Summary: The Elemental Lands stayed out of the rest of the world's problems, but they still kept tabs lest those problems end up affecting their hidden world. At age 18 Kakashi was sent on a mission to analyze a potential threat in Magical London. Twelve years have passed since he returned the Elemental Lands and with the War over he has time to think about his stay in "London, England." It is finally time for him to gain some closure.

Warnings for Chapter: swearing, strongly implied adult themes, fluffiness, OC, mental instability, parks, and train stations

A/N: Yep, finally updated. Sorry for the wait, I just had such a hard time writing this. I knew what I wanted to do, but the dialogue escaped me and it was hard shifting from the present to the past in this chapter. I'm satisfied with what I've written, though I wish I was better at writing children's dialogue, I hope it isn't too...strange. Anyways, thank you to everyone that has reviewed, put this fanfic on alert, or even put this on your favorites ~ With love, Depressedchildren

Key: words = present words= memories

Chapitre dix: Au Revoir

People blurred past him, they came in waves like a sea made of commuters and voyagers. Occasionally, someone's luggage trolley would clip him in the leg, and the owner of the trolley would apologize profusely, but Kakashi couldn't feel it, not really. He'd get pitying looks when he didn't respond.

To these people he looked like a lost old man in a train station, none could see under his henge. But Harry would see under it when he came…his son would see the shimmer.

Most of the time people didn't give him a second look, but that kid would…his son would. To everyone else he was just a haggard bent over old man, likely lost in difficult memories. Or perhaps they thought he was overwhelmed by the bustling crowds and loud noises? Though Kakashi supposed he was all those things. He felt as ancient as his henge appeared, he felt overwhelmed with everything around him, and he was lost in difficult memories.

He was waiting for when that pinprick of chakra would appear in the vicinity. He hadn't felt it last night; he had no reason to search for chakra because there shouldn't have been any. But now he knew better. Harry had chakra because he was Kakashi's son. Special Jounin and former ANBU captain, Hatake Kakashi, the absentee father of a wizard-child.

He had a son. Lily was dead. He had a son, but Lily was dead. Lily was dead and had had Kakashi's child. He had a child…he had a child… Variations of this thought repeated over and over in his mind. It was almost easier to passively observe than give into his thoughts.

He saw families pushing trollies past him, cages of owls and trunks with the Hogwarts insignia signified they were heading to the Hogwarts Express. They didn't pay an old man much mind, perhaps a quick glance but nothing else. These kids were going to be his son's classmates. He watched one family of three, clearly muggle, looking for platform nine and three-quarters. He remembered Severus talking with relish about going to Hogwarts for the first time…

The brick divider hid the most magical sight, according to Severus. It was like entering a new world, a world where bruises stung less and Severus's best friend Lily held onto his hand in a mixture of nervousness and fear. Then the sleek, red Hogwarts Express was an object that would whisk Severus away from the abuse of his father and his mother's constant fear. Severus was much more eloquent in his description; the wizard gave the platform so much detail. It sounded so lovely when the wizard had talked about it… Kakashi had half a mind to go through that divider if it wouldn't be suspicious.

Boarding the Hogwarts Express probably wouldn't be near as wonderful to Harry as it was to Severus because Harry wasn't abused; no, Kakashi's son was loved by the Dursleys. That made Kakashi happy – at least he thought it did? He wasn't sure because he still felt numb. He couldn't quite remember what happened after he used the shunshin technique to get away from the child...his child. He might have slept in a tree, or alley, or maybe a playground? He couldn't remember, but he found a twig and some leaves in his hair, though that could have been from when he was spying on the Dursleys from their tree.

The world still spun around him, like it had last night. It tilted at random moments too, so that he felt a sensation akin to vertigo. Perhaps it was because he hadn't eaten in over twenty-four hours, or perhaps he was still in shock… Kakashi didn't feel hungry, he felt numb and lost. Tsunade wouldn't be very happy with him, he was worse off mentally than when he came here. Hell, he hadn't been quite so out of when he went on that rampage during the Fourth Shinobi War. He wondered why he was so much worse now…? Sure, he wasn't killing anyone, or rather any reanimated corpses and man-eating humanoid plants, but… the world tilted again, he staggered this time.

That family of three started, the bushy haired girl looked up at Kakashi concerned. Her slightly large front teeth bit into her bottom lip. "Umm…sir?" her father asked.

"Do you need us to call someone for you?" the mother asked, reaching out for him.

"I'm sorry, I had a flashback from the war," he gave a tired smile, surprised his voice sounded so stable when he felt so unstable. The woman's hand was still reaching out toward him. He had best say something before she discovered the old man before her wasn't real.

"You'll find platform nine and three-quarters just over there," Kakashi pointed to the brick divider with what appeared to be a gnarled, liver-spotted hand. The family looked at him shocked, but he gave them a knowing smile and began to shuffle toward a bench. Old men were a good disguise to wear if one wanted to stand inconspicuously in the middle of a crowd. People assumed old, decrepit men, like his henge, were just lost. The family of three gave him one last worried look but headed toward the brick divider.

That bushy haired girl would likely be Harry's classmate, he wondered if they'd be friends. Did his son have friends already? Muggle friends? What were they like, he wondered. Kakashi hadn't had friends when he was a child, he hoped Harry had friends.

Kakashi's head was spinning again.

How could he have a child? They had always used protection, but no…no he was remembering something, something he had tried to forget. It was coming back to him. It had been Halloween, the day before he was due to leave…

Severus looked down at his cup of tea; in fact, he was glaring at the pale, steaming liquid. Kakashi sighed and looked around the dismal place. Apparently this was where Severus grew up. It was dark and poorly taken care of, likely because Severus just moved back into it. The Jounin had offered to help the wizard with the move, but Severus had turned down his offer. However, if Kakashi thought about it, he wouldn't want anyone to help him clean, let alone move back in to, his childhood home. Kakashi hadn't stepped foot back in that building since his father committed Seppuku. It was a haunted place for him now.

Severus finally looked up from his tea. "Let's go for a walk," he stood up tiredly and motioned Kakashi to follow him. Kakashi sighed and picked up the abandoned letter from the table.

Hokage-sama sent Pakkun with a message telling him he was to leave immediately. His expertise was needed, and thus far Voldemort did not seem to be a threat to the Elemental Lands. Hokage-sama also sent a perfect forgery of a Japanese military summons, with a flight ticket. The forgery of a death notice for Takashi Hatake was already made up and would be sent sometime in November, perhaps even early December. The death notice would actually be sent through the postal system; whereas, his mission summons had no post markings under the pretense it was hand delivered by a fellow operative who would fill "Takashi" in on his mission. Special operations were special operations for a reason and couldn't have mission objectives or summons traveling by mail.

