A/N: If you have not read my story Spiffy then you will not understand what is happening in this story. I highly recommend that you read the first before continuing. If you've already read Spiffy then welcome to the sequel.

A/N 2: I would love to thank Ruby Casablanca for all the help that she has given me with this story. If you have not read any of her stories I would highly recommend them.

Chapter 1

They were home. After what felt like a journey through hell and back again, they were finally back where they belonged. They were far away from Earth, the one place most of them would never want to return to, especially not after all that had just happened. No, now was the time to move on.

So, with solemn hearts and minds the Winx Club walked down the familiar streets of Magix. They were so relieved to be back where they belonged, not that it would help them any. They knew it was going to take a long time for things to be right between them again.

Stella refused to walk on the same side of the street as Roxy, choosing to go against traffic and assist Brandon, who was now on crutches. She still had not forgiven the girl for what she had done to her boyfriend, and Roxy really couldn't blame her. Every time that she even tried to look at the Sun fairy's face, she shied away, blushing in shame.

Musa also refused to make eye-contact with the girl. Roxy knew that Musa still harbored a huge resentment over her, the fact that she killed her best friend weighed heavily on her heart. It was not a light burden, especially now that she carried Galatea's heart inside her chest, beating with a life that wasn't hers. It was like every second she breathed, she stabbed daggers into Musa's heart. So she kept away from her.

Bloom was just not talking period. After learning that Mitzi had lied to her and that Sky wasn't the father of her baby after wishing eternal life in hell for him on Pyros caused her to crack. She had dammed the man she loved, judged and cursed him without thinking, and now she lost him forever due to her blind hate. And love was supposed to see all. What a lie that all was! By cursing his soul she dammed her own, and she wore her sentence with shame.

Roxy had caused all of this, and she knew it. She felt horrible for ruining everyone's lives, including her own. How could she face her mother and father now? They would never welcome her home as a daughter as long as she was with Flora. She had nowhere to turn. She was an orphan on the streets, and she walked with her head hung low.

Because of her they all hated Earth now. They would never want to return to a place of so much hurt and paint, and all because she got drugged.

They turned each corner with heavy steps, no words spoken, no sounds uttered. Everyone was silent. Even Tecna's gadgets were quiet for once. Roxy wasn't used to all the quiet, and when they reached the building she didn't even know they were headed towards, no one complained. They all walked through the double glass doors and into the lobby as one mass, save for Stella who insisted on taking a separate elevator to her apartment. It was a silent twelve floors up and a silent walk down the hall, and Roxy thought if someone didn't speak soon, she would burst of anxiety.

"I know that your father will come to his senses," Flora whispered to her, trying to cheer someone up.

The girls crowded outside their own apartments. They had each decided to rent across from each other so they could remain friends, so that nothing would change once they left Alfea. Now, Flora wasn't sure that was for the best.

"Good night girls!" Flora called out to all of them. All she got was a door slam from Bloom and a small wave from Tecna. The others ignored her completely. She expected this. They weren't so keen on Flora now that she and Roxy were together. They still weren't sure if they could forgive Roxy for all that she'd done even though they wanted to move past the Spiffy incident. It was all just happening too fast to count, so the girls had shoved it aside for another day.

Sighing, Flora reached into her coat pocket to take out a shiny bronze key, jamming it into the slot and twisting it soundly. The door popped open, and she stepped aside to let her friend through.

"But until things get settled, welcome home."

"It certainly doesn't feel like home," Roxy sighed, taking a seat on the edge of the bed as Flora did the same and held her hand, her thumb rubbing small circles over her pale skin.

"Give them time but they will understand… they've been through a lot and so have you."

"I-I didn't mean to d-do the things that I did."

"And I know that," Flora whispered. "But I'm afraid that, that it will take them a little longer to understand."

"But what do I have to do? What do I have to do to at least be able to talk to them again?"

Flora opened her mouth to speak but she truly wasn't sure. She closed her lips together once more. "I'm not sure," she admitted after a few seconds of silence.

"Flora?" Roxy asked, wiping away tears. The Nature fairy had risen, grabbing her phone, thumbs flying at a million miles a minute.

"Come on sweetie, get up. Time to get you dressed."

"I don't-"

"Just trust me. I'll make this right, I promise."

And with that, Roxy let herself be pulled into Flora's giant closet with no idea as to why she was being made up.

A few hours later, Roxy and Flora were on the town, walking amongst the rush of people struggling to get to their destination. Flora had been leading the way, Roxy meekly following behind, both dressed in high fashion. Roxy had no idea where they were going, but by the looks of it, she had assumed it was important.

The two girls finally ended up at a cute little café near the inner city district, the sound of heavy beats emanating from out of the club across the street. The entire place was streamlined and posh, completely out of their league. But that wasn't what shocked Roxy though. It was the group of five girls all dressed for a party who were crowded around a wrought-iron table at the café, politely but silently drinking coffee, seeing the Winx Club so close to her made Roxy stop short. But it didn't stop Flora. She sauntered over to the group of girls who barely even recognized her presence. Flora signaled for Roxy to come, and she unwilling followed, taking in a deep breath for courage. Each step she took was shaky, and as she reached their table, she was met with icy glares.

"Flora, you didn't tell us that she was coming," Stella snapped, refusing to look at Roxy as she sipped delicately from her coffee.

"You told me we were going to get dinner and then you'd help me with my new plant study," Tecna said monotonously, cursing herself not to have seen further motives in her friend's bleeding heart.

"Yeah, what is this?" Musa asked accusingly, leaning forward in her chair to face both of them. "I thought we were going clubbing. Alone."

There was a silent agreement between the girls, and all eyes were on Flora for answers. For a moment, it seemed as if she was more in the wrong in the girls' eyes then Roxy was.

"Come on you guys! Roxy didn't mean to do anything wrong; she's apologized more then once to all of you. Can we at least try to put this in the past?"

Flora was pleading, but with no response. Most of the girls wouldn't look at them, sitting in utter apathy, but the reactions she did get were heartbreaking. If anything, her words were only fueling the girl's fires, and Roxy swore that if looks could kill, then she'd already be dead.

"She didn't do anything wrong?" Stella hissed, her voice trembling with anger. "She hospitalized my boyfriend, who was only trying to help her; she sent us on a death chase for a cure and got Sky killed, and she did nothing wrong?!"

"Stella, you know that was because of the drug! The Spiffy-"

"No one give a shit about the Spiffy!" Stella shrieked. "If she had just stayed in her bed and not gone suicidal then we wouldn't be having this conversation!"

"Are you saying that I wanted to be shot up with a drug that hurt all my friends? That ripped me away from everything I loved?" Roxy interjected, severely hurt by Stella's accusations. Stella sent her a frigid glare, driving her words home. Obviously she believed just that. "Okay, well, if that's what you believe then fine. I'll just leave you alone."

"Good," Stella shot back, her eyes fierce and angry, tears pricking at the corners.

"Roxy no! Stay!" Flora grabbed Roxy's wrist as she turned to leave, her eyes pleading for her to stay.

"I can't Flora. I know not to stay where I'm not wanted."

She patted the Nature fairy's hand reassuringly before leaving the café, crossing over to the club across the street. She turned that corner too, and soon was gone from sight. Flora was mad. If she was meaner, she would've slapped Stella right then and there, but instead, she was stuck being hurt.

"That was cold Stella, even for you. She was only trying to apologize!"

"Like I give a damn. She'll have my forgiveness when she rots in hell for what she's done to Brandon."

Flora was taken aback by her friend's calloused words. She was more shocked by her sincerity in them then the actual words themselves.

"I agree with Stella," Bloom muttered quietly from her cup of tea, the steam fogging in her face.

Flora looked at the table of downcast faces and was aghast. "Is this what all of you think? Do you all really believe that?" The silence was all she needed to confirm it.

"Flora, you're happy, and we're happy for you, but that doesn't change anything," Musa stated plainly, rising to meet the bewildered fairy. "She doesn't get a clean slate just because you're screwing her now."

"Come on, let's go," Stella said, getting up from the café, paying the bill as it came. The others had gathered their belongings and had begun moving across the street as well, Layla's head disappearing from sight already. They were just going to leave Flora, just like that, like nothing had happened.

"Sorry Flo," Tecna said as she passed her by, "But it's just what it is."

Inside the club, the beat was pumping. The entire place was dark and smoky, Technicolor strobe lights pulsing through the glass dance floor. The girls took no time getting used to the vibe, dancing like they were freshmen again, as if everyone was watching them. Drinks in hand, they had no problem forgetting Flora and Roxy, that is everyone except Bloom. She could find no pleasure in anything anymore and took it as a penance to wallow in the pain of others. It was what she felt like she deserved for her scorn of Sky. She knew that Stella had been, in no shorter terms, a bitch to Flora and Roxy, and eve though Bloom agreed with her, it wasn't right. She also knew that Roxy wasn't herself and it was wrong to judge her on those actions that weren't her own.

So, on the couch, Bloom watched her friends dance and enjoy themselves as she pondered how she could apologize for Stella's rash behavior. However, her thinking was cut short as her friends, now sweaty and smelling a bit of alcohol, came to flock around her sofa, urging her to dance.

"Come on Bloom! The beats are fantastic!" Musa raved, her chest heaving and out of breath.

"Yeah! Enjoy yourself for once!" Layla encouraged, pushing Bloom's shoulder jokingly.

"Guys, I can't…" Bloom sighed, shoving them away from her gently.

"Oh, please?" Musa begged, pouting out her lips.

"Don't let Flora and Roxy get you down! We're better off without them anyway," Stella chimed, picking at her nails.

"Stella, you really were a bitch to Roxy earlier. I think you should apologize," Bloom said, turning her attention on her blonde friend. This didn't sit too well with Stella, who narrowed her eyes menacingly.

"Like hell I will! She deserved every word for what she did to Brandon!"

"That's a lie and you know it! Brandon's battles aren't yours to fight, and I don't see him attacking Roxy. And do you know why? Because he knows it wasn't her fault!" Bloom came back, her logic throwing Stella off.

"So what? You're defending her now? The girl who sent your boyfriend off to be killed?"

Bloom's eyes flared as she rounded on her friend. "Roxy didn't send him to die! We went willingly, and when it came down to the wore, I was the one who killed Sky. It was my anger that fed the dragon long enough for her to kill him. So there, happy? Is that what you wanted to hear?!"

Stella stepped back in shock, not sure of how to respond. "Bloom, I-"

"Save it! I don't want any of your apologies! Save them for Roxy."

The two girls were in the middle of a stalemate; their friends hovered closely around them, just waiting for a bomb to go off, literally. Just as soon as Stella opened her mouth, a giant explosion rocked through the center of the club, sending everyone flying into the walls. The whole place was buzzing; ash was clouding the air. The club was under attack, and all that could be heard was the cackle of something sinister coming right at them.

Flora had been pacing the café ever since she had been left there hours ago, downing chai tea after chai teas in efforts to keep her mind straight. She had been replaying the fight over and over again in her mind, and still it hurt worst every time she replayed it. She was so wrapped up in despair that the last thing she expected to pull her from her reverie was an explosion coming from the club next door, the club that her friends just happened to be in.

Immediately bolting up, she ran across the street, her heart pounding out of her chest. Please, please let them be safe! She was so focused on getting inside that she almost ran someone over, the pair falling over and onto the concrete.

"Oww…" came the voice, female, and Flora looked up to see a girl examining her knee, bright magenta hair shining in the afternoon light.

"Roxy!" Flora cried, rushing to her side. "I'm so sorry! Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just heard the explosion and-"

"Yeah me too," Flora sighed, taking her in. "But, wait a minute, how did you get here so fast? You left hours ago."

"Oh, I didn't really leave," she blushed sheepishly. "I was just hanging back around the corner in case one of you girls tried to come after me. You know, just to see if you would even try more…"

"Oh, Roxy," Flora felt her heart cry out for her friend, and she wrapped her in a hug. "Well, I stayed here for you, for you and our friends."

"Who are now inside this burning building," Roxy stated, drawing their attention back to the problem at hand.

"Right, well, we better go and help them! Believix!" Flora cried, transforming right before Roxy's eyes. It was a sight she would never get used to for sure.

"Winx!" Roxy cried as Flora was transforming, feeling completely inferior compared to her super-powerful lover.

Together the pair flew into the rubble, ready for whatever came after them.

As soon as Stella regained consciousness, she rolled over to her side, gasping for clean air that wasn't coming from the smoke the vents were piping to her. It was hard enough to see, none the less breathe in this place, and she really didn't want to be left totally vulnerable incase she had to make a quick escape. From her limited perspective, she could spot all of her friends lying close by, all unmoving, and all silent. Slowly, without drawing attention to herself, she crawled over to Bloom who was beginning to wheeze.

The Dragon Flame bearer's eyes were hazy. Barely opened through narrow slits, she had a cut down her face, but other then that, Stella could sense vitality in all of her organs.

"Come on Bloom. We have to…get out of here…"

"Stella…" Bloom coughed weakly, trying to move her arm. She caught it and tried to sit her up, but failed.

"Come on... we have to… get the others…" she managed through coughs.


And with her words, Stella followed her friend's arm to where she had been trying to show her earlier. Standing ten feet away, crouched over Musa's body, was a woman. She was beautiful from her profile's perspective, with long black hair and dark, metallic eyes, but Stella knew better to judge character on beauty. The most evil things she had ever gone up against were beautiful. Instantly Stella tensed, lowering Bloom back to the ground where she promptly passed right back out, great, she thought. She was all alone against God knows who. The lady was probably a psychopath for all she knew.

"Such a pretty face…" the woman cooed as she ran her long fingers over Musa's face. "I remember when I used to be that beautiful."

And then she stood, and Stella was disturbed by what she saw. The other half of the woman's face looked like it belonged on a horror creature, the skin red and scar-ridden, and her eye large with the socket exposed to reveal the entire ball. Her hair had been shaven away, and her jaw bone was jutting from her face. It was as if she were an angel and the devil himself, heaven and hell.

"And you, so pretty as well. What a face… what a shame…"

She advanced on Stella, reaching for her with her arms, and Stella found herself complying with the woman. It was as if she were unable to move, mesmerized by the woman's face, her siren's voice.

"I'm sure you have lots of suitors," she said as she stroked Stella's face with velvet hands. "With a face as winning as yours, it's impossible not to. I had a face like yours when I was younger. So many men came to my door just to catch a look at me. But then I had my accident and, well, you see what happened to that face of mine. Ruined! By the one I trusted most, but no matter. There are so many more faces in the world, so many for me to take."

Her smile was captivating, almost hypnotizing, and what had once been an angry woman as she talked of her past became a winning personality once more. She rose Stella up from the ground, leading her to the center of the room.

"Oh, perfect! Just, wonderful," the woman awed as her black eyes took in Stella from a 360 degree view. All Stella wanted was to make this woman happy, so she was happy. "Oh yes, this is the face I will take. All this beauty, all this youth shall be mine!"

And as if the scarred part of her face wasn't bad enough, the woman opened her mouth more then was humanly possible to reveal a frightening row of long, pointy fangs that looked like dozens and dozens of pure white needles. However, this didn't scare Stella; she was still calm, even though she knew this woman was going to eat her face. She knew she should be screaming for her life right now, but she wasn't. She was calm, almost at peace.

Thankfully, the sight of two fairies bursting through the adjacent wall was enough to shatter her peace. The calming charm had broken, allowing Stella to scramble away from the woman, but not for long. She felt those long fingers reach her neck, the woman catching up to her in record speed, and tighten their grip as to starve her of oxygen.

"Let her go!" she heard a familiar voice call, and as the dust from the blast cleared, she saw Flora hovering above her, arms posed with an attack at the ready.

"Flora?" Stella called out, strangled.

"Ah, ah, ah." the woman tisked, cocking her head, "Don't shoot lest you want to harm your pretty friend."

"What do you want with Stella?" another voice called, giving way to Roxy, her small wings flapping behind Flora's. Was this a joke?

"Do not be alarmed, my dears. All I require is your friend's beauty, and then I shall be on my way."

"You were about to eat my face off!" Stella screamed as best she could, the woman lowering her down until they were eye to eye once more.

"Well, I never did say exactly how I was going to take it now did I?"

And with a lunge, her fangs reappeared, aiming right at Stella's jugular. Just as she felt the needles break the skin, a blast shot the woman back, releasing the vice grip she had on Stella. She fell to the ground in a gasping pile, looking up to see the woman chasing down Flora, sending powerful blasts of her own toward the Nature fairy.

"Roxy! Get Stella and the girls out of here!" Flora called as she sent an ivy wrap the woman's way, entangling her for a few moments before her own blast burnt through the roots.

Roxy scrambled to the unconscious girls, shooting portal spells at them, sending them outside the club where they'd be safe for now. She was just about to send Stella as well before the woman scooped her up into her arms, wrapping her in a bear hug. Roxy frantically looked for Flora only to find her in a heap, exhausted and passed out on the concrete rubble. Stella was screaming, the woman's fangs so close to puncturing her jaw that it was horrifying to watch. She had no time to hesitate or Stella would lose her head, literally. So, in one blast of everything her basic form could muster, she sent a blast towards the woman, praying it would hit her in time. And it did. The woman flew into the wall with gale force, a sickening crunch echoing off the walls.

Roxy collapsed to her knees, drained of all energy. But it was worth it. Though she had fang marks on her neck, they weren't deep; Stella had kept her head and would live another day. She sat in a pile silently crying, not paying Roxy any mind as the Animal fairy finally got up to check on Flora, and then on the woman. Unlike her initial thought, she had not killed the woman, merly broken her ribs. There were obvious signs of a concussion, but other then that, she looked fine. The police could find her and do with her as they liked. Roxy would have on hell of a story to tell: A woman who was trying to eat her friend's face off. That was a new one for sure.

Slowly, Flora regained consciousness and joined Roxy where she was now standing. From there, they could see their friends all waking up as well, medics checking them for injuries. All was well and no one was hurt.

"Flora…Roxy?" a small voice came from behind them and both were surprised to see Stella, meekly lying on her knees, unmoved since she had been released. "I'm sorry."

The two girls moved over to their friend who grasped onto them like they were her life line. She had her life flash before her own eyes nearly twice in a few minutes, and she was shaken to the bone. Now, she just needed someone to hold her. Now, she needed to apologize. She wept in their arms as they held her, never once moving until the police came to get them out, and even then, even as they removed the woman and all danger was gone; they stayed together, bound by tragedy.

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