A/N-So I know I've been MIA for a while now, but over holiday I'm hoping to get my mojo back. I know a good portion of my readers thought I was suggesting cheating…I hate cheating just as much as you guys but I love some good cliffhangers;) Please R&R & enjoy!

Disclaimer- I don't own anything

Meredith patted the side of the bed next to her and was surprised to find that it was empty. She opened her eyes and saw a bright pink sticky note attached to a mug of hot coffee on the nightstand.

"Don't be too late, see you soon."

Even thought it was simple, it still made Meredith's heart swell at the gesture. She took a few sips, retrieved the clothes that littered Addison's floor, and was on her way to her apartment.


Addison was already half way through her lecture when she heard the familiar squeak of the door opening and closing. She looked over and saw the blonde with whom she had spent the night.

"You're late." Addison said. Even though she favored Meredith she couldn't very well act that way in front of her whole class.

"Sorry, Professor." Meredith mumbled as she made her way to the only available seat which was unfortunately in the back. But when you were in a class with one hundred and fifty other kids, you had to be there early for first dibs…and with Addison teaching, everyone wanted to be in the front. Meredith sat in her seat half listening, half admiring the redhead. She barely knew her but was instantly attracted to not only her beauty, but also her elegance. As if Addison had read her mind, she flashed a quick smile towards the blonde and continued her lesson. Meredith smiled back and began to ponder whether or not she had ever smiled as much as she had the last few days. She was dark and twisty and never really cared for anyone other than her best friend, Cristina. She wondered if Addison had anyone that she really cared about and what her childhood was like and if their relationship would go anywhere. She just wanted to know what made the professor tick, her likes and dislikes, just anything really. Meredith was pulled from her thoughts by the sound of the intercom announcing that first period was over. She waited until everyone else had left and started towards Addison's desk.

"Hey you." Addison said as she peered over her glasses.

"Hey." Meredith replied as she gently leaned in and closed the gap between her and Addison's lips.

"You wanna join me for lunch today?" the professor asked as she created space between the two.

"I have class until one, but after that I'm free."

"Alright sounds good."


Addison looked around the small cafe that Meredith had said to meet at. It was relatively small and had artwork hung on the walls with small plaques under them stating the artist and the price.

"You like them?" Addison heard a familiar voice call. She turned around and saw Meredith standing with her hands in her jeans.

"Yeah they're great."

"That one," Meredith gestured over to a large painting of two silhouettes sitting on a park bench overlooking the city, "is my favorite. It's been here for a while now and no one's bought it which is surprising because I think it's beautiful." Meredith saw Addison raise an eyebrow and decided to further explain why she loved the painting. "I love it because you can't tell if it's a man and a woman or a man with a man or a woman with a woman…You can just see that they love each other and enjoy the company."

Addison smiled and when she looked at the painting again she saw it completely differently. "I never thought of it that way." Meredith shrugged her shoulders and headed towards the counter to place their order.

"Two turkey pesto panini and two coffees, please."

"No problem." The cashier said with a smile.

"How'd you know what I wanted?" Addison asked incredulously.

"Lucky guess?" Meredith offered with a smirk. They walked over to a table towards the back of the restaurant and sat.

"So how are you liking your courses?"

"They're okay. Professor Spree is an ass." the blonde stated with an eye roll.

"Ha you're telling me." Addison smiled. Meredith was halfway through a story about her roommate when she saw Addison's smile fall and her face cringe. Meredith turned around to see what had upset the redhead and was met by a dark haired man of average build and height with a scowl on his face.

"Hello, Addison."



A/N 2-So what'd you guys think about Derek showing up? Let me know, I am hoping to have the next chapter up soon!:)