He followed the dour wizard out of the decrepit townhouse and quickly matched his stride. They both had their hands stuffed inside their respective coat pockets. The autumn chill in the air was refreshing but also too cold for Kakashi's tastes. He was almost happy to not have to go through another winter here, but then, when he left he was never to come back to London. That meant he would never get to see Lily again…

The silence between them was heavy yet not unbearable. Severus was in deep thought, perhaps even a little perturbed, and Kakashi had no intention to bother his friend for he too was thinking.

There was a term, an action, every ninja knew: killing one's heart. It was painful but inescapable in their careers. Eventually, every shinobi and kunoichi would be faced with a mission or obstacle that forced him or her to forsake something precious. Perhaps it was the order to slaughter all bystanders, be they innocent or not. Perhaps the order was to kill the family of an infamous nuke-nin, everyone down to the last child. Or it could be a choice on the battlefield between morals and saving lives.

Kakashi closed his eyes tiredly and sighed. He imagined the wizard turned to look at him, if the slight rustle of fabric was any indication. Severus was prone to wearing high-collared clothes, and turning his head would have made such a noise.

Leaving Lily would be a killing the heart action. He loved her, without out a doubt, both romantically and as a friend. He considered her his best friend, her and Severus both—as strange as that could seem. Lily and Severus were civilians and magical beings, he was a shinobi; yet without any hesitation he could call them his best friends. Lily Evans, Severus Snape… he would be leaving the only people he genuinely could trust with who he really was, the only people he felt no real shame in confiding to.

Lily didn't judge him, and Severus understood, though the Jounin was always sure to get a snide remark courtesy of the wizard. Lily comforted him and Severus provided sound advice with a snarky delivery. He could talk freely about topics he genuinely loved, such as books, with both of the magical beings. He felt at peace here, he felt comfortable and safe for possibly the first time in his life. Hell, he enjoyed living now, when before it was always the mission. After his team died there was no other point to life but completing his objectives. But here, in London with Lily and Severus, he could look forward to things.

He looked forward to their conversations and walks around the village. He looked forward to being greeted by an excitable Crow and a smiling Lily. He looked forward to the honest talks he and Severus would get into. Kakashi looked forward to sharing stories with the wizard and the days when they exuded KI toward small children. He looked forward to being reprimanded by Lily for scaring children, and he looked forward to when she'd force him to dance with her. There was so much worth living for here, but he couldn't stay here – he couldn't.

He would kill his heart, his emotions, his selfish want to stay with his first true and best friends; because Kakashi was a loyal Jounin, and ANBU operative. Because Naruto was in Konoha and Kakashi had a duty to Minato-sensei and Kushina-san that he had been failing for six years already. He had to leave because…because he would just be endangering Lily the longer he stayed here.

He had duties. Love, friendship…they had to be sacrificed for the good of his village. Even friendship among comrades must be forsaken if the comrade goes rogue. Of course…one could hope, one could always hope, for reformation of the rogue friend. Many said it was a fool's hope to reform a nuke-nin…he too was guilty of calling Jiraiya such for his futile attempts with Orochimaru. But he had never had a friend betray him, how would he know? Every dear friend he had had died…

Yet Kakashi would be the one betraying his friends, betraying Lily and Severus. They would be the ones told he died, and they would believe it. But…perhaps that won't be a lie for long. ANBU was a dangerous profession, and his "expertise" was needed, that meant deadly situations. Knowing how accident prone, or rather chakra exhaustion prone, Kakashi was…death really could not be that far off for him.

Kakashi was pulled from his thoughts by Severus scoffing. Kakashi blinked a few times and realized a pole of a swing set was right in front of him, and he had already started to reflexively walk up it through wall-walking. The wizard was looking at him, his beady eyes practically shimmering with amusement.

"In auto-pilot?" the wizard stated more than asked. Severus had an eyebrow raised in a mockery of a question as he leaned himself against the opposite set of swing set poles. Kakashi chuckled weakly but his expression fell quickly. They were both men trained to be stoic; there was no reason to force emotions or reactions that were not real, at least not real anymore.

"Yes," Kakashi got back to the ground, not that he had gone more than two steps up the pole, and leaned against swing set. There was no one out, the chill wind and overcast clouds, threatening to spill icy rain, warded away most children. They were alone and thus free to talk.

Severus had his arms folded over his chest; his expression was neutral yet had a hard edge to it. Kakashi mimicked him. A mixture of amusement and irritation flashed in Severus's eyes, but otherwise he had no reaction.

"I was ready to hex you when you handed me the letter," he stated calmly, he turned his head to inspect a car driving past the playground.

"It would have been understand—"

"I'm not done, Hatake," Severus cut in, his voice cold and hard. The wizard was annoyed, angry, perhaps even hurt, though Kakashi wasn't sure. The wizard had gotten very good at hiding emotions, especially the emotions that revealed weaknesses. One never wanted their opponent to think they were angry or hurt because of them; especially when one was in their enemies fold such as Severus was with the Death Eaters.

Severus continued on, "I still think I should hex you, hex you out of commission," Kakashi tensed out of reflex, even though he knew the wizard would not do what he was saying. "This is going to hurt her," the wizard continued, his hands clenched a little tighter to his crossed arms, and his jaw tightened. Kakashi couldn't look the other man in the eye. Kakashi knew this too, he knew it the moment he found himself kissing Lily for the first time.

"You damn bastard…" Severus growled under his breath. "She fell in love with you, and you're going to leave her and make her think you're dead." Kakashi could not stop himself from flinching. "And I bet you knew this from the moment you started dating, right?" it wasn't a question, just a disgusted yet resigned statement.


"I really should hex you."

"I know…" Kakashi sighed and slide his back down the pole to sit down in the grass. "The only solace I have is that I'll likely die soon anyways."

Severus looked down at him sharply, but did not ask the question he clearly wanted answered. Kakashi had his arms resting on his knees as he brought his hands together and looked down at the grass. "I'm a ninja, an assassin," Kakashi sighed, "I highly doubt I'll live to thirty. Who knows, perhaps I really will die on this mission, or perhaps the one after that, or the one after that. Gods knowhow frequently I end up in the hospital near death," Kakashi gave the other man a wry smile.

Severus glared at him for a few moments longer before sucking up his dignity and sitting down at the swing. He curled his spidery hands around the metal chains and glared at the grass. "Tell me why again you can't just let her in on your secret?"

