So, it was requested by some of my readers for an epilogue. I know you all wanted to see the wedding, but I've done that before, so here's something even better.

: )

Please enjoy.

Finally finished on: 04/10/2013

Epilogue: 10 years later:

A now 28-year old Kendall Knight stood in the doorway of his peaceful two-bedroom home that resided on the edge of LA. He looked out the window to see the sun setting, and that also brought a smile to his face. Dropping his gym bag down by the front door, he slowly moved farther into the house.

"Daddy!" he smiled when he heard the small voice cry out to him. Opening his arms, a little girl who looked to only be about 4 launched herself into his arms. "Daddy you're home!"

"I sure am baby," he said to the little girl who now wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. "What did you do all day?"

"I played with Papa all day and then Aunt Katie came by and I played with her too and now they're hiding. I'm supposed to be finding them!"

"Hide and seek?"

"Yep! Wanna help me?"

"Sure baby, let's go," he said, letting her down so she clung to his hand as they walked through the house. He watched his daughter as she skipped next to him. Her hair was a deep chocolate brown, just like Logan's, but in the light, you could see splotches of blonde highlighted throughout the dark brown waves. And her eyes… they were just the opposite. They were the same exact green as his, until you got right down to the center; there, they were a deep, chocolate brown.

She seemed almost like the perfect mix of him and Logan. She was extremely smart, but also extremely athletic.

Kendall smiled as he remembered 6 years ago, when they had finally decided to have a baby.


"Kendall?" Logan had asked one night as they were lying in bed.

"Yeah Love?"

"…I was thinking… we have that spare bedroom…"


"What about if we made it into a … nursery?"

"Logan… are you sure? You think we're ready?"

"I think so."

"Well… do you want a surrogate or just plain adopt?"

"I was thinking a surrogate."

"I know the perfect person."

A few days later, Kendall Knight and Logan Mitchell-Knight met up with the one person they trusted more than anything with their unborn child's life.

"Me? You want me to be the surrogate for your child?" Katie had asked, looking at them both in shock.

"Yes. This way, the baby will have both our genes. Who better than my little sister?" Kendall had asked her, making her jaw drop.

"Oh my gosh you guys! I would love to!" she said, hugging them both happily. "I will be the best surrogate you could have every picked!"

And now, almost 5 years later, Kendall and Logan were the fathers to a beautiful little angel that they had named Sophia Katelyn Knight.

"Daddy!" she whispered dramatically, pulling him down so she could whisper in his ear. "Imma go for Aunt Katie. You find Papa."

"Okay," he whispered back, watching the little girl scamper down the hall. The house wasn't too big, they would be found soon enough. Stepping into his and Logan's room, he saw sneaker-clad feet hiding behind their window curtain. Smiling to himself, he pulled aside the curtain. "Hi handsome," he said, smiling at his smirking husband.

"Hi yourself," Logan said as Kendall pulled him into his arms. "How was practice?"

"Exhausting. But worth it," Kendall said, smiling at Logan and kissing him softly. After the band had broken up, Kendall and Logan had moved out of the Palm Woods and went on to continue the dreams they had left behind in Minnesota. Logan was one of the youngest Doctor's LA had ever seen, as well as one of the best. Kendall had gone on to become an extremely talented hockey player, playing for one of the best teams in LA.

And even though they both had demanding jobs, they made sure to find enough time to spend together and with Sophia.

Their family came first.

"Daddy! I found Aunt Katie! Did you find Papa?" Sophia called out, pulling Logan and Kendall out of their romantic moment.

"That I did Little Lady," he called out, pulling a laughing Logan with him into the living room, where Sophia sat with Katie.

"Daddy! Papa!" she called out, jumping into both their arms. "I love you," she said, snuggling into them.

"We love you too," they said together, just holding their daughter between them. Katie smiled softly at the small family before pulling out a digital camera, quickly snapping a photo of them. Kendall looked at her, eyes questioningly.

"Gotta preserve those memories Big Brother."

Kendall stood in the doorway of Sophia's room, watching as Logan tucked her in. She let out a big yawn and snuggled down into the blankets, pulling her stuffed animals tightly against her; one was a teddy bear doctor, the other a hockey playing penguin, both gifts from her Uncle James and Uncle Carlos.

"Night Daddy. Night Papa," she whispered, eyes already drooping shut.

"Night baby," Logan said, kissing her forehead. Kendall came up and did the same.

"Night Little Lady."

"Daddy? Papa?" she said before they left the room. "Will you sing me a song?" They smiled at each other and sat down on opposite sides of her bed.

"Sure baby. What song?"

"Twinkle twinkle?" They smiled at each other then at her; then, Logan began to sing softly.

"Twinkle twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are."

"Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky."

"Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are," they finished together, making her smile at them before her eyes shut and her breathing evened out; she was asleep.

"That always gets her," Logan whispered as they headed to their bedroom.

"That it does Love," Kendall said as they got ready for bed. "I love you."

"I love you too Mr. Knight."

"I love you more Mr. Knight."

"It's Mr. Mitchell-Knight. Actually Dr. Mitchell-Knight, to be correct."

"Really? You wanna go that far?"

"Yes. Yes I do." Logan gave Kendall a cheeky smile before crawling into bed. "You know what I was thinking about today?"


"Everything. How we got together, all the trouble we had, our wedding," Logan said, smiling at Kendall. Kendall smiled briefly before frowning. "What?" Kendall tilted Logan's head so the light from their lamp shined on his cheek.

"You can still see them," he whispered, staring at his husband's cheek. It was hard to tell, but if the light shown just perfectly across his cheek, you could still see three scars that spread down his cheek and dully shined in the dim light.

"It's been 10 years. It's time to forgive and forget," Logan said, grabbing Kendall's hand. "I forgave her."

"I can never forgive her for hurting you."


"No. Logan. You mean the world to me. You always have. You and Sophia are my life. What Jo did to you… how can I not know if she'll harm Sophia or not? I could never live with myself for letting my guard down."

"Kendall," Logan said softly, pulling the leaner body against his own. "I love you. Please, let it go. We're all happy and healthy. We're together. We have a family. The past is the past. Let us just enjoy now."

"You're right. You're always right," Kendall said, snuggling into Logan's arms. "I love you."

"I love you too. Now go to sleep."

So, I know that was cheesy, but hey, why not have some cheesy-ness every now and then?

I hope ya'll liked it : )

And now, the curtain closes on 'What Happened To Us?'

Thank you for reading. And thanks for reviewing.
They all meant so much to me.
Each and every one.
