Sorry for the long wait :(. It wouldn't let me upload for a while. And thank you to all of the kind readers that reviewed my story. They make me smile when I'm in school reading my emails :). Well, onto the story!

Shuuhei sprung back to life a few minutes later, surprisingly he'd only sustained a small scrap, but Renji on the other hand, experienced so much more. To his horror, Shuu saw a long pole sticking out of the redhead's shoulder. He hadn't woken up and, even though his stomach looked unharmed, Shuuhei knew something had happened to the babies.

"Renji- Ah!-" Maybe he wasn't as okay as he thought he was, but that didn't matter right now, Renji was the main priority. He used his good arm to try and rile the redhead but it was useless. Renji didn't stir, his eyes didn't move, and for the second time in his life, Shuuhei was sure his heart had stopped.

"Hey is everyone okay in there?" one of the paramedics asked looking through the window.

"N-No, my friend, he-he's got this pole in his arm and h-he's pregnant!" Shuuhei sobbed. "Please, you have to help him! Please!"

The man turned away for a second and came back holding a neck brace. "Alright, but we can't get in there until we can get the Jaws of Life to pry this baby open. Is the pole attached to anything?"

Shuuhei quickly examined the metal rod sticking from his friend's shoulder. He traced it back to the end and was relieved to see it had broken off from where ever it came from. "No." he answered.

"Good, now, we're about to take the roof off so I'm going to need you to protect him from any falling debris!" he shouted over the loud sound of the Jaws of Life.

Shuuhei nodded and carefully used his body to shield Renji from any falling car parts. When the hood was removed, the paramedic was able to hand Shuuhei the neck brace which he carefully secured around Renji's neck. Shuuhei then noticed how ghostly pale Renji had become. "S-Sir, he's too pale. Something's wrong! Oh God what did I do!" Shuuhei panicked.

"Sir! Sir, I'm gonna need you to calm down, he's just low on fluids, do me a favor and find the big blue vein in his arm."

Shuuhei did as instructed and searched for the vein with no results. "I-I can't find it!"

"Then put it in any vein!" he said shoving the IV equipment into the car.

Shuuhei found a vein, finally, and inserted the thin needle into his friend's arm. Next he connected the fluid bad and squeezed it so it would pump the necessary vitamins into Renji's bloodstream. "Very good sir, now we're gonna take the door off so we can get you and your friend outta here, alright."

The terrified young man nodded tearfully as he held Renji's lifeless hand in his own. The jaws worked their way threw the thick metal and was able to throw the door off. Paramedics immediately rushed in to take care of Renji. They led him out on a stretcher and allowed Shuuhei to ride in the same ambulance as Renji. The young raven-haired man never let go of Renji's hand and he prayed to whoever would listen, to let his friend and his children survive.

The distress that had been caused by the crash had caused Renji to loose consciousness and a considerable amount of his body fluids. This meant that the babies weren't receiving any nutrients, or oxygen for that matter. Due to this, an emergency C-Section had to be performed in the back of the ambulance.

As if someone had answered his prayers, Shuuhei heard the distinct sound of a wailing infant. The sound mirrored Haruna's when she was a baby. "That's one," the medic announced passing the healthy-looking, flesh-pink infant to the other medic. The child was wrapped in one of the towels from the injury bin after being checked over quickly.

Shuuhei was curious when he hadn't heard the second child's strong cries and looked in horror as the medic tried to resuscitate it. "Crap, this one's not breathing!"

Thinking quickly, the medic turned the child on its stomach and gave a few soft pats on its back. When that didn't work he tried to open its airways by giving it CPR. It was then that the choked wails erupted out of the infants throat.

"He's back!" the medic cried happily.

Shuuhei and the other medic nearly jumped for joy when both infants wailed strongly. It was almost like a miracle. Though unfortunately that miracle was short lived as the dull pulse from the heart monitor went flat.

"Oh no, we're loosing him! Tanihara, step on it!"

At the Loft

Grimmjow was pissed. He sat on the large wrap-around couch with his head in his hands, trying to evaluate how fucked up his life really was. So far he had, damn near killed a bimbo, lost the one person he truly cared about in world and, wrecked his favorite shirt. What a fucking day.

He needed a fucking drink.

Lifting himself from the comfy couch, the angry bluenette stormed to the fridge and grabbed the first bottle he could find. He dug around way in the back and pulled out a half empty bottle of... Jack Daniel's Tennessee Honey Whiskey. It had been Renji's favorite.

"Of fuggin' course your Tennessee Honey..." he mumbled to no one.

Grimmjow set the bottle back in the fridge and grabbed his car keys from the coffee table. The bluenette darted out of the loft with the mindset of setting things right with Renji. He didn't expect to be forgiven right then, but maybe after a while Renji could love him again.

It was halfway to Shuuhei's place (he knew that was probably where the redhead went to vent) that Grimmjow got the call from Shuuhei at the hospital. Grimm took a quick detour to get to the hospital, making it there in near record time. When he entered, all of their friends, (all the people Renji knew at least), were gathered in the waiting room with somber faces.

Nel had retracted from her comfort pillows found in Orihime's chest to jump from her lap to Grimmjow's embrace. "U-unk-unkie G-g-gwimm!" she sobbed wrapping her tiny arms around his tightly-jeaned leg.

The blue-haired man had no idea what was going on. It all felt so unreal that he tried to think it was a dream. It almost worked too, until he realized that Nel's tears were dampening his pants and that the hospital smelled too much like medicine and death to be a dream.

"T-this is a joke... right?" Grimmjow chuckled in disbelief.

