Chapter 1

This is my brand new series of stories. I always wanted to write it, but I just didn't know how to start. It was hard. Inside my computer's memory there's just lots and lots of stories I started writing, and than I just forgot on them. Oh well, maybe after I will finish them, one day.

PG13 is because of the swearing. I'm sorry, but you can't miss that in my stories.

Anyways here we go with stupid, boring, and monotone disclaimer.

Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters belong to whom else than me?

Well unfortunately they don't. I don't own any of them.

Renaissance of Evil - Chapter I: The Prologue

There was nothing wrong with the Leizgal Universität for Young Witches and Wizards, except that the German Ministry of Magic decided that it was just too much, and that it had to be closet. The students were sent everywhere from there. Lots of them just went to Beauxbaton, and smaller number went to Durmstang. Just a little number went to Hogwarts. The little number was really a little. It was four out of two thousand and fifty, as much as Leizgal had. The four people were two boys and two girls. Their named were Sidney Moustakis, De Aundrä (pronounced Dee Oun-dré) Bösendorfer, Sebastian Rechmann, and Antonio Mocenigó. It was funny, cause everyone accepts Sidney was born in the richest family, from the aria they are from. De Aundrä was from Austria; Sebastian was from Germany; and Antonio was from Italy. Sidney was from Greece, but she was a Mudblood. She was poor, well not as poor as Weasleys are, but almost.

As four of them reached the chamber before the great hall, to wait for their sorting into the Hogwarts, they were chatting.

-"I expect that you two will be also in Slytherin," – said Sebastian, as they nervously waited to get sorted. They were all final seventh year. Sebastian was pretty handsome. He was tall, had white hair. His face was so pale, that people usually couldn't believe he is alive when they saw him. Well also the factor was his purple eye bags under his eyes.

-"Well for three of us my answer must be yes, but for our dear Sidney…." – De Aundrä maliciously sneered at Sidney. They just didn't have different point of looking on the world, but they didn't look alike at all. De Aundrä was tall, and pretty, with perfect figure. Sidney was short and really fat. Not to mention that her face was awfully ugly, and she was the only one that had heavy accent.

-"For your information I don't want to be in Slytherin, Bösendorfer." – Sidney was really offended by what De Aundrä said.

-"Oh shut up, and be happy that you are here now." – Sebastian snapped at her.

For all that time, Antonio was standing in the corner, listening. He was also tall, with dark skin, and black hair, that was usually falling over his eyes.

The next few moments they spent silent, not talking. Than suddenly McGonagall came there and motioned them to follow her. After that she firstly called "Bösendorfer, De Aundrä" out.

She came outside, knowing that every single person in the room is looking at her. As she sat on the chair, and placed the hat on her head, Harry and his friends were staring at her all the time. "She is pretty. She must be Gryffindor, so I can date her," Ron said. Hermione was looking at him, offended. All these years he couldn't realize that she loves him.

-"So let's see" – the voice inside the hat told De Aundrä, - "I can feel that you didn't come here for anything good…"

-"How do you know, you are just a hat," – she thought.

-"You are wrong, I am just a hat, but not just an ordinary hat. I know that you won't be accepted anywhere else, except in Slytherin, so let it be…………… SLYTHERIN" – yelled the hat, and she took it off, as she sit for the Slytherin table. As she sat opposite of Draco Malfoy, he gave 'Welcome' sneer.

-"Hello Draco," – she said, as she watched Antonio places the hat on his head.

-"Hello De Aundrä" – said Draco, after a moment of waiting.

-"Do you still hate me, cause I told you that you are stupid, when we were seven?" – She sneered, as the hat yelled 'Slytherin', and Antonio joined the table, sitting beside Crabbe. Crabbe just grunted as Antonio sat beside him. Draco nodded with his head, as the sigh of hello to Antonio. Antonio did the same thing.

-"What did you say?" – Draco asked, as he turned back to De Aundrä, faking that he haven't heard when she said.