"I would be ordered to kill her or another operative would do it if I couldn't," Severus gave Kakashi a pointed look so the Jounin went on to answer what he knew the wizard was wondering. "The only other way to get around that would be putting a seal on her like you but then she will never be able to visit me or get news about me. Would you want her to go through that, wondering each day if I died while on a mission?"

Severus narrowed his gaze at Kakashi further. Kakashi sighed and shook his head, "Then, if by some miracle I could convince Hokage-sama to let her come to the Elemental Lands, she would never be allowed to leave. She would know too much about our village to be let out of it and back into the larger world. I would never want to take her from you or her family. Lily would likely come to resent me for taking her away from everyone she loves.

"There's also the possibility that I could die on the very next mission I take and then she will be stuck in the Elemental Lands for the rest of her life with no one she knows. She wouldn't be able to contact any of you, and again, she would never be allowed to leave. There's also the possibility another Ninja World War will break out. She'd likely die in attacks on the village.

"Actually," Kakashi paused, a bitter smile distorting his features, "It wouldn't even have to be a war or attack on the village. Lily could be murdered by my enemies because very little about personal matters remains a secret in a ninja village, and our relationship would be found out one way or another. She would be killed just so my enemies could hurt me, and they could do it when I was out on a mission. And none of you would know."

Severus shut his eyes heavily, he was grimacing. Kakashi tilted his head back and looked up at the gray sky.

"And if I ignored my summons…"Kakashi's throat was tight and his stomach was twisting. Such treasonous, horrid language, but Severus would be wondering this as well. The wizard looked at everything, every angle. "I would be hunted down as a traitor, I would be killed, likely in the middle of the night and she would learn the truth and be killed as well. If it isn't my countrymen who hunt me, it will, again, be my enemies. Would you rather Lily go through the horror of seeing me die, or just hearing that I die? If you want to call me an egotist, think of someone killing Lily brutally in front of you and imagine making Lily feel the same grief."

Kakashi took a deep breath, done at last. Severus had his head tilted back now, his expression was stony. "You might have to remind me that a few more times before you leave," Severus commented, likely it was half meant as a joke. The wizard sighed and tipped his head forward, "Why couldn't you have not dated her?"

"I've been asking myself that question every five seconds," that was a slight exaggeration, but he did wonder over and over why. Why?

"Why?" Severus asked, echoing his thoughts. Kakashi gave another bitter smile and immediately responded with what he told himself over and over.

"I'm a selfish bastard who wanted to experience genuine love before I die."

"Damn it, Scarecrow," the wizard's voice was soft, resigned, and reminded Kakashi of a Nara.

"I still won't hold it against you if you hex me."

Severus scoffed and eyed Kakashi with wry amusement, "I'm still half-tempted to." They both chuckled weakly, perhaps at the morbidity of the situation.

They quieted quickly and sat there for a few moments. The wind picked up a little. Kakashi sighed and stood up slowly. He brushed away any grass, "I'm already late, I should head back and give the bad news." Severus hummed as he stood. In a way, it reminded him of Uchiha Itachi who hummed in response to almost everything. He wondered if the boy had made ANBU yet, he was on a fast track toward it since becoming a Chuunin.

"Mr. Snape…" the wizard looked over at him, "I know Lily can take care of herself, and protect herself…" Kakashi shut his eyes tightly against the sting building up and tilted his head backwards, "But would you…would you be there for her. Would you help her when the death notice comes?"

Kakashi swallowed thickly as he heard footsteps approach him. "It's Lily, did you have to ask?" Kakashi smiled slightly and tilted his head forward again before opening his eyes.

"Just checking."

Severus returned his smile and they stood there, almost awkwardly. If Severus were really a rival like Gai, they'd be hugging, but no, Severus was too much like Kakashi for that. Instead, they ended up grabbing each other's right arm just below the elbow.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," Kakashi stated softly as he pulled back and quickly used the shunshin technique to get nearer to his and Lily's flat.

He moved quickly past the lobby, barely remembering to acknowledge the building manager who waved. He moved up the stairs just as swiftly, his anxiety and dread making him move quickly for any normal human, but he restrained himself from moving as fast as a ninja would.

Crow was barking at the door by the time he fitted the key in, likely she could smell him, and perhaps she could even smell his anxiety. Lily was half way across the living room by the time he came in. She looked relieved but when he didn't smile she became worried.


Kakashi grimaced. He had slipped off his shoes and coat by the door, and was now petting the calm puppy Crow. Lily crouched down next to him and tilted his chin so he'd look at her.

"'Kashi, what's wrong, why were you late?" Kakashi sighed and tilted his head forward to touch foreheads with Lily. She was frowning, worry pinching her brow.

"I'm late because I was visiting Mr. Snape."

"I-Is something wrong?" Kakashi stood up slowly with a grim smile on his face.

"Mah, Lily, nothing's wrong with Severus," Kakashi stated calmly as he moved toward the kitchen where dinner was likely cooling down. He could smell it from the hallway; it was steamed vegetables, rice, and fish.

As Kakashi was washing his hands, he looked over his shoulder and gave Lily a genuine smile, "He wanted me to tell you he received his Masters and would be applying for a position at your Alma Mater."

"Really? That's great," her enthusiasm was distracted, she was not buying his diversion tactics. They sat down, the atmosphere slightly strained.

Kakashi looked at the spread and then at the two glasses in front of him. He tilted his head to the side as he examined the orange, almost thick, liquid in one of the glasses. It didn't smell like orange juice, in fact…it smelled like squash. Lily caught his gaze and she smiled slightly, still obviously concerned.

"That's pumpkin juice," Kakashi raised both eyebrows and picked up the glass to take a tentative sip while Lily continued speaking, "I had some left over from the Halloween party."

Kakashi hummed and set his glass back down. The pumpkin juice was different but not bad. It was likely a wizarding world beverage that she wanted to share with her class for Halloween. It was harmless, no one would think anything of it.

"How did the party go?" he asked after murmuring itadakimasu. Lily pursed her lips, not happy with him. He sighed again, "I promise to talk about it later, just…" he gave a weak smile and she relented, still not pleased. "I promise," Kakashi repeated firmly.

Lily sighed but gave him a small smile and jumped into what her class did that day. "So you know I set up a fake cauldron in my classroom and put some dry ice in it?" Kakashi nodded as he chewed on some fish. "The kids loved it and loved the witch's robe I dressed up in. I then explained witches were my favorite magical beings and asked them what their favorites were.

"For their English lesson I had them write a happy story from that beings perspective, and then read a few stories as well…" Lily hummed, "Math was fractions, so they had to figure out the fractions for the "potions" they were assigned." Lily paused again and smiled more brightly, "I think they enjoyed it."

