Disclaimer: I in no way own"Castle" or any of the charaters, as much as I may want to.


"The perp was last seen Monday afternoon, wearing blue... Detective Beckett, care to join us?" Gates' acid tone caused the tall detective to blush furiously, choking down the last of her cough. The chief eyed her warily and continued with the debriefing, as Beckett slumped down in her chair, rummaging around fo the very last bottle of Advil stashed in her desk.

A sharp clicking noise headed toward her desk made her jolt her head up, coming eye to eye with the one and only Iron Gates.

"Detective? I won't have you running around sick. Go home." was the brief argument. Beckett opened her mouth to protest, but instead of words, an echoing cough errupted out. Gates pursed her lips.

"Now, Detective." Kate nodded meekly and watched her boss turn and leave. She muttered a silent curse word and threw her coat over one shoulder as she fast walked to the elevator. Hoping, with all her heart, that Castle would so the obvious smart thing, and stay at the precint. She shuddered at the thought of her man-child of a boyfriend making his way to her place, with soup in his hands and a bad joke on his lips. She grimaced inwardly and slipped outside, thankfully unnoticed.

Castle rushed into the bullpen, two steaming lattes in one hand and a large bear claw in the other, eager to see his girlfriend. A slight smile came to his face as he ran the words through his tongue. He arrived at her desk and was surprised to see the chair empty, the desk all but deserted.

"Espo," he called over his shoulder to the man standing behind him. "Ya know where Beckett is?"

"Sick, bro. She went home, couple of minutes ago."

Castle turned in his heel, nearly running outside, leaving Ryan and Esposito to snicker behind his back about his newly appointed "whipped" status.

A fragrant cup of tea was a comforting scent when you where sick, especially for Kate Beckett. She gently lifted the mug and made her way to the overly stuffed, all too comfortable couch. She leaned down onto the soft plush and wrapped her thick, gray blanket around her thin shoulders. A sudden knock at the door made her groan, as she slipped her feet into her slippers and stumbled to the door.

Castle leaned against the doorway, taking in the sight in front of him. His gorgous, badass, completely stunning girlfriend, in a dark green sweatshirt, several sized too large, and black leggings with a tiny hole just above the knee, ending in a pair of white, fuzzy slippers. Her hair in a simple bun, long tendrils falling around her face. Furrowed eyebrows, biting her lip, and the look on her face, so precocious he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Her eyes flared up and she shot him a look, as she turned around swiftly, nearly slamming the door behind her. Castle, still laughing, wrapped his arms around her protectively and smiled into her hair.

"You look beautiful, Kate," he whispered into her ear. She leaned into him and giggled quietly.

"Laugh at me one more time, Mr. Castle, I dare you." she fake-threatened, playfully flicking his ear.

"I wasn't laughing at you!" he protested weakly. "You just look so different." She grinned at him slightly and moved aside to let him come in, a bashful smile hidden befind a flick of her hand.

Amovie they where watching together.

"This is awful Castle. Just, really, really bad." Kate laughed, leaning backwards into him and tilting her head back so their eyes met, her hand resting gently on his cheek.

He shot her an injured look, and mockingly said "That hurts, Kate. Really hurts." She laughed once more, and curled up closer to him, the shared warmth between them so soothing against the brisk, New York air.

As the television screen droned on, Castle noticed Beckett relaxing against him, her breathing becoming even and deep. She was falling asleep. Her eyelids fluttered, a pair of dark butterflies against her smooth skin. He chuckled softly and stood up silently, making sure he didn't disturb her. He tenderly picked her up and made his way to the bedroom. As he rested her against the bed, her slim frame nearly disappearing against the massive white of her sheets. He tucked her tightly into the comforter and brushed a lock of hair from her cheek, before he knelt down and softly pressed his lips against her cool forehead.

"Feel better, Kate." he said quietly. "I love you."