-"Never mind. There is that bitch, she is getting sorter" – De Aundrä said sarcastically, while she watched Sidney getting sorted.

-"Why do you hate her so much?" – Draco asked, moving little over the table, so he could heat De Aundrä's answer better.

-"Why do you care" – she said.

Sidney was sorted into Gryffindor.

-"I didn't know that Gryffindor supports sucha jerks." – De Aundrä said it to herself, but the whole table seemed to heard her, so they were all laughing. And as finally "Sebastian Rechmann" was called, De Aundrä and Draco stopped their talk to listen.

Sebastian placed the Hat on his head, and he saw nothing. The voice of the Hat was saying:

-"A prophetic possibilities, knowing how to read the people. The last person I had that had the same talent was Tom Riddle. I daresay that your father told you who Tom Riddle was?"

-"Of course he did." – Sebastian was angry cause Hat thought that he doesn't know anything. He knew story about Tom Riddle better than the Holy Bible.

-"Oh well, I think that I don't want to make the same mistake two times. I think I may send you to Hufflepuff…"

-"You can't do it. You won't make the same mistake two times. Believe me. And my father would kill me I don't get to Slytherin."

-"Well in that case, if you asked me, let it be SLYTHERIN!"

Sebastian joined their friends, as the feast begun. He sat beside De Aundrä.

They were discussing the world politics for short time. Than after Draco finished with his Potter-gossiping, De Aundrä started talking him about Sidney. She told him every single lie that she could think of at that very moment about Sidney.

Than, as they set off for the common room, Draco, the new Headboy was showing them way around. Draco gave the Stonewall correct password, which was "Domine Slytherin in excelsis".

-"I liked Leizgal Universität better" – Was De Aundrä's first reaction. As she said that, Pansy just pierced her with her stare, and turned around. As she went to girls' dorminatory, she was gossiping De Aundrä with Millicent. Pansy and Millicent were both really ugly.

After they were sure that everyone was gone, Draco motioned them to sit in the chairs by the fire. They were tired, but the three of them haven't seen Draco for very long time.

-"So Draco, did you want to talk to us about something?" – Sebastian asked.

-"Well why would I call you, if I didn't want to talk to you?" – Draco sneered.

-"I don't like that Potter boy." – Antonio finally said. Everyone looked at him, as tough as he never spoke before. He was really silent.

-"He is a show off" – said Sebastian.

-"And he doesn't look good, as some…" – De Aundrä said, smirking thrillingly. All three guys looked at her, thinking that she thought on him.

-"So did you have houses in our former school?" – Draco asked.

-"Yeah, we had five houses." – Said De Aundrä.

-"Dewenport, Ieselnacht, Möthester, Schiller, and Vissapelt. The colors of Dewenport were green, teal and bronze, while the animal was cat; Ieselnacht was white, pathetique blue and silver, with seagull for mascot; Möthester's colors were pink, purple and gold, with chipmunk as mascot; Schiller was gray, blue and badge, and the animal was lizard; and Vissapelt was black, cardinal red, and silver, their mascot was scorpion." – Said Sebastian.

-"Of course, you were in…" – Draco tried to say.

-"Vissapelt" – De Aundrä, Sebastian, and Antonio said at the same time.

-"Right." – Draco was little annoyed cause they cut him.

-"So how are things going here, at Hogwarts?" – De Aundrä asked.

-"Pity." – Draco said resentfully. – "I tried to kill Potter five times, and it didn't work."

-"Ooh" – De Aundrä said.

-"Don't worry we will help you." – Said Sebastian.

-"And you wouldn't mind if we'd accidentally cut Sidney's head off, too?" – De Aundrä sneered, as she stood up, and walked so she was now standing in the space between Draco's and Sebastian's chair.

-"Maybe" – said Sebastian, pensively.

Than De Aundrä placed her hands, both on Draco's and Sebastian's chair, and lowered her head, so her mouth were an inch away from Sebastian's ear.

-"Please…" – She said.

-"We'll see about it." – Sebastian turned around, and found his mouth an inch away from hers.

