Twilight and its characters belong to Stephenie Meyer. I'm just playing around with them.


"I don't like this," I whispered, hiding my face on Edward's chest. I wasn't sure how many times I'd said that but I really didn't like it.

"It's almost over," Edward whispered back, laughing softly at me as he wrapped his arm around me.

I was sure Seth was much better at picking movies to watch than Emmett was. Seth's choice had had sweet little girls who needed a family, just like Lucy and me, and funny little yellow people. Emmett had us watching a little boy who saw dead people. Scary dead people.

"It's a Cullen family favorite, B," Emmett had explained when he'd started the movie after Seth, Brady and Lucy were sleeping. "We have to expose you now."

I'd jumped in my seat so much because of this family favorite that I was almost sitting in Edward's lap. I wasn't complaining about that or that we'd been holding hands the whole time. It was even better than when we'd gone on our date to see a movie, except that movie had been much better.

"Don't worry, sweetheart," Esme assured me, patting my arm as another scene scared me. "I'm not a fan of this movie either, but the boys loved it when they were teenagers. We'll pick something better on the next movie night. Emmett will be taking a break."

"Yes he will," Rosalie agreed, and I lifted my head from Edward's chest so I could see her across the couch from us. She gave Emmett an angry look, but he just smiled.

"She had to watch it eventually."

"Yeah maybe eventually, like five years from now eventually. You'll give her nightmares."

Emmett looked over at me and shrugged his shoulders, still smiling. "Sorry, B. You can pick the next two movies, okay?"

It was impossible to be mad at Emmett, and I knew he didn't mean to scare me, so I just smiled and nodded before I had to hide my face again thanks to another scary dead person on the screen.

But I didn't think I would have bad dreams. This movie was scary but a different kind of scary. I knew things in the movie weren't real and couldn't really hurt me. It was all just pretend. My bad dreams were about the real scary things I'd run away from. Things that couldn't be turned off with a little black remote.

Every day I felt a little safer, but it never totally went away.

Being around the whole family helped, which was why I was still watching this movie. We'd all had a good and busy week at work, so Esme had decided Friday night was family movie night. Emmett, Rose, the boys, Alice, and Jasper had all come over to eat pizza and popcorn while we watched movies in our pajamas together. It was so much fun to talk and laugh with everyone, and just being in the full family room made me feel warm inside.

There wasn't anywhere else I wanted to be.

When the movie was finally over, I wiped my eyes as everyone else talked about the plans for tomorrow. I couldn't figure out what they liked about a scary movie with a sad ending, but maybe I didn't know enough about movies yet.

"Is that okay, Bella?" Rosalie asked. "Leave around ten tomorrow?"

I hadn't been paying attention, but I knew what she meant so I nodded.

Tomorrow, we were having another girls' day. This time, we were going out for something called brunch and then shopping and getting our nails done.

"Great," she said before turning to Jasper. "Can you have her ready by then?"

Alice was asleep, curled up beside him. "Sure will. And I think we'll head out now. See you guys tomorrow?" He looked to Emmett and then Edward, and they both nodded.

"Yeah I think we'll be going too," Emmett said and made a silly noise that I thought was supposed to be a yawn. "So tired. So much to do."

Jasper carefully stood with Alice in his arms and made his eyebrows go up and down. "No kids tonight, huh?"

"You got that right, man." Standing quickly, he took Rosalie's arm and somehow lifted her to lay over his shoulder with his hand holding her bottom. "Thanks for tonight, Mom, Dad. See you sometime tomorrow."

"Take your time," Carlisle said as he laughed as they went up the stairs. Esme shook her head as she laughed, too.

I wasn't sure what was so funny, but Rosalie was smiling as she waved upside down so I waved back to her and to Jasper as he followed them upstairs.

"I think we'll head up, too. Check on my babies." Esme said, coming over to kiss the top of mine and Edward's heads. "Love you both."

