A/N: Hello everyone! So this is my very first story for the smytheberry fandom so let me know if there is anything that should be changed. This story is basically a rewrite of season 2 until whichever episode i feel will be a good stopping point. It starts at 2x09 the episode where finchel breaks up and I will be adding Sebastian into the mix. This is very much a smytheberry love story however if there is any couple at all that you want to see a little bit of let me know. Ok well let's get started I guess! Oh and please please please leave me a review!

None of it made sense, all she knew was that it hurt. It hurt so badly to be lied to by somebody that you thought loved you. But then again did she herself really love him?

Whatever the case he lied, he slept with the person that hated her most the very person who went out of her way everyday just to make her cry and he lied about it.

The news of the finchel fight had already spread to Dalton Academy by about three thirty and upon hearing the news Kurt invited Rachel to have coffee with him and some other Warblers after school.

Kurt liked his new school and he was quite fond of most of the Warblers.

Kurt had said something about one of them that he despises but he had told her this over the phone right after her and Finn's breakup so she wasn't exactly listening.

As Rachel entered the Lima Bean she quickly spotted Kurt's table. They weren't too hard to find, you just had to look for the boys with the matching blazers.

The second Kurt saw Rachel he practically jumped on her enveloping her in a hug. "Rachel, I feel like it's been forever since I've seen you!"

"It's great to see you too Kurt, and to meet your new friends." Rachel said looking at the two boys he had brought with a warm smile as she took in their appearances.

One had overly gelled slicked back hair, and a beautiful warm inviting smile. The other had the most beautiful piercing green eyes she had ever seen, and the most adorable smirk resting on his face.

"This is Blaine, and that's um Sebastian." Kurt said making a coughing noise in his throat giving her a warning look as if she knew who this was when he said Sebastian's name.

Well whoever that Sebastian guy was he was doing funny things to her. The way he looked her up and down and winked at her every now and then had her smitten.

"It's nice to finally meet you Rachel, Kurt talks about you literally all the time!" Blaine said chuckling slightly as he shook Rachel's hand.

"It's true he spends most of his time talking about you, that is when he isn't droning on and on about some old fashion designer who died like a million years ago who nobody cares about." Sebastian said as he shook her hand keeping his grip possibly a little longer than necessary.

"Well anyways how are the New Directions doing without me? You must have something epic planned for sectionals right?" Kurt asked in an almost nostalgic voice as he held one of her hands.

"We are fine I guess. As for the epic part I wouldn't be too sure about that. Barbie and Ken got the duet and Santana got the solo."

"Ouch, that's gotta hurt." Sebastian mumbled while sipping his coffee.

"I don't know I think I'm just more jealous than anything. I mean it's no secret that Quinn and Sam are going to win the judges over with their beauty, and Santana as much as this pains me to say it has a phenomenal voice and probably deserves the solo." Rachel admitted, solemnly at the last part with Santana.

Kurt noticing this was probably not a wise topic given the current situation with her, Santana, and Finn made an excuse to give her a minute alone.

"Why don't us gentleman go get some more coffee for our table." Kurt said as he and Blaine stood up, while Sebastian remained seated. "Sebastian that includes you." Kurt said through his teeth.

"No I'm good you guys go ahead." Sebastian said leaning back in his chair.

As soon as he was sure Kurt and Blaine were out of earshot Sebastian made his move.

"You okay there, Berry? You look like you're gonna cry." Sebastian said about half thoughtfully the other half with his signature meerkat smirk.

As Rachel was about to nod her head yes she had to concede as there was no hiding the tears that began pouring out of her eyes.

"Wanna tell me what happened? I'm not like Betty White over there who will tell literally everyone it can be our little secret." Sebastian said with a nudge and in place of his smirk a smile.

Rachel knew she probably shouldn't tell him. She had just met him and it didn't appear that Kurt liked him very much himself. But she found herself being drawn in by something that just made her feel like she could tell.

"It's just my boyfriend or possibly my ex-boyfriend now I'm not really sure, slept with this girl last year who really hates me and he never told me. I'm probably just overreacting."

"Believe me when I say this guy sounds like an ass. But if you really want to take care of it allow me to assist, as the expert on all boyfriend problems as I am the one who usually makes it worse." Sebastian said his signature smirk replacing the smile that was there a few moments ago.

"Ok just let me go tell Kurt I'm leaving."

Rachel got up and walked over to Kurt and told him some lame story about how her dad wanted her to cook dinner tonight so she had to go.

As soon as she was in Sebastian's car and they were hidden from sight Sebastian decided to turn up the heat a little.

Before she knew it he was leaning forward placing a warm passionate kiss on her lips.

Once she was finally out of her daze from the beginning of their kiss it finally hit her. She was cheating on Finn.

"Stop, stop, I-I can't do this." Rachel sighed as she pushed Sebastian away from her.

