Authour's Note: *Sniff* Well here it is: The final chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this story. One last thank you to all those who followed/favourited/reviewed! You're awesome! :D

Soul Mates

Shepard was outside on her deck, watching the sunset and reminiscing about old memories. Five years had already passed since the Reapers were defeated. Five years of rebuilding. But many more years of peace to follow.

Shepard couldn't have asked for a better life. She was married to love of her life. She had a beautiful daughter. She lived in a magnificent home that some people could only dream to live in. It was everything and more that she could have asked for.

Familiar arms wrapping around her waist interrupted her thoughts. Of course she knew who it was. Her best friend, her life saver, her husband.

Her Garrus.

"Have I ever told you how lucky I am to have you in my life?" Garrus said.

"I don't believe you have" Shepard said.

Garrus turned Shepard around so she was facing him "Well I'm as lucky as any person can ever be. This life we have now is more than I could have ever wanted. I love you Shepard. Forever and always".

Shepard blushed and kissed him passionately.

"I love you too Garrus. You're my everything, forever and always".

From the beginning they were meant to be together. In the end, they were always meant to be Soul Mates.
