Hey Minna! It's bee a while since I've updated and I apologize for that!

I hope this next chapter makes up for the lack of one J

Oh and the poll for Kitty/Nui's Beau stands at;






Other-4 (send me a PM or review the person you would like paired!)

Please Vote and review as your opinions mean a lot to me!

Okay then time to get this show on the road!

The waters gently lapped at the boat the were currently sailing on, the three genin were sat a the prow of the boat with jonin and Tazuna taking up the rest of the space and the boatman with them was standing on the silent motor as he paddled then to the shore.

"Tazuna-san" Kakashi said softly, everyone turned to look at Kakashi "we need to know why there are foreign ninja after you" he finished.

Tazuna sighed looking like every bit of the old man he was "fine, I will tell you because I want you to know, the land of waves is small impoverish nation this bridge will be our life line to the mainland. However there is man who wishes to stop me from completing my task."

"Who is it?" asked Ox, crossing his arms in impatience for the answer.

Tazuna grumbled "You all know of him as the Shipping Magnet Gatou."

Itachi raised an eyebrow "Gatou? Of the famous Gatou Enterprises?"

Nodding Tazuna growled darkly "that is just on the surface, in the underworld he is known for selling drugs and all sorts contraband."

Kitty then hummed interrupting the adults in their conversation "So as the bridge builder you stand in his way of his control over the wave, so he is trying to eliminate you from the picture. No bridge builder, no bridge… It is also a brilliant fear tactic, as no one would be brave enough to try and oppose him again. Quite ingenious."

Everyone stared at her for a while before Ox chuckled gruffly "as expected from Danzou-sama's protégé and kin." To which Kitty just shrugged offhandedly.

Kakashi's eyes sharpened "Danzou's? Of course! They share the same surname, no wonder she's so much better than others her age! Argh! I'm an idiot for not realising this sooner!" he mentally berated himself.

"Kakashi-sensei, are you okay?" Naruto asked worriedly, bringing Kakashi out of his inner tirade, Kakashi gave him an eye smile and nodded.

Itachi then pointed out "We need to decide whether to continue this mission, as normally it would be classed A-rank."

Tazuna then sighed "I understand, Don't worry about it! If I die my cute little grandson will cry out for me, Oh! My daughter will probably blame Konoha for the rest of her lonely life but it's not your fault! You have nothing to worry about!"

There was a long awkward pause and then Kakashi coughed nervously "well in that case I suppose we can protect until we reach the wave, not that we have much choice."

"Heh, I win" Tazuna thought smugly.

-time skip-

After reaching the shore, the boatman left them to return to the other side. The only difference was they were now more alert and Kitty had tied her katana to her waist for easier access.

Naruto was deep in thought "Both Sasuke and Kitty were quick to react when those ninja last time, with Sasuke taking most the glory… Well this time I will show them dattebayo!"

Naruto sprang forward and released a kunai into the foliage, everyone tensed… "Hmm just a mouse" Naruto said in a 'cool' voice.

Kitty and Sasuke both twitched, Itachi and Kakashi sighed, Ox growled and Tazuna screamed "what the hell do you think you're doing, you damn brat! Trying to give me a heart attack!"

But Naruto ignored them pretending he heard something and then threw a second kunai shouting "there!"

Kitty had enough at this point and hit him with the butt of her sword "stop wasting kunai" she commented darkly, making everyone in her vicinity shiver at her sudden malice.

Kakashi walked to where Naruto's kunai had landed and found a terrified white rabbit just below it.

Sasuke snorted "well done dobe you found a rabbit."

Naruto whirled around and glomped the animal tightly rubbing his cheek against it's fur "Ah! I'm sorry Mr Rabbit!" he wailed unhappily.

Kakashi's eye hardened "that's a snow rabbit but it's coat is only white in winter meaning it was raised in doors" he gasped out loud "substitution" whirling around he shouted "everybody down!" grabbing Tazuna just in time as a large kubikiribocho flew over their heads and landed in a large tree in front of them.

A man landed on the blade with a demonic like grace, he was tall and muscular, with pale skin that had a slight greyish tint. He had short spiky dark brown hair with matching eyes and thin eyebrows. The bottom of his was covered with thick white bandages but you could still see the outline of a strong jaw and high cheekbones. He wore his headband to the side and had no top on showing well defined muscles, he had baggy grey pants that were tucked into blue camouflage leg warmers and standard ninja sandals, he wore matching wrist warmers that extended to his elbows.

Naruto went to dart forward but was stopped by Kakashi "well, well if it isn't one of the Mist's missing nin, Zabuza Momochi." Kakashi pulled Naruto back behind him whilst Ox and Itachi cam to flank his sides.

Zabuza surveyed them "Hmm Kakashi the Copy Cat, Itachi Uchiha and you I do not know of… but you seem strong." his eyes then flicked over to where Naruto, Sasuke and Kitty stood with Tazuna and smirked "I am here for the bridge builder's life, do not interfere."

Itachi snorted "It is our mission to protect him, stand down."

Zabuza watched the genin interact with the two boys taking the right and left flanks and the girl taking the front, he cocked his head as he saw the slim katana hanging from her waist.

Kakashi noticed "you three keep Tazuna-san safe, we handle Zabuza." the three nodded following his order.

He sighed and then raised his hiate to uncover his eye and he heard Sasuke gasp, as his sharingan span into life, "now then let's get started."

Zabuza laughed "I'm honoured to see the famous sharingan fro the man who has a flee on sight order, Kakashi Hatake as well as yourself Itachi Uchiha."

Itachi opened his own eyes showing his own sharingan off he could almost feel his little brother's awe and confusion at seeing two people with the famous blood trait instead of one.

Zabuza suddenly moved taking his blade with him and landed on the lake in front of them placing one arm in front of himself and the other pointing straight up towards the sky "Suiton: Kirigakure no jutsu" a thick mist now obscured everyone from each others sights.

Ox then spoke "Zabuza Momochi, a specialist of silent killing, you'll be dead before you can even realize it ever happened… Kitty be on your guard, killing is allowed" he told her.

Itachi and Kakashi looked at him stunned that he had just told a genin to kill like it was nothing and even more surprised when the heard Kitty make a noise of agreement.

"the mist is getting thicker" Sasuke commented with Naruto nodding rapidly in agreement, however Kitty stayed quiet slowing down her breathing, body not moving an inch.

And the Zabuza's voice came in a deadly whisper "8 points… Liver, Lung, Spine, Clavicle vein, Neck, Brain, Kidneys and Heart… Now which one shall I choose?"

The three jonin then spread out and released their own amount of killing intent allowing it fill the surrounding area.

Sasuke trembled "what incredible murderous intent, If I move an inch I'm sure to be killed… this could drive someone insane" he glanced at his two team mates "Naruto is struggling just like me but Kitty's handling this as if it's as breathing, how can she be so strong" he gripped his kunai tighter "at this intensity… I can't handle it, it feels as if my very life is being squeezed, I can't take it any longer… I'd rather die!"

"Sasuke, calm down I won't allow you to die little brother of mine" Itachi's voice washed a calming sense over him and he released a shaky sigh.

"How touching" everyone jolted as Zabuza appeared between the genin and Tazuna "but doesn't help if you're about to be killed." he pointed out lazily.

There was a sharp whistling noise and then a clashing of metals as Kitty and Zabuza's blades collided and a small grunt as Kakashi shoved a kunai into Zabuza gut but Kitty whispered "miss" as Zabuza dissolved into water.

Naruto gasped and shouted "mizu bunshin!" just as another Zabuza appeared behind Kakashi and Kitty and sliced through the both of them, only for both of them to dissolve into water themselves.

"No way he copied my move in an instant and that brat must be a water type like myself" Zabuza growled internally.

Two kunais were crossed at his neck "Don't move" came the gruff voice of the one he didn't know.

"Maybe he's an ex ANBU" Zabuza mused.

Kakashi then made himself know walking forward "It's over" he commented casually.

"WOW! You guys are so cool!" Naruto shouted happily.

"Hehe…" Zabuza laughed cruelly "Over? There's no way you can defeat me with your cheap imitations!" the Zabuza turned into water and then appeared behind Itachi and Ox with a kunai at each of their necks "I am also no that easy to defeat."

Sasuke clicked his tongue "tch, another fake."

Kitty nodded with a sigh "this is making the mizu bunshin look overused" she mumbled annoyed, Sasuke nodded in agreement.

Zabuza then Swung his mighty blade with the two jonin leaping out the way just in the nick of time, both landed either sighed of Kakashi.

Zabuza chuckled darkly "Now then, let's get started."


Phew! Chapter compete… I know it's a cliff hanger but I didn't want to start waffling on, as I know I am prone to do!

I hope enjoyed and please review! See y'all next time xxx