Two Barbarians

As Tamara rode through the valley in the heat and dust, she began to wish she were back at the monastery, taking a warm bath. The sweet smell of scented oils would lift her spirits and sooth her aching muscles if she could just take herself back there for an hour or so. Her thoughts of such luxuries were soon disrupted by noise; in the far distance she could hear the cries of men in battle as swords clashed and the grunts of their efforts echoed. Usually she would turn and run but this time she just kept moving towards the noise. Her instincts were always good and if there were to be any danger to her she would feel it. As she drew closer she could see the cause of the racket. Two huge men, battling with sword and blade, surprisingly agile considering their size- ducked and weaved like panthers. Pulling up her horse she watched, it was a sight to be seen. Their bodies glistening with sweat caught her attention. Long hair flowed freely of one of the men while the other has his bound in a long ponytail. Watching quietly she could just make out their words as they swung at each other.

"You are no match for me Cimmerian; give up now before I pound you into the ground and damage that pretty face of yours that you like so much." The man with the ponytail laughed as he took a swing which nearly floored his opponent.

With a wide grin spreading across his face, the Cimmerian steadied himself then answered with a blow just as fierce. "So now you resort to insults to compensate for your lack of fighting skill you Dothraki dog!"

The man with the ponytail let out a huge laugh as he ducked and swerved to avoid the Cimmerians sword.

"When you are my equal in skill with a sword pretty man you too can be as bold…but until then…hold your tongue, or have it ripped out."

The Cimmerian dodged another swinging blow before jumping up onto some boulders where he stood in defiance of his opponent. With his hand on his hip he swung his sword over his shoulder. "Take a rest old man, you look like you need it!" He grinned and while he caught his own breath he noticed a woman watching from a distance.

"Is someone coming?"

"Hm…better leave this to me we don't want you scaring away our visitor with your ugly face." The Cimmerian flashed a dazzling smile at his sparring partner before jumping down from the boulders to greet their guest.

Tamara didn't move, her horse became nervous as the large man approached but she soothed her mount with a stroke and a kind word. While she didn't feel she were in danger, she covered the hilt of her sword with her free hand, just as a precaution.

"You're a long way from any village or town woman, it's not a good idea to travel alone in these parts, there are bandits and rogues who would harm you." The Cimmerian walked slowly towards her, relaxed and confident, with his sword still resting over his shoulder.

Tamara had not seen a more attractive man in her life. Tall, muscular and with the most beautiful tawny skin, wet from perspiration of his efforts, he was handsome and his long hair flowed softly down his shoulders.

"And which of those are you?" Tamara questioned raising a brow.

"Neither, although I have been called a barbarian once or twice." A smile breached across his face, he had charm about him and Tamara couldn't help but smile back. He sheathed his sword to show his intents were true.

Her eyes were drawn behind him as his opponent came closer to see who had interrupted their play. He stood as tall and his long ponytail rested over his shoulder. While he wasn't clean shaven his jaw line was visible, chiseled and firm…like his cheekbones. A large scar adorned his left cheek and eyebrow but it did not hinder his good looks. As he came closer he stood next to the Cimmerian, she could feel his eyes scanning her body before he spoke.

"I am Drogo and this excuse for a warrior is Conan." He slapped his friend hard across the back, causing him to stumble slightly forward.

Conan responded his act with a growl, and then moved closer to Tamara's horse. Taking hold of the bridle he petted the steed while he spoke. "Do you know how to use that sword you rest your hand upon?" He let his eyes follow from hers…down to her fingers wrapping themselves around the hilt.

"Want to find out?" Tamara grinned, confidently.

Drogo let out a roar of laughter, "Oh woman that would be a great match to see."

Tamara smiled and lowered her head as she began to giggle. Conan moved around to the side of the horse and looked up to Tamara. "Seriously, you should be more careful about traveling alone."

"Thank you for your concern, it's good to know there are still honorable men alive who would consider my safety."

"Honorable?" Conan screwed up his face…"Who said we were honorable." A wicked grin beamed wide as he looked over his shoulder to Drogo then quickly turned back to Tamara.

Tamara blushed when Conan's eyes raked over her thighs. He was very close to her and her skirt had fallen open exposing her naked flesh. She surrendered the hilt of her sword to bring her clothing back over her thigh. "I have traveled for the last three days without any trouble, and if I needed to protect myself, I would be quite able." As she finished she took hold of the reins in both hands and spurred her mount to walk. Conan's response was fast and he caught the bridle before she barely moved. Tamara glared at his actions, "Release my horse or lose your hand!" Her movements were as lightning as she freed her sword from its sheath. When it rested atop Conan's forearm he struck as fast to remove it and snatched it from her hand. Letting out a gasp Tamara kicked out only to kick fresh air as Conan ducked. Before she realized she was being dragged from her horse and thrown to the ground.

Drogo watched intensely and decided to stay out of the fight; he knew Conan wouldn't hurt the woman. But she was over reacting and would end up worse off if they didn't convince her she shouldn't be riding alone. He moved towards the horse to restrain him while Conan dealt with Tamara.

Conan's eyes flashed rage at Tamara's lack of understanding in this matter. He knew what dangers lurked for a woman alone and while she had been safe so far...he felt it was pure luck.

"Woman you are foolish to think you can outfight a man, you are weak - I don't doubt you can use a sword but when taken by surprise you would be helpless. Listen to my words and know that I speak truthfully."

Tamara scrambled to her feet, her outrage spread across her face. She was angry and hurt all at the same time, she knew he was right, and yes she could use a sword very well, but the reality of what happened struck her. She couldn't fight off a man if taken by surprise or if she were unarmed. Conan could see he had made his point and tried to ease her fury. Moving closer he held out his hand, in a gesture of friendship. "Forgive me, but I needed to show how easy it would be to put you down. We offer you friendship and save passage to wherever you are heading." With his hand outstretched he waited for Tamara to accept the offer. She looked behind him to see Drogo calming her horse and then back at Conan who now hung his head looking apologetically at her. Tentatively she reached out. Her dainty hand was easily swallowed by his, but he held it gently and smiled.

"I know you are right, and I was foolish to think I could take of myself, thank you for your help." Tamara looked up to Conan with bright green eyes and smiled. Her embarrassment showed but Conan didn't make her feel any more of a fool by going on about it.

"Let's go then, we need to seek shelter before nightfall, we don't want to be out in the open."

Conan released her hand, turned and walked towards Drogo who was now grinning at him. "You charm a woman with ease and skill; I bow to your superiority in matters such as this Cimmerian." The corner of Conan's mouth rose as he accepted the compliment, which was not always so forthcoming from his friend.

"I'll get our horses; try not to scare her with your ugly face while I'm gone." He ended his words with a friendly slap across Drogo's face.

Tamara collected her sword and approached Drogo; he handed her the reins and gave her a warming smile. He wasn't as handsome as Conan but he did have the most beautiful green eyes. After handing over the reins he waited until she had mounted before turning to follow Conan. Tamara spurred on her horse and followed.

They had been riding for a few hours and the heat was finally easing. Conan and Drogo made Tamara ride in between them; they scoured the countryside constantly, watching for any trouble. They also talked constantly – arguing, hurling insults and boasting seemed to be there most favored conversation. While she found herself laughing hysterically a few times while their banter became heated, she also found sadness. Conan talked about how his father had been killed before his eyes, and that he was searching for the murderer. Drogo had found Conan when he and his tribe had overturned a band of slavers; Conan had been badly injured and beaten. He had instructed that his wounds be healed before permitting him to leave. That's when their friendship had begun. Conan stayed with Drogo and his people for some time until he learned the where about of Khala Zym, his fathers' murderer. When he came to leave, Drogo insisted he would go with him until his vengeance had been sated.

Tamara could see they were great friends and would die protecting that friendship, despite their insults to one another. Men who bound themselves to each other this way, in her opinion, were not barbarians.

In the distance they sighted their resting place for the night where they could find shelter from the elements and any bandits who would dare to try to rob them. As they drew closer Tamara almost squealed with delight when she saw the waterfall.

Drogo and Conan smiled to each other as Tamara spurred on her horse, obviously in a hurry to get to the cooling water to bathe; their thoughts turned towards baser thoughts.

"I can't wait to bathe and remove this dust and filth from my hair." Tamara leaped from her horse and quickly began to remove the saddle and her baggage. She'd never been as happy in the last few days as she was now. Her mind was concentrating so much on diving into the cooling water to clean herself that she forgot about Conan and Drogo, who were now watching her intensively as they unpacked their belongings from the horses.

"Maybe you should wait until the morning; it will be dark soon and turn cold quickly." Conan couldn't believe he said that. Thoughts of Tamara naked had been plaguing his mind all-day -he almost slapped his hand over his mouth to prevent any further discouragement.

Tamara looked out over the water towards the gentle waterfall. The evening sunset made it look so inviting. Her smiling face turned to a frown.

Seeing the disappointment in her eyes Drogo began collecting wood to make a fire. "You have a short time before it will be dark, the fire will be well lit by the time you return to keep you warm, go, take your bath-but do not be too long. When his arms were full of fallen branches and twigs he found a place to start the fire. Tamara jeered, grabbed some clean clothes from her saddlebag and headed down towards the bank. Conan's mouth dropped open as he turned to face Drogo. "Nicely done my friend, there's hope for you yet!" Drogo grinned with a smug look on his face.

