How long has it been? 2 months? Maybe 3, but I know that it's been a while. I've been with my 'family' for a while and I can honestly say that we're connected in a special way that Luna taught us.

It's called Aura Thought, where you can communicate with others through their mind using aura. And throughout the time that's passed, everyone has been teaching me different things ever since Luna told them I'm part Lucario.

A good example would be Mitch teaching me how to do the move Brick Break. That one took a while, mainly because I had nearly broke my hand the first time I tried it.

Also we've built more onto the house. Like we built a little bridge that led out into the lake, where you could sit and watch the waterfall. It's a perfect place for meditating, since Luna and I do daily sessions.

But anyway enough with that, let's go to what's happening now. "Ohhh...thrust harder!" I'm having sex with Luna while Sarah was watching us, masterbating to herself.

Blayze and Mitch were putting away the berries we had just recently picked and I released my seed into Luna, continuing to thrust into her wanting, wet snatch.

Luna came while releasing a loud moan in ecstasy, showering my cock with her juices. Luna got off of me as we went out to the balcony. Sarah following us, jumped off the balcony with us following suit landing perfectly before going to the lake to wash off.

We quickly washed ourselves before I got redressed and Luna spoke to me, "So are you ready for today's lesson?" I nodded my head as she smiled. "Great! Today you will be learning how to do superjumps and landing them correctly so you won't get hurt. You already know how to do other things like grab onto trees to break impact, and this will go with it."

Luna walked over to one of the big walls that surrounded our backyard, "Now what you need to do is focus a small amount of aura into your legs before jumping." She jumped high into the air and landed rolling onto her feet. "And landing is planting the ball of your heel first and then it'll propel you into a roll and then use the momentum to help stand you up." She looked at me as I nodded in understanding.

I focused a small amount of aura into my legs, before jumping up and releasing the aura in my legs propelling me up more. I looked down as I saw the ground come closer and closer.

I stuck the ball of my heels out as I hit the ground before it propelled me forward and I stood up shakily.

Luna looked at me with her arms crossed, "You did pretty well for your first try. Just try to stick that standing up part better." I nodded at her "Ok."

"Good! Lesson complete!" Luna smiled cheerfully before kissing me on the cheek, "Good job Honey."

I blushed when she called me that. Sarah and Luna gave me nicknames. Sarah picked Sweetie while Luna picked Honey. I'm not against it, I just need to get used to it.

I kissed her on her cheek, "Thanks Luna." She smiled sweetly at me before walking away and Sarah walked over to me.

"Wanna go for a walk with me?" She asked smiling her lovely smile.

"I don't see any harm in it." I shrugged as we started walking as she grabbed my hand in her paw. "Great! Let's go see if the others want to come too, it could be a family outing." I nodded in agreement with a smile.

We gathered everyone together as we walked out the cave and walked aimlessly around the forest. Staying near the cave of course.

'Click' Suddenly I heard something, like a gun being loaded or something. 'Snap' At that I tensed and turned to see nothing.

It seemed that everyone else heard what I was hearing because everyone moved closer together as we all looked around to try and see what is making all those noises.

I closed my eyes as I tried my Aura Sight. I haven't become a master of it, but I can still see other Pokémon's and Human's auras.

I quickly scanned the area before seeing a black aura. That means that person or Pokemon is evil with nothing but pure malice and greed filling their minds. I saw that it was a man as I saw him weilding something that resembled a gun/shotgun. It looks like he's about to fire it.

"Get down!" Luna and I yelled at the same time. I was pulling Blayze to the ground as she took Mitch and Tyree to the floor with her as we heard a very loud 'BANG' before I looked up and saw five bullet marks in the tree we were just recently, standing in front of.

"Holy shit."