The Silver Saviour

Summary: The final battle has taken its toll on Kagome. Can a certain perverted sensei repair the damage that has been done? A Naruto Shippuden/Inuyasha crossover




Written by – Red Mist, My first story so point and laugh at how awful it is if you so wish.

In the beginning of this story Kagome will be 18, so she and the gang have been hunting Naraku for three years. This story is rated M for later content, bad language. Just to be safe :P

Chapter one

Naraku was dead. They were forever gone from the world. In the final battle all her friends had perished. Her sister, brother...gone. Inuyasha had fallen protecting her from a youkai, Naraku taking advantage of his distracted state shot a tentacle through his heart. Miroku's wind tunnel had finally taken him. Sango rushing to save her love was sucked into the wind tunnel along with him. Kirara and Shippo had been overcome by the number of youkai attacking them. Witnessing their deaths Kagome became enraged, filled with sorrow, she glared at the foul spider half-breed.

Running at a sprint she charged for Naraku. It was at this point that Lord Sesshomaru and his pack arrived at the scene. The Inu Lord upon seeing his nemesis charged to battle. Leaving young Rin in the care of Jaken and Ah-Un. Naraku, deciding to focus on Sesshomaru rather than Kagome made the last mistake he would ever make. Underestimating the young miko. Kagome bringing all her powers to the surface sent it out in a magnificent blast. Naraku's screams could be heard. Left behind was a small pink jewel, the Shikon no Tama. Witnessing the destruction of his enemy Sesshomaru left without a glance at the miko. Bending down to pick up the small jewel, Kagome examined it closely. Wondering why so many would want such an accursed thing.

Tying the jewel to a small chain she carried she placed it around her neck. Feeling it thrum against her skin. Momentarily ignoring the bastard item she looked at the battle field. Sango and Miroku's bodies were gone. Shippo and Kirara's bodies had been partially devoured. And Inuyasha, oh her beloved had a hole in his heart that she could not repair. Crying out in despair, she cursed the Gods for doing this to her. Stealing away her friends and son.

A day later she had gathered their remains and buried them beneath the Goshinboku. Delivering, Kaede, the bad news. The old woman seemed unsurprised at this information as if she knew all along this would happen. Kagome requested she finish her training with her before she return home. And thus her new journey began.

Six months later Kagome had learned all that Kaede could teach her. Kagome had gained proper control of her powers and had become a formidable foe. Still there was much she still had to learn about her powers. She was only tapping into the surface of her potential. However, six months had done little to lessen the pain of losing her friends. Crying herself to sleep for weeks until she put her grief on hold in order to focus on training. Kaede had warned her not to but Kagome simply did not wish to deal with the pain.

Not long after she completed her training Kaede passed away another one of her precious people lost. She had informed her family that she had chosen to live in the village to replace Kaede but would still visit them. The village would not make it through winter without a priestess there to help and she could not abandon them when they needed her.

One night whilst resting under the Goshinboku she began to think, 'I wasn't strong enough. I was so useless, Inuyasha, died because of me. I was supposed to sense the jewel and I never even noticed it until Naraku appeared.' Fondling the jewel that was hanging from her neck.

'I wish I were stronger, like Sesshomaru he is strong and smart. Naraku could never beat him.' She sighed. "I'm not a dog demon like he is, nor am I a fox demon like Shippo. I'm pathetic." Tears threatening to spill…she could no longer hold them back she cried.

"Do not cry little miko"

'What was that?'

"I am the jewel and you are my guardian. I can give you what you want, all you need do is ask."

'I…I wish I was a demon…but I don't want to lose my miko powers!' She mumbled to herself in thought, pondering if she should wish on the jewel but knowing that she could not and would not. But as soon as she thought those words she realised what she had done. She had just made a selfish wish on the jewel and by uttering those words, the jewel did not care about the context it was evil, she would pay for it. 'But in what way?'