"I wouldn't doubt that," Kakashi replied chuckling. He could almost forget this would be the last meal he would have with her. "Did anything exceptionally hilarious happen today?"

Lily mock glared at him before jumping into a tale that involved Rose and David, who were constantly at each other's throats, and some glue. David learned a valuable lesson, females of any age could be terrifying. So that was a headache that Lily could have dealt without, but she still found it funny. She suspected the two of them would end up dating during their time in secondary school. She also related "the most adorable story" one of her students wrote about a troll who made best friends with a nymph. According to Lily, the student who wrote this piece could become a novelist with time.

She loved teaching ten-year-olds, though it had been a difficult start to the year with Harold's heart attack. Oh…Kakashi grimaced to himself. Harold was still not doing too good. They visited him on the weekends; he was pale but his condition hadn't worsened. Gods, Lily was afraid of losing her father and very soon she would lose Kakashi.

Kakashi held it together until they finished eating, and he began to clear the dishes away. Lily was about to help, but he gestured for her to sit down. He set the dishes in the sink before he reached into his pocket to retrieve the opened envelope. Lily looked confused before her confusion turned to concern.

"What is it 'Kashi? You're acting like it's a death sentence," Kakashi was not able to keep from flinching. She gasped and snatched it out of his hand, already examining the envelope, "There's no return address?"

Kakashi turned to the sink and began washing the dishes. His voice was measured, and controlled, "I stopped by during my lunch break to walk Crow when the building manager told me "an oriental man wearing a suit" delivered a letter in person to her for me."

Lily was staring blankly at the envelope before she shakily took out the letter. The flight ticket fell onto her lap and she looked down in surprise. Her eyes widened and her breath caught in her throat.

"This….this ticket is for tomorrow…?"

Kakashi nodded slowly as he scrubbed at their plates.

"You're leaving tomorrow, for how long?" she was now trying to read the letter but she made a noise of frustration at the back of her throat. "What the hell does this even say!?" She stood up slamming the letter on the table as she began to pace. Her breath was coming quickly, and she was beginning to panic. It was understandable, what with the stress of her father's condition, and then receiving this news….

Kakashi forced his guilt down as he began on the pots and pans Lily used to cook their dinner. "It says that my skills are required. An agent will inform me of further details at the airport. I am to leave tomorrow for the Okinawa Region. The duration of my mission is undetermined, but risk is fairly low."

Sily's pacing slowed slightly and she was breathing slower. She looked back at the letter. Likely she'll do a translation spell later, like Severus had when Kakashi handed him the letter.

"I'm guessing it will be an undercover operation. Likely I'll have to infiltrate a Yakuza group," Lily was much more relaxed. She was blissfully ignorant to the fact that yakuza was considered the most vicious kind of crime syndicate. She likely feared the American gangsters, or perhaps the Russian mafia, more than the Japanese syndicates. Granted no one was as bad as a nuke-nin organization. He hated infiltrating those.

"Oh…" she was still panicking, but not near as bad as before. "So just like that, you have to leave?" she wasn't angry, not by any means, but she was certainly disheartened. Her voice was small and she focused her gaze on the ground. Lily wasn't supposed to look like that, she was supposed to be confident and smiling – usually mischievously.

Kakashi sighed as he finished drying off his hands. The dishes were done, Lily likely already took Crow on a walk. She'd have to be taken out again at some point…

"Lily, I told Vernon early on that I was still on active duty. My government can call on me whenever they need me," he walked closer to her and reached out for her. He cupped her cheek and she leaned against his hand with her eyes closed. "Granted, I didn't think or hope it would be so soon."

"Why can't someone else go?"

"They need my skills Lily," he dipped his head forward and set his forehead against hers, "For the first time in my life, I don't want to go on a mission. For once, I am the one who has to leave the person I love behind…" he stopped breathing, he had said it, the very thing they both knew but he was too scared to say. Perhaps he said it because he'd be dead to her soon. Lily was smiling at him, tears gathered at the corner of her eyes.

"About damn time you said that," she gave a weak laugh and began to kiss him, like she'd never be able to again. Kakashi returned the fervor because he knew he'd never get another chance to.

Later, as Kakashi was disposing of the spent condom he paused and blinked a few times. He must have paused too long, for he felt Lily roll onto her side and press herself against his back. One arm draped itself around his middle as she peered over her shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"The condom broke…" Kakashi's voice was filled with disbelief and even a little panic. What if? What if? But what were the chances; it was the only time this had happened. "I could have sworn I put it on correctly…" he murmured. He felt Lily kiss his shoulder, she was frowning slightly, but she wasn't nearly as worried as he was.

"Should I be concerned?" She asked as Kakashi finally disposed of the ruined plastic and rolled back onto his back. She rested her head on his chest with her hands folded under her chin.

"Lily, I don't want you to get disowned, and what if…." He couldn't finish the sentence, what if he died. Lily glared at him slightly.

"First, the letter said low risk, second, don't be so pessimistic!" her expression relaxed and she kissed him on the lips before fully laying her head on his chest, one arm wrapped around his middle again. He wrapped his own arms around her. "Third, this is the only time this has happened, we've been safe every time before. Which makes me wonder if I should be checked?"

Kakashi blinked a few times before he caught on and began to shake his head, "I'm clean. I'm tested regularly and always use protection," Lily nodded satisfied and kissed Kakashi again.

"Good, I didn't think I needed to worry about but you sounded so panicked," Kakashi gave her a deadpan look. Lily getting pregnant was something to panic about. Firstly, no chakra is allowed to exist outside of the Elemental Lands unless on a mission. All children with chakra were exterminated lest their hidden world's secrets be revealed to the rest of the world and their Lands be exploited. Secondly, Harold was very clear about no bastards in the family, a ring on her finger or she was out of the family. Thirdly, Harold was in a weak condition, the shock and anger might kill him.

"So where was I, four?" Kakashi nodded dumbly, "Four, my cycle would have to be very off, and it hasn't been off since I was twelve." Okay, now he could understand why she wasn't panicking, though sperm did live for about three days after the ejaculation, so if she did ovulate in that time period, she could become pregnant. But again, Lily said her cycle would have to be very off.

"Lastly," she looked a little nervous now, almost self-conscious, "If I happen to be pregnant…" she licked her lips, and began to speak slowly, as if each word could trigger a bomb, "Depending on when you get back from your mission…" she blushed brightly and rolled onto her back away from him, "We could get married before anyone notices and say it was born early?"