-"Sebastian, you know I hate her…" – She was faking that she is concerned. – "She is evil, and she hates me."

-"De Aundrä, you are evil" – Draco told her. Just as Sebastian started moving his lips towards hers, to kiss her, she turned around with a snap, to Draco, and said:

-"Shut up."

-"Are you ordering me that?" – Draco sneered.

-"She is," – said Sebastian, half angry, half malicious.

-"Ooh, should I be scared of you?" – Draco was sarcastic.

-"Maybe… I would advise you to be." – De Aundrä said. Draco could see her. Behind her was Sebastian, whose silver eyes were shining, with scorn.

-"Ooh, I'm just joking." – De Aundrä tapped Draco on his shoulder, with her hand. – "Anyways, I have to get to sleep. Good night Draco, Sebastian, and Antonio."

She said, and while she was going towards Slytherin girls' dorminatory, 'Good night De Aundrä' from them followed her.

-"I think that we might go to sleep, too," – Antonio yawned.

-"I don't really know. But oh well, lets go," – said Sebastian, who didn't sound sleepy at all.

Before that, in the Gryffindor dorminatory, Hermione, the new Headgirl was showing Sidney around. As she showed her every possible item in the girl' dorminatory, they sat on the couch to talk.

-"So Sidney, I hear you have an accent. Where are you from?" – Hermione asked.

-"I am from Greece." – Sidney answered.



-"I went there once. Anyways, do you know that two boys that were there, and that girl?" – Hermione asked.

-"Unfortunately yes."

-"So you know their names?"

-"That girl is De Aundrä. She is really mean to me. She was in Vissapelt. That house has awful reputation…"

-"The same with Slytherin" – Hermione interrupted her, but she didn't mind to finish with her talk.

-"Sebastian, the guy with white hair, and Antonio the other one are from Vissapelt, also. The three of them are friends. Even if De Aundrä had friends, and Sebastian his best friend, which is Antonio, he always seemed to be pretty close with De Aundrä."

-"Sebastian is really hot, but he looks like he is dead. Not alive."

-"Lots of girls don't really mind that. At Leizgal Universität, he dated lost of girls. De Aundrä used to be dating few much older guys, and they were pretty popular. And about Antonio, I don't know much about him. He doesn't talk too much. He is quiet."

-"He seems nice…" – Hermione said dreamily.

-"Not that much." – Sidney said.

-"They to know Draco Malfoy."

-"Oh they do. I heard them talking about him few times. Sebastian used to bug De Aundrä how does she likes him. And she was just acting that she is annoyed and mad at him, but I think that she was glad about Draco. How is he?"

-"He is a stupid jerk. He hates Mudbloods. And he is mean to Harry and Ron." – Hermione said furiously.

-"De Aundrä told me that I am, you know that B I T C H word, in face. And than that I am F Mudblood. Sebastian, well he never did that, but he was very mean to Me." – Sidney seemed very sad when she was saying that.

-"Oh, I am sorry." – Hermione took hold of Sidney's hand.

-"It's all right."

Meanwhile, in the Slytherin girls' dorminatory, Pansy was talking to Millicent, as De Aundrä entered the room.

-"Hi" – Pansy sneered, as Millicent just kept looking somber at De Aundrä.

-"Hello" – De Aundrä said back, not showing even a slightest emotion.

-"Do you want to talk to us?" – Pansy asked her.

De Aundrä looked over the room, and than said, carelessly:

-"I guess so." – Than she sat down on the armchair, while Pansy and Millicent were sitting on the sofa.

-"You like Draco Malfoy, right?" – Pansy asked.

-"No. Why does whole world think that I like him?" – De Aundrä asked.

-"Well perhaps the way you were talking to him during the dinner." – Millicent finally spoke.

-"I am talking to Sebastian in the same manner." – De Aundrä was justifying herself. But as she spoke there was devilish smile in the corner of her mouth.

-"So you like Sebastian, also?" – Pansy asked.

