Prompts: "Huntbastian where Sebastian is sick and Hunter takes care of him. Maybe Sebastian can be a little bit overdramatic" and "What if straight after Hunter gets better... Sebastian catches whatever he had. And as you can imagine he's definitely not happy about that."

Note - This is an continuation of To Be Stubborn. This is perfect sick!fic weather, what with the constant rain and chill. Sorry about the wait. I'm still trying to get used to my new school (because it's nothing like my old one; we do more work here in two days than we did over there in three weeks. It's sad, I know). I hope you guys like it.

Sebastian glowers at his boyfriend irritably, pouting unhappily in his bed. He's sick, and it's all Hunter's fault. He burrows deeper underneath the covers, shivering as a chill runs down his spine.

"I told you so," Hunter says for what seems like the thousandth time, smirking smugly from his spot by the doorframe. "I told you we should've waited, but noooo! You didn't listen to me; you listened to your dick. Idiot."

"Hunter Wyatt Clarington, I am this close to punching you in the face. You do not want to test me," the senior snarls, his patience wearing thin. "I have absolutely zero tolerance for immaturity right now, especially when it's coming from my seventeen year old, grown-ass boyfriend!"

His voice is filled with undisguised contempt for his boyfriend's childish behavior, his tone disapproving. Hunter has the decency to look ashamed, unwilling to meet Sebastian's gaze. That's right, Sebastian thinks vehemently. Feel bad. It's your fault for getting sick in the first place! He pulls the covers over his head, a small smirk spreading across his face as he listens to Hunter apologize.

"I'm sorry, Sebastian. Will you please come out now?" Hunter asks, as if he is talking to a child.




"How about now?"


The room falls silent, the only audible sound being Sebastian's slow breathing. It's starting to get seriously uncomfortable - and hot, really hot - underneath his comforter. A thin sheen of sweat builds up on his brow, dripping down his forehead and onto his tee shirt.

"And you said I was being childish," Hunter murmurs, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's waist.

Sebastian lets out a surprised yelp, a shrill sound that he probably would've been embaressed of if he hadn't had been so - you know - surprised. Where had Hunter come from? He hadn't even noticed him get in the bed!

"I'm a man of many talents," Hunter grins cheekily, pressing a kiss to the back of his boyfriend's neck, "though getting into your bed is more of a hobby."

"You're an ass, you know that?" Sebastian protests weakly, relaxing his boyfriend's embrace.

"But you love it. Who wouldn't? My ass is fantastic."

"Shut up and cuddle with me, Hunter."

"Ow! If you wanted to cuddle with me, all you had to do was ask. You didn't have to slap me!"


"Shutting up and cuddling now."

"That's what I thought."