Kakashi felt every muscle in his body tense. Marriage…he could see Minato-sensei and Kushina-san in their wedding attire looking at each other so happy. To be legally each other's…to have that same happiness… "If I were to marry anyone…" Kakashi found himself whispering, he wanted to stop the words but they were already spilling out of him, "It would be you…"

Lily turned to him, smiling so brightly, and kissed him once more. It was gentle, loving, and Kakashi returned it with all the same emotions behind it. Damn it! Why did he have to leave?

Lily smiled tiredly at him, kissed him on the nose, and turned onto her side. Kakashi moved with her and placed a hand on her stomach, her own hand laid over his. Perhaps she thought he was hoping they'd have a baby and that was why he had placed his hand there. In actuality, he was waiting to feel the spark of chakra light up inside of her. When, if, that did happen, he would send a pulse of chakra through her to kill it. No chakra could exist outside of the elemental lands, and if that meant aborting the only child he could ever want – a child that was his and Lily's – then so be it.

If only he could stay in London, even if for just a few days more. If he had a few more days, then he would know for certain whether Lily was pregnant or not, but since he was leaving in the morning… He would push away that fear. The likelihood of Lily becoming pregnant was slim, very slim, and that thought eased his mind.

There were only three options before him, and thanks to that damn prophecy on Harry's head, on his son's head, it would be preferable he went with the first option. It was the same option he was ready to act on that dreadful night he waited to feel the spark of chakra bloom inside of Lily. Harry hadn't come into being that night, but in the proceeding days he must have. Damn it!

There were only three options available to him, but already, Kakashi knew he wouldn't be able to kill Harry. Though, that was the most preferable option available. No chakra could exist outside of the Elemental Lands; it was the unspoken law everyone had agreed on since the Great Sage taught their ancestors about chakra.

No chakra could exist outside of the Elemental Lands.

It was like a mantra, a mantra he had repeated over and over that night almost twelve years ago, and even now – as he waited in the train station – those words repeated themselves. No chakra could exist outside of the Elemental Lands; it was too much of a security risk.

He felt it then, the lone flickering source of chakra entered the range of his senses. He tensed but forced himself to relax. Soon Harry would be walking in front of him, and he would see under the henge.

As Kakashi suspected, the Dursley family was a full hour early for boarding. Kakashi slipped farther away from main platform area. He watched as Petunia walked with Heather's hand in hers and Vernon's arm wrapped around her waist. Dudley and Harry were pushing Harry's trolley, and they were talking in excited tones. E HeHe

"Now where on Earth is that platform?" Vernon grumbled as he looked around, "Nine and three quarters, you said?" he addressed his nephew…Kakashi's son.

Harry nodded, and turned to address his uncle but paused. Likely he had caught the shimmer of Kakashi's disguise.

"What is it Harry?" Petunia asked in a concerned tone, but the boy just shook his head and gave his aunt a smile that crinkled up his eyes.

"Nothing, Aunt Petunia," Kakashi gave the boy a pointed look and began to move away, slowly.

"Petunia, are you sure you can't remember where this platform is," Vernon asked his wife, and she tensed, blushing. Kakashi paused in his walk. Though the boy was not following him, it was clear that Harry was still watching him. As Petunia stuttered out an excuse of not going onto the platform when Lily went to school, Kakashi made a beckoning motion before continuing to move. He was out of their sight now, but he could hear Harry blurt an excuse about needing to use the bathroom.

"Dudley, go with your cousin," Petunia suggested in a short tone.

"But I don't gotta," the boy whined at the same time Harry spoke up.

"I'm old enough to go by myself!"

"Vernon go with him—"

"As if I'd leave my wife and daughter alone here with just Dudley!" ever the suspicious one, Vernon believed his family would be kidnapped by slavers or something equally ridiculous, but plausible in such a busy place. Kakashi sighed and leaned himself against a platform divider as he waited with his arms over his chest.

"I can go by myself, I'll be quick, promise!" Harry persisted.

"Oh fine!" Petunia relented, "but no talking to strangers and we'll be around this area asking for directions."

Kakashi assumed the boy then raced off toward the general direction Kakashi had headed, so he pushed himself off of the divider and continued walking. He nodded to the boy who slowed down his run and followed him.

"You're the white haired guy from last night," it was a statement, not a question.

"Silver, but yes." His hair was silver, not gray or white, silver. Why was that so hard for people to understand? He was not some old man, well, his henge was an old man but he wasn't really one.

Harry looked slightly amused. He hummed and nodded his head slowly. The brat didn't believe him. Kakashi refrained from sighing as he ducked into a shadowed section of the train station. He began running through a sequence of hand signs that would make these chakra-less civilians glide their eyes over them as if they weren't really there. It also would bring up a privacy barrier to keep passersby from eavesdropping.

"You're my dad, aren't you?" Harry asked innocently as he looked up at Kakashi with Lily's eyes. He seemed certain but he wanted verification. The boy was also clearly intrigued by what Kakashi was doing. The only indication of the Jounin's shock at the sudden question was the slower pacing of his hand signs. Kakashi was glad he hadn't messed up the sequence in his shock, but then again, he was a kage level shinobi – shock should not throw him off.

With the secrecy barrier up around them, about four meters in diameter, Kakashi nodded slowly in affirmation. He couldn't say he was the boy's father aloud, at least not yet. The evidence was before him, the probability was there. He just couldn't say it aloud. He couldn't say Harry was his son.

"I thought so; you looked a lot like the picture…" Harry murmured, "and Uncle Severus wasn't too happy when I described how you left. I think Aunt Petunia thinks you're one of the bad wizards, but—" the boy stopped himself and took a deep breath and held it for a moment. He must have realized he was starting to ramble; Lily was often guilty of that. That or he realized he had talked about magic in front of a muggle.

Pushing aside those bittersweet memories of Lily, Kakashi did find himself intrigued. What picture was the boy referring to? Harry exhaled and gave a weak smile that could have been a grimace, "I'm guessing you didn't know about me, huh?"

Kakashi exhaled slowly and leaned against the wall. He dropped his henge and nodded again. "What picture are you talking about?"

"The one on the mantel," at Kakashi's blank look, the boy gave Kakashi a smile that crinkled up his eyes. Harry laughed sheepishly, "It's from Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's wedding. You and Mum were dancing," Harry fidgeted and looked down at the ground. "It's my favorite picture," his voice as soft, and a little sad. Perhaps because until recently, he believed both of his parents were…were dead. Oh Gods Lily…

He decided to focus on there being a picture of him…him and Lily dancing. Kakashi closed his eyes tiredly. He should go back to Privet Drive and destroy it. "I see…"

"Neh…" Harry was biting his bottom lip anxiously. "Is this what you really look like?" the boy's arm twitched at his side. Kakashi could guess the kid wanted to touch his gravity defying hair. The Jounin nodded. "I guess I know why my hair's always messy," the boy chuckled. The corner of Kakashi's mouth twitched upwards. If the kid grew his hair out a little more, it'd likely stick up like Kakashi's.

