Okay Pumpkins I know I have like four other stories going on here but I just had to get this first chapter of this out of my head. I hope you like it.

Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III is now the President of the United States. He won the election divorced and a father of two children. He divorced his wife after 10 years of marriage (Grey's Anatomy storyline.) It was finalized during his campaign for the Presidency. Surprisingly he won the election but now needs help of a "fixer" to run his communications department in the white house. Do you think the sparks will fly when they meet this way…hmmm I wonder?

A Breath of Fresh Air

Chapter 1: Taking in a Deep Breath

Fitz had been in office now for about a week. On the day of his inauguration as the 44th President of the United States, Fitz had his daughter hold the bible he was sworn in on. He had been divorced for over 6 months and he finally got to see his two children more than just on the holidays. His son Jerry, his oldest, was 9 and looked so much like him. Same hair, the "Grant" eyes, and charm. His daughter Karen, 7 years old, looked more like her mother, but had those "Grant" eyes. Both his children luckily had his warm, loving personality.

He had been married to their mother, Mellie for 10 years. Even thought their marriage was technically "dead," Fitz never cheated on her. He made vows for better or for worse. Him and Mellie had their fights. She always told him that she "had kids for him" and she "gave up her law career" for him to run for office. She may have done these things for him but it was all for her benefit.

As his campaign for the Presidency began he thought they were getting closer again. He did not love her but they were still a team. So he thought. He had just gotten into a heated argument with his campaign manager and just wanted to go to sleep. He walked into his hotel room and heard noises. Moans and groans of passion that he knew weren't for him because he was standing in the other room.

He walked pass the couch and saw a jacket that he knew. Fitz knew this jacket but he couldn't figure out why. Why was this jacket so familiar to him? He had seen this jacket before but where. He continued to walk past it, and stopped at the bedroom door. He heard this voice that he knew.

Fitz took a deep breath and opened the door and just stood there. He was not surprised to see his wife cheating on him, but what shocked him more was that it was with his best friend. Eric and Fitz had been the best of friends since attending law school. He was even Fitz's best man at their wedding. He did not blame Mellie totally for this, but it still hurt.

After Eric left without saying a word, Fitz told Mellie that he wanted a divorce. He did not need her to win the Presidency. It was not a crime to divorce a cheating spouse and the American people would vote for the new him. He was not going to stick around in a loveless marriage anymore.


When the news broke about the divorce it was right before the Republican debate against his rival Sally Langston. The mediator asked him one question about his divorce and why should the American People vote for him.

Fitz breathed in and promptly answered, "You can't capture someone's character in one photo, nor someone's marriage. Whether I am divorced or not should not make any difference on how I can run the country. Married, single, or divorced should make no difference when becoming the Leader of the Free World. It does not say in the Constitution that the President MUST BE married to be elected. Also there are many single fathers out there learning how to balance work and their children without a spouse.

"My divorce does not define who I am. The only thing it tell the American People is that I am just like them. It tells them that I am a man, father of two, hoping to one day meet the love of his life. I have not been fortunate to find that kind of love in my life yet. I hope one day it comes knocking at my door. If it's not the door to the Oval Office then fine. But I am willingly to run this country, as a single dad. This is the new me. I hope the American people take me as I am and are willingly to take the chance."

The crowd erupted in a thunderous applause. Fitz's campaign manager, Cyrus Beene was beyond pleased with his answer. Cyrus had always known that Fitz was destined to be great. He did not believe his divorce was the correct choice but it panned out in the end. Cyrus also ended up becoming Fitz's Chief of Staff.

Among appointing Cyrus, Fitz had also chosen most of his senior staff before his first official day in office. The only position he has not been able to fill was for his Communications Director. Cyrus insisted that he knew the perfect person for the job, but Fitz wanted to spend some more time looking. He had only been in office a week and the current Communications Director decided to stay on until he found a replacement.

"Mr. President, my girl is good. She's the best. She's smart, intelligent, a spitfire. She's my best non-political student I've ever had. I mentored her Sir. When I tell you she's the best at what she does, she is. And she can help us with your first State of the Union Speech."

"Cy, can't I take a little more time to think about this? How do I know she can help me write my State of the Union address? It's my first one Cy. Whomever I put up there is going to be the 'face' of this administration. She has to be good. How do I know I can trust her? How do I know she can keep a good poker face in front of the White House Press core?" Fitz vented.

"Because I do Mr. President, Fitz. Trust me, she's the one you want. " Cyrus said back to him forcibly.

Fitz was taken back this statement. Never had he heard Cyrus talk about anyone this way. Whomever this girl was, she must be good at what she does.

"Cyrus, I don't know. But I am going to trust your gut on this one. Set the meeting up for tomorrow. I'll meet your girl, and she better be good."

"Oh trust me Sir, she'll knock your socks off."

"What's your girl's name? The girl you're going to bring in to save the day." Fitz asked.

"Her name is Olivia, Mr. President. Olivia Pope."

"Well I will meet with Miss Pope, and she better be worth it." Fitz sneered back at him.

But what Fitz did not know that not only was she worth it. What she would become to him, would be worth everything.


So there you go my little pumpkins. I know this chapter is not that long but I wanted to put this out there and see if anyone likes it. If any of you would like me to continue this story line let me know. It's like my "Fixer" story, but yet different at the same time.

Leave me milk and cookies cuz they make me smile.

Peace, Luv, and Pumpkins…
