The Avatar had done it. The war was over and the world was fast on its way to peace. In the Lower Ring of Ba Sing Se a young woman with stormy gray eyes ran to the ramps that led to the Upper Ring, a piece of paper clutched in her hand.

Anima couldn't believe her luck, just days after the war the Avatar was in Ba Sing Se with his friends.

When she had woken up in the ruins of what was once her home, she was scared to death.

She held on to the stories her mother had told her of her slightly older brother who had been taken by the monks for training.

Anima learned all she could from her mother, Airbending included. When she turned twelve her mother revealed to her that her twin was the Avatar and that when the time was right, she would have to find him.

All she was told was a name and to hold on to hope.

Now, after a year of following leads on the Avatar's whereabouts, she was finally about to meet her brother.

The female Airbender took a deep breath before she pushed open the door to The Jasmine Dragon.