"Why not? Don't you want him to suffer? Go through all the pain you've been going through these past few days?"

Before Rachel could respond his lips were back on her own, and after adjusting to the kiss she started to reciprocate it.

Things were becoming more heated as Rachel flipped her body so she was basically straddling Sebastian in the drivers seat.

Her hands were fisted in his hair as he sucked on her neck. The hickey would be hard to explain the next morning but at that moment that didn't matter. Nothing mattered.

The make-out session lasted about thirty minutes. It probably could have lasted twice that if Rachel hadn't accidentally honked the horn while kissing Sebastian.

After that it had just gotten awkward as Sebastian drove her home still hot and sweaty from their previous activities.

As soon as she got home she knew she needed to call Kurt, she wouldn't tell him about what had happened with Sebastian of course as Sebastian said that was their little secret.

She quickly dialed the number she knew by heart and got a speedy reply.


"Hey Kurt."

"So what's up? Did you and my brother work things out?"

"Actually no, I was just calling to ask what the deal is with that Sebastian guy. Not that I'm interested or anything I was just wondering." Rachel said stumbling over practically every word.

"Oh god him? He's this jerk who wants to get Blaine the other guy that was at the table in bed with him. Normally I wouldn't care but I have practically been in love with Blaine since I first met him I mean seriously have you seen those eyes? They're like two stars that fell into a lake." Kurt said finishing with a sigh.

Wait a minute Sebastian was after Blaine?

"So Sebastian is gay?"

"Yeah why does that matter?"

"Oh no reason he just didn't appear very gay to me." Of course the one guy who actually made her feel good and gave her sparks when they kissed would be gay. That was just her luck.

"Oh okay well I'll see you tomorrow at sectionals, Finn is whining at me to let him talk to you and I figured you wouldn't want that right now."

"Oh okay bye."

Well this was just great, not only did she cheat on her boyfriend, but she cheated on him with somebody she had absolutely zero chance with.

The next day was supposedly the "big day". But to be honest she could care less about this sectionals. She had no part whatsoever, in fact the only reason she was able to drag her ass out of bed was because the Warblers would be performing which meant she would see Sebastian.

"Hey Berry, wow you look great. If you want to go for a round two in that closet over there I wouldn't mind, we could even go a little further if you want." Sebastian said waggling his eyebrows.

"Shh! Keep your voice down Finn could be anywhere and he doesn't need to know about that."

"Fine your wish is my command." Sebastian said with a small bow as he began to walk away.

"Wait will I be seeing you perform?"

"Well I'll be up there but I don't have a special part or anything."

Rachel's face dropped a little. She was so looking forward to seeing him sing.

The competition went by so slowly.

It even ended in a boring, predictable way. The Warblers and New Directions had tied. Well I guess she'd be seeing Sebastian again at regionals.

The next day she knew she had to tell Finn and it wouldn't be pretty. He would probably go all hulk on her and then break up with her.

"Hey uh Finn can we talk?"

"Sure, but first let me say something. I'm sorry for lying. I'm so sorry I'm such an idiot and I completely understand if you don't forgive me."

Great he was finally apologizing and now it was her turn.

"Okay well it's my turn I guess. But before I explain I just need you to know that it meant nothing and I felt nothing." That couldn't be farther from the truth. "Kurt had introduced me to some of his new friends and I was really upset so one of them consoled me and that led to a little something more."

Rachel watched as Finn's face contorted from a look of confusion to one of anger.

"So it's okay because it meant nothing? So if I went and kissed somebody else it would be okay because it didn't mean anything."

"Finn I'm sorry."

"Stop it, just stop talking. I'm done with you, you little bitch. God I was risking my whole reputation to be with you."

"So that's it we're done? You said you'd never break up with me!" Rachel said with a fresh batch of tears on her face.

"Well I never thought you'd make me feel this way."

There in the middle of the hallway she broke out into sobs. She probably looked so pathetic but that was pretty fitting since that's how she felt right now.

She just looked up in time to see the Warblers exiting all of them still in uniform. Great now they'd get to see her cry, this day just kept getting better and better.

As a certain green eyed boy exited the sobbing brunette had caught his eye. Every fiber of his being told him not to go over there. That he was coming off as a huge wimp.

But since when did Sebastian Smythe listen?

He didn't even need to ask why she was crying, he had a pretty good idea it was that stupid frankenteen's fault.

Without a word he wrapped his arms around her and rubbed awkwardly comforting circles on her back.

He would never hear the end of this one from the guys.

A/N: So how was it? It was a little strange for me to write anti finchel like this but I kinda enjoyed it. Please let me know if I should continue. Oh and by the way for this story we are pretending Sebastian came in the second season. I know that was kind of obvious but I just wanted to avoid any questions like that. Please review!