Renji starred at the test in his hand. He didn't know whether to scream or cry. The redhead felt an annoying twinge in his gut letting him know he was hungry. He smacked his stomach and ordered it to shut up, then sat on the toilet holding his head in his hands.

"This isn't fucking happening!" he chanted over and over.

Renji soon found himself crying in the bathroom, clutching a pregnancy test that read, to his dismay, positive. His cries turned to sobs and before long he was emptying his already empty stomach in the toilet, again. He continued to cry into the bowl before his stomach let out another growl for food. The redhead balled his hand into a fist, ready to punch himself in the gut but decided against it and picked himself up.

"How the fuck am I gonna explain this to Grimm?" The redhead asked himself exiting the bathroom after washing out his mouth. He wandered into the kitchen and made a very big sandwich with extra everything on it. When he finished, he scarfed down a fresh box of Chips Ahoy then two cups of instant ramen. He slumped back in his chair and rubbed his now full belly.

"How much do you fuckin' eat?" he asked patting his belly. There was a tiny, nearly unnoticable bump on Renji's midsection, you couldn't even tell anything was there yet. After his meal Renji decided it was best to tell somebody of his newly discovered condition so he decided to call Shuuhei Hisagi, one of his closest friends and someone who'd been through this whole pregnancy thing before.

He found his cell burried inbetween the seat cushions in the couch. He was relieved to see that no one (namely Grimmjow) had called or texted him. He quickly dialed Shuuhei's number and waited for him to pick up.

"'Ello!" A quirky little voice answered.

"Hey little one, is yer mom there by any chance?" Renji asked the little girl on the other line. Haruna Muguruma was the two year old daughter of Kensei and Shuuhei, their pride and joy.

"Mama, pone!" The toddler shouted. "Yeah I got it, thank you Haru, now go play." Shuuhei said answering the phone.

"Hello?" he greeted.

"Yeah, hey Shuu, I kinda need someone to talk too..." Renji trailed off trying to decide how he should tell his friend he was with child.

"Sure no problem, is everything okay?" He asked curiously.

There was a long silence before Renji let out a long sigh. "Shuuhei..."

"Yeah?" His friend answered with worried anticipation.

"I-I think I'm pregnant."

In the next instant, Renji heard the phone drop and heard Shuuhei calling for Haru. There was a loud crash and a string of curses then the sound of a door slamming. Renji had no idea what was going on. He stayed on the phone for another minute to see if Shuuhei would come back on; he felt his phone buzz and saw it was Shuuhei again, this time on his cell. Renji answered it quickly.

"I'm on my way over, I'll be there in about thirty minutes."

Before the redhead could object the phone hung up and he was left to determine whether it really was a good idea to tell Shuu. Never the less, thrity minutes later Shuuhei was knocking on his door with Haru on his hip and several bags in his arm. The dark haired man passed a sleeping Haru off to Renji and set down his many bags on the floor.

"What the hell is all this?" Renji asked adjusting Haru on his shoulder.

"These," Shuuhei emphasized, "are pregnancy tests and books and vitamins and-"

"Alright I get it," Renji cut him off. "It's a bunch of shit I need, but ya really wasted your money on those tests, I'm already ninety-five percent sure..."

"That's not a hundred, and anyway, until you see a doctor I'm gonna believe all these tests are wrong."

Renji hated his friend's arrogance sometimes, it annoyed the hell out of him. Shuuhei wasn't the one who'd already taken seven tests from seven different brands; Shuhei wasn't the one with an increased appetite and constant morning sickness; and Shuhei wasn't the one with a tiny bulge sticking out of his fucking stomach!

Shuu didn't notice Renji set Haru on the couch and storm over to where he was unpacking his bags. He was taken aback when Renji grabbed his hand and placed it on his abdomen. He was in shock, Renji's once firm and toned abs were now replaced by a tiny, growing bump. He felt around it, trying to make sure it wasn't fake or a joke, but it was real. "I think this is proof enough that I'm pregnant, Shuuhei!" Renji all but yelled.

Shuuhei looked up at his friend, then back at his stomach, then up one more time before finally standing up. He didn't say anything as he brushed past Renji and went to the kitchen. Curious, Renji followed, he watched as Shuu poured himself a glass of sake then downed it in one gulp. Renji was amazed, he hadn't seen his friend drink like that since they were in high school.

He placed the bottle back on the counter and sighed. "I'm gonna save the rest for Grimmjow, lord knows he's gonna need it." Shuuhei mumbled leaning on the marble counter.

"Ya know, your not makin' me feel any better actin' like this." Renji pouted crossing his arms over his chest. He really wished he could drink right now.

"Aw, calm down I'm only joking. He'll be fine, you'll be fine, your kid'll be fine. Everybody wins." Shuuhei slurred, he never could hold his liquior.

Before Renji could say anything, their conversation was interupted by a large growl. "Dammit, I just fed you like an hour ago! How much can you eat?" Renji yelled at his stomach.

"It can hear that, you know." Shuuhei commented.

"Shuddup, I know that!" Renji spat.

He stormed into the kitchen and threw open the refrigerator door. After a minute of rummaging, Renji pulled out a tupperware bowl of spagehtti and meatballs and threw it in the microwave. "I really need to figure out a way to tell Grimmjow." He sighed taking out the now warm spagehtti and meatballs.

Shuuhei watched as his friend gobbled down the noodles and meat, then rubbed his belly in satisfaction. "We'll get you to a doctor tomorrow or something, for right now though," Shuuhei placed a comforting hand on the redhead's shoulder. "you need to rest."