-"Yes, I mean no." – De Aundrä was saying, as the two of them were watching her.

-"Ooh, you like them." – Pansy and Millicent, trying to find the right tune, so they could chant the song.

-"Okay than, of you want it that way, I like them both."

-"That's the right attitude, girlfriend" – said Millicent.

Next day, as Sidney with Hermione, Harry, and Ron headed for breakfast; they wanted to show her trophy room. As they entered it, they found that Draco, De Aundrä, and Sebastian were already in there.

-"Look who is here. Famous Potter boy, with his not that equal famous sidekick Weasley, and their Mudblood post stamp Granger." – Draco sneered at them.

-"And don't forget that bitch, Sidney" – De Aundrä said.

-"What do you know. You are not at the Hogwarts for even a day, and you are already having your own opinions of everything" – Hermione snarled at De Aundrä.

-"Excusez-moi Madame, but would you tell me your name, si'l vous plaît?" – De Aundrä spoke half French on purpose.

-"What did she say?" – asked Ron, stupefied.

-"She was…" – Hermione tried, but Sebastian interrupted her.

-"She wants to know your name, stupid."

-"It's Hermione." – Hermione said. And before Sebastian, De Aundrä, and Draco could say anything more insulting; and Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Sidney could take anything else, McGonagall came inside.

-"Is there any commotion here?" – She placed her hands on her waist.

-"Potter was already trying to show off, in front of my friends, Ma'am" – Draco said, before Hermione could tell what really happened.

-"Potter, is that true?" – McGonagall turned to Harry.

-"Of course it is" – Draco said.

-"Malfoy I didn't ask you anything. Now you, and Rechmann, and you Bösendorfer, go for breakfast, while I talk to Harry." – McGonagall barked.

-"Bye Sidney" – De Aundrä sneered, as she exited the room, fallowed by Sebastian and Draco.

-"Now, Potter. I know that you and Draco aren't in really friendly relationships, but you are showing off in front of his friends…"

-"It's not true Professor. Malfoy, and that white guy, and that girl…" – Ron interrupted her.

-"Weasley, out!" – She yelled.

-"But he…" – Hermione tried.

-"You too Granger!" – Hermione and Ron got out of the room.

-"Professor, would you let me explain, please?" – Sidney asked.

-"Fine Moutkatis…" – McGonagall sighed.

-"It's Moustakis." – Sidney corrected her.

-"What ever. Explain what happened."

-"Well we wanted to look around the trophy room, so Harry could show me show me things that he and his friends earned. When we came in, the three of them were there, and they started insulting us right after."

Harry nodded his head dumbly, showing that he agrees with Sidney's story.

-"Potter, if it's true, I can't help you there. You must go and complain to Professor Snape." – Said McGonagall, knowing that Professor Snape won't do anything about what just students from his house did.

-"You know that…"

-"Potter, the only things I know is that I am hungry, and you and Sidney might be too, so we should all go to get some breakfast." – She turned, and got out, leaving Harry and Sidney alone inside.

When Harry and Sidney got downstairs, they had to pass Slytherin table, where De Aundrä, Draco, and Sebastian. Sebastian was talking to Antonio, Probably telling him what just happened, Harry thought.

They sat for Gryffindor table, where Hermione and Ron were already eating.

-"What did she say?" – Ron was asking, spitting the food all over the table.

-"Did you get detention?" – Hermione asked.

-"No, and she believed that the fight wasn't our fault." – Said Sidney as she some sausages in her plate.

-"Really" – Ron was amazed.

-"Are they getting detention?" – Hermione asked.

-"No. We have to go to Snape, and tell him what happened, so he will give them detention" – Harry said, bitterly.

-"Are you going to do that?" – Sidney asked. She was the one that spitted food this time, all over the table.

-"Sure, and then he will us detention" – Ron said.

-"Snape hates me, and my friends" – Harry said.

-"Stupid Potter, stupid McGonagall, stupid Weasley, stupid Granger, stupid Mudbloods…" – Draco was saying to himself, after the four of them stayed all alone at the Slytherin table.