He crouched down to Harry's height, which made the kid smile slightly as he reached out his hand slowly, "Am I gonna go gray young too?" Kakashi felt a tick form under his eye as Harry touched the spikiest part of Kakashi's hair. He seemed fascinated that it just naturally stayed up that way without any hair products. Kakashi refrained from rolling his eyes, he couldn't remember how many times he had to tell Sakura he didn't do anything to his hair, but that was because she asked him almost constantly when she was a genin.

"Silver and my hair has always been this way. You're grandfather had silver hair, and his father before him, and his mother before him," Kakashi really should not be frustrated with the kid, many people who didn't know about his parentage assumed he was some old man or someone with premature graying hair.

Harry blinked a few times before frowning, "So why's my hair black?"

"My mother had black hair, just like you," Kakashi could still remember seeing the portrait of his parent's wedding day in his father's room. Kakashi wasn't sure how all the genetics worked out, but Harry likely got her hair, "Besides, your namesake had dark hair," or at least, Kakashi assumed Harry was named after Harold.

"Grandpa Harry had dark hair?" Kakashi nodded, "He died when I was really little and Aunt Petunia doesn't like us looking at the old pictures." Kakashi hummed and nodded again, that sounded like Petunia. She likely thought the kids would ruin the old family photos.

Harry pulled back and stared at Kakashi for a long moment. "If you're really my dad, what's gonna happen now?"

Kakashi exhaled slowly as he stood up and leaned back against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. He knew that question was coming; he just hoped it wouldn't come so soon. "You're not going to ask why I'm alive, why I didn't come back sooner?"

Harry gave a grimace/smile again. "Everyone told me you were some military person who took dangerous missions, and you died on one of them…" Kakashi nodded slowly, humming again. Harry continued on, shrugging, "Besides, Uncle Severus always talked about how loyal you were to your country. The way I see it," Harry scrunched up his face in thought, "You had things to do for your country and haven't been able to come sooner."

"That's true," Kakashi paused and ran a hand through his hair, "The past twelve years I've been trying to prevent a war, and was on near constant missions…Then the war did happen and I had to fight in it." He wondered if they sky had turned red out here, or if it was only in the Elemental Lands. Perhaps their barrier created an illusion over the rest of the world. Kakashi set his head back against the wall and put his hands in his pockets, "Even so…I was never supposed to come back here."

"Then why did you?" that was a valid question and Kakashi smiled softly.

"Because my knuckleheaded student noticed I wasn't over Lily–your mother" Kakashi amended "and wanted me to get some closure. I was just supposed to see that she was…happy." Kakashi inhaled sharply and looked away from Harry as he tried to force away the tightness in his throat.

"You really loved her." He turned to look at the kid who was smiling in a wistful manner, "Can you tell me what she was like?"

Kakashi couldn't help but frown, "You have a train to board, there wouldn't be time."

Understandably the kid looked dejected, "So why are you here then?" Harry looked a little annoyed now. Perhaps at being deprived stories about his mother…stories about his parents.

"What else were you told about me?"

Harry pursed his lips in clear annoyance, "That you were a mug- umm… well you were an orphan, and considered Japan your home," the boy began to smile a little, "and you and mum loved books."

Kakashi smiled softly too, "Yeah, we did."

He sighed and ran another hand through his hair as he pushed off the wall. "But I don't consider Japan my home and I'm not a normal muggle." Harry looked at him with wide eyes and Kakashi couldn't help but laugh a little , "Yes I know about muggles and wizards and witches. And no, Lily never told me because I already knew."


Kakashi smiled weakly before he circled around Harry, just so he could move. He felt too anxious to stay still. He moved slowly, in his perfected lazy ambling walk. "Like I said, kid, I'm not a normal muggle, or human for that matter… and neither are you." He looked at Harry then, and the boy was watching him with wide green eyes. His mouth was open, likely he was going to ask what Kakashi meant.

The Jounin chuckled, "I come from the Elemental Lands, which is North of Japan in the Pacific Ocean. We do speak Japanese there and have much of the same culture, which is why I said Japan was my home," Harry nodded slowly to show he was following. "You won't find the Elemental Lands on any map, similar to how most muggles wouldn't find magical communities on maps. You wouldn't be able to see our country even if you were right outside of it."

Kakashi finished his circling around Harry and so leaned once more against the wall, "Though we aren't magical beings, we're…we're different." Harry's brow was furrowed in confusion. "Here you have wizards and witches who have magic, yes?" the boy nodded, "Well in the Elemental Lands, everyone has something called chakra. Certain people have more of it than others, but we all have it, it's our life force and it's in our blood."

Harry looked utterly fascinated, "So…So I have this chakra?"

"Yes," Kakashi closed his eyes tiredly, "and no charka is supposed to exist outside of the Elemental Lands, it's the only way to ensure we remain out of the rest of the world's problems."

Kakashi waited for his words to sink in. At first Harry was confused, but then his eyes widened and he began to step backwards with a horrified expression. "Y-You wouldn't?"

"I should…the only other option would be to take you to the Elemental Lands," Harry seemed to relax a little but it was clear he wasn't sure what he should make of this second option.

"However…" Harry tensed again and took another step backwards, "with that prophecy about you, I can't do that if I want to keep my country safe."


"Yes, there's a prophecy involving you, otherwise I would have taken you with me last night," that was a lie, Kakashi had been a little too unbalanced to think straight the night before, even to make that decision.

The boy glared at the ground, a frown marring his face. He then looked up, "There's another option, isn't there? I know Uncle Severus said you'd do anything for your country; that you're loyal to the extreme, but…" he licked his lips and glared harder at Kakashi, "But you'd do anything for mum, and I'm just as much a part of her as I am of you!"

Kakashi's face remained blank for a full second before a small smile broke across his face. He crouched down, chuckling, "I wouldn't go so far as to say I'd do anything for Lily. For instance, I'd never betray my country for her, but…there is another option, you're right. " He could feel pride for Harry, his son, at looking beneath Kakashi's act. Harry took what he knew about his father and deduced there had to be another option, otherwise what he had been told wouldn't match up.

"I leave here, and report to my superior that I found Lily's…Lily's grave," Kakashi forced an eye-smile, the kid looked straight through it, he could tell.

Harry nodded slowly in understanding, "And you never mention me," Harry stated more than asked. Kakashi gave a grim smile and nodded. The boy began to frown and looked down at the ground. "Oh…"

Kakashi sighed and hesitantly set his hands on Harry's shoulders. The boy looked up abruptly, eyes wide. "If I told anyone about you¸ Harry, they would either want you dead or demand you live in the Elemental Lands, but you need your magical studies so you won't become a danger to those around you. This prophecy will also endanger my country."

"But what about when I complete this-this prophecy?" the boy practically spat the word out.

"If someday, when your prophecy is fulfilled," Kakashi paused and gave another eye-smile, "when that happens, you'll be welcomed to the Elemental Lands." Harry began to smile, but Kakashi quickly continued on with a blank expression, "However, if you choose to live in the Elemental Lands, you can never leave except on missions. You won't be able to communicate with anyone outside either, and no one can know what happened to you."

Harry swallowed thickly and began to frown. "I doubt you'll fulfill this prophecy any time soon, so you have time to decide," Harry looked up at Kakashi who continued on, "I know you have a good family here, and I can't guarantee that if you choose to live in the Elemental Lands. I live by myself, and I live a dangerous life. I'm a ninja," Harry looked caught between complete shock and laughing at what Kakashi had said.

"I am a ninja, the chakra I have makes me one, and with training you could be one too," Harry finally decided on shock and was staring at Kakashi with his mouth open. "I've killed people and there are many people who want to see my head in a storage scroll." Harry furrowed his brow at the last part and Kakashi chuckled, "I guess another way of saying that would be "on a platter," yes?"

Harry's eyes lit with recognition and he began to frown. "So…even if I did decide to go live with you after the prophecy…you could be dead and I won't know it?" Harry set his hands on Kakashi's arms and looked up at him sincerely concerned.

"I've already died once, kid, and I'll wait for you just like my father waited for me to die, 'kay? We'll go meet your mother together," impulsively, Kakashi bowed his head forward and set his forehead against Harry's forehead.

"You really died? How can you be here?" it sounded like the kid was about to cry.

"That's a long story, Harry, and you've got a train to catch."

Kakashi blinked when he felt Harry warp his arms around his neck. "I thought both of you were dead, and even if you are alive I don't get to be with you," the kid was starting to cry. Kakashi grimaced but awkwardly wrapped his arms around Harry, his son. "It's not the same hearing stories from Uncle Severus or Uncle Vernon. I want to know for real that you loved mum and-and," Kakashi closed his eyes tightly, they were beginning to sting but he tried to push it back. He slowly rubbed Harry's back, "Why do you have to leave again? I won't even know if you die."

Kakashi looked up at the ceiling in the train station and licked his lips. It would be a risk but…but he didn't want to lose Harry either. This was all he had of Lily, and Kakashi knew what it was like being without a father. If he left now and never interacted with Harry again…it would be just like what Kakashi's father did to him…choosing to abandon him. He knew the resentment Harry would feel, even if Kakashi wasn't committing suicide, he was still choosing to leave Harry, to abandon him again.

"Harry?" his voice was a little rough, "There may be a way to communicate…" Harry pulled back slightly, his face red and blotchy, and his nose was running.

The boy sniffed, "Wh-what?" he croaked.

"Here," Kakashi motioned for the boy to stand up as he began to retrieve a scroll. From it he retrieved a rather large scroll that he showed to Harry who was still wiping at his tears. "If you prick your finger and sign at the bottom of this…" Kakashi gestured to the correct part but noted the boy was reading through the kanji.

"What's a summoning contract?" the boy was still scanning over the scroll and Kakashi couldn't help but stare in shock.

"You can read Japanese?"

"Yeah…" Harry sniffed again and gave Kakashi a broad but watery smile. "I'm not very good, but ever since I can remember, Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon sent me to language emersion camps." Kakashi nodded his head in understanding – that was likely the camp Harry had come from the other day. "They said they wanted me to have some of my culture," Harry smiled more brightly and finished reading what he could.

"So if I sign this, I'll be able to summon dogs?"

"Yes, we can relay messages through them. They live at my apartment so there is little chance of our correspondence being intercepted." Harry nodded and looked around, perhaps wondering how he was supposed to prick his finger. Kakashi's lips twitched up slightly as he retrieved a kunai and held it out to Harry.

The boy examined the weapon but cut the tip of his finger and began to write his name, but paused, "Did you know mum married someone after you…um…died?"

"Yes, James Potter, right? It's okay Harry, that's your name," the boy just glared at the paper but finished writing his name. Kakashi deduced from the prophecy, that Harry was this "boy-who-lived," thus his last name was Potter.

"I've wanted to change it for a long time, but Uncle Severus says I should wait until I'm seventeen," the boy was frowning again but quickly looked up at Kakashi, awaiting instructions.

"Mah, I'd love for the Hatake name to continue, considering I always thought it'd end with me, but waiting sounds good. I do have a lot of enemies," Harry scuffed the ground slightly but nodded. "Alright then," Kakashi eye-smiled and clapped his hands together. "I'll help you discover your chakra and help you channel it into your hands. He was trying not to think about Lily marrying James. He still didn't know why she did it. He could make guesses, perhaps she married to keep her father from disowning her, but why didn't she marry Severus, why was it James?

"First, put your hands together like this," Kakashi made the ram seal, the typical hand sign to concentrate on chakra, Harry mimicked him perfectly, "Second, close your eyes. Now breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Look within yourself, feel the energy in your body, especially the energy focused a few inches above your navel." Harry was following his instructions perfectly. Kakashi worriedly looked over at the nearby clock. A half hour had already flown by… perhaps they wouldn't have enough time for this.

Another minute or two slipped by before Harry made a sharp inhale. Kakashi grinned, pride bubbling up again—that was faster than he expected it would be. "You sensed your chakra, typically it's seen as blue." Harry nodded but bit his lips, his eyes were still closed and he was concentrating.

"There's another one too, it's a lot of colors, it keeps changing."

Kakashi hummed in thought, "That's probably your magic, avoid that and focus on the blue energy." That had to be the multicolored energy the boy was feeling, he was a wizard after all. Kakashi smiled slightly at that thought. He was magical like Lily, and had chakra like him.

"Now what?"

Kakashi was pulled from his musings, "Draw the blue energy toward your hands, and once it's gathered there, open your eyes but keep the energy in your hands." Harry nodded and after another minute opened his eyes.

