A/N Thank you for all the notes/comments in the reviews! I truly want to hear what you are thinking about the story.

Bonded for Life #39

True to her words, Bonnie's spell retained the presence of Jeremy, Alaric, Lexi, and Grams for a few more hours. Bonnie and the four visitors from the Other Side seemed to sense when time was running low and shared looks with each other. Those staying reached out to touch their loved ones for the last time.

"Bonnie, is there any way we four could…stay in touch…over there? It's so frustrating knowing we're all there but can't see each other." Alaric asked.

Sadly Bonnie shook her head. "If I knew of a way, I'd do it in a heartbeat."

"I guess it's for the best…we'd also have the ones we wouldn't want to see," Alaric said trying to be lighthearted about their solitary fates.

Sad smiles were shared one last time and they were gone.

Being with the departed for a few short hours was bittersweet as it was over all too soon. Grams left Lucy and Bonnie hand in hand. Bonnie remained stoic with Lucy by her side despite her last longing look at Jeremy holding Elena. Elena was left standing with her arms around no one, as was Stefan, each having gotten one last unfinished hug with Jeremy and Lexi respectively. Elena stepped back into Stefan's arms to endure the loss of their loved ones yet again.

Damon looked only slightly dazed but underneath, if you looked close enough, he was wrecked by how much he missed Alaric. He snuck a quick glance at Stefan with sorrow and guilt on his face. Perhaps the fresh reminder of the loss of a best friend was finally triggering Damon to be truly remorseful about murdering Lexi and how, without hesitation, he'd inflicted the loss of a close friend on his brother. Stefan watched Damon over Elena's shoulder and gave him a nod of understanding. It was only a second or two, but more was said in their glances than most would realize.

The past was now truly gone from their midst. It was time to move forward. The body of Silas, now nearly as heavy as solid granite, was disposed of secretly, hopefully never to be found. Bonnie and Lucy, were the only two to know the absolute final resting place of Silas. They magically moved the remains beyond where Damon and Stefan laid them. The witches put more enchantments around the corpse, not as strong as the spell that put him down, but enough to further confound anyone who might stumble across the hiding place.

Everyone was both exhausted and wired. Lucy, tired and anxious for distance, was dropped back at her car. Bonnie was starving and moaned out loud that nothing in dinky Mystic Falls was open this late for a quick bite. Damon had offered her a 'quick bite'. He couldn't resist his return to form and an attempt to lighten the mood. But then he picked up eggs and such from the only all-night convenience mart. The gang then returned, dragging their tired selves into the Salvatore lounge. All except Katherine who went straight to her room, presumably to pack or maybe sleep.

Damon whipped up a quick omelet and then shook and opened a small juice smoothie bottle for Bonnie. A few quizzical looks at Damon's behavior were seen from everyone, even Bonnie. But it was fleeting. Bonnie didn't care about why Damon did it so much as she was now able to dive in and eat like she hadn't in days. It made the rest of them smile at how human and momentarily free from Expression and fear Bonnie was while she ate.

She was halfway through the omelet when she realized what she must look like. She stopped mid-bite and looked at the three vampires watching her and smiling. "What?" she asked, unaware of how ravenous she appeared. She went back to enjoying food more than any vampire could. It was obvious they envied her but she was too hungry to bother downplaying her satisfaction. Just as Bonnie finished the last chug of smoothie, the front door opened.

Caroline came in. "Oh good, you're still here," she said looking at Bonnie. Coming down into the lounge she continued. "And Lucy?"

"She decided to go home," Bonnie said.

"And the other witch…with a 'B'?"

Elena and Bonnie snickered. "She's is in her room," Elena said.

"Packing, I hope," said Caroline.

"She'll leave in the morning," Stefan said, trying not to smile too much.

"It's morning…" Caroline said with disdain. The others chuckled. Caroline relaxed into her seat. "So, then, are we good? Silas is gone. You-know-who leaves soon. The cure is gone. What are the loose ends?"

"I have questions," Katherine said, entering the lounge. She went straight to the bar and poured a scotch. "What put Silas down?"

"The spell of course," Bonnie said.

"But before then, he drank the vial. He weakened then collapsed."

"I don't know what the cure did to him but he was still healing after Elena gutted him," Bonnie said. Elena cringed at the memory. "So whether or not it worked, he's at least back to how he was for two thousand years. Best case, he was becoming mortal again but still without his magic, and is now dead."

