A/N:Things you need to know B4 reading.

•Bella and Quil are not together as of now. No comment on how they feel for each other.

•I know Embry phased before Jake in the book, but in my story he phases after him.

• Charlie knows and wishes Bella and Quil would get together, even more than her and Jake.


I laid my head against Quil's chest as I cried my eyes out. We were on his couch laying down, and I couldn't bring myself to stop crying for the lose of yet another best friend. After Jacob started ignoring me and not talking to me, even when I staked out in front of his house, Quil, Embry and I had become amazingly close. Bonding over our shared loose of a friend. They were just as much my best friends as Jake had been. And now here Quil and I lay as I cried over a loose that I would have never thought I would be so familiar with. The looses that I have been through, in the last year alone, I would not wish upon my worst enemy. Quil rubbed soothing circles into my back as I cried at the memories of how such a good week could take a turn for the worst.

I headed over to Quil's again today. I was picking him up so we could stop by Embry's to see if he was okay. He had missed some school, and when we called, his mom only ever said that he was in bed 'sick'. We were beginning to get worried. But we were mostly scared because we knew that Jake had been sick just before he started to hang out with Sam. I shook my head trying not to think about the best friend I mourned over everyday. I pulled into Quil's drive and hopped out. I half skipped to the door so excited to see Quil. I knocked on the door all of two times before Quil was snatching it open. It almost sent my hand flying into his face. I stopped and he laughed. I threw myself at him and he pulled my into a giant bear hug.
"Quil!" I shouted as I squeezed him as hard as I could.
'Well hello there hot stuff!" He joked. I laughed and pulled away while I looked around.
"Where's Gramps?" I asked.
"Oh he's in the kitchen making himself something to eat." I nodded.
"Hey Gramps!" I shouted so he could hear me. I saw his head peak out of the kitchen, and the giant grin that broke out on his face when he saw me.
"Hey Bellsy! I missed you yesterday. Where were you?" He asked.
"Unfortunately I had to work." I told him frowning. He chuckled at my expression and disappeared into the kitchen.
"You two have fun! I won't be here when you get back, I'm going to an all day council meeting. Oh! And Bella, if you stay tonight make sure you use the quilt I made you. I don't let anyone else use it but you." He said proudly. I smiled. I adored the quilt he had made me when I first started hanging out with Quil and Embry so completely. It was pick and blue, and even though it had pink in it, I still loved it. I kept it here for when when I didn't feel like driving after late nights with the guys and I crashed here. Gramps never once complained. I really did love that old man, he was the closest thing I had to a real grandpa.
"Will do! Love you Gramps!" I said as we made our way out the door.
"Love you too Bells! Love Quil too, not that I'd ever admit it." He shouted and I laughed as I shook my head.
"Just did Gramps! Love you too crazy old bat!" We laughed as Quil closed the door. I almost doubled over when I heard him yell he heard that from the other side of the door. Quil slung his arm over my shoulder and we began the walk to Embry's. We got there in no time considering he lived so close to Quil.

Quil knocked and no one came to the door. He knocked again and still no answer. On the third try, we gave up hope.
"Come on, we'll come back later. Let's go to the beach." Quil said and took my hand and drug me along. We were walking down the beach when Quil eventually noticed my tenseness. He turned so that he was in front of me.
"What's up Bells?" He asked concerned.
"I don't know Quil... I just really hope that Embry is okay." I said looking down. He pulled me into a hug and it was then that noticed how hot his skin shin had gotten. He felt like he had a fever he was so hot.
"It'll be alright Bells, I'm sure he's fine." He assured me. I wasn't giving in so easily.
"Quil I haven't gone over two days without talking to either of you. I haven't talked to him in four, neither have you." I said becoming worried very quickly.
"Come on Bells, it'll be alright." He assured me as we began walking again.
"Are you okay Quil? You feel a little warm." I said, remembering my question from early.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I don't feel warm. Maybe your just cold." he teased. We were already in the water, ankle deep, so I decided to tease right along with him. I reached down as we walked and scooped up a handful of water and splashed him right in the face, I almost fell in the water myself, laughing so hard at the look on his face. It was priceless. He came back out of his shocked state and the mischievous grin plastered across his face had me running full speed down the beach's shore. I looked back to see that he was gaining on me way too fast and let out girly scream. I didn't get far at all before two warm arms had wrapped themselves around my waist, halting my run. I shrieked as Quil repeatedly splashed me with the icy cold salt water.
"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry!" I shrieked and he stopped splashing me and bent down to pick me up bridal style.
"Yeah, yeah." He said. I giggled. When he finally sat me down, my knees almost buckled as I saw them. There coming out of the woods, were Jake and Embry with two other people I didn't know, and non other than Samuel Uley. Before I knew what I was doing, I was bolting straight for them. I ran and was slightly aware of Quil following behind me, shouting my name, but I didn't care. I didn't bother going up the Jake. We had tried many times to talk and plead with him, but he never talked back. I went straight up to Embry, cutting off his walk way.
"What is wrong with you?!" I screamed into his face. I could have sworn I saw a hurt look pass his face, but soon all I saw was a masked Embry staring at me with no emotion. "I trusted you! You told me that you wouldn't ever join's Sam's gang! You promised to always be there! You knew what it did to me to loose Jake and yet here you are running around with him! I hate you Embry Call! I hate you for making me sick at night worrying about what happened to you! I hate you for making me love you like a brother only to abandon me. Me and Quil have been worried sick, and it's all for nothing!" I screamed as a single tear trickled down my face. He was my baby brother. Even though I thought of him as a little brother, he always called me little sis. He still said nothing and I saw a movement from the corner of my eye, alerting me that Jake was coming up behind Embry.
"And you! I have already wasted enough breath asking you why you hate me so much, but I still have one last thing to say to you...I once thought you were my best friend, but I was sadly mistaken. All you did was come into my life and fix it, only to shatter it when you left. And now you are some kind of insistent to still every single person that will ever bring me happiness, and I know now that you are not the best friend I once loved." I finished quietly as tears ran down my cheek. I turned to Embry and looked down. "I tried to make myself believe that I hate you just now, I really did, but I can't. I'll always love each of you and I know you won't talk to me but I'll always love you. I just didn't think that I could loose everyone so quickly." I sighed.
"Not everyone." Quil said sternly. I turned around and could see the single tear that rolled down his face. I walked over to him and he picked me up like a small child. I rested my head in the crook of his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist as he pulled my chest tight against his own.
"Not everyone." I mumbled.
End of flashback.
"Why does everyone I ever trust, leave me Quil?" I sobbed. He shushed me and rubbed my back.
"I don't know sweetie, I don't know." He said and I could hear the brake in his voice. I looked up to his face to see the tears making their way down his tanned cheeks.
"Quil... You won't ever leave me will you?" I half asked, half begged.
"I don't know what happened to the guys, but I know that no one could ever take me away from you Isabella. I will never leave you and that is a promise, I can bet my life on." He said genuinely. I smiled. This heart warming side of Quil, was not helping the crush I had on him. And I was afraid that this little crush was starting to become more than a little crush, and I would be lying if I told you it didn't care the living Hell out me. But this was Quil, and I knew that I could trust him with my life. No matter what.
"I'll never leave you either Quil. Ever." I said as I laid my head back against his chest. And it was true. No one would or could ever take me away from my Quil. No one, not even Sam Uley.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Let's rack up them reviews! And I would be more than willing to Update soon! REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW! Team_Charlie_ on