Disclaimer: I don't own the power rangers series I only own my OCs.

Conner couldn't complain about his life as he walked along the park watching as children play tag and other types of games. He was the red ranger to the dino thunder group, captain of the Reefside soccer team, and finally he was boyfriend of the most beautiful girl in Reefside, though if he asked his friend Alex, the white ranger would say otherwise. Shaking his head, he saw a familiar blonde girl playing with her younger sister on the swing set when she noticed him and smiled before motioning him over to where they were. Walking over to her, Conner wrapped his arm around Kira's waist and kissed her cheek before ruffling Alexandra's hair and picking her up.

"Hey there girl you having fun with your sissy?" Conner asked grinning at her.

"Yeah, me and Kiwa ares having loads of fwun," Alexandra, or Alexis as the rangers call her, said giggling.

Laughing, Kira hugged the three year old and walked along side Conner as they walked over towards his car so that he could get them home in time for dinner with the McKnights. This had been a regular occurrence at the Oliver household now since Conner and Kira had been dating for about three years now. The two were now currently attending college over at Angel Grove, Conner going on a soccer degree hoping that he would get scouted, and Kira going to get a degree in music. They were back in Reefside for the Christmas holiday and the families were getting together and celebrating Conner getting a try out for the Angel Grove Wolves amateur soccer team.

"Kiwa, when are we going to get home," Alexis asked as they started down the road.

"We'll be there in about ten minutes sissy," Kira said looking back at her and smiling.

"How would you like to listen to some music little Petra?" Conner asked looking in his rear view mirrior.

Alexis cheered making the others laugh as Conner turned on the stereo and put in a mix CD that he made for car rides he knew that Alexis would be on. When the three finally pulled up to the house, Kira climbed out and helped her little sister out allowing her to run inside the house and into the living room where her parents and Conner's parents were. Smiling, Kim picked up her little girl and sat her down on her lap when the two lovers walked in and smiled as they sat down on the couch.

"She wasn't any trouble was she Kira?" Kim asked looking at her adopted daughter.

"Nope, she never is," Kira responded smiling, "she's just a little angel aren't you Lexi?"

"Yep, I a angel," Alexis said replied with a giggle.

"Well I have to say you just get cuter every time I see you," Mrs. McKnight said smiling at her.

"Well why don't we all move into the kitchen and start dinner?" Tommy said standing up.

"Sounds like a plan," Mr. McKnight said following.

The dinner went by smoothly as the parents simply adored one another and enjoyed talking with each other every time that the McKnights came over for dinner. They would talk about politics all the way asking Conner and Kira how college and their jobs were going. They would even ask Alexis how she was liking daycare, to which she would happily reply…

"I love it, I have lots of fwiends."

"Well that's great," Mrs. McKnight said with a laugh.

Meanwhile in a cavern near the edge of the city a being with ash grey skin in a midnight blue cloak appeared and walked outside to over look Reefside before scoffing and turning back around towards where Angel Grove would be. Pulling down the hood of his cloak he reviled his pitch black eyes that would seem hallow if someone would look into them, and his snow white hair that reached past his shoulders. Reaching into the left side of his cloak, he pulled out a crystal that gleamed with ever color of the spectrum before he clutched it in his fist and placed it on the ground.

"Power rangers, monsters, demons, everything that has happened in this world involving them had posed a threat to humanity," He muttered holding his hand over the gem, "So I will erase everything doing with the power rangers, this world will live without the threat of rangers or anything dealing with them."

The gem and his hand started to glow was the man started to chant in a forgotten language and finally the gem shattered and flew into the sky through time and space emitting a soft glowing energy that none could see. When the glow dimmed down he turned away with a smirk on his face before vanishing, pleased that his work would soon take effect on the unexpecting population. However back at the McKnights house, Conner was getting ready to go to sleep when he doubled over in pain, clutching his head in agony when a red glow started to emit off of him. When the he saw the glow he quickly grabbed his phone and started to dial up Alex, Kira, Ethan and Erica hoping that one of them would have a clue about what was going on.

"Conner it's twelve in the morning what are you calling for?" A very pissed off Alex asked as he answered the phone.

"Seriously dude what the hell?" Ethan groaned.

"This had better be good Conner, if Kat hears me on the phone this late she'll take my phone for the rest of the night," Erica hissed clearly upset for being awakened.

"Guys come on give him a chance to speak," Kira spoke up in her boyfriend's defense.

"Okay is anyone glowing their ranger color at the moment?" Conner asked confusing them.

"I don't know I was sleeping," Erica muttered waking up a little bit.

"…Now that you ask, I was awaken by a faint white light," Alex said making Conner frown.

"Yeah and I was working on some homework when I got a headache and started to glow blue," Ethan responded making Conner tensed up.

"Kira what about you?" Conner asked concerned.

"I don't know I was just falling asleep," Kira answered making him sigh.

"Look Conner it's probably nothing so why don't we go to sleep and talk about it in the morning," Ethan suggested.

"Fine, I see you guys in the morning," Conner said as they all hung up.

Laying on his bed, Conner looked up at his ceiling and started to wonder what the connection was between the headache and the glow. Deciding that he was concerning himself with nothing he turned over on to his side and started to fall asleep not knowing of the quest that was about to befall him and his friends.

Author Note: Had a couple of request of a sequel to Return to Power so here it is. I hope you guys enjoy the story and reviews are always welcomed. Also Delta Blast will be a 'I'll update it when I get to it story.' Anyway R&R

Sharingan Vampire