"Worst case?" Katherine asked.

"Worst case, the cure didn't work. Then his mental powers could remain intact and he could possibly trick some idiot into releasing him again," Damon said pointedly at Katherine.

"I hope you mean Shane was the idiot," Katherine said as she found a seat. "How did you stop Silas from reading us and controlling our minds?"

Bonnie rolled her eyes at the obvious. "A spell."

"And you put him down, and you brought down the veil in the caves, come on, Bonnie, let's be real…"

"Lucy helped."

"Lucy is nowhere near as strong as you."

"First you think I'm not strong enough to have done it all, now you say I'm so very strong. Which is it Katherine?" Bonnie waited just a second but knew there was no reply coming that was worth hearing. "Just know we did it. We shared the burden and that's all you need to know." Bonnie obviously didn't like Katherine probing too deeply into her methods. It would do only harm to expose how the Bennett line had been tapped through the talisman and the headstone.

"So touchy. Fine. Next question. Caroline, when you saw Silas tonight, who did he look like?" Katherine asked.

"You know this already…he looked like Stefan," Caroline answered.

"Was he able to read your mind? Make you see things?"

"Not that I know of. Why?"

"And Damon, when you saw Silas tonight, who did you see?" Katherine asked.

"The same. He looked like Stefan," Damon answered.

"Was he able to read you? Control you?" Katherine asked.

"No, not that I'm aware of…" Damon answered mimicking Caroline and obviously unsure why she was asking.

"Elena, when Silas called you out as Amara, what did you think?"

Elena looked nervous at the question. "I, I didn't know... I wasn't sure what to do."

"You needed to act like Amara…whom we know very little about," Katherine prodded. "You were trembling, afraid, and, lucky for us, it worked for being Amara coming back from the dead, but, that wasn't the plan, was it? Elena, why were you so afraid?"

Elena hesitated and glanced at Stefan then back to Katherine. "I was confused at first. I didn't know what to do, who to go to. I heard a man call to Amira but it was while I was hidden behind the others that kept coming over from the other side. I was looking for who I should go to."

"Why?" Katherine pressed.

"Because if he couldn't read us or control us, I didn't understand what I heard, what I was seeing." Elena was near stammering and looking at Stefan. She took his hand. Stefan simply was listening and supporting her as she slowly got to the point.

"Because…" Katherine led on.

"Because he sounded like…Because Silas must really look like Stefan."

"Huh?" said Stefan.

"Stefan is a doppelganger…" Caroline said barely aware that she spoke aloud.

"Shit, another one…" Damon said and went to the bar for a drink.

"I'm not a…" Stefan started but failed to finish.

"It makes sense," Bonnie said quietly. "If Elena is one and it started with Amara…"

"And Silas, Amara and Silas…" Katherine interjected.

"Why couldn't there be a doppelganger for both…?" Bonnie finished.

Stefan stood up and paced a few yards toward the stairs up to the foyer. "I'm…" He stopped and turned back, his hands rubbing his brow then slipping through his hair. "You knew?" Stefan asked Bonnie, incredulity marking his face.

She shook her head no. "When he arrived, I was worried that our spell was not working. But it was. Once I accepted that it was Silas, I knew we were seeing his real likeness."

Elena rose and crossed to Stefan who was trying to process this new info. "Why didn't you say anything?" Elena asked Bonnie while taking Stefan's hand.

Bonnie shrugged. "I was a little busy if you remember…sorry. Honestly, I hadn't given it another thought since."

"I can't believe it…" Stefan said, his words fading out as he continued to accept reality.

Katherine couldn't help but add fuel to the fire. "Just think, if there were doubles in every generation or so, there could be another human double out there right now. Maybe the one that was supposed to find human Elena."

"Whatever…" Stefan said trying to not be affected by her words. He crooked his head indicating he wanted to go up to which Elena nodded she too would go up. "We're turning in." The others called "g'night" to them as they ascended all flights quietly. They were so very tired and now had another truth to face.

Katherine couldn't hide the little sinister smile that peeked out as she watched them go. Suddenly Damon blocked Katherine's view. "You leave in the morning, as in later this morning."

"Fine. I'll be gone before you know it. But right now, a bed is calling. Care to join me? It will probably be a little less noisy than in the family wing tonight, don't you think? Unless you'd like to make some noise."