They had caught rabbits earlier in the morning and Conan had set to work preparing them for cooking. Setting down his thick cloak on the ground he made Drogo's horse blanket into a pillow and covered it with Tamara's cape.

"What are you doing with my blanket?"

"Making a pillow for Tamara, you don't use it for that thick head of yours anyway so why are you whining?"

Drogo scowled and let out a sigh. "Will you be warming her robe by the fire too? so when she is cold and wet you can dry her?"

"I may keep her warm but I would prefer her to be wet." Conan cast a wicked leer at Drogo, and then glimpsed over to where Tamara had started to undress. She'd hidden behind some shrubs while she removed her clothes…when they heard the splash of water and her cry of joy they both turned to each other and grinned.

Conan let out a groan and lay back; with his arousal already tenting his skirt, he knew he was in trouble.

Drogo watched Tamara as she swam towards the cascading water then turned back to Conan; his hands covered his face as if in pain.

"If you think you can slip your cock between her thighs this night my friend, your head has been out in the sun too long." Drogo chuckled as he spoke.

"Ugh. I've been riding all-day with a hard cock, if I don't get some relief, I'll be driven mad by morning."

Conan turned his face to Drogo and removed his hands, the pain of his yearnings all over his face made Drogo roar with laughter. After managing to contain his hysteria he spoke again to counsel his friend.

"She has lived all of her adult life in the Monastery, untouched and free from a barbarians hands-and cock… remove any thoughts in relieving her of her maidenhead, else you will be driven mad for certain." Drogo looked around the bank for a good vantage point before kicking his comrade. "I am sure there is more wood over there, by the water's edge for you to collect my friend." Drogo raised an eyebrow as he finished speaking. Conan sat up and looked over to where Tamara rested, her back was turned towards them as she preened and washed herself. A throaty growl left his throat before he rose and headed further down the bank.

Drogo turned their evening meal over on the spit; he still had a smile across his face at seeing Conan in such pain from his lust. When he turned his eyes back to watch Tamara smoothing her hands over her hair, he groaned and lay back- his own frustration began to throb.

Conan watched Tamara from the water's edge…his hand smoothing over his erection. He wanted to be in there with her so much, but Drogo was right. He'd just have to take matters in to his own hands and try to put her out of his mind…but for now… he watched…and stroked.

Tamara lavished herself beneath the gentle fall of the water. The evening sun was almost out of view and as much as she wanted to stay, it was starting to cool off. Smoothing the water over her supple skin, she threw back her head and let it fall down her body. Her delicate hands washed away all traces of the days riding. She thought of Conan and Drogo and how fortunate she'd been to have joined with them. As her hands lingered over her breasts and her hard nipples she thought of Conan, and his perfect lips. Closing her eyes she could feel the touch of his large hands caressing her body, touching her intimately, and giving her what she knew she needed.

Conan's fist moved faster along his length. The sight of Tamara touching herself drove him crazy… he wished the hands that teased those hard nipples were his. His groans became louder as he brought himself to climax, he groaned out Tamara's name as the peak of his lust spilled.

Tamara suddenly roused from her daydream turned to see Conan at the side of the water. He'd been watching her and she became embarrassed that he would know her mind. Quickly ducking beneath the cooling water she swam back towards the light of the fire, just as the last light began to fade.

Drogo had been watching Tamara while she bathed, he'd resisted the temptation to still his fervor with his own hand but now seeing Conan return with a smile on his face instead of pain, he'd wished he'd succumbed.

"Throw over her robe, quickly; she's on her way back." Conan pointed towards Tamara's clothing. Drogo threw it as ordered grinning. "Hoping to get lucky?"

"If you don't try you'll never know." Conan gathered her robe and made his way to greet her.

Tamara was already out of the water and trying to dress quickly before she wouldn't be able to see what she was doing. She was startled by Conan's voice. "Here, I've brought your robe." He stayed behind the shrubs and handed it over to her.

"I've brought clean clothes from my saddlebag before I entered the water, but thank you, it was kind of you to bring it." She threw it over her shoulders while she finished dressing and then stepped out from behind the foliage. "I saw you at the edge of the water, earlier, when I was bathing, what were you doing?" She didn't look at Conan when she asked; she already had an idea what he was doing but wanted to let him know that she felt his gaze.

"Just taking in the view, and cleaning myself." He grinned, "I saw you too Tamara, what were you doing?" Conan stepped in front of her and turned to face her. She wasn't sure how to answer but before she thought about it…the words just seemed to spill out of her mouth.

"Thinking about you."

Conan couldn't believe his ears. He moved closer to her, staring hard into her eyes. "Really?"

Tamara felt herself blush. It wasn't her intent to form any personal bonds with either Conan or Drogo but she couldn't deny her feelings.

