A/N from the year 2019: As of February I have finally finished updating every chapter to make it a better read. The writing is better but the core is still the same (I haven't radically changed the direction of the story) so if you don't like that, that's cool, but if you do...thanks for reading :)

Chapter 1

Bella's POV

"No, no- be quiet Edward, this is the best part." I shushed putting my hand over his mouth to quieten him down, my eyes not turning away from the display on the screen. Edward chuckled, his body rumbling under my hand before kissing it softly and placing it on his lap, then turning his attention to play with my hair, no obvious care too what I was clearly too focused on watching.

It was Saturday and like any other week day (or...day as it was more so than not) I was at the Cullen's; even now, years after first coming here, the size and classy interior still sometimes took my breath away. It was all so different to how I had grown up...

Curling my knees to my chest I snuggled deeper into Edward's chest as I tearfully watched Romeo discover Juliet in her tomb. It was my favourite scene, heart breaking in every way. Two lovers torn apart from one another in tragedy, their happy ending forbidden to take place. I watched as Romeo fell dead beside his wife, Juliet stirring awake and-

The buzzing of my phone in my jacket startled me, flinching away from the screen I turned to scan the caller ID. The name was enough to take my breath away.

"I have to take this." I jumped to my feet, my thumb hovering over the answer button only hoping that I didn't sound as anxious as I felt. He only smiled warmly, his eyes urging me to hurry back.

I gave what I hoped was a reassuring smile before running to the kitchen doing my best not to trip. The moment I was out of sight I slammed down on the accept button holding the phone up to me ear as I waited impatiently for a response from the other side of the line.

"Bella?" The familiar voice triggered a life time of memories.

"Harry!" I only now noticed how I had been holding my breath, "Harry! It's so great to hear your voice, I've missed you so much- "

"It's time Bella" He interrupted.

Time? Time for-? The blood drained from my face as it finally dawned on me feeling stupid for how long it took.

"The Dursley's are gone and tomorrow it's our birthday so they can't track our magic anymore. I need you to meet me at the Dursley's place at 9pm."

At his request another concern came to mind, "Harry how are you expecting I get there? I can't exactly dissaperate to England right now or catch a plane and be there in a few hours." I whispered. To my fortune all the other Cullens' were out hunting but nevertheless I was I still stood in the next room to a vampire with excellent heating abilities. I knew Edward would never purposefully invade my privacy but still it wasn't a risk I wasn't willing to take.

"Don't worry about that, Hagrid's coming to get you. He'll be at your house in a few hours so make sure you pack everything you need."

Instinctively I straightened my back, my muscles tensing into a defensive stance knowing that soon I would be away from the cosy life I had built for myself here in Forks…and with the possibility that I would never be coming back.

"See you soon, stay safe." Was the last thing he muttered before the line went dead and I found myself stood alone in the kitchen with a dumfound expression. After a moment or two I shook myself out of my state, bringing my attention back to the moment. I had too many things to do to be frozen with my fear.

Forcing a fake smile on my face I headed back into the living room where Edward was waiting with his eyes caught on the TV, a disinterested look on his face as he seemed to be in a deep train of thought. I did my best to appear as though I hadn't just received a phone call that would forever change my life. Seeing that I was no actress I wasn't sure how well it worked but if the relaxed look on my boyfriend's face was anything to go by I would say it went well enough.

"Hey," I moved to sit on the arm of the chair, "That was Charlie, he wants me home. Do you mind driving me?"

"Of course," Walking past me he kissed me softly on the cheek before picking up the keys to his Volvo. I flushed at the gesture and tried to hide behind a curtain of my hair; even in moments like this he could still make me blush like a twelve-year-old with a crush. Interlocking his fingers with my own we walked side by side to the silver car, Edward beating me to open the door as per usual.

With one hand grasped in my own and the other gripped on the steering wheel we reversed out of the drive…possibly for the last time. In a hurried attempt I tried to remember everything about the house that I had begun to call home. I wanted- I needed to remember it.

I focused on the numbers as the speed of the car went up hastily, from 25 to 40 then to 60 and 75. I turned in my seat and watched the trees zoom by from the window, the soft greens and the rich browns blurred together. I was going to miss Forks.

"So why did Charlie want you back?" Edward asked keeping his eyes on the road, he know I hated it when he didn't.