"Not if my life depended on it," Damon snarked, over-articulating every word. Katherine just smirked. She turned away and slowly headed to her room sashaying her hips wantonly.


In their room, Stefan and Elena readied for bed. They heard Caroline leave with Bonnie and Damon stayed up drinking a while longer.

They were both dragging. Physically, Stefan was tired from all the energy expended while playing prison guard to the attempted escapees from the tunnel. Emotionally, he already was tired from the stress and worry about Elena and everyone else. Now he had to deal with being a double and the possibility of another Silas double somewhere else in the world.

Elena was drained by all the anxiety and effort to deceive Silas and fear of nearly being fed the cure. Despite this, she watched Stefan as they readied.

Standing at the mirror, both brushing their teeth, they caught each other's eyes. Elena turned sideways to place her free hand on Stefan. She stroked his arm and back comfortingly. Finishing, he stepped to the shower and turned on the water to warm it. He started to strip. Before he got far, she was there, helping him. "Let me."

"I'm fine, Elena."

"I know what it's like to find out you are a doppelganger, Stefan."

"I can undress-"

She shushed him, silencing him with fingers on his lips, and continued. "You just relax." Gently she undressed him completely. Once done she opened the shower door and motioned for him to get in. Once he was in, she picked up all his clothes and put them in a hamper in their closet. Returning to the bath, she saw him standing under the water, his hands braced against the wall. His head was bent down as he let the hot water pound against his head, his neck, and his back. The water cascaded down his streamlined body. While she would normally love this view, all muscles and definition, she grimaced empathetically, pained for him as he seemed to struggle with this new reality. She debated leaving him to his thoughts for a bit as she stood in the doorway.

"You coming in?" he asked quietly.

"If you want," she answered like a question. He made a hum-like noise she took as a yes. She moved into the bath shedding her clothes into an orderly pile. She grabbed a hair clip and fashioned a quick and sloppy up-do as she entered the shower. He hadn't moved so she sidled up to his backside, slid her arms around him and hugged their bodies together. Her lips pressed to his back for a moment. "I know it's overwhelming at first. You feel like some kind of fake, a freak of nature, like you aren't one of a kind." Her lips again rested on his spine. "Then come all the questions. Why me? How? But after all that, in the end, it really doesn't matter."

He stood straighter and she loosened her grip. He turned to face her, pushing his now soaking wet hair out of his face. "It doesn't matter?" he said looking at her in confusion.

"It matters for spells. It matters for understanding history and all that. But it doesn't matter when it comes to you, your life, your being, who you are... You are still uniquely you just as I am uniquely me."

Stefan thought on this for a moment. "I was never supposed to meet you…"

"Maybe..." she shrugged.

Stefan pressed on, growing visibly upset as he spoke. "But now it's more than me having turned and living long enough to end up meeting you decades later. I was never supposed to be with you as a vampire or with Katherine even as a human. There was another you back in 1864 for which I was created…, magically conjured, and there's probably another me right now that was made for you…You're supposed to be with him…"

"Stefan, stop." She put two fingers to his lips. "None of that matters. We don't even know if any of that is true. Maybe the doubles were cursed to never find each other in their own time. Maybe it was part of the punishment or maybe it was nature creating the balance the witches talk about. Maybe the fact that we met broke the pattern. Maybe we ended the cycle so that others won't struggle searching anymore. Who knows?" She stopped and gauged his willingness to listen to reason. He seemed calmer, less likely to begin arguing his point again so she continued. "But it doesn't matter when it comes to us. We did meet and we fell in love. You and I are bonded for life."

The tension in Stefan's brow eased. His hands came up to touch her face. "I can't lose you again." He leaned in to kiss her, pressing their lips together as if to keep her with him.

"I'm not going anywhere." She kissed him back. He wrapped his arms around her and held on lightly rocking her in his embrace. "Stefan, don't spiral. The feeling will pass. It's just the shock."

"It's more than that, 'lena. It's always something, something threatening us, another doppelganger, some looming prophecy that will rip you out of my life, or..."

"Or, me turning off my emotions…?" she added. Stefan's body stopped moving. Tension was back. She pulled back to look up at him. "I know I haven't completely made up for all that."

"It might have helped if you'd kept your word about tonight." Their arms loosened from each other leaving their hands resting on the other's hips.

"I knew it. You're still mad about me playing Amara."

