
"Will they ever get out?"

Captain Jim Kirk turned and gazed at the little child sitting on his bed. Most of the Borg appliances had been removed, although a few still remained. Perhaps in time it would be safe to remove them as well, but Bones wasn't going to try just yet.

"They might, eventually," he answered. "If any of them gain enough individuality to break away themselves. However, I've noticed that once anyone has locked themselves in like the Borg did it's almost impossible to get out."

Seven of Nine nodded. "What's going to happen now?"

"Well, you're going to be staying with my crew and I for a little while," Jim answered. "None of us were going to leave you behind when we're due to be out for five years. That should give you some time to become used to having humans around."

"What about the other guardians?"

Jim gave Seven a sad smile. "They have to stay on Earth darling. I'm the only one that can leave Earth for such a long time. Don't worry though; you'll see them when we get back."

Only Old Spock knew about the shift in the time-stream, and the only one he ever told what had originally happened with the Borg was Jim Kirk. While there were times that Jim Kirk picked up his staff again for a little while; he spent a long and happy life exploring the galaxy with his friends and family by his side.

And you know- some stories say that in later years there were at least two extra guardians around who always seemed intent on keeping the witty Jack Frost from causing too much trouble. No one really knew who they were; but mentioning their names was sure way of sending any remaining Borg into complete panic attacks.

Thus ends Star Trekkin' Guardians. Thank you all for the following, the reviews and the desire to read my weird little tale. Yes- I know the Borg were Captain Picard's problem, and the timing with having Seven of Nine a child is a bit wibbly-wobbly. However they were the only ones I could remember who were iconic enough for non-trekkies to understand and would be a legitimate threat to the guardian's world. Also I love Seven of Nine- and I just couldn't destroy the Borg without saving her.