Everyone's eyes met his, some with sorrow and others with hate. This wasn't a dream. This wasn't some sick joke and he wasn't on some shitty prank show. No. This was happening. This was real. And it was all his fault.

Grimmjow wanted to break down. He wanted to scream and punch and cut everything he could. He wanted to kill someone, but he couldn't. Not just for the sake of the patients in the hospital, but he had to be strong for Nel, and Renji, and...

"The kids! Are the kids okay?!" he seemed to plead more than ask.

Ichigo, whom sat closest to the ER door, gave a small smile of relief as he nodded toward the worried bluenette. "Yeah, the medics got the kids out in time but they were put in incubators just in case." the berry said with his eyes still fixated on the clean tile floors.

A wave of relief washed over him and he let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. "And Renji? How's he?"

Ichigo's relieved face, and the relieved faces of the rest of their friends, turned back into looks of malice and sorrow. "The doctors are doing all they can. He and Shuuhei were in a really bad car crash and Renji wound up in the worst condition," Ichigo took a deep breath before continuing with the gruesome tale.

"He- A pole was lodged into his left shoulder and he has a major concussion, plus internal bleeding, a few broken bones and possible brain damage. Their trying to fix his shoulder now but they don't know if he'll make it or not..." Ichigo trailed off, unable to continue the retelling of Renji's current condition.

Nel clutched Grimm's pant leg tighter as she continued to sob uncontrollably. "I-it's N-nel's fault!" she cried out.

All eyes fell on her as she wheezed out her explaination. "N-nel made fun of u-unkie W-wenzi and she n-never said s-sowwy! I-it's all Nel's fault!" she broke down again after finishing and it made the entire room start to tear up.

Grimmjow lifted the little girl to his shoulder and tried to calm her down. "It's not your fault Nel, what happened was just an accident," Thinking back on the day's past events, hell, the year's past events, Grimmjow realized that it was in fact, all his fault.

"It was just a stupid, selfish, lower than dog shit, accident!" he said talking more about himself than the actual accident.

Grimmjow found a seat next to the ER door across from Ichigo and their friends. They waited for what felt like hours, though for Grimmjow it felt like an eternity. He didn't really notice when a few of them started to leave.

It was well into morning by the time Grimmjow had snapped back into reality. At least half of the original crowd had gone home, leaving only Ichigo, Rukia, Shuuehi, Kensei, Ikkaku, Yumichika and their kids. Nel had finally calmed down and was quietly playing in Grimmjow's hair.

Everyone perked up when a doctor finally exited the ER room and stood to talk to them. It was the head doctor at Ishida Medical, Dr. Ishida Ryuuken himself. Renji was good friends with his son, Uryu.

The white-haired doctor wore a thin line on his features and in this case that could have been good or bad, he didn't really have any emotions. "Abarai Renji is in stable condition and seems to be progressing quite smoothly to recovery,"

The room let out a collective sigh of thanks. Grimmjow felt a weight lifted from his shoulder and almost wanted to hug the doctor, almost.

"But," the relief turned back into worry within seconds. "We have put him under a medically induced coma so his injuries can heal without interuption. We shall wake him in a few days."

Again, a wave of soloce washed over them and everyone felt a little more at ease. "What about the kids?" Grimmjow mumbled.

Dr. Ishida adjusted his glasses on his nose before flipping through a file marked "ABARAI". "It seems... that both infants are relatively healthy, though the distress from the crash did put a large strain on them, and having been born nearly two months premature means that their mental and physical development may have been stilled or stunted, but judging by the tests that have been done so far, both seem in relatively perfect health. It is a miracle"

Everyone seemed much happier to know that Renji and the kids were okay, so much so that even after spending the night in the ER waiting room, they still found the energy to request visitation. "May we seem them?" Rukia asked giddily.

"Mr. Abarai is resting at the moment so I think it would be best if he be left alone for the night. The infants are resting in the nursery," Dr. Ishida took a glance at Grimmjow.

"Mr. Jeagerjaques, I presume?" The doctor knew this based on the brief description given by Shuuhei when he and Renji were first brought in. Through the colorful language Shuuhei used to describe Mr. Jeagerjaques, Dr. Ishida had pulled out "...bright blue-haired sonova-"

"Yeah..." Grimm sighed looking up tiredly.

"While they do not need to be filled out right now, the children's birth certificates are in Mr. Abarai's recovery room along with his paperwork and other belongings. Are there any questions?"

No one said anything for a while, then Shuuhei finally asked "Is Renji going to make a full recovery?"

The atmosphere was tense. It was the question everyone though of but no one wanted to ask.

"With a bit of recovery therapy he should be fine. It doesn't seem like an infection invaded his system so that is very good. We have done everything we can for now, the rest is up to him." With that, Dr. Ishida was called away by the speaker.

"Thank you, Mista Docta!" Nel called from Grimmjow's embrace. The normally stoic doctor turned quickly and gave the group a small, almost unnoticeable smile which made Nel, Masaki and Haruna giggle cutely.

Rukia and Yumichika were nearly jumping out of their skin after hearing they could see the babies. "Grimm can we please go see them?!" Rukia pleaded giddily.

The bluenette looked tired and a bit troubled, hearing that Renji was going to be okay hadn't even made him smile. He looked up at the raven haired girl with a sorrowful look in his eyes, "Sure, I'd love to see how my lil' brats are doin'," he said in a normal, cocky, overall Grimmjow tone. He was sure no one could tell that it was forced.

Nel had lifted her head and managed a checker-toothed grin as they made their way to the nursery.