Name: Betrayal

Summary: We crashed into my flat, hands moving through hair, pulling off clothes and gripping body parts in a frenzied attempt at touching everywhere we could. I never thought this could happen. Naruto P.O.V, NaruSasu.

Pairing: Naruto x Sasuke

Warnings: male x male detailed sex scene, going behind someone's back, guilt and pwp.

YukiKagami: Hey everyone, I have changed this story, I wrote the original a while ago and just went over the story thinking 'Cheating is never good in any way' so I changed it but didn't want to change it too much from the original. Hopefully you will like the new version better, sorry to those who enjoyed the original.

*Naruto P.O.V*

We crashed into my flat, hands moving through hair, pulling off clothes and gripping body parts in a frenzied attempt at touching everywhere we could. I never thought this would happen, I didn't even know when this had started but I can't help the image of a certain girl popping into my head as we continued into the main room.

'This is wrong.' The thought passed through my mind before being swept away as our lips crashed together in a desperate attempt of a kiss. Tongues slid against each other as my hands unzipped his pants, his hands already roaming over my exposed skin as our hips jolted and grinded together.

"Sasuke..." My voice surprises me, coming out in a husky whisper that tears a low moan from Sasuke, pleasure floods through me at the sound of his voice. His grinding hips become more rough and I push him against the wall, sliding my hands down to grip his moving hips, trying to gain some control back.

"Sasuke, wait-" I pull away from his lips and my brain swirls round in a confusing swirl, holding those slender hips still I find myself grasping at thin air as what to say. His eyes watch me, a smirk coming onto his lips, one of his hands slipping down from my chest to cup my erection.

I almost fall down when it felt like lightning sparked through my lower half, shutting down my brain as the hot and sweaty Uchiha who now had a strong grip on my privates started to grind against my leg. I gave up trying to hold onto those hips, those thin, still clothed, ruthless hips.

The sound of a zip tells me that Sasuke is about to come flesh to flesh with my erection, but those slim pale fingers only brush against him before moving up to grip my shoulders, wrapping those deliciously strong legs around my now bare waist. I only noticed then that my trousers had fallen down to the ground, cold air hitting my hot skin, naked and flush against Sasuke I groan.

"We shouldn't be doing this." The voice that came out of my mouth, filled with lust, isn't what I was aiming for, 'I'm trying to stop this.' my mind says, trying everything to not feel the guilt that bubbles up inside even as Sasuke pulls my head back to nip and suck on my neck.

"Don't." His voice startles me, I move my head down to look at him, a deep purring sound comes from his chest as he looks into my eyes, "You know you want this as much as I do." He kisses me hard, I can feel that my lips are plump, probably red from our continuous make out session.

I gave in, finally wrestling off Sasuke's remaining clothes, leaving skin against skin, how and slick with sweat as we continued to grind against one another. My thoughts disappear into the back of my mind as my body fully takes over, moving my hands from Sasuke's hips to his arse, squeezing and kneading the soft flesh.

Sasuke groaned in appreciation, I can feel him pressing hot and heavy against my stomach as I rake my nails across his sensitive cheeks. Pulling apart for air I pant and watch Sasuke slide his hand down to take full hold of his erection and froze when he positioned it against his twitching entrance.

My thoughts were gone but something snapped back inside me and I made out a few protests, "Wait! Don't I need to-?" I stopped when I saw the determination and lust on Sasuke's face, I shut my eyes and grit my teeth as Sasuke pumped me before pulling hard, my hips thrust forward and I hiss in slight pain as I breached the tight channel.

Holding still wasn't an option as I felt the scolding hot walls clench around me, my hips moved instinctively as I pulled out just a bit, the tightness making it ten times harder than it should have been, before slamming back in all the way. I hear Sasuke choke on a scream as I began to ruthlessly pound him into the wall.

Fingers gripped onto my arms, bruising me, Sasuke cried out as a lucky thrust his his prostate, I didn't know how long I could lastly, even though we had just started. The twisted pleasure and secrecy pushing me over the edge quicker than ever before, the feeling was better than anything I had ever felt.

Sasuke was continuously moaning as he pulls me closer, gripping my hair in a iron grip and leaning his head back against the wall as he helps move his hips, taking me deeper. I moan into his neck as I thrust my hips faster against his, the sound of our skin slapping together filling my room.

I'm so close to the edge now, so is Sasuke by the sound of it, his body writhing and gasping as he moaned into my ear. I hold him close as my thrusts become erratic, I can't believe this is happening, I can feel the flood of pleasure sweeping over me quickly, should I cum inside or out?

I can't even breathe any more as I hold onto Sasuke and connect with him over and over before a sudden consuming force sweeps through my body, ending at my crotch. I make sure to slam deliberately into Sasuke's prostate and watch as Sasuke unravels into his orgasm, screaming my name.

I didn't have the chance to pull out, the sight and feel of him around me enough to make me cum, I thrust one last time before my world explode into white pleasure, our bodies sliding down the wall until I was on my knees. I heard Sasuke gasping as I filled him to the brim with my cum, basking in the heavenly feel of him clenching and unclenching around me.

Then it was over.

Parting from our positions I slide out of Sasuke's body, sitting there with him in silence, noting that his legs are still shaking from the after effects of pleasure, a smile making its way onto my face, 'He probably wont be able to walk for a while after this...maybe I should have moved us to the bed...'

Leaning back against the wall next to him I couldn't stop the feeling of overwhelming guilt that suddenly settled in my stomach. I had taken away something that was precious to Sakura, Sasuke.

I can't believe this, how could I betray her like this? After all those talks about how much she loved Sasuke, how she was saving herself for him, that one day she hoped they would marry...and with all that in mind he had done this...

Sasuke seemed to notice my train of thoughts and reached out a hand to caress through my hair, I look up at him with all the hurt and disgust at myself, "I did this, Sakura she...I betrayed her, I did this, I-" My voice breaks as the words come tumbling out of my mouth, my brain only answering with one thought, 'It's all my fault, all my fault.'

"So did I." Sasuke's voice was firm but seemed to soften as he continued, those onyx eyes watching me with something more than lust now, "I showed you how I feel, the fact that I would do this with you...but it's not just lust Naruto."

"Why do you think I came back to the village in the first place?" He asked suddenly taking me off guard, he moves towards me, leaning his head against my shoulder, "For Kakashi?...Sakura? No. I came back for you."

"Because I love you."

YukiKagami: Please Review, I would love to know what you think and I hope you enjoyed