Star Trek:

The Newton Incident

Explosions tore through the Primary Hull of the heavily damaged Federation Starship, with barely half of his crew survived the vicious attack from an unknown vessel; he was left with one final act. Looking around what remained of his bridge he coughed through the smoke as he stumbled away from the helm towards his command chair as he activated the ship's intercom on the left arm of his large white command chair.

"Attention all hands, this is the Captain. Abandon ship… repeat all hands abandon ship"

Standing from his chair, he took one look around what was once the pride of the Federation, his first command and perhaps by the end of today, his last command. All over the ship, the escape pods jettisoned as the unknown attacking vessel fire a final volley of its deadly weapons into the dying ship. From inside the vessel itself a loud groan filled the vessel as the long slender neck connecting the primary and secondary hulls exploded blasting both seconds into opposite directions as on the secondary hull the two powerful warp nacelles exploded from the overwhelming weapons fire while the once gallant ship breathed it's last breath until finally, the secondary hull that housed the large warp core of the ship exploded in all directions. A large shockwave rippled out in all directions and slammed into all but three of the life pods vaporising them in an instant as their occupants screamed in pain. Finally, the large highly powerful enemy ship turned its weapons onto the remaining piece of the ship. Its weapons carved up the large saucer section of the ship as the remaining crew looked on in terror at what they saw. The once powerful and legendary ship was finally destroyed in an instant before the enemy vessel disappeared under cloak. Out of a crew of over 400 officers and enlisted men and women, only eight survived the vicious attack. Sat alone in one life pod, the captain of the destroyed starship almost wept as he activated the controls on his life pod and set a course to rendezvous with the eight survivors of his crew.

As his tiny vessel pulled along side one of the life pods, the familiar feeling of a transporter grabbed him as he disappeared. With the three tiny vessels docked together, the airlock opened as a young and terrified Ensign entered and looked around in shock before he turned back too shout behind him.

"It's empty sir"

"What? That's not possible" Called out a male voice.

"Sorry sir, he's gone"

Dazed and confused, the Captain materialised onto the bridge of an unknown vessel, thinking quickly he reached for the phaser at his side as a young female officer approached him with her hands held out before her as she spoke.

"You will not need that Captain, you are amongst friends here"

"Who are you, why did you attack my ship?" He demanded as he walked towards her slowly.

""That was not us, Captain you must come with me quickly. We have very little…TIME to explain"

"I am going no where until you tell me what the hell is going on here. Who are you?"

"You must trust me Captain Kirk. You're weapon has been deactivated… you are amongst friends here" She said softly.

"WHO ARE YOU!" He yelled.

"I am Lieutenant Commander Julia Monroe. I am the First Officer of the Federation Timeship Newton"

"What? Time… what?" He mumbled.

"Captain, this is going to take some time to explain, please you must trust me. We did not attack your vessel, but we know who did"

Cautiously, he followed the young woman off the bridge as the shocked crew watched the legend himself as he past by them. Finally, they had entered what appeared to be a large briefing room. Slowly he sat down in a large chair as the young woman sat facing him with a look of concern on her face.

"What the hell is going on Commander, what the hell is a Timeship? The Federation doesn't have this kind of technology"

"First off, I apologise for bringing you onboard the way I did. I had no choice in this matter. You see Captain; history has no mention of an attack on the Starship Enterprise in 2270, especially an attack that destroyed her. Someone is altering the timeline… and we know who it is"

"Who?" He growled.

Slowly she typed commands into a small console before her as a holographic display emerged from the centre of the table before him. Smiling slightly he looked at the face that began to appear as she spoke.

"This is William Anders; he's the former Captain of this ship. Six days ago he stepped through the Temporal Transporter and disappeared, we had no idea where he went until our sensors picked up the attack on your ship by a species known as the Ventra"

"Never heard of them, but I will" He replied darkly.