Family movie night also included a sleepover for Seth, Brady, and Lucy with Carlisle and Esme. They'd put mattresses full of air on their bedroom floor for them to sleep on and then somehow made blankets stand up over it like a tent. And tomorrow during our girls' day, Emmett, Jasper, and Edward were taking the kids to a big building that was full of bouncy trampolines. I knew they would have a lot of fun, but I was glad I'd be staying on the real ground. I didn't want to break myself from falling.

After Carlisle and Esme said goodnight, Edward and I slowly walked up the stairs. Even though the movie wasn't real, I was too afraid to go to my room alone. I had my arms wrapped around one of Edward's as we went down the hall to his room, and he looked down at me.

"What's wrong? Still scared from the movie? I should've stopped Emmett from picking it."

"It's okay. I know it's not real, but can I stay with you for a while?"

"Sure. I'm not ready to go to sleep yet."

Once he turned his light and TV on, we went to sit on the couch like we did every night together. Basketball wasn't over yet, so he changed to channel to the one where people were talking about the games. I stayed quiet and just enjoyed being with him, but I had a question I couldn't stop thinking.



"Did you and Emmett watch a lot of movies together when you were younger?"

"Uhh. . . I guess so," he said after a few seconds. "We used our allowance money to go to movies a lot and we'd get the tapes and DVDs for Christmas." His eyebrows almost touched each other as he looked over at me. "Why? Worried we'll make you watch more scary things? I'll stop him next time, okay? I'm sorry you were so scared."

"No, it's okay," I assured him again. "I know he wasn't trying to scare me. I just wondered. Because . . . well, you don't ever spend time with him. Is it because you're with me so much?" I didn't know what it was like to have a brother or a sister, so maybe it was normal to not want to be around them.

He shook his head. "No, we never hung out even before you. Just family dinners and at work."

"But it wasn't always like that? I'm sorry if I'm asking too much. I just thought about it."

Smiling slightly, he squeezed me closer to him. "It's cool. I don't know. I guess we were close when we were kids and even teenagers. But then we just grew apart, I guess. It happens sometimes. I'm going with him and Jasper to take the kids tomorrow so that's something."

I wasn't sure what growing apart meant and I still didn't understanding why they couldn't be friends now, but I'd asked enough already so I laid my head against his shoulder and let him finishing watching his show.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, I was in my bed and my phone was making a loud noise. Grabbing it from the table, I saw that it was an alarm for nine o'clock. I touched the screen until it went away and then found a message from Edward saying he'd carried me to bed and set my alarm for me. And that I could find him if I had any bad dreams.

Thankfully, I couldn't remember dreaming about anything so with a smile I slid out of bed and went to find him to say thank you.

Edward was awake but still lying in bed while he looked at his own phone, and I crawled up beside him just like Lucy liked to do.

"Morning," he murmured, his voice scratchy like he just woke up. "Sleep okay?"

He helped me get under the covers and I snuggled closer. "Mmhmm. No bad dreams. Thank you for setting my alarm."


We lay in the quiet for a few minutes but were interrupted by a knock at the door, followed by Lucy coming to join us

"Mama! Eddard! Morning, morning!"

"Good morning, baby girl," I said as I helped her climb up on the bed. She held my face in her hands and gave me a kiss before crawling over to sit on Edward's chest.

"Hi, Eddard. Love you all much." She leaned down to kiss him too, and he wiped off the leftovers when she was finished.

"Yeah. You too, Lucy. Aren't you supposed to be with Nona?"

"I sleep Nona and Granddad," she told us. "Sef and Brady sleep too. Sleep in tent! It big and blankets."

"Was it a fun sleepover?" I asked, and she nodded.

"Uh huh. Nona say get up time. Go go go!"

"You tell them, Lucy," Esme said as she appeared in the doorway. "We all have fun stuff to do today and it's time to get up." She winked at us and my face felt hot as I realized Edward and I were in bed together. It wasn't the first time I'd laid in his bed with him, but this felt . . . different so I quickly sat up and helped Lucy get down before following her.

Because we were rushing around to get dressed, I didn't see Edward again until we were walking out the door. He hugged me goodbye and told me I could call or text him if I needed him. I told him the same while I hugged Lucy and covered her with kisses. She'd be safe with Edward, Jasper, and Emmett but it was still hard to leave her.

