Hi everyone, so here's my first go at a FanFiction story! I hope you all enjoy it. Any questions just message me or leave a review! Just to clarify, this is set during season 4: Elena's a vampire, she's sired to Damon, Klaus just killed Carol, etc etc. You get the general gist! But the whole vamp cure plot isn't the focal point in my story. Anyhooo, hope you like it!


"Come on Maggie, get your head out of your ass. You can't be serious!" Audrey yelled. She's lost count on how many times she has asked Maggie if she's serious or not, because that just shows how naïve she can really be.

"You've been back, what, a month? And here I am giving you a perfect opportunity to spend some time with me and you're rejecting it!? No, you can't be serious." Maggie shot back as she leaned back in the couch, exhausted from all the shouting. Maggie wasn't the argumentative type, in fact she hated them, if anyone loved arguments it was Audrey; she always was the feisty one.

Audrey exhaled dramatically. "Oh don't play the victim act with me! No, you just want me to embark on this wild adventure with you to go and track that bastard down! If I wanted that kind of excitement, I would've watched a soap. You deserve so much better than him Mags! Stop obsessing over him and move on!" Maggie looked at her, a little hurt.

"You don't get it!" Maggie stated angrily.

"Yes, clearly I don't, so enlighten me." Audrey replied, exasperated.

"Look, I'll admit that he never treated me fabulously, but I miss him, okay? He pulled a disappearing act, like he's done before, but it's been months and I just have a bad feeling. I mean sometimes he's been gone for years and I can somewhat deal, but now I'm hearing that he's in some backwater town and it just doesn't feel right! There are all sorts of rumours that he's causing quite a bit of havoc. So I just want to see him to see if everything's alright!" Maggie finished, her eyes wide. Audrey glared at her; as much as she loved Maggie, the fact that she wore her heart on her sleeve and was as naïve as a five year old and as over analytical as a hormonal fifteen year old frustrated her beyond words, but compared to before, she was slowly improving.

"Okay, Mags, you're just being paranoid. So what if he's gone MIA for a bit, no biggie, he's done it before and he'll clearly do it again. And he's causing havoc? Well that's not particularly surprising. Causing havoc is a hobby of his, like tennis or something. Why are you so worked up?" Audrey asked. Maggie sighed and rubbed her forehead with her palm.

"Look I know he's left before, but I just have a bad feeling, and all I want to do is just to see if everything's okay. I'm hearing an awful lot of gossip, more than usual, which I'm sure is all rubbish, but some confirmation and assurance wont hurt." Maggie looked at Audrey, brows raised.

"Right, so apparently you're now a psychic… Okay disregarding the whole bad feeling thing, let's just skip back a few pages to you missing him. Maggie come on. Seriously. I have tried and tried but you're not seeing the whole picture here. He's a bad person yet you're utterly besotted! Are you completely insane!? I swear I've said that a million times already. He only contacted you when he wanted a root." Audrey said through gritted teeth. Maggie looked at her and scowled, but then giggled a bit.

"Something funny?" Audrey asked challengingly. Maggie looked down trying to hold back a smile and her shoulder length strawberry blond hair fell and formed a curtain between Maggie and Audrey's death stare. She peeked up through her locks and grinned.

"Stop talking Australian. You've spent way to much time in that place." She laughed. Audrey looked at her and frowned, and realisation dawned on her: 'He only contacted you when he wanted a root'. Her previous words replayed in her mind, and she chuckled and smiled proudly.

"I'll never stop talking Australian, their lingo is awesome, you've got to admit." Audrey said smugly.

"It's crass and you know it." Maggie said with raised brows. Audrey shook her head and sunk back into the leather couch.

"That's bullshit and you know it." She retorted confidently. The only reply Audrey received was a sigh so she continued.

"It's awesome. Scale of one to ten, it's an eleven. And besides, listen to the way you talk, all prim and proper. My apologies your majesty." Audrey retorted with a smirk.

"Ugh whatever. Just don't talk that way in public though. You'll get us arrested for public indecency or something. Anyway moving on, so come with me?" Maggie asked with a small and hopeful smile.

Audrey looked at her. She felt like she should just refuse her, but she knew that there was no point, as Maggie would go with or without her.

When he and Maggie 'got together', she was way more invested in their little fling then he was. He was just bored, so he practically used her. This angered Audrey immensely, but Maggie seemed naïvely happy regardless and she knew that he wouldn't physically harm her because she satisfied him well enough and would come every time he called when he was in need of some 'entertainment', so he felt that there wasn't much of a reason to hurt her even though his appalling reputation contradicts such a thing. In all honesty, Maggie's infatuation actually amused him so he decided to keep her around for the hell of it. She was just a lost puppy. Their relationship of sorts lasted some time. He would disappear for a bit, come back, call her, be entertained, and then leave for a while. He undoubtedly bedded other women as well, but that didn't bother Maggie as long as she was with him. Audrey tried to talk some sense into her, but once Maggie was love-struck, she was love-struck. There were times when his temper was at its worst and Maggie was on the receiving end, but she would just push it under the rug and move on. Audrey tried very hard to hold her tongue and sometimes failed when Maggie would tell her these things. All she wanted to do was to bludgeon him to death, but that would conclude in her death instead. Audrey had only met him a few times, four at the most, and she could tell that he was just incredibly lonely; trying to fill this void inside of him with women and the satisfaction of hurting others. To say he was damaged would be an understatement. But regarding Maggie, there was nothing that Audrey could do to make her understand. She'd tried talking, persuading, coercing, threatening but nothing worked. Audrey hoped that one-day, he would just let Maggie go, because that was clearly the only way.

Maggie looked at her expectantly, waiting for an answer. Audrey sighed and gazed out the window. She could see Big Ben in the distance, the sun shining down on the clock face, lighting it up. She took a breath in and rolled her eyes.

"Fine. We'll go. But!" Audrey quickly added, promptly stopping Maggie's squeals and hand clapping.

"Sorry, but you know me, there has to be a 'but' when it comes to doing things that I don't particularly want to do. We're only there for a few days. Fine, a week." Audrey said changing her mind when she saw Maggie's pout. "Deal?" Maggie looked at her, and smiled.

"Deal." She said nodding, happy that she finally got through that thick wall of pure stubbornness that Audrey possessed.

"I can't believe we're going to do this. I just got back!" Audrey whined.

"Hey, you're my sister. You should feel obligated!" Maggie replied, laughing.

"No, half-sister, so half the obligation! Basic math right there Mags, can't argue with that." Audrey retorted cheekily.

"Very true, I can't be one hundred percent related to someone with that kind of messed up logic." Maggie said as she got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen. Audrey laughed while she started flicking through channels on the TV.

"So, this backwater town, what's it called?" Audrey asked as she settled for some cooking show.

"Mystic Falls." Maggie replied while coming back from the kitchen with two blood bags. She chucked one at her sister and sank back into the couch. Audrey scrunched her eyebrows. Mystic Falls; it sounds rather ominous yet familiar, Audrey thought.