Sebastian, who was at that time talking to Antonio, saying for hundredth time what happened, turned around to Draco.

-"Draco you are not alone at this table."

-"This is free county. We live in democracy. Demos means nation on Latin; Crate means to rule." – Draco snapped.

-"To remind you that we are not at Latin class now." – De Aundrä was really irritated by Draco's Latin-knowledge-showing-off.

-"What do you know?" – Antonio said quietly, but everyone heard him. He was silent person, but when he was talking he was also quiet, and everyone understood him.

De Aundrä folded her hands, and lay in her chair, protesting to eat the rest of her breakfast.

-"Ooh, look at this. She is mad at you Antonio" – Sebastian sneered.

-"Shut up" – said Antonio taking the same position De Aundrä had. He didn't want to finish his meal either.

Draco started laughing at that moment.

-"What are you laughing at?" – Sebastian asked.

-"They took the same position" – Draco almost choked, as he said that.

-"Oh yeah." – Sebastian said contemplatively, like he usually did. Than he turned over to De Aundrä, who was sitting right beside him. She just rolled her eyes. He was looking greedily at hers.

-"What do you want?" – She asked, with her teeth clenched.

He turned around, and when he made sure that both Antonio and Draco were staring at two of them, he turned back.

-"Didn't I tell you that already?" – Sebastian asked.

-"No." – She snapped.

-"I have an idea, De Aundrä; we are seventh year now, and we can go to the Hogsmeade when ever we want to. And anyways, today is Sunday. No school." – Sebastian was saying, as he was getting closer to her. When he got really close to her, she just pushed him away, on his forehead, using her fist.

-"I don't want to go" – she said.

-"But I do." – He said, as he pressed his mouth on her neck.

-"They are always like this." – Said Antonio. Draco just turned around to make sure that Antonio was the one that said that.

-"Lets go somewhere" – De Aundrä stood up, accidentally hitting Sebastian, who was already kissing her.

-"Let's just go to the Hogsmeade." – Draco said, as he stood up, and snapped with his hands on the table.

Harry, Ron, and Sidney were also going to Hogsmeade. Hermione didn't want to waste precious Sunday morning on Hogsmeade. They were walking towards the Three Broomsticks, talking.

-"So you know that girl, that yesterday came to school" – Harry said.

-"Yes." – Sidney said, but she didn't seem really happy for knowing her.

-"What's her name?" – Ron asking, blushing a little.

-"De Aundrä Bösendorfer." – She said. After that, she added, quietly, so no one can hear – "Ugly name."

-"What is she?" – Harry asked.


-"She is daughter of Wilhelm Bösendorfer?" – Ron asked.


-"And daughter of Taylor Beaumarchais (Boo-mahr-sha-ee)." – Ron added.

-"Again, yes."

-"I heard for both of them. What are they? I may think that they might be in Voldemort's service?" – Harry asked.

-"Harry, I know you live in the Muggle world during the summer, but you must know that Wilhelm is the head of the Main Legislative Committee of Wizards and Witches. And her mother is member of the Senate." – Ron was saying, as they entered the Three Broomsticks.

-"Wow, she must be rich." – Said Harry.

-"She is, but she is mean to me, and lots of other people." – Sidney was saying, acrimoniously, as they sat at the table, for six people.

-"Same as Malfoy, hah Harry? They would make a good pair." – Said Harry.

-"Yes, sure" – Ron laughed along with Harry. The fact is that none of them seemed that is funny if she'd go out with Malfoy. It would mean that their nemesis would get to go out with the girl they would really want to date.

-"Ron, I will buy you and Sidney drink." – Said Harry, as he left two of them alone at the table.

-"So Ron, I hear that Weasleys are poor" – Sidney said, going red.

-"Yes" – Ron was also blushing.

-"It's nothing to be ashamed of. I am poor, too. But I am Muggleborn, and you are a Pureblood." – Sidney said, as she smiled. Even the smile couldn't help her ugly face become a bit prettier.