"I just wanted you safe, Elena. We agreed together. You were only supposed to come back to be Katherine, to help her fool Silas. Instead you risked your life even further and went against what we agreed."

"I'm sorry. Not for playing Amara, but for violating your trust. Truly I am."

"I've always supported you and encouraged you to make your own choices, haven't I?" he asked. Elena nodded yes. "I need to know you'll respect the choices we make together."

"I do. I mean, Stefan, there are bound to be times when plans change, you know, emergencies…"

Stefan bit his lip. "We had hours in the car to discuss the plan, Elena, and any new ideas you may have had." He stopped.

"You're right. This is about trust. I don't have your complete trust anymore. I understand and I will fix it. But tonight, I couldn't have brought it up in the car. It wasn't my idea."

"Let me guess..." he said dripping with sarcasm. They both knew she meant her doppelganger.

Elena continued. "In hindsight, I think she got exactly what she planned from the beginning. She just pitched it to us in a way to get us to come back."

They shared grimaces at yet again having been played by one Katherine Peirce.

"Stefan, please don't let tonight set us back too far. I am going to earn your trust again, completely, at least I'm going to try with everything I've got. I haven't forgotten how much I hurt you."

They stood together, bared to each other both body and soul. Slowly he pulled her back into his arms. Nuzzling into her hair, Stefan spoke. "I don't mean to take it out on you still."

"You're not. I get it. We have to talk about these things. We just need time."

"Let's get out of here. Leave town," he suggested. "Let's just go away where no one knows us or anything about us."

"I think that would be amazing, just us…" she said into his chest. "That way I can spend all my time making it up to you."

"You don't-"

Elena interrupted. "I do. And I will."

They made love in the shower, starting slowly and tenderly, like their early days. No longer craving sleep, he shampooed his hair while she soaped him all over, taking care to caress and stroke every part of him clean and smooth. He returned the favor until she insisted on taking his mouth with hers. It only took a few passes of her mouth across his lips, combined with her warm, playful tongue, to distract his efforts to soap her body as thoroughly as she had his.

Soon he turned them both around so her back was against the tile wall. His hand between them explored her, checking for and encouraging her readiness. Light teasing touches quickly had her longing in need. Her hips came forward clearly indicating her desire for him. She was ready for more so his fingers obliged. One of her hands found him in turn and stroked him to distraction.

He hoisted her up to wrap her legs around his waist, kissing down her neck as he raised her. Gradually, he leaned down further to suckle her breast first tenderly and then firmly. She mewled in appreciation, her hand raking through his hair while the other clasped and rubbed at his neck and shoulder. He hummed back to her.

Raising his eyes to her, they watched each other as he lowered her onto his hardness. They were then still, watching and reveling in being joined.

"Love you," he whispered.

She let out a tiny gasp at his words and pulled him into a nearly desperate kiss. In between the twists and turns of kissing him eight ways to Sunday, she whispered. "I love you, Stefan."

They began to move together, savoring every in and out, every press closer, deeper. It was the longest session they'd had like this, the longest actual penetrating heaven. Neither wanted to chase their orgasm, they didn't want a race to the finish. They simply savored each other for as long as they could, kissing, stroking, gazing, and loving.

When they did reach their moments of ecstasy, it was soul-wrenching more than just body-shaking. There was real love between them and they knew it. They kissed and kissed, not wanting it to be over, until all the hot water was gone.

They went to bed exhausted, satiated, and more connected than ever before. They were truly bonded for life.

Epilog/Cliffy – Below is an epilog that contains a possible Cliffy. Considering this story was an alternate TV "season", it could be implied that a cliffhanger for the following season is required. However, be forewarned…I do not plan to write an Alt Season 5 at this time…You can simply stop and take the happy ending above or…the rest will give you a longer BfL #39 plus an idea where it might have headed – cliffy style/TV season ending. But if you can't handle this not continuing, really, you should stop and not read the following…but it is kind of good if I do say so myself…your call. ;-)


"You'll do as I say until I say otherwise. You have no choice." Klaus sat regally in a plush Georgian high-backed chair that framed him like royalty.

Katherine, on the floor nearby, tended her wounds. A bloodied lip and wounded pride were just the surface of Katherine's torment at the moment. "You didn't have to hit me. I'm already compelled to do as you say."

"Yes, but you still won't lose the attitude. I'd prefer not to compel away your spirit, Katherine. It will be so useful to us."