"The Ventra are a none hostile species in your time and not warp capable…"

"They destroyed my ship and killed my crew. I call that hostile"

"Forgive me Captain, but please allow me to continue. In the 26th Century, the Ventra will head an attack against the Federation, but a descendant of a member of one of your crew will command a Prototype ship and stop them before they could complete the invasion. We believe that Anders has travelled back to assist them. You see sir, the vessel that attacked you, was from the 26th century. Three Hundred years more advanced then anything you have at the time"

"What does that have to do with me?" He sighed.

"We need you to stop Anders before he can put his plan into motion and destroy your ship"

"My ship is already destroyed Commander!"

"We're going to send you back, eighteen hours before the attack. That should be enough time to put our plan into motion" She said with a smile.

"What plan?"

For thirty minutes, the beautiful young Commander explained the mission to Captain Kirk, more then a little star struck by the impressive Captain before her; she attempted to hide any feelings of being in the presence of the man she had studied for many years throughout her career with the Federation Time Service. Her plan was a bold one, he would be sent back eighteen hours before the attack with the commander at his side however, having two versions of James T. Kirk in the same timeline would be disastrous if they would meet, so her plan was to beam Kirk into Kirk using his memories of the past twenty four hours from his timeline he would be able to act upon the mission. Commander Monroe would be a different story however; she would transport herself into the body of a young Ensign who was killed in an accident before the battle. Hopefully she would take the place of the young ensign before she had died. Smiling slightly, she stepped onto the transport platform with Kirk at her side.

"Lieutenant S'Var, the ship is yours, you know what to do"

"Aye sir" He nodded.

"Captain, are you ready?" She smiled.

"No! But lets get it over with anyway" Kirk replied slowly.

"Energise!" Monroe called out.

He awoke in his quarters with a slight headache; quickly he looked around disorientated until his memories had begun to return quickly. Shock overcame him as he leapt out of his bed and ran towards his personal computer and called the bridge.

"Kirk to bridge, Kirk to bridge respond!" He cried out quickly.

"Spock here"

"Spock, alter course… baring seven-nine-two point zero-six-five and engage at maximum warp"


"No questions Spock… follow my orders"

"Captain, we are overdue at Starbase twelve for…"

"I'm aware of that Spock, alter course" He grunted.

"Aye sir"

"I'll be up shortly. Kirk to Sickbay"

"What is it Jim?"

"Bones, how is Ensign Monroe?"

"I was just about to call you Jim, she's been involved in an accident in Engineering, she's very lucky"

"I'll be right down. Kirk out"

Dressing quickly, Kirk ran though the ship towards sickbay. Bursting through the doors he almost ran into Doctor McCoy as he walked towards his seat.

"Jim, what the hell is going on? You almost knocked me on my ass"

"How is Monroe?" He said sharply.

"She's got a few broken ribs and some internal injuries, lucky we got too her when we did… she would have been dead in five minutes" He smiled. "Luckily I'm an excellent Doctor, but once we reach Starbase Twelve she'll be transferred to…"

"We're not headed there, fix her up. I'll need her on the bridge ASAP"

"Jim, what's gotten into you, I know she's attractive but…" McCoy smiled.

"That has nothing to do with it. Follow my orders Doctor, or I will find someone who can"

"Aye sir" He sighed.

It did not take McCoy long before he had healed much of the injuries sustained to young Engineer and finally she was released from sickbay and allowed to return to duty under the Captain's orders. Slowly the two officers left the sickbay after much protest from Doctor McCoy. Monroe had studied the Enterprise almost her entire career, she knew the layout of the ship and the full files of all of the crew, including relationships and personal dislikes of the crew. Smiling slightly she followed the Captain into a turbo lift as it moved towards the bridge, for a moment she turned and faced the Captain with a slight smile as she spoke softly.

"He's taller then I thought. And cuter too" She laughed.

"Really? Wow!"

"Yeah, I know the files of all of your crew Captain, including yours"

"I see, anything I should know about?"

"Sorry Captain, Temporal Prime Directive. Not allowed to say"

"Right! One question, Coincidence your choice of Ensign Monroe?"

"No such thing Captain, she's actually a distant relative. Her brother is… sorry will be a distant grandfather of mine"

"I see, if I remember correctly. John Monroe is twelve years old"

"Your thinking two dimensionally Captain. In my time, he's been dead for hundreds of years"

"Of course. I hope this plan of yours works" He sighed.

