Tears of sadness and joy

Kagome awoke one morning, she was out of school now so she had one less thing to stress about. She got up and went down stairs it had been almost two years since she had been to the other side of well. She back upstairs to her room to get dressed in some blue shorts and a tan tang top and decided to pack her yellow bag so she could go visit Sango and Miroku and Shippo in Kaedes village for a while since she had nothing else to do. She went down stairs made something to eat for herself and set off to the old well house to go to the other side of the well. She jumped down the well and crossed the hands of time and was in the federal era . As she climbed out of the well and made her way to her only friends she really had left she couldn't help but feel sorry for inuyasha he took off the last time she was here with kikyo and had not been seen to her knowledge since. As she entered the village she felt his presence although she could not see him. She walked into the old mikos hut and was hugged by everyone