Chapter 2

It isn't true that girls are the only ones subjected to the horrors of being married to some random person to gain their family social status, no its definitely not true. Be warned fellow men unless you are cursed with no penis and are somehow unable to fulfill your duty as sperm donor you are out of luck because at birth you may very well be assigned to some fire nation princess and forever be her boy toy. Yup just like in the stories, she's older then me and she's in a power position and she is skilled in basically everything. The only thing I have that she doesn't is a penis and some weird fire talent.

I am a firebending prodigy like the crazy phoenix chick, Azula. When I was 3 months old, I lit my bedroom on fire. When I was 5, I burnt down the royal fire lily gardens. When I was 8, I burnt down two ...well you get the picture. Now you're probably wondering why someone with as much talent as me is constantly burning stuff. Well, the sad truth is I can't light a candle without a mini explosion (mini if its a good day). I have barely any control of my bending, I struggle with not just spontaneously bursting into flames, a lesson most benders have learned by the time they are two like my two little sisters, fraternal twins. One with my mothers firebending gift and the other with my fathers perfect cooking skills. Neither of their talents do I have in any manifestation.

My parents are wonderful people who love me enough to just go with my weird issues. Unfortunately my sporadic bending makes me a danger to anything combustible so I spend most of my time inside and being the water heater for the surrounding village..

Now I am sure there are plenty of people who doubt me. It should not be possible for a bender to have uncontrollable bending, they should be born with the basic knowledge. Why don't you ask my first (and last) date. She was so afraid of me she literally couldn't look me in the eye which caused me to be embarrassed and angry which caused the carpets to explode. and our hair cutters, they won't even speak to me anymore.

My father came into the room I was currently in the process of singeing, sat down and gave me the -Kozin, I have some bad news, don't make anything erupt into flames- look. I could already tell this was going to end badly, for me.
My father took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
"Kozin, you're getting married".
"What?!" the water in the vase of orange panda lilies boiled. My dad totally unruffled repeated himself
"After extensive talks with the firelord it has been decided that you would be of the perfect breeding to be her royal highness's husband"
Me: "Not in a joking mood dad"
Dad: "I'm totally serious"
Me: "I can't believe you are doing this to me!"
Dad: "stop trying to get off topic, you should be happy that you don't have to go out and look for a wife you just get right down to the good stuff. Besides you used to love it when the fire lord and lady would visit. Remember when you were still cute and cheerful, you used to run outside before they even arrived and wait there until they came" My dad smiled brightly at me or his vision of cute cheerful me " you were so excited you sparked"
Me: "I don't even do that anymore and you still bring it up every week!"
Dad: "We'll be going up to the capitol next week and The Avatar and his family will be there"
Me: "Umm... is their daughter coming?"
Dad:"Yeah, and the boys too." my dad said in a cheerful voice (as if this was a good thing!).
Me: "Then I'll just let you old timers do your thing, I wouldn't want to intrude." I added a big fake smile and dashed out of the kitchen before my dad could give me any more "good news".

My parents are pretty high up on the noble scale because of their long history as advisers so they've met the avatar and his friends. I haven't met the avatar or his wife but I've met all his children and let me tell you his daughter is a terror. Her name is Kya, seems nice enough right? wrong. She may seem nice and sweet at first, but I promise you, once she's latched on to you she never ever EVER lets go. Last visit I ended up shrieking at her like a hog-banshee for half an hour and at the end she smiles and says (and I quote) "You're just like your father when your angry." She's never seen my father angry! And yes I know the ends of my hair are singed now. The one thing I can be grateful for is not getting married to her.

I walked through the palace hallways towards my room. Everyone in the hallway visibly cringed as I passed them. Some poor guy a young noble official was staring so intently at the ground he walked right into me, spilling what I assumed was his lunch all over me. I do feel kind of bad about what happened now but well.. he should have stumbled on a day when I didn't feel like murdering someone.
"Are you serious" I yelled. The curtains burst into flames.
"Not only do I have to be married off like.. like a girl but that terror Kya is coming to shove it in my face and to top it all off I had to bump into you and your" I glanced down at my shirt "earth kingdom slop" I grabbed the guys collar. I shook him to emphasize my point like doing so would change something. On a glance I saw everyone staring at me. I expected fear but all I saw was disgust.
"Kozin" someone deadpanned. I spun dropping the guy and preparing to yell at whoever was behind me and froze and I assure you you would have frozen too.
"Lord Kozin of the third house of fire, son of Royal councilor Maora and Lord Terin how dare you"
My mother stood staring me down, all 5 feet 9 inches of her. With neat controlled movements she drew the fire away from the curtains and snuffed it from existence.
"Grow up Kozin, you are hardly the only young man who has gotten married young" My mother approached me slowly, like a lion tamer. She stopped only when she was right in front of me
"Your sense of entitlement and privilege is an embarrassment for our family and for the firenation, now go to your room and sulk alone, we leave for the capitol tomorrow"

"Ahem" a servant politely coughed "The palanquin is waiting, sir."
"Right" I muttered as a group of royal dressers (yes, I can't even put on my own clothes) descended upon me to perform their royal duty. I had been woken up at the crack of dawn by an overly eager looking young stylist who had sprayed me in the face with a bottle of something smelled feminine, cinnamon and fire lilies. It went downhill from there. By the time they were done with me it was impossible to tell whether i was male or female or just an asexual maniquen.

My parents waved giddily as I stepped onto the palanquin and I couldn't find it in myself to make a snarky response I wasn't even allowed the dignity of riding with my family because my bride had decided as future ruler she wanted to be seen in a place of power so I got to ride in the traditional brides place at the end of the procession.

It was embarrassing, being served to the people on literally a fancy tray. Here comes the brid- oops we meant groom to be, its hard to tell but he's quite violent so only poke him with a ten foot pole. I sat still for a while but about five minutes in realized no one could see me through the heavily embroidered marriage drape. So after a while with nothing to do I began to count the jewelry I was wearing by color. 5 red jewel rings 24 electric blue stone bracelets, 6 orange bead necklaces...

2 hrs into the parade, just as I was getting around to red armbands, I heard a shriek and then guards running footsteps, the crowd outside began to scream. The sound of sand against stone filled my ears and I could smell the swirling dust. I only caught a glance of the person who entered the palanquin, a girl with a pretty but nondescript appearance. There was nothing about her that I could note, the only thing that made her stand out was the critical look she gave me.

Then she smirked, pulled back her fist.

And then I passed out

Second chapter is done on the same day as the first one (well..kinda). Its a holiday miracle! Anyway that probably wont happen ever again which is ironic as I don't have an audience or a following so no one will get to see that i got something done early... :(

If you don't review somewhere a fairy will die.

Thanks for reading!