"It will, trust me Jim… sir!"

Finally, the turbo lift doors opened onto the Bridge, stepping out first, Kirk smiled as he walked towards his command chair while Spock stood to face him.

"We have altered course as you ordered sir"

"Very well. All stop, full scan of the area" Kirk Ordered.

"Captain, should I notify Starbase Twelve of our change of course?" Uhura called out.

"No, as of now, we are running silent. Kirk to Engineering!"

"Scott here sir"

"Scotty, disengage the Warp engines. Shut them down, perhaps now will be a good time for that overhaul you've been talking about"

"Captain?" The Engineer said with surprise.

"Do it Scotty. Chekov, I have a little job for you. Monroe will assist you"


"Why must I consistently repeat my orders, this is my command people… follow your orders or I will have you all relieved and find someone who can. Any questions?"

"No sir!" Chekov replied.

Slowly, Spock walked towards his Captain and spoke quietly into his ear.

"Jim, it will take approximately twelve hours to overhaul the port nacelle as planned by the Engineer, for the moment we are very close to the Romulan Neutral Zone"

"I am aware of our location Commander. We're still well on our side of the Zone. I doubt a Romulan ship will try anything, but just incase… those scans I ordered Spock?"

"Yes Captain" He replied slowly.

"Chekov, anytime you feel like getting out of your seat…"

"Aye Keptain"

For over ten hours, the Starship Enterprise hung motionless in space while engineering crews crawled through the ship as the Captain's orders became more and more outlandish almost to the point of the crew being afraid to do anything but follow orders. Sat alone in Sickbay, Doctor McCoy ran over medical files as Spock entered the sickbay silently.

"Doctor, may I speak with you?"

"What is it Spock?" He groaned.

"I believe the Captain is suffering from stress"

"Spock, leave the medical stuff to me" McCoy barked.

"I assume you have been reviewing his medical records?"

"Yes, I don't understand what's going on. Eight months of boarder patrols and exploration followed by two weeks of shore leave. The last physical on Jim was three days ago, I cleared him for duty"

"I understand. Could you have missed something during his last physical?"

"If you're gonna get nasty, I'll ask you too leave" He smiled. "Jim was at his physical peak"

"I am aware of that; however he will not speak with anyone, but for the exception of Ensign Monroe"

"Monroe?" He replied.

"Yes, Ensign Monroe was involved in an accident in Engineering yesterday. Shortly afterwards he demanded that she released for duty, over my objections"

"I see. I believe the Captain is no longer fit for duty. As First Officer, I am bound by regulations to relieve him. As Chief Medical Officer you have that Authority on medical grounds"

"Spock, you're talking about mutiny" McCoy said in shock.

"Indeed" He replied stoically.

With the weight of his ship and the survival of his crew resting firmly on his shoulders, Kirk sat alone in one of the many briefing rooms scattered around the ship as read over the files of the upgrades made by his crew. Most of the upgrades where beyond what the ship was capable of, however, he knew the danger that lay ahead for the ship as that horrible time approached once again. He would relive his nightmare of seeing his ship destroyed all over again. Closing his eyes, he could see the death and destruction as clearly as if it was happening before his eyes. The console behind him exploding and decapitating Lieutenant Uhura, Spock vaporised by a secondary explosion as his science console exploded. Chekov and Sulu being blown out into space as he held on to his command chair for his very life before the emergency bulkhead dropped sealing in the precious atmosphere on the bridge. And the final death of his ship along with the cries for help from the trapped crew as he attempted to make it to the life pod.

"No, it won't happen again…" He whispered too himself. "… Not on my watch. Not too my SHIP!"

Slamming his hand down onto the table before him, he stood and screamed at the ceiling before he straightened his shoulders and walked back too the bridge. As he entered, he looked around at his bridge crew with a slight sadness in his eyes, what horror awaited them if he failed, he could not fail, he would not fail, he will not allow this horror to happen all over again.