He lead Renji over to the couch where Haru was still napping. They sat down and turned on the TV, no use in getting overly worked up for no reason, it was bad for Renji and the baby. Renji laid his head comfortably on Shuuhei's shoulder as they watched a crappy movie. Grimmjow had been jealous of how close Renji was to certain people, Shuuhei being one of them. It took a while for Grimm to realize that his relationships with his friends were strictly platonic.

After a while, Renji fell asleep, somehow he ended up using Shuhei's lap as a pillow. The raven-haired man found himself stroking the redhead's long, soft crimson hair. Where had the time gone? He thought to himself. Shuuhei felt a tug at his sleeve and looked over. Haru had woken up and was more than likely hungry.

"Mama, I hungy." the little girl said tugging harder.

"Okay okay, just wait a minute alright, we don't wanna wake Uncle Ren-Ren." Shuu said putting a finger to his lips. Haru did the same thing and patiently waited for her mother to finish. Haru was a very good listener for her age, Shuuhei was secretly proud that his daughter followed all the rules, she took after him in that area.

Shuuhei carefully lifted Renji's head from his lap and replaced it with a pillow. The redhead flinched at the sudden loss of contact but it was soon forgotten as he curled into the pillow and continued to snooze.

Shuuhei prepared mac n' cheese for his daughter and raided Renji's nearly empty fridge for something to eat. The only thing left was alcohol, milk and old riceballs. Shuuhei decided on the nearly expired riceballs and a glass of milk. While eating he continued to look around the baren kitchen. There was basically no food, only a few bags of chips and a couple boxes of Kraft mac n' cheese. "Did he eat everything? Kami, how pregnant is he?" He mumbled to himself.

Though Renji and Grimmjow had been living together since high school, Grimmjow was hardly ever home. His job demanded him to travel often so he was only home for a few weeks at a time. Since it was mainly Renji living in their posh loft, he didn't need as much food since it was just him. When Grimmjow did come home though, they were to focused on fucking to eat, and even when they did get hungry, Grimmjow would always take him out. It was understandable why Renji didn't have much to eat, especially considering his condition.

"Mama, no foo'." Haru pointed to the empty fridge and cupboards.

"Yeah, Uncle Ren-Ren's been eating a lot more, recently." Shuu said picking Haru up. "Why don't we do Uncle Ren-Ren a big favor and fill up his fridge?" he suggested tickling his daughter. Haru giggled happily and nodded. She loved going food shopping, she liked to help her mommy pick out good food.

"Can I come too?" A sleep-laced voice asked from the couch.

"When'd you wake up?" Shuuhei asked setting Haru down.

"'Bout a minute ago. Grimm isn't comin' home 'til Sunday and I think explaining all this over a home-cooked meal is better than him having a heart attack in a restaurant, but I can't do that without food so..." Renji trailed off and stretched his tired bones.

"G'mornin' Uncy Wen-Wen!" Haru greeted jumping into Renji's lap.

Renji let out an 'Oof!' and kissed the top of her head. "It's afternoon, squirt." the redhead corrected.

"I'm notta swert!" She exclaimed and attempted to punch Renji in the stomach. He easily caught the tiny fist and smacked the back of her hand lightly.

"No! Your not supossed to hit. Especially not there." Renji said rubbing his stomach. Haru poked out her lip and started to pout, she didn't like having her hand smacked. Renji and Shuuhei rolled their eyes and prepared to leave for their food shopping adventure.

The day went by pretty uneventful after that. After food shopping Renji got hungry, again, so they went out for burgers. On the ride back to the loft, Shuu made his red-haired friend a doctors appointment for the next day. It was the same doctor he had going through his pregnancy and she was Haru's pediatrician, Dr. Retsu Unohana.

After unpacking all the food and watching Spirited Away, one of Haru (and Renji's) favorites, Shuuhei got an angry call from Kensei who demanded to know why the phone had been off the hook for so long. Shuuhei got tired of his bitching and decided to head home so he could shut him up. Haru was asleep by the time they got ready to leave, it was nearly midnight.

"See ya Ren, if you want I can give you a ride to the place. I'm not gonna lie, it is pretty scary when you go there for the first time." Shuuhei offered.

"Umm, yeah, I think I'd like that, thanks Shuu. Though personally I think Grimmjow'd wanna come with me to see... it." Renji gulped at the mention of the baby.

"I understand, Kensei went with me for my first appointment too but, Grimm isn't even in the country right now."

"I know," Renji sighed, "Thanks for all this, yer kinda the only person I can come to about this ya know."

Shuuhei nodded and gave his friend a warm smile. "Yeah, no problem, I'll see you tomorrow okay."

Renji waved goodbye before closing the door to his loft. Now all that was left to do was get some sleep. He decided a nice warm shower would feel better than sleeping in his own funk so he began to strip halfway down the hallway. Renji washed himself quickly, not paying much attention to anything until he reached his belly. He hadn't really noticed the full extent of his bulge. It wasn't necessarily big yet, but if he wore a tight shirt people could tell. Had he really gone that long without noticing this? He shook the thought away as he got out of the shower.

The shower really did help him get to sleep. He was knocked out the second his head touched the pillow. That night he had a dream. He dreamt of him and Grimmjow sitting happily on the floor, both encouraging a toddler to come to them. The baby was stumbling toward them and finally fell when it reached Grimmjow. He and Renji started to celebrate and the baby giggled happily. Renji couldn't see the child's face or knew it's gender but he felt better, it made him feel, relieved.