"Good job," Harry beamed at the praise but Kakashi continued on, "Your finger is still bleeding which his necessary for this next part. Make these signs," Kakashi demonstrated the correct seals in a slow order. Harry followed them perfectly, and again Kakashi felt pride. Just like him, Harry could pick up seals so quickly, could pick up all of this so fast.

"Keep channeling the blue energy into your hands. Channel a good amount but not too much or you'll die," no reason to sugar-coat things. Harry blanched but did as he was told, "This is the final sign," Kakashi demonstrated, "Now press your hand to this array," Kakashi held out his summoning scroll.

There was a puff of ninja smoke and-and Pakkun of all summons emerged! Pakkun! Harry had summoned Pakkun on his first try.

"Kakashi-kun?" the pug asked with his head cocked to one side, "You didn't summon me?" The dog asked in Japanese.

"N-No, I -I did," Harry responded in choppy Japanese. The pug whirled around and his eyes grew wide, "Neh…T-Tousan?" Harry looked up at Kakashi hesitantly, unsure if he was allowed to call Kakashi that. Kakashi was frozen in place, shocked at being called dad. "Why is it talking?" Harry asked in his choppy Japanese. Pakkun was just as shocked at Kakashi.

However, the minute hand reminded Kakashi there was no time to waste and he shook away his shock, "You can call me Tousan, I guess…" Kakashi laughed weakly as he gave Harry an eye-smile, "mu-musuko," damn, he couldn't help stumbling over the word he never thought he would get to say. It seemed to solidify what was happening. This was his son, Harry.

Harry grinned and hugged Kakashi, laughing slightly.

"Musuko? Tousan? Kakashi-kun!" the Jounin cringed at the reprimand coming from Pakkun.

"Mah, later Pakkun, later," Kakashi then pulled away from Harry and pulled out blank scroll on which he began to copy the summoning array. "Here Harry, put this in your pocket," Kakashi ran through a simple jutsu to dry the ink, "You'll need it to summon Pakkun again. Do you remember the hand signs?"

Harry frowned but slowly ran through them again. Kakashi couldn't help but grin and nod his head. Kakashi stood up and looked toward the clock again, fifteen minutes. He sighed and looked back toward Harry. It was decided then. Kakashi quickly performed a henge before dropping the other jutsu. Pakkun went home, with the assurance that he would be told the full story later.

Kakashi set his hand on Harry's shoulder, and the boy looked over at him smiling. Kakashi's illusion was that of the boy's carry-on bag, he walked quietly behind him and no one was the wiser.

Petunia caught sight of Harry who picked up his pace, he put on an embarrassed look and laughed sheepishly. "Sorry Aunt Petunia. There was this old lost man and then when I found the bathroom and I ended up cutting my finger," Harry held up his pricked finger that had already clotted.

Petunia looked at him severely for a few more seconds before sighing and shaking her head. "Well this family happens to be heading to the same platform," she gestured to a harried looking red-haired woman with a brood of children around her. Petunia was clearly displeased, with the obviously magical family. "Come on, you're going to be late."

Vernon was currently trying to keep Dudley way from twin redheads who had the air of pranksters. Vernon was clearly failing for Dudley began to excitedly relate some prank he and Harry had done while in primary school. The boys did look amazed, likely because they had done the prank without magic and the twins had never done such a thing. Kakashi shook his head.

"Oh, is this your nephew?" the red haired woman asked, a young redheaded girl was holding onto her hand and looked at Harry curiously. The girl and Heather had been talking before Harry came to the group. Now Heather was hanging off of her cousin's arm.

"Yes, this is Harry. Why don't you show us how to get onto the platform?" Petunia tried to keep her tone from being too snappish, but she failed. Of course, the other woman seemed to be obvious to Petunia's frostiness. Oh Petunia… Kakashi wanted to shake his head.

"Of course dear," the woman replied. "Percy, you go first," the woman called a redhead wearing classes. The boy then began to run through the brick divider. "Alright, Fred, George, you two next," she called and the twins grinned at each other before racing through.

Heather and Dudley were staring at the divider in amazement. "Wow!" the witch chuckled and motioned for the last boy to start running toward the divider.

"This is Ron's first year too, he's a little nervous," the witch explained, which caused the boy in question to blush in embarrassment. "If you're nervous, Harry," she addressed Kakashi's son – his son, that sounded more believable than it had earlier, "You should run through the divider."

Harry nodded and moved toward his trolley. He shared a look with Dudley and the boys began to smile mischievously as they both grasped the trolley handle. Once Ron was through the divider, Dudley and Harry began running for it. Kakashi kept pace with them easily, and he couldn't help but gasp along with the boys at the sight on the other side.

Kakashi squeezed Harry's shoulder. He then ran through a series of hand signs to make chakra-less persons ignore him. Soon after Harry and Dudley moved further onto the quay, the rest of the Dursley's and the red-haired females came through the divider.

Kakashi dropped his henge as he detached himself from Harry. The boy looked at him as Kakashi moved toward the back wall of the platform. He smiled slightly but was hurried toward the train by the twins from earlier. They helped him load his luggage.

Kakashi watched the whirlwind of goodbyes, the hugs and thanks passed between the families. The boarding whistle blew, and Harry hugged his cousins one last time before clambering onto the red train. Soon Harry reappeared in one of the windows. He waved at his family before his eye line shifted toward Kakashi, at first his eyes slid over him but then then they held. Kakashi smiled and raised up a hand. Harry raised his own hand up. They gave each other lazy waves. Kakashi tried to tell himself there was no moisture dripping down his face from his eyes.

It felt like he was seeing of his son off to his first days at the academy, the pride and the same fear that by choosing this path Harry would die. All parents had such fears and reservations when they signed their children up for the academy, but Harry wasn't going to a ninja academy…there was no reason for him to cry happy, bittersweet tears. The train began to move and once it was out of sight and he was the last one on the quay, he used the shunshin technique to get away.

Good luck Harry. Good luck son.


A/N: Yes, this is the last chapter. When I started this story I had no intention of continuing it past this point, mostly because I didn't know where to go from here. But, thanks to five hour car drives home, I have ideas for a tentative sequel, or more like companion piece. If would be formatted the same as this, but from Severus stand point with cut-away scenes to Kakashi at the end of the chapters. I think you can all imagine why there would be cut-away scenes. Anyways, I haven't written anything for it yet - just have scenes planned out. The companion piece would fill in blanks from this one, since Kakashi really cannot know what happened when he wasn't there. Anyways, I wouldn't expect it for several months since I have an intense writing class coming up and I'd also like to focus on my Naruto LOTR crossover.

I hope you all enjoyed, thank you for reading! ~ with love, depressedchildren