Esme and I picked up Rosalie first since she was just next door and then drove to Alice and Jasper's house. Alice looked kind of sick and wasn't smiling when she got into the backseat next to Rose, and Esme immediately asked what was wrong.

"I'm fine, Mom. Jasper shared a piece of his turkey bacon with me a little while ago, and it made me sick. Must have been old or something."

"Is Jasper okay?" Esme asked. "We can wait and go tomorrow if you want."

"No, I'm fine now. And of course Jasper's okay." Alice rolled her eyes. "You know guys; guts of steel."

"That's true," Rose agreed. "Did Jasper tell you what he dared Emmett to eat last week?"

Rose and Alice had me laughing and making faces all the way to the cafe Esme was taking us to as they told stories about strange things Emmett and Jasper had eaten before. Even Esme joined in with stories about Carlisle. I was very glad I'd only seen Edward eat regular food so far. I couldn't imagine him eating the things Emmett and Jasper had.

This cafe was nicer than the coffee shop I'd worked in, but as soon as we walked in, the smell reminded me of it. My stomach was making lots of noise as I looked at the menu and tried to decide what to order. Everything sounded good, even things I'd never tried before. There was even a word — quiche — that I'd just learned this week when it had been on a page in my workbook. I pointed it out to Esme and we shared a smile. When the waitress came to take our order, I'd decided on my favorite: french toast.

After all our orders had been placed, Alice turned to me. She looked like she was feeling better and finally had a smile on her face.

"So how's your studying going, Bella? I'm sure you're rocking it."

I shrugged my shoulders. "It's okay so far, I think. Some of it is really hard. There's a lot I don't know."

"But there's so much you do know," Esme pointed out. "I've been amazed by your progress in the English workbook, for sure."

"Thanks," I said smiling shyly. Her praise meant so much to me.

"I knew you'd be great," Alice said confidently. "And if you need a break from Mom, I wouldn't mind helping, too. In anything but math. Ick." She made a gross face which made me laugh.

"I'm really not good at math. Edward tried to help me with some a couple days ago, but I made him stop and go back to watching basketball. I didn't understand at all."

"Is Edward okay with helping you?" Rose asked. "If he's not, I can try. Although he's definitely better at math than me."

Before I could answer, our food arrived. The smell of the hot food made my stomach growl even more, but as the waitress set our plates in front of us, Alice slapped her hand over her mouth and ran toward the restroom.

"Oh no," Esme said softly. "Maybe she is sick. Although she looked fine just a minute ago."

"I bet it's that stomach virus Seth and Brady had a couple weeks ago," Rosalie said. "It made the rounds through their preschool, but they only felt bad when they had their heads in the toilet or bucket. Emmett and I never got it, but I know some adults who have."

"That could be it," Esme agreed. "Maybe I should go check on her."

"I can go," I offered. I needed to wash my hands anyway, and I didn't mind making sure Alice was okay too.

When I walked into the bathroom, Alice was standing at the sink wiping a paper towel over her face.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I gently touched her arm. "I'm sorry you're sick today."

"Ugh, I am too." She sighed and tilted her head back before looking at me with a frown. "This totally sucks. I've done this the past three days and I thought I was okay because Thursday it was just once after I ate a whole muffin from Starbucks in like two minutes. But then it happened again yesterday when I woke up and then after I drank my coffee. So I thought maybe it was the coffee even though I have the same nonfat mocha frap every day. And then today with the bacon and now this. And I'm so tired all the time! I never fall asleep during movies but I didn't even get to the good part last night." She sighed again. "Bella, I think I'm broken."

I couldn't stop myself from laughing at her a little. "Rose said something about a stomach virus? So maybe that's it. I felt like that before and there were only some things that helped."

"What were they?" she begged, grabbing both of my hands. "I'll do anything at this point to not throw up anymore."

"Well, I threw up a lot like that before I found out I was pregnant with Lucy. After I knew, Mrs. Cope told me to eat some of the ginger cookies I'd made before I even got out of bed. And crackers and ginger ale. That helped a lot. Do you want me to make you some cookies today? I don't mind."

