Disclaimer: Well, Tales of Xillia was never mine to begin at. All of the character, plots, and game is © Bandai Namco.

So, like what I said before in my Gaius/Musee fanfic, I write another fanfic for Jude/Milla~ Oh and yeah, you don't see it wrong, this was intended to be a Multi-chapter fanfic~ nah, don't worry I'll update fast no matter how many review I got, because I love Tales of Xillia that's that~

Okay, I hope you will enjoy another fanfic from me~


"…abc…" : Normal talking

"…abc…" : Whispering and far away sounds (so if it was in 1st POV, eavesdrop)

'…abc…' : Heart talk, telepathy, that kind of stuff

Milla POV

Today, I intended to take a look at the human world after my last visit to Origin world (Land of Canaan). The time moved so fast in the human world and when I knew it, it was already 4 years since that certain incident.

The state of Mana in the world became better and better as the time passed. I could feel that Jin became less used but the world technology was the same as before or maybe better. I guessed that Jude talk finally reached a lot of people heart and the Mana flourished.

That's why I wanted to meet Jude in my visible form first before I meet everyone. Usually I used my spirit form, that couldn't be seen by human, to see Jude from afar. Jude was so dedicated to his study I can't bring myself to appear myself in front of him, the time limit was one of the reason too though.

'I wonder was Jude doing good I hope he didn't forget me yet…' I thought in my heart as I flew past the Shell of Liese Maxia and entered the area of Elenpios.

Suddenly, my chest started hurting me and I felt so bad that I landed on the ground. The place where I landed was a thick forest with a lot vines hanging by the tree.

I collapsed on the ground as I clutched my chest. It felt like thousands sword pierced my body as I tried to keep my consciousness intact in my mind. It felt like that the owner of my 'Proof' had gone through something so bad I could feel it from far away.

When I blinked my eyes, my surrounding changed. I was not in the forest anymore, but floating on the dream-like place. I felt a strong urge to look down of me and so I that's what I did.

What I saw was a train went on the road in the side of mountain with a dangerous ground. It looked like the earth would slide anytime soon… very soon. When the train passed the dangerous ground area, there would be a land-slide and the train would hit it, claiming a lot of human lives.

When I knew about that, my vision moved to inside the train. What I saw was absolutely terrifying. Jude… Jude he… he was inside the train that would be hit by the land-slide. No… Jude…

I snapped myself back from the dream-like place, and flew as fast as possible to the land-slide place. It was close… so close… I don't want Jude to die…

When I was close to the train, I used Jude necklace that I gave as a link for me to enter the domain of human world. I knew Jude necklace would glow, and he would know that I was here.

I landed on the ground near the dangerous side, and chanted a summoning arte to summon Gnome as fast as I could. But, like fate was trying to be away from my side, the train passed, and the ground crumbled.

When the train passed, it was like a slow motion movie. The ground hit the train and the train… it… it rolled from its rail and went down the cliff with the ground burying it. Then, I got a sight of Jude crashed down with the train and blood dripped on his head. When I knew what I was doing myself, my chant to call Gnome was broken, and all I could do was running to the buried train and screamed as tears streamed down from my eyes.


Jude POV

It had been 4 years since the last time I saw Milla, Milla Maxwell the Queen of Spirit. The last time I did was when I went on a journey with Ludger, Elle, and all of my friends to the Land of Canaan. We parted our way when the journey over without talking about anything, not even a proper 'Good Bye'. I knew why I didn't say it, because even if the journey ends, Milla was always there, watching over us from the Spirit World with her kind smile.

Today, marked the 4th years, and today I would travel to Liese Maxia to meet Gaius and Rowen. We, from Elenpios research on Origin (on other name my team), would like to talk more about Liese Maxia way to contact spirit. We could make something spirit friendly, but we couldn't talk to the spirit yet, so my goal to make a world where human and spirit could co-exist was still far from finished.

I boarded the train which would take me to Liese Maxia with somehow a bad feeling. I ignored it and thought of it as a normal bad thought.

I tried to sway my mind from thinking about my bad feeling and thought about Milla. After all, the reason why I studied so hard was for her. She was the one who gave me this path and the light of my path to make it come true. All for the sake of her, I would change the world for the sake of one girl, one girl that I loved dearly.

In the middle of journey as we passed a mountain rail, somehow I could feel that Milla was near. My chest felt so painful and my surrounding was blurry. I was glad that I ordered a private seat just for me alone, so no one saw me like this.

Suddenly, my necklace which was given by Milla starts glowing with a radiant blue light. I could feel it that Milla was in human world. She was here… and she was near!

I looked outside the window and saw a faint light inside the forest. It was Milla. I knew she really was summoned to the human world. And when I'm aware of her presence, I could feel that our distance disappear and I was standing right in front of her.

Milla looked the same as she was 4 years ago. But, today her face looked so desperate. She chanted some line which was her summoning arte as fast as she could. I wanted to ask her why her face was desperate like that, when suddenly Milla stopped chanting.

And when Milla stopped, my soul returned to where I was, and the train shook so hard. When I get what was going on, I was thrown to the side of the train and the train went down the cliff and I hit my head to the train wall.

My vision darkened as I clutched my necklace as hard as I could. Everything went blurry and it was dark. The train went down an accident… maybe that's why Milla face was so desperate.

With my last power, I called her name hoping she would hear it, "Milla… I… lo…ve… yo…u…"

Okay, that's all for the first chapter. Wait, what, what?! Well yeah, the train Jude boarded was buried in the land-slide with Jude inside it, I'm not kidding. But oh no, don't worry, there was more of it later. So, if you liked the intro please Review the story~