I decided to add Benjamin's POV to this - I hope you like it x Please read and review :)

He knew he'd said too much straight away, from the speculative look on Kelly's face as soon as the words fell out of his mouth. He hadn't been able to stop himself from saying it, no matter how much it hurt to say it aloud.

Because whenever he looked at Spar all he could see was the last time this had happened, his wife leaving him and their children behind.

He couldn't have that now, not now that he was so attached to Spar and especially not when his daughter loved him like her own family.

It would be like losing her all over again.

And that hurt so much. It was why he'd bought the zoo after all, to do something as crazy as she always did, to do something impulsively - the kind of thing he couldn't usually do.

Like buy a zoo on a casual whim.

That reminds him of his wife and all the pain that comes with it, especially now that Spar is dying.

Only now he's mentioned it, Kelly is going to want to know, and he knows that Kelly isn't the kind of person to give up.

It's all going to be unearthed and scratched at, until it's brought to the surface.

And he can't deal with that right now.

So he runs.