Alice froze and her face got really light. I was afraid she was going to fall down.

"Do you need to throw up again?" I asked, quickly reaching for another paper towel, but she stopped me by grabbing my hands again.

"Wait," she said softly. "Were you tired then too? Like really really tired?"

I nodded. "Maybe for a couple months. Then it got better and I didn't get sick again either."

"Oh," she whispered, placing one hand over her eyes. "Oh God. Okay let's count. January yes and then February and March. . . wait, no. That should've been . . . oh goodness two weeks ago so that's what? Six weeks? Oh God."

"What's wrong?" I didn't understanding anything she was saying. "Do you need me to get Esme?"

She shook her head and looked back up at me. Her face was still really light, but she started to smile. "We need to go to the drug store. Bella, I think I'm pregnant."

Alice didn't wait for me to say anything before she grabbed my hand and pulled me back to our table where Esme and Rose were waiting. They hadn't started eating yet and still looked worried.

"Do you think you might have the stomach bug?" Esme asked. "We can do this another day if we need to. It's no problem."

"I'm late," Alice announced as we both sat down.

"Oh!" Rose gasped. "How late?"

"Two weeks. And I've been getting sick all morning for the past few days. So I'm thinking it's not a stomach bug."

"Oh sweetheart." Esme reached over and pulled Alice into her arms, hugging her tightly as she bounced in her seat. "This is so amazing! Do you want to go take a test now? Or call Jasper? We can go right now, and I can get us to CVS in five minutes. Maybe even four."

Alice laughed and shook her head. "Not yet. I want to take a test before I tell Jasper one way or another. Or maybe take it with him. But I'm starving now so I definitely want to enjoy this food first."

As we ate, everyone kept talking. Esme and Rose talked about having their babies, and I told them more about being pregnant with Lucy. It had been so scary when it happened, but now it wasn't so bad to talk about.

"Did she have lots of hair?" Rose asked after I'd mentioned all the burning in my chest I'd had. "I had the worst heartburn with Brady, but I didn't really believe the old wives tale until I saw all the hair he had."

"She did have a lot of hair," I agreed. "But it wasn't dark like it is now. It was really light like yours."

"Emmett's was like that too," Esme said. "I thought he was going to be Carlisle's twin, but it turned dark when he was two."

"Lucy's hair started to fall out when she was tiny, and I was really scared. But I found a book that said it was okay. And when that thing on her belly button fell off, I was scared too. And when she was about to get teeth, I thought she was really sick. I didn't know very much and got scared a lot."

Rose placed her hand over mine and squeezed. "Hey, that's completely normal. Being a new parent is super scary. I'm a nurse and I still didn't know anything. If I hadn't had Mom to help me, there's no telling what would've happened. That's why you're the strongest person I know, Bella. To do all of that alone and raise such an amazing little girl . . . wow. It's incredible."

My face got hot and I had to look down because I was embarrassed. But her words made me happy on the inside. I still didn't know much about taking care of Lucy, but we were both alive so far. And now I had Esme to help me.

The conversation went back to Alice and babies, but I just listened as I finished my french toast. I couldn't stop thinking about being alone with Lucy. It would've been so different if I'd been with the Cullens then. If I'd had a family to help me. Mrs. Cope had been there, but I hadn't really trusted her, not like I trusted the Cullens now. They were my family and I was figuring out that families like this helped each other and kept each other from being too scared. And they loved each other a lot. Esme was excited to have a new grandbaby and obviously loved him or her already.

My mind drifted as I wondered if I had parents who had loved me and would've loved Lucy. She deserved to have as much love as possible and what if there were people out there who would want to be her grandparents too? Could I take the chance for her? I still wasn't sure.

After we all finished eating, Alice decided she wanted to wait to take a pregnancy test with Jasper and that she still wanted to enjoy our day together so we went to the nail place as planned.

We all sat beside each other in the comfortable chairs and relaxed with our feet in warm water. But as soon as the nice ladies left us alone, Alice turned to me with a weird smile on her face.