"Of course. There will always be something beneficial to you in this…something you'll want to get out of our work together."

Katherine rolled her eyes. "Right. That's your excuse for not freeing Elijah. You think you can influence me by leaving him daggered."

"I know I can. You know I can." Klaus smirked at Katherine attempting to hide how deep her feelings ran for Elijah. "But, as usual, you over-estimate your value. Having Elijah take a rest will allow us both a bit of time to complete the work at hand uninterrupted."

"Because he would disrupt your insane plan. I don't care if you never un-dagger him. But when Rebekah gets wind of it, you'll have hell to pay."

Klaus smiled coolly and drew a pretty bracelet from his pocket. He dangled it for her to see. "Ah, Miss Pierce, how your eyes sparkle in recognition. Now we both can look forward to the day we are reunited with my nearly departed brother." The metal shimmered as they both watched it sway. "Someday maybe you'll share the significance of the inscription although it seems fairly obvious." His extortion complete for the moment, he tossed her the bracelet. "Go on. Put it on. No use fighting the truth. It'll be a little hope for you to cling to and a reminder that until you do as I say, all that I want, you'll never see him again, ever."

Katherine caught the bracelet and stared at Klaus, her hatred of him and his monstrous villainy beyond words.


The morning sun shone through the wide open glass doors to the terrace and warmed Stefan's cheek. As the light grew closer to his eye he slowly started to stir. Wrapped in his arms was Elena's warm body, soft and pliant as she slept. They'd really worn each other out these last two weeks, two weeks that were supposed to be restful and contemplative before rejoining the real world. A soft breeze off the sea tickled at the sheer fabric floating around the door and windows. He could hear it whisper, along with the waves further below, and the ambient sounds tried to lull him back to dozing.

It was the summer of their lives spent with weeks and weeks on the world's beaches and more. First was the Baja coast where he taught her to surf. She was a natural. Then Hawaii, then Sydney, Australia, as well as stops in the Philippines. They turned inland to India and Nepal, exploring the Himalayas and not bothering with borders. Compulsion was their friend in these times. The last stop in Asia was Turkey. It was meant to be a short stop but the sights, sounds, and culture lured them into staying days longer than planned.

They toured along the Bosphorus Strait exploring the unique nature of a country shared across two continents. The awe-inspiring mosques and shopping in the energetic bazaars of Istanbul lit up Elena's eyes in wonder. Though he'd been to Turkey before, Stefan reaped the benefits of seeing it through her young eyes. There was also a rather sultry dance with scarves in the privacy of their suite that he was sure to list as a favorite for a long time. He didn't bother telling her that she was inspired by a veil dance from another country entirely. The history lesson could wait.

Moving on further into Europe, they crossed the Mediterranean to the sun and sands of Greece, exploring islands, ruins, and beaches again. Finally they came to Italy, the country of his ancestors. He beamed as he showed her all his favorite cities, large and small, from major metropolises to the small towns of Tuscany. The Vatican, museums, wine, pasta, garlic, more art, and gorgeous vistas at nearly every turn filled their travels from north to south. Down to the last couple of weeks of summer, they took respite along the Amalfi Coast in Sorrento along the Bay of Naples. They blended and disappeared into the throngs of Italians enjoying the last hot weeks of summer vacations.

While deliberating on whether or not they would get back to reality, college, and family, they debated the option of simply doing volunteer work where their super strength could save lives and rebuild post hurricane, typhoon, or tornado damage. It all seemed so heroic and self-aggrandizing, that they ended up laughing at their self-importance and mocking the dream of becoming selfless givers to humanity. Perhaps after their human connections had moved on in years they would revisit the idea more seriously. Ultimately, neither seemed to want to face the real discussion, at least not yet. They were ageless. They could live out their lives however they saw fit. Certain friends and family, however, could not. They needed to factor in the human lifetimes involved before ever deciding to forever leave Mystic Falls behind for good or at least for decades at a time.

As he lazed there still half asleep, he daydreamed of how they finally left their love haven for an excursion to Capri the day before. The memory of her laughter at his singsong version of Amore echoing in the famous grotto made him hold tighter to the love of his life. He couldn't help but savor this feeling, this beautiful endcap to their summer. It was so warm, hot almost despite the breeze, with her naked body spooned back against his. He dozed again, dreaming of yet another day in bed with her.

