John couldn't help but bang his head against the dash. He had thought it would be a nice gift. He had his bike as his pride and joy so he thought it only fair that Cameron be able to pick out their next vehicle. The old jeep had been run into the ground from years of Connor abuse, he knew they would be traveling for quite a while and now with the good fortune bestowed upon them by Ellison, they had no reason not to. After all, Cameron was a machine so all she would do is pick out the most practical vehicle . What he did not take into account, however, was her inherent girlishness, which is the reason he was now sitting shotgun going down Route 99 in a purple fucking hummer with a personalized license plate that said "TERMIN8". She just turned to him and saw his obvious discomfort. "What?" she grinned, "It goes with the jacket perfectly" and he just shook his head.

She even had being drunk down to a science. She explained it before they had stopped. She had spent a while studying the human condition and wanted to experience it all. She could experience all the emotions freely now just like any other human but there were those x-factors of the human existence . One of those was being drunk. She had seen the bad side of it with John which is why now he was only allowed to drink beer. She had made the observance that though his intelligence and responsiveness decreased it made him relax and quite pleasant to be around. She had devised away that through consumption of the beer that her programming could mimic the state of drunkenness. John could barely breathe he was laughing so hard by the end of her explanation. An algorithm for getting shit faced. Bionic fucking Woman eat your heart out.

They had found this place in the middle of nowhere , a hotel and bar and a few tumbleweeds. They went in to rent a room and were referred to the bar by a sign . There that had found him.

Angus Macmillan was a man who liked to talk. He drank like a fish, smoked like a chimney and swore like a sailor. He looked and sounded like Billy Connolly with a ZZ Top beard after a month of drinking . He was the happiest son of a bitch on earth with every word he spoke unless he was reflecting on his dearly departed wife Jinty taken ten years ago this coming October. He hated the bar and he hated the hotel and he hated that he had nowhere to go. They had spent the entire afternoon and evening alone in the bar eating and drinking and laughing. Cameron had learned a lot about being a human but studying Angus she knew she had a lot more to learn.

Their peaceful little party of three was interrupted around 10 pm by a gang of loudmouth bikers, there were about ten of them and Angus was busy with pitcher after pitcher or beer and about 12 different bottles of booze. He was getting exhausted . He hadn't done this much running in a dog's age but he was happy the till was getting filled. His new friends sat at the bar and didn't seem disturbed by the rowdiness.

John took a long pull at his beer. He looked over at Cam as she smile wistfully and teetered a little bit back and forth. They had been drinking for the past eight hours and they both had a good buzz going on. He was kind of getting a bit tired but that was due to the military routine Cam had had him on . He liked drunk, laid back Cam a hell of a lot more than that Cam. He was in a state of bliss and nothing was bothering him. That was until Captain Jerk Off decided to poke fun at him. He was walking back to the table after taking a piss when he had casually looked at them and stopped , he then came back. " You the little bitch who has the purple hummer attached to the awesome bike" John could smell the tequila radiating off this guy so he chose to ignore him. The guy seemed to pick up off this and snorted . He had about three hundred pounds and about 6 or seven inches on John. " I said are you the bitch with the stupid car eh BITCH? " The bar went silent as the bikers and Angus both looked in the direction of the yell. " That's right bitch, I am gonna fuck your woman and take your bike , you yellow bastard !"

John had heard enough as he jumped to his feet and looked Jerk Off eye to eye. His anger melted away and he gave him a grin " I've been drinking for a few hours so I am in dire need of a bathroom break but I'll tell you what, I'll let my "woman" kick your ass instead , how does that sound, Jerk Off ? " The tension was interrupted by the bikers bursting out laughing . He bent down and kissed a now smiling cam on the forehead and whispered in her ear " Just don't kill him". He then made his way into the bathroom and had the most relaxing leak of his life.

When he immersed a few minutes later , the place was in utter chaos . Here was this seeming impish little teenage girl handing a group of hells angels wannabes their own asses. He simply laughed and shook his head walking to the bar. Angus was standing behind the bar just watching the whole thing unravel. He didn't even notice when John reached into his front pocket and grabbed a cigarette out of his pack. Cam never let him smoke anymore but … hey he was letting her indulge in her vices , so why couldn't he? He found it quite comical to watch Angus' eyes follow her as she went from one man to the next . Handling them with a brute force not befitting a waif but with the ease of a ballerina doing a pirouette.

"Well, John , shouldn't we … at least … I mean … help her out?"

"Does she look like she needs assistance, Angus?"

"Not that I can see lad"

" Exactly , now if you wouldn't mind , another bottle of your best Budweiser good sir"

He barely finished the last drop when she was at his shoulder again. A busted lip paired with gash in her cheek paired with a fire in her eye he knew all to well. He could barely say goodnight to Angus before she had lifted him by the collar of his jacket and pulled him towards the general vicinity of their motel room . She bit at the inside of his lip repeatedly as she smothered his mouth with hers. She pushed and he fell backwards into the room and into the lazy-boy chair sitting by the window. Before he knew what was happening she had mounted and unzipped his fly. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as she continually and violently thrusting herself up and down as she pulled on his hair and continued her oral onslaught. The chair stability waning with the increase of her ministrations and the growl coming from her throat . She gasped his name repeatedly in such away that it reached into his very core. Feeling her muscles contract around him in climax was more than he could handle and he reached his own.

Cameron left the room shortly after Jon descended into sleep. She found Angus sitting on the porch of the bar lost in thought. She just helped herself to the coffee pot and one of the old mugs beside it. She sat down beside him bringing her knees to her chest and looked out with him into the vast reaches of the desert. Neither said anything for a very long time , enjoying the silence. "He loves ya, ya know that don't ya lass?" Angus said breaking through their quiet time but not moving his eyes . She nodded knowing he could see her out of his peripheral vision. "the only time I have ever saw that look in a man's eye was more than forty years ago. It was the look that I had in my own eye the day I knew I wanted to spend my life with my Jinty" He breathed a deep sigh and blew at his coffee again " Don't ever take it for granted. There's nothing quite like being able to love the person you were made to be with.". At that comment Cam laughed and he finally turned to look at her. Tears were rolling down her cheeks and she held her sides as she looked at him and said " I am a cyborg from the future" . He contemplated silently and lit another cigarette . " We all have our crosses to bear, lass." was his reply and Cameron felt a warmth in his words. They talked straight through till dawn.

John was woken up by Cameron slapping at his foot . " I already went out , replenished road supplies and gassed up. It's time to go" . He knew her with time tables so he jumped quickly in the shower, dressed and met her at the hummer. As he walked to the passenger side door he couldn't help but notice Angus was sitting in the back.

"What's with Angus?" John inquired.

" Oh, He's coming with us , he needs a change of pace"

" What the hell, cam when did this happen?"

"We talked last night, I know you trust my judgment so I thought it was OK"

"Given are circumstances , cam . Do you really thing it is viable to expose an outsider ? "

With that Angus popped his head out the side window;

" Jesus H Christmas , Lad ! She's A Tin Can, You're General Custer and I am Mary Queen of Bloody Scots. So can we please just get this fucking show on the goddam road?"