
He was shallow, he knew it, he relinquishes it. But he was shallow nonetheless...

It was painful. Painful like any other things he had think of. He wanted comfort. He needed comfort...

I want to die.

Coming from internet is fine. Coming from an anonymous person is fine. He wanted encouragement. He wanted someone to at least, share his pain with him.

But no, the world had to be a cruel one.

Comments are made. What an attention-whore. Who cares? Stop being a drama-queen, life doesn't revolve around you.

He felt sick and enraged. But then... a private chat window startles him. He picked up the knife he was about to use to hurt himself, but curiosity got the better of him and he put it down.

He opens the chat, feeling that the words that this stranger utters would be his judgment.

Are you... okay?

It was hesitant. It was foolish. But this person was concerned nonetheless. He takes a look at the person's username and email address before sighing in his agony.

I'm not. Was his clear answer.

One minute passed without an answer. Was he abandoned? Did he thought wrong of this stranger?

I... don't know you much. But suicide isn't the answer, it never is. I've had bullies coming for me. I can't fight back, that's why I suffer. Whatever it is that makes you want to die... can you fight back?

He never thought of that. Fighting back. Of course he could. Of course he could fight back and refuse to be a puppet of darkness. He silently nods to himself.

I can. But... I have no company to help me share the pain... He typed hopefully.

Not another minute passed as the stranger replies back to him.

Then go and fight back! Don't stop until you feel that you're completely okay! And if you're fine with sharing your pain with a stranger... I'm always available :P

Who is this stranger? How can he say these things he never thought of this easily? How could he...?

After a few minutes of silence, the stranger chats him again, snapping him out of his endless reverie of wanting to know about his unknown savior.

Um... do you feel like not dying now...?

He laughs. His savior.. is an insecure person, huh?

Of course. And it's all thanks to you.

A small smile makes its way to his face as he takes his knife and pocketed it.

Awesome! :D

He smiles to himself before getting up. He won't die. He won't kill himself. He won't... until he meets this kind stranger who unknowingly saved his life.

"Are you ready, Natsume?" He gets up and faces his mentor with sheer coldness in his eyes. He had wanted to die because he couldn't suffer the burdens of killing people by himself. But now... now he had a reason. For this stranger he met in the internet. For this stranger who helped him through the hardest stage of his life.

"Of course I'm ready, Reborn."

Another soul to kill. But this time, he won't be alone.

Tsunayoshi Sawada doesn't have any friends.

The lowest of the lowest, the stupidest of the stupidest, the weakest of the weakest.

But despite all of that, he is living all his life with vigor and bizarre eagerness.

He is a very cute, insecure, and easily-flustered librarian. And he attracted Giotto Vongola's attention so much with his earnest way of living. At first, the blond only teases him out of an innocent brotherly love. But soon, everybody makes an example out of his remarks. It doesn't take much time to make everyone copy what Giotto did, and teasing Tsuna is one of them.

Giotto didn't try to stop them, because he knew that it'll be useless. All he can do now is look from his crush from far away and pray that he doesn't hate him. But it's unthinkable for someone like Tsunayoshi Sawada, with his earnest smile and way of living, to hate someone.

But everyone has a breaking point, and our dear Tsuna is close to reaching it.

I want to die.

Tsuna typed to his blog easily. No one reads it but himself anyways, so he knows that nobody will trouble him. He lives alone because his parents lived in Italy, and he has no friend. It's always easy to say that he wants to die, but this is the first time that he shares it to someone else other than himself.

And his pet cat, actually, but Nuts usually doesn't count.

"Nuts, come here..." Tsuna whispers breathily.

The cat gracefully jumps from the table and directly into his arms. Nuts is a very jealous cat and he loves his master very much. He purrs lovingly to his master as he rubs his head to his master's neck.

Suddenly, a private chat window appeared in the computer. And someone he once knew greeted him.

Why would you want to die?

Tsuna laughs as he types the very reason to his agony easily.

I'm quiet, weak, and meek. Even when I want to be mad, nobody listens to me. The most popular guy in my school seems to have a personal vendetta against a nonexistent librarian like me. Well, I guess you could say that my life sucks.

He's not the type to whine and complain, but he just feels so sick of it all. He couldn't stand the beatings from Giotto's cronies and admirers anymore. Why? Why was his life so ruined when he'd done nothing but do them earnestly?

Can you fight back?

Tsuna then laughs, even startling Nuts, who was sitting idly on his lap.

If I can, I wouldn't say that I want to die.

And then he closes his laptop.

Living is so troublesome.

A long time ago, he was the one who saved him.

But now, he wants to die.

He doesn't get it. Why would someone as pure and lovely as him want to die? What happened in the measly few years he had gone to complete his training as the personal assassin of Vongola Decimo? No. No. He can't die. He shouldn't!

He takes a deep breath and calm himself. Soon, he will go to Japan and meet with the future Vongola Decimo, Giotto Vongola. But when he steps his feet on Japan soil, the first thing he will do is not to meet with his boss, but to meet with his cute little savior.

Tsunayoshi Sawada.

He'd been stalking the little thing ever since he found out his email address. He was so lovely. So beautiful. So gorgeous. He was earnest. That was all he learned from the meaningless conversations they used to share years ago, before he concentrated on his assassin training.

Two years. Had two years change Tsunayoshi Sawada, his dear little Tsu7, beyond recognition?

No. It can't be.

But then... anything he could happen, right?

He won't let it. He won't let Tsunayoshi Sawada die before he can lay his hands on him. He looks so beautiful in his photographs... he wonders if he's even more beautiful in reality...?

He takes a deep breath and laugh before standing up.

"Reborn, I think I'll take the earliest flight to Japan right now."

He says that he's quiet, meek, and weak. And he also says that his life is nonexistent. So... nobody owns him, right? He could easily step up to that role. He could easily be the only person for him.

Until he'll be his. His to look, his to play, and his to own.


"Giotto... Vongola?" He tilts the blonde's chin to directly meet his own blazing amber, only a few shades lighter than Giotto's own tangerine orange. He looks at him mockingly. "Tsunayoshi Sawada is mine." He says, looking as if he enjoys every syllable of Giotto's treasured name. A lopsided mocking grin made its way to his face as he widens his eyes in the same madness.

"If you don't want him, then I'll take him. He's not dying... not unless I permit him to."