They'd talked so much. They'd laughed even more. For weeks, months really, so much healing had taken place for both of them, separately and together. Elena had matured, her self-awareness deepening as she accepted all that had happened since her transition. She seemed to be settling into her vampirism in as positive a way as one could. There was no more latent anger about the sire bond. Gradually her guilt subsided in time with Stefan's forgiveness and belief in her making a complete comeback.

Her emerging global perspective grew with Stefan's years of wisdom and experience. She looked to him for guidance and him to her for understanding and fresh eyes. The increased trust came naturally, over time, as a couple, a unit, a bonded pairing. All was right in their world. The only exception was the looming decision on what the end of summer may mean for the happy couple.

She suddenly woke gasping for breath and coughing as if she'd choked, just for a quick second. She held her hand in front of her mouth and pushed up on the other to catch her breath and swallow. She cleared her throat and calmed herself. The sheets fell away from her torso exposing to the breeze the light sheen of sweat shimmering across her skin.

"You ok?" he asked waking slowly from having fallen back to sleep.

"Stefan?" she said hesitantly.

Stefan opened his eyes and leaned up on his elbow to look at her profile. She was looking down at something. She had her hand out in front of her and was staring at it. She looked rather horrified and confused. Then he saw it too. There was blood in her hand, just a little. Just as he set to investigate what was wrong with her, a voice behind them resounded.

"Don't be alarmed."

Both spun their faces to the intruder. Stefan blocked Elena protectively. Across their room sat Katherine.

"What are you doing here, Katherine?" Stefan shouted as he further supported Elena.

Elena turned to face him, wide-eyed with fear and pain. "Stefan, I'm cold." He heard the words but she looked like she was saying something else completely.

"Cold?" he said as he tried to wrap more of the sheets around her. Something caught his attention, a difference in the atmosphere around him. He took a sniff. Startled, he grabbed Elena and pulled her in closer, examining her.


"I said don't be alarmed. She's fine," Katherine said.

"She's…She's…" Stefan stared fearfully into Elena's eyes.

"I'm human…" Elena whispered on her exhale. Stefan just looked at her. He was so conflicted.

"What did you do?!" Stefan asked turning for just a second to Katherine then back to Elena.

Katherine sat comfortably, toying with something in her hand. "I'm Klaus' bitch now. Have been since before you left. You've had a fabulous summer of world travel and sex while I've only had the odd moment of peace. I've had to watch you be sickeningly happy for weeks. I can only stop chasing and feel at ease when I can see where you two are at all times. Rather twisted of the Original ass, don't you think? Forced to watch this Lifetime movie and then to feel good watching you being in love with a milquetoast version of me."

Stefan turned to look at Katherine again not fully hearing all she said as his concern for Elena ran unchecked. His guard had been down for too long. He was out of sorts, unsure of what to do next. She still hadn't answered his question, not really. Stefan continued to check Elena over, searching her eyes, listening to her heart…finally he found Elena something to put on. He didn't care in the slightest that he was naked in front of the evil doppelganger. He barely gave it a second's thought.

"Oh and thanks for that remote cabin in the mountains. I was stuck in the trees during that storm you took shelter from for two days. My hair has only just recovered. Thankfully, for you and me, your travels have reached an end. Well almost." Both Elena and Stefan looked at her. "Klaus is ready for you. He called this morning. I did as he asked." She held up the item she'd been idly toying with so both could see the empty vial. She tossed it to Stefan. Stating the obvious, she continued. "Still don't get it? I fed her the cure, of course. Klaus told me I could choose to do it now or later. I deserved making it a surprise after putting up with you two for months. Besides, it'll be easier to control you both on our trip back with her as a human. We'll be leaving now."

Katherine suddenly sped to them and pushed Stefan away. His body flew out onto the terrace, landed and slid into the railing. The railing cracked and heaved leaving Stefan nearly falling over into the waves crashing against the rocks below. By the time he climbed back up on the terrace, Katherine had already compelled Elena to obey her. "You will do as I say." That was all it took. Stefan reentered and flew at her but she easily avoided his attempted knock down. Looking down at him now on the floor, naked at her feet, she smiled. "And if you want your brothers to live, you will too."

A/N Thank you so much for reading. Please leave any last reviews or comments. I so appreciate it. Thanks for the encouragement and the constructive criticism. Perhaps I'll see you soon commenting on another Stelena story. Feel free to follow me. Till then!