I faked an unsure expression, "Oh, I'm not sure exactly, he just wanted to talk I guess. We didn't really talk about the specifics." The words got caught in my throat, "I have been spending a lot of time over at yours lately I've barely even seen him this week. Maybe he just wants to spend some time together before College."

Edward nodded in response knowing that when the inevitable happened and I was turned I would be unlikely to see him again, unaware to the information I was hiding from him. The conversation faded into silence for which I was grateful for, I didn't know how much longer I could convincingly continue to lie through my teeth for especially when my eyes were wavering with the need to cry. For the rest of the journey we sat in silence, it wasn't awkward like some would expect but peaceful as we enjoyed each other's presence. I took this time to relax whilst I could, after today I would be out hunting Horcruxes taking me who knows where across the country.

When the car finally came to a stop outside Charlie's house I was pulled from my thoughts back into my reality. I nervously fiddled with the hem of my jumper before finding the courage to look at Edward knowing that it would be the last I would see him for months…and as much as I hated to think of it, it could be the last I ever saw him if things didn't go well for the two of us. My mouth opened a few times struggling for the right words to say.

"You know I love you right?" Is what I settled on,

"Of course, and I love you too but is everything okay? You've been acting a little strange since Charlie called." His eyebrows drew down in concern as a cold hand came out to caress my cheek.

"Of course, I'm just feeling a little emotional all of a sudden." I leaned in to kiss him, savouring every moment; then moving to wrap my arms around his neck in a tight hug, the sweet familiar scent of honey and vanilla filling my nose as I pushed my face into his shoulder. I was going to miss this so much.

I forced myself to part and leant back in my seat once more, "Bye Edward." I mumbled stepping out of the car, holding the tears back.

"See you later." He grimaced in farewell. For the third time that day I forced another fake smile long enough for Edward to reverse from the drive way but turned as quickly as I could. I didn't want him to see the lone tear spilled down my cheek or the glistening tears that threatened to fall at any moment. In large strides I walked over to the house despite how much my heart was telling me to do just the opposite, but I had a commitment and I wasn't about to back out from it now. The front door let out a squeak and to avoid letting the quietness of the empty house fuel my negative thoughts I ran up the stairs to preoccupy my wandering mind with packing my bag. I packed only the essentials, giving my phone a concentrated look before throwing it on my bed; there was no point, you didn't get any signal at Hogwarts anyway.

Rushing to not let time catch up to me I grabbed my bag and hauled it down the stairs before leaning it against the porch wall. Running to the kitchen I pulled out three bits of paper from the draw and started writing; the first one was for Charlie.

'Thank you, Charlie, for looking after me all this time and letting me stay here with you. It's time for me to go. When this is all over I hope to see you again. I appreciate everything you've done for me,

Love Bella'

The second was addressed to the Cullen's;

'Dear Cullens'

I'm so sorry for leaving you like this without an explanation, you deserve one especially after everything you've done for me but right now I can't give it to you. I didn't want to leave but I need to finish off something that I started. If I When I come back I promise that I will explain everything, and I hope that when that day happens you can forgive me. You're my family and I love you, be safe. Bella xxx

I started at the blank page as I tried to work out what to say. What did you say to the man that you loved that you were leaving without any explanation, and that you may never see them again? How did you put every thought and feeling into words?

If you hadn't already figured out by now I'm not who I say I am, well…not really. My name is Bella Lillian Marie Potter; the twin sister of Harry Potter, daughter of Lilly and James Potter. Witch, Gryffindor student and above all else…the chosen one.

When I was a baby Voldemort set out to kill me and my brother and, in the process, successfully killed both our parents leaving us as orphans. When he turned to kill us, the spell rebounded and instead destroyed him. That night left both me and my brother with a lightning shaped scar on our foreheads and a future filled with trauma after trauma, not to mention the entire Wizarding world knowing our names before we did.

We were moved to live with our Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia (Mum's sister) as well as their son Dudley when we were barely a year old. They all hated us. Hated our kind. At eleven we found out about our heritage when Hagrid stormed into our lives and gave us our letters to Hogwarts. We met Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger who soon became our closest friends and ever since Voldemort has been trying to kill us. Now we must go off and find the Horcruxes that will finally destroy him and end this war.