-"I know" – said Ron, looking deeply in Sidney's brown eyes. Suddenly, something behind Sidney drew his attention, De Aundrä fallowed by Draco and Sebastian came inside the Three Broomsticks. She took her gloves off, and Sebastian took her trench coat off for her. She looked over the bar, and as she spotted the only spots that were free, she came to them. Unfortunately the free spots were ones at Harry's table.

-"Hello Sidney, how are you?" – She asked, having Draco behind her back.

-"Go away" – Sidney snapped, as she turned around.

-"You are being mean, Sidney." – Draco sneered.

-"I was wondering if we could sit here, cause as you can see, all spots are taken." – She said, awkwardly turning around.

Sidney was just about to tell her to go to hell, when Ron:

-"Sure you can."

She just sneered, as Draco got the chair out for her, and she sat down.

-"What do you want to get me for you to drink?" – Draco asked, lowering himself, and placing his head beside hers.

She was going over the Carte du jour, really indolently. As she was turning pages, Draco was moving nearer, and nearer her, until their cheeks were touching. Than she turned around to face him, saying:


-"Je suis désolée." – Draco said, as he moved. Ron was staring at her all that time. Sidney was looking at her, thinking how could she revenge her.

-"Puis-je take your order?" – Draco asked, after he realized that there's no theory that she will pick anything.

-"You sound sexy when you speak French" – she said.

Draco just went slightly pink in his cheeks.

-"I will take le Echter" – De Aundrä said, putting the menu down.

Draco was just about to go away, when she pulled him, and said.

-"Attendez un peu! Je regrette monsieur, but I would like Queelezers better" – she said, smirking.

-"Oui Madame. I mean mademoiselle." – Draco said, and finally went away.

-"Why are you staring at me?" – De Aundrä asked Ron.

-"He is staring at you. Poor guy never saw anyone like you." – Sidney said.

-"Are you French?" – Ron asked, stupidly.

-"Non, but my mother was. Why?" – De Aundrä said.

-"Because…" – Sidney tried to say something insulting, but Ron continued his idiotic staring at De Aundrä.

-"I like the way you speak it. What did you two say?" – Ron asked.

-"Excusez-moi is excuse me; Je suis désolée is I am very sorry; Puis-je means may I; Attendez un peu is wait a minute; and etc."

-"Do you like Draco?" – Ron asked.

-"What do you mean under 'like'?" – She asked.

-"Never mind" – said Ron, and than suddenly Harry came back three large Butterbeers, which he passed to his friends. When he sat down he realized that De Aundrä was sitting at this table.

-"What are you doing here?" – He asked.

-"There was nowhere else to sit, so I am here" – she said.

-"Don't you like the company of your two Pureblood and rich friends more?" – Harry asked.

-"They will join us very soon."

Just as she said that, Sebastian and Draco came. They sat down for the table, and Draco passed De Aundrä a glass. The glass was tall, made out of thin crystal glass. The liquid inside was pretty nasty looking. It was navy blue, with stripes of cardinal red.

-"Un sang" – she said, as she raised the glass, and first looked at it, than drunk a little.

-"Translation, please" – Sebastian demanded. He didn't speak French.

-"Das Blut could help, perhaps?" – Draco sneered. Of course Sebastian was a German.

-"Yes." – Sebastian said, looking at his drink. It was black and watery.

-"What are you drinking?" – Ron asked De Aundrä, who just ignored him, and kept staring at her drink.

-"Queelezers." – Draco said.

-"What is that?" – Harry asked.

-"Mix of snake blood, alcohol, and liquid ecstasy. Pretty expensive" – Draco sneered, dedicating the word 'expensive' to Ron.

-"Ooh" – said Ron.

~The end of the Chapter I~

There we go, new series of stories. Okay, I know it's true that I wanted to write a story about Harry being trapped inside a mirror, but my sister deleted accidentally everything I wrote, so I don't want to write it all over again.

And I just have one more message. I know you don't know me, but this is for people that do so: