"Halloween Redo"

I thought this would be an appropriate story update for Halloween!

Nothing was changed in this version, from the "Halloween Reloaded" version.

Remember kids, it's all about the sarcasm in pointing out the obvious missteps of a once must see TV show!

Rated T for Teen with some coarse language.


"You need to SOS Spencer Aria and Hanna right now and Shana, you're staying here tonight, call your parents."

Paige drives to Shana's but her car isn't there so she tries Emily's but she's not there either so she drives straight over to Maya's. There, in the driveway, she sees Shana's car. She slams her hands on the steering wheel just as she receives a text message…

Poor Paige.

No one likes you.

Except Marlene and Lucy.

And a handful of writers who don't know their ass from their elbow.

Tell them to meet you at the Rosewood High swimming pool tomorrow at midnight.

The school will be open.

Tell them you have something that will expose me.

If they don't come then you'll destroy what you have.

Leave the rest to me.


Chapter 12: Rosewood High Jinx

Narrator POV

Hanna, Spencer and Aria join Shana and Emily at Maya's. Shana does her best to retell the story about Paige's hidden shrine of Emily…

"What a fucking fuck nut!" Hanna so Hannaly exclaims.

"Ya know something, what a fucking fuck nut!" Spencer repeats. "For once Hanna, you chose your words perfectly and I just had to repeat them!"

"She's fucking crazier than we originally suspected!" Aria, too, joins in the Paige rant.

"Well, she's going to figure out that we all know sooner or later," Emily says nervously.

Maya senses her uneasiness and tenderly puts an arm around her. Emily lowers her head onto Maya's shoulder needing her comfort and Maya gives it to her with a kiss on the top of her head.

But before anyone can comment further, everyone's cell phones begin to chime. They all look at the message they just received.

Meet me at the Rosewood High pool tomorrow at midnight.

The doors will be unlocked.

I have something you've been looking for.

I know who –A is.

I have proof.

Either all of you show up or I'll destroy the proof.

And forget what I know.

See ya at midnight bitches.


"After finding that Emily shrine, I don't feel good about this at all," Shana gives herself a hug, seeking comfort from wherever she can find some.

"I'm with Shana. I don't trust Marlene's pet one bit!" Hanna bluntly points out.

"How can you trust someone who wasn't even in the book series? She's just some made up character Marlene forced down our throats and now it's gotten seriously out of control," Aria says sounding frustrated yet a bit creeped out as well.

"It's true. Paige is an anomaly. She tried to drown you, Emily, but those fucking Pailys forgave her. She wasn't supposed to be here and now look at all the problems she's created by her own presence," Spencer boldly lays out the real issue here.

"It doesn't change the fact that Paige has evidence of –A's identity. We don't have a choice. We have to go so we can stop Paige and –A from destroying this story," Maya reminds them.

"Though Marlene pretty much beat Paige and -A to it!" Hanna adds.

"She's right. We have to go. Tomorrow night. Is everyone in?" Spencer advocates as team leader.

They all give a resounding 'yes!'

"We'll go separately and meet in the parking lot. No one gets out of their cars until everyone is there," Spencer instructs.

They all agree…

Tomorrow at Midnight…

The headlights of everyone's cars turn off as they exit their vehicles. Everyone is dressed in all dark clothing staying close together as they walk up to the natatorium entrance. Spencer grabs hold of the door handle and pulls. It's unlocked, just as Paige said it would be. They all file onto the humid deck of their high school pool waiting for that psycho creeper Paige to get this show on the road and over with once and for all.

They gather at the end of the pool closest to the girls' locker room door when some of the lights flash on giving them a start. And out from the shadows, the girl who will never truly know what it feels like to really love or be loved by someone emerges…

"I see you all got my text. I'm so glad you could all make it," Paige says like they were invited, not forced to be there.

"We came to find out who –A is," Spencer replies.

"Or are you going to try to drown each of us first and then convince yourself that you did it because you've fallen in love with us and blah blah blah," Hanna snarks.

"Hanna, that's enough. Paige we all came so now you need to tell us what you know," Emily reminds her.

"In due time Emily, in due time," Paige answers.

"In due time? Your time is long past due Paige," Maya folds her arms across her chest daring her to make any sort of move in her direction.

Anything about Maya makes Paige's blood boil as her fists clench and she takes half a step in her direction until Maya drops her arms to her side and pulls her shoulders back challenging her advance towards her.

Paige takes a step back instead not wanting to distract from the real reason they have all gathered there tonight and because Maya scares the crap out of her!

"I brought you all here because I want everyone to know how much being with Emily that night meant to me and to her."

"It never happened, Paige!" Maya screams.

"I saw the pictures and so did you Maya. I bet it pissed you off seeing how much she was and still is into me," she takes another step back.

"The only thing Emily is into, are your delusions!" Maya shouts.

"-A sent me those pictures so I know they're real."

"-A? Then you know they were sent to you so you would be indebted to him or her or whomever!" Spencer can't even believe this girl has no idea –A is manipulating her.

"And what did you do for –A to show your gratitude?" Aria wonders.

"I brought you all here tonight to free Emily once and for all from all you doubters of our love!"

"Love! You're a fuck nut Paige! You made a shrine of Emily in your closet! I thought you were finally out of the closet but no, you walk right back in! You're fucking crazy!" Hanna cries.

"Just tell us who –A is!" Aria demands.

But before she can Shana falls face first into the pool!

"Shana! Oh my god!" Emily goes to save her but Maya holds her back.

"It's too late. She's gone," she says.

"How do you know? She might still be alive!" Emily cries!

"She's not," Hanna confirms. "Marlene only allows one black character per season. And since a real writer saved Maya, once again, we're left with only one black resident. Sad but true."

"We can't just leave her there," Emily can't believe what she's hearing!

"Emily, it's okay. Shana was some hair brained scheme of Marlene's to try to come between you and Paige when Maya went away. But she's not needed anymore because you and Paige were never in love. And also because, well, she's black," Spencer agrees with Hanna.

"That means that –A is here and –A pushed her!" Aria trembles.

"I told you I would have proof of who –A is and just because I have pictures of Emily doesn't make me crazy," Paige tries bringing the attention back to her.

"It does if you add your picture where Maya's was!" Hanna fires back.

"Okay, okay! Tell us who –A is!" Spencer redirects the conversation demanding an answer.

"Fine, I'll tell you. But only if Emily leaves with me tonight," Paige holds out her hand.

"No Emily! You're not going with her!" Maya freaks.

Emily hugs her whispering in her ear, "I'll make her think I am so we can finally be free of –A and Paige."

"Oh baby, I do love you but be careful," Maya breathes back.

"I will because I know you'll protect me at all costs," she says pulling away from her, walking over to Paige.

"Emily you can't do this!" Spencer pleads.

"But she already has," Paige gives a victorious smile. "Kiss me my love."

Emily closes her eyes letting her kiss her and hold her close. However, the look on her face says she would rather have acid thrown in it!

Paige caresses Emily's back making her cringe and making Maya ready to finally put this crazy in a body bag of her own!

"Paige please, you promised, who's –A?" Emily asks with fluttering eyelashes.

Paige blushes, "It's Ezra."

"What the fuck now!" Aria can't believe what she's hearing.

"Ezra knew Alison before he knew Aria. He was trying to find out where she hid the memory stick that belonged to the NAT club because he was a part of it," Paige explains.

"There were videos of us in our bedrooms and places all around town. We were naked in some of them," Aria recounts.

"So Ezra is –A and only slept with Aria to get information about that memory stick which somehow ties him in with the NAT club?" Spencer tries to make sense of it all.

"That's so fucked up!" Aria cries.

"That's what I was told," Paige confirms.

"Seriously, you're fucking with us," Maya quips.

"Nope. Ezra was the leader of the NAT club. He recruited the other members from his dorm room at Hollis College."

"That's just so fucking creepy," Emily says entrapped in Paige's arms, which is just as fucking creepy!

"Well knowing Marlene that's not the end of Ezra. And knowing Marlene, next we'll find out that Alison is back from the dead," Hanna jokes.

"Hi guys!"

Alison pops out of the shadows wearing a black hoodie.

"Jesus!" The girls scream.

Emily puts her hands over her mouth! She can't believe what's she's seeing!

"Alison! You're alive," Spencer's not sure how she should feel about this, excited and or confused.

"If Alison is really alive then is Caleb really getting cozy with a ghost in Ravenswood," Hanna wonders out loud.

Caleb jumps out of the shadows too, "Boo!"

"That wasn't even close to being scary just creepy. I sense a pattern here, hmmm. Anyway, too bad nobody cares! Nice spinoff Marlene!" Hanna says sarcastically annoyed with Caleb ditching her in the first place.

"Alison, you're supposed to be dead!" Paige holds Emily with both arms keeping her close.

"Yes Pigskinily, it's me alive and well," Alison narrows her eyes at Paige daring her to attack.

"You're really alive!" Emily cries out more so out of relief.

"I was listening to that bullshit story Paige just told you about Ezra. He's not –A," Alison says rather positively.

"If he's not –A then who is?" Spencer questions.

"Well I am of course! This was all a game. I played you like the board game Monopoly. I collected all of your emotions like properties and threatened you with each and every one of them. You see if I drew a chance card then you'd have to lie to your friends. If I drew a community chest card then I gave you a clue to help your friends. It was the most fun I had in less than a year and a half! But it took me a year to figure out how to pocket your emotions one by one."

"That's fucking brilliant!" Hanna rejoices.

"It actually is. I guess that's why Marlene never thought of it," Spencer deduces. "And I understand Marlene won't be figuring out who –A is until season seven!"

"Season seven! Holy Christ! Ya mean I'm stuck being Hanna for four more years! That's so not fair!"

"But then what about Ezra?" Aria asks needing some type of solace from her relationship with him.

"Oh that. He was writing a novel about me when I went missing so he hooked up with you to get the rest of the material he needed to finish the book," she explains rather nonchalantly.

"Wait, a twenty-four year old man seduced a sixteen year old high school student because he was writing a book! What a creeper! And so are all those Ezria fans who still want Ezria to be a couple!" Hanna's words echo throughout the open natatorium. "That's like saying people ship Paily over Emaya. Only twelve year old white girls do that! Hahahahaha! Are you sure Pretty Little Liars isn't a comedy cuz it sure reads like one!" Hanna belts out an uncontrollable laughter.

"I have to agree with Hanna once again. This is creepier than Paige dressing up like Romeo at the Masquerade Ball," Spencer says matter of fact.

"So we waited three fucking seasons to find out Ezra is –A but then he isn't. And it's going to take four more seasons to find out if Alison is really –A or not!" Hanna is up in arms over this whole Pretty Little Liars disaster!

"Wait a minute, if Alison is –A that means Paige gave us misinformation," Maya dares Paige to interrupt her, "Emily it's over. You don't have to pretend anymore."

"Pretend? She's not pretending. You would never do that to me," Paige looks at Emily, her eyes filled with sadness.

"Paige, Marlene isn't writing the ending. You should never have existed in the first place. I will always choose Maya over you and I will always love Maya first and forever," Emily stings her with her words.

She breaks free from her as Paige tries to desperately understand what's happening.

"But Emily, I'm supposed to be with you, Marlene promised!"

Alison takes over the conversation, "Paige, it's over. You won't get your Pa-ily ever after ending. You see, I sent a text to Maya and Emily telling them if they don't cooperate then 'two body bags are better than one'."

"But we have cooperated. Every step of the way," Spencer insists.

"And that's why none of you are in a body bag right now," Alison says coyly.

"What are you talking about?" Paige demands.

"Paige, you're a fool. Emily never loved you. She never slept with you. I doctored those pictures to make it look like you did so I could get rid of you once and for all. Emily loves Maya. Nothing can come between them, believe me I tried. And by the way, I like guys. I never loved you the way you loved me Emily."

"Your point," Maya demands.

"My point is that someone had to take charge of this once incredibly scripted show. So, I put myself in charge."

"What did you do?" Aria fears the answer.

"Why don't you look under the bleachers and see for yourselves."

They all rush over to see what Alison means and there they are…two body bags just as she promised.

"Who's in them?" Hanna asks afraid to find out.

"Look for yourselves."

Spencer and Aria unzip the body bags making surprised gasps at what they find!

Hanna shrieks, "Oh my god! I can't believe it's all the Pretty Little Liars scripts from season four and all the Pretty Little Liars scripts from season five!"

And just like that Paige begins to vanish into thin air. What never existed in the books no longer exists in the telling of this story!

"Well, it looks like my work is done," Alison claims satisfactorily.

"So now what? You get away with torturing us for two years?" Hanna asks dumbfounded.

"The stories over. The true evil has been destroyed. You all passed GO and recollected your emotions. I don't need them anymore. And now you can all choose to be with whom you were meant to be with."

"And what about you?" Hanna rewords her question.

But before she can respond there's a voice calling from behind them, "Hey Alison, can I get out of the pool yet?"

"Oh my god! Of course!" she rushes over to help her out.

"She's not dead?" Emily can't believe her eyes.

"Nope. Shana's alive and well, now that this ridiculous storytelling has been taken care of."

"Alison isn't the bad guy anymore," Shana says.

"My work is done here. I'm going back to Georgia with Shana. I'm going to be living with my grandmother and Shana's going to be keeping me out of trouble!"

Emily, with her arms securely wrapped around Maya, says, "I'm so glad you're okay, just be careful."

"I will Emily and you just stay in love with Maya," Shana winks. "Yours is a love story that we all wish we had."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that. And thank you," Emily snuggles into her girl.

"I'm not so sure this is a done deal," Spencer narrows her eyes at Alison. "Remind me why we're letting you off the hook?" She asks.

"Because I still know secrets about you that I have yet to reveal. Let me go and I'll forget what I know," she gives her best sincere Alison look.

"Spencer, just let her go. –A is exposed and we don't have to worry about our every move being watched anymore," Aria urges.

"Is everyone in agreement? This is over and done with as of right now?" Spencer looks for a show of hands.

Everyone raises one hand and gives a resounding, "Yes!"

Alison and Shana leave together. Spencer calls Toby to meet her at her house. Aria goes straight home for some much needed family time. Hanna and Caleb reunite but Hanna's gonna make him work for it! And Emily and Maya stroll arm in arm to the parking lot...

"Well, it looks like all the evil in Rosewood has been eliminated," Maya takes both of Emily's hands walking her backwards against her car.

"I think it has been because I feel like this great weight was lifted off my shoulders and I'm free to love who I want to love," she kisses Maya sweetly.

"Ya know something?" Maya wraps her arms around Emily's neck while Emily slips her arms around her back.

"What's that?" Emily bites her lower lip.

"Our ending is real. You and me are Emaya forever. No one can change that, at least, not in their hearts," she nuzzles her nose against my neck.

"Emaya forever done right! That's what we are! I love you Maya," Emily holds her close.

"I love you too baby," Maya's lips blend with Emily's kissing openly and honestly.

Now all the liars can have the happily ever after they were meant to have!