"Yes, hum…actually I was thinking about both of you."

Conan's mouth opened and closed without a single word escaping his lips. He just stared, shocked.

Having realized how he'd taken it she tried to recover the situation. "Oh, I meant that I was thinking how fortunate I had been to come across both of you…as friends and companions."

Conan's ego deflated rapidly as it had risen. "Oh, I see." The disappointment in his voice was clear, Tamara wanted to tell him the truth, but decided it might not be the best idea. Smiling sweetly she pressed a hand to Conan's arm. "Hm…I smell something cooking, let's eat." Hurrying towards the fire and the call of hot food she hoped she hadn't hurt his feelings.

"That smells good; I hadn't realized how hungry I had become." Tamara lay down her robe and made herself comfortable by the fire.

Drogo removed the meat from the skewers and divided it between them. Conan followed Tamara and sat beside her, his eyes fixed on the fire. Drogo could sense he wasn't too pleased and handed him a larger portion of the food. "Here, eat and rest…we should make an early start in the morning." Conan took the meat without looking at Drogo and thanked him with a grunt.

They ate in silence. Tamara felt tense and awkward. Deciding it would be better to remove herself from close proximity to Conan she moved her things further away from the fire. Drogo handed over his blanket, "Take this for a pillow." He felt a burning glare from Conan. Drogo grinned, he knew it would annoy him and couldn't resist the invitation.

"Thank you, are you sure you don't need it for yourself?"

"No, I do not use a pillow. Take it and sleep well."

Conan didn't speak and only moved to place more wood on the fire before lying down to rest. He knew Drogo was acting up deliberately to goad him so decided to spoil his fun and go to sleep.

Drogo sighed heavily; it seemed an early night had been declared so rather than talk to himself… he settled down to slumber.

Tamara had slept better than the last three nights, she felt blessed she had encountered her new travelling companions. She woke to the sound of Drogo and Conan sparring at the edge of the bank. Watching them was exciting. They moved easily and with grace. How can such large men manage that she thought? Her stomach grumbled and she remembered she had some fruit in her saddlebag. Taking the apples and plumbs out of the bag she divided them up to share with her friends. She also found some cheese and cured ham but decided to give that to the men.

Conan glanced towards the sleeping area and noticed Tamara was awake. He nodded to Drogo that he was done for now and walked over to see what was for breakfast. Drogo followed.

"Here, I still had some pork and cheese left in my bag, you are welcome to share it between yourselves."

Drogo quickly sat next to Tamara, taking her offering and started to eat. "Hm… I have not tasted pig this good for some time."

"We cure all meat at the monatery, make cheese and wine too."

"Sounds like a good place to rest, maybe we should escort you back and take in some supplies after you've finished your pilgrimage." Conan loved wine.

"You would be most welcome." Tamara smiled at both of them then looked towards the waterfall.

"Do you think there's time for me to enjoy another bath before we leave?"

Drogo nodded frantically; his mouth full of cheese making him unable to answer. Conan spoke for him. "Of course, I should take a bath myself-you too!" he threw an apple to Drogo who had swallowed down the last portion of cheese.

"Right then, I'll leave you two alone so you can undress, I'll be over there." Tamara pointed to a distant shaded area, well away from prying eyes.

After Tamara had left their company, Conan told Drogo of his conversation with her the previous night…and how he felt she was maybe keeping her feelings in check, but secretly wanted more than just friendship.

Drogo exhaled and shook his head. "I know you want to bed this woman Conan, it is in my thoughts too. But she's on a pilgrimage – I do not think she would risk being removed from the comfort of the monastery, under their protection, for a night of passion with either of us." He pressed his hand to Conan's shoulder. Conan pursed his lips and looked over to Tamara who was now swimming towards the waterfall. "I hear you friend… I do… but I can't help feeling there's something else there." He looked back to his friend. "Sometimes you have to take a chance, regardless of the outcome, to satisfy a curiosity." He pulled off his boots, released his belt buckle and stood up, letting his skirt fall to the floor. Standing naked he palmed his cock, which had already stiffened at his intentions; he made his way to the bank. Drogo scowled as he watched Conan's naked back side disappear into the water. Needing to freshen up himself he undressed and followed.

Tamara bathed beneath the gentle flow of the water as it cascaded down gently. She didn't know how soon they would have the opportunity to bath again so wanted to make the most of it. Her long hair fell down her back as she tilted her head to feel the cool water freshen her face. While she stilled for a moment, basking in the sunlight and the crystal water, her mind turned to Conan. In her thoughts they were tangled together on top of a large bed, his hair cascading over her naked body as he pressed his hard torso close to hers. At that moment, she heard the lap of water splash against the rocks and felt strong arms wrap around her.