"Okay, enough about me today. Bella. Spill. What's going on with you and Edward?"

Her questions surprised me, and I wasn't sure what to say. "W-what do you mean? Is something wrong?"

"Noo, silly. I just mean how's it going with him? I know you're friends but is he a good friend? Is he nice to you?"

That I could answer, and it made me smile. "He's always nice to me. He's so sweet and does nice things for me all the time."

"Really?" Alice asked, tilting her head. "Edward? My brother Edward does nice things? Mr. selfish recluse? Without getting something out of it for himself? He's not pressuring you, is he? Because I'll-"

"Alice," Esme interrupted, her voice sounding like Alice was in trouble. "Enough."

Now I was really confused. Edward wasn't any of the things she was saying. "Why wouldn't Edward do nice things? He's my best friend. Well, more than my best friend."

Alice shrugged. "I don't know. Nice just doesn't seem like him. He keeps to himself and leaves the rest of us alone. That's all. I just didn't know he had it in him. Good for him."

"More?" Esme asked, her voice happier this time. "Can I guess? More since last week? After your date?"

Alice and Rose both gasped. "A date?" Rose asked. "Did you two go on a date? That's adorable."

Biting my lip, I nodded. "Yeah. We're just . . . figuring it out," I said softly.

Esme nodded and patted my arm. "Good. You two just keep doing what you're doing. Everything will work out. And we'll all," she leaned over to look at Alice, "stay out of your way. Unless you need something or have questions. Then please come to any of us, darling. We'll answer anything, okay?"

"That's right," Rose agreed, leaning forward so I could see her on the other side of Alice. "You didn't have anyone when you were with that boy Jake. But you have us now. If you're uncomfortable or don't know something, we'll be here. Especially now that you're dating."

I didn't have to be very smart to know what she was talking about. Sex. My face got hot again as I nodded and looked at my lap. Edward and I weren't doing that now, but maybe I'd want to one day. I'd talk to one of them then, to make sure I knew how to do it right. But not today.

Edward and I hadn't even kissed. I really wanted to, but only if Edward did too, so I was waiting on him to say. Until then, I'd just keep enjoying our hugs that were so special to me. I didn't know why Alice was so surprised; Edward was wonderful.

"Edward is wonderful," I said out loud because they were all still looking at me. "Really. Maybe you just . . . haven't given him a chance."

I didn't want them to be mad at me, but even though everyone was very nice to me, they weren't always like that to Edward. He always protected and defended me, so maybe I could do the same for him.

Thankfully, no one seemed mad about what I said and Rose started talking about something else so Alice was distracted, and we all had a lot of fun the rest of the afternoon.

After our nails were done, we went to a few stores to shop. Shopping wasn't my favorite, so I spent the time sending messages to Edward. They had been to eat lunch and then took Lucy, Seth, and Brady to the big trampoline place. He sent me pictures of Lucy jumping with all of them, and I was so glad she was safe and having a good time. I couldn't wait to hold her and for her to tell me all about it.

When the shopping was over, we stopped by the store to get Alice a pregnancy test stick before taking her to her house. Esme made her promise to tell her the results of the test at dinner tomorrow, and Alice agreed. I was excited to know too, but Esme, Rose, and Alice acted like the test would be positive.

Our girls day had been different than the first one we'd had together, but I'd liked this one too. I liked any time I spent with this family. Even when things were serious or unexpected, they stuck together and included me, too.

I had so many feelings and thoughts in my head from the whole day though, and I couldn't wait to hold my baby girl and then sit and talk with Edward. Girls' day was fun but my very favorite people were waiting at home for me. That was the best part of all.

AN: Well, I'm still a big fail. But I wrote a chapter in less than a year so that's progress! Still living the night shift nurse life and barely keeping up with anything else.

I'm still not giving up on this story though! Thank y'all so much for your sweet reviews on the last chapter! I was blown away by how many people still care about this little story. Y'all are the absolute best.

And lots of thanks my best, MelissaMargaret, for making this pretty.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Lots of good stuff coming up soon!

PS: Edward still isn't autistic. ;)