"I shall grant your wish" the jewel's many voices echoing, laughing, in her head. Light seeped from her pours coating her body in an ethereal glow. Her body felt like it was burning...changing.

"Foolish miko, you have made a selfish wish and now we shall punish you!" Laughter was ringing in her ears. It was all too much, the pain, sorrow, misery...she couldn't take it all at once...she passed out.

She awoke sometime in the night. Her vision, surprisingly good in this darkness, revealed to her that she was no longer by the sacred tree. Glancing around her surroundings she noticed she was in a forest. Which one she knew not and that was currently her main issue… or so she thought. A gust of cold wind blew by and caused her to shiver. She looked at herself wondering why the wind was bothering her so. To her utter horror she was completely naked and not only that she had a tail!

'What! Why the HELL do I have a tail' patting her head she felt no fuzzy ears on top of it, checking the area where her ears would normally be she felt that they had become pointed. Similar to Sesshomaru.

'Oh my God I'm a dog demon!'

"Wrong miko-demoness you are a fox demon miko. You did not specify what species of demon you wished to become so we chose for you. As punishment for your deed we have sent you to another world,you will never see your family or your precious village. We have also merged with your body and cannot be removed, so long as our souls live so shall you" The jewel snickered. Amongst the voices a quiet voice sighed in pity for the miko.

"YOU LIAR!" She screamed, of all things it could do it made sure to cause her as much grief as possible. She knew the consequences for her actions would be dire...but surely it could not have transported her to another world! It had to be lying.

A gust of wind blew past and she could smell something approaching. Guessing these were her new demon senses she listened to them. The last thing she wanted was to be caught naked by some stranger. She leaped into a tree a few feet away surprising herself. Unbeknownst to her It's branches were bending slightly to hide her as if knowing what she wanted.

A man with silver/grey hair that defied gravity and wore clothes that gave her the idea of him being a warrior of some kind appeared in the clearing followed by a blonde boy with spikey hair wearing a bright orange jump suite. And last but not least, a girl with hideously pink hair arrived complaining about something.

"Kakashi Sensei what are we doin' here huh? I didn't hear nothing!" The blonde asked, confusion written clearly on his face.

"Quiet Naruto. I heard someone shouting, it sounded like a woman. Whoever they are they should not be so close to our village and as shinobi it is our job to investigate. Look here, there are tracks in the mud, it looks like something fell straight down and hit the dirt. Yet there doesn't seem to be anything else." Kakashi explained.

Kagome was worried. She was stark naked in a completely new world and there were already people hunting her. Pressing back harder against the tree she was hiding in she rattled a few leafs. She froze the silver/grey haired man, Kakashi, was his name was staring straight at the spot she was hiding in. She leaped to another tree, the plants helping to hide her.

Looking back at the spot she had just been in, the silver haired man was there. 'That was way too close' she thought. Jumping back down to speak with his students he whispered to them, but despite his efforts her now keen hearing picked up every word he said.

"There is definitely something here we will report back to the Hokage at once." He whispered and with that the threesome disappeared. Kagome sighed and jumped down from the tree approaching the spot where she woke up this, Kakashi, was right it looked like she had fallen from the sky and just hit the ground. Her stomach was displeased at her lack of food for it and not only that she was parched.

"Okay short term goal list. Find some clothes, find some food, water and some kind of shelter." Smelling something pure nearby which, if according to Inuyasha's description on the scent of water, was indeed water. She headed toward the oddly alluring smell. Within a minute or so she had stumbled upon a small clear water lake. Overjoyed at the marvelous liquid she ran to the water's edge and kneeled so she could drink.

She stared for a moment at her reflection. Her brown eyes had turned a deep blue and she had two black markings on either cheek like that of Sesshomaru, she had fangs and claws and her hair had gone from being shoulder length to reaching down to her lower back. And was it just her or was she taller now? She was around 5ft 5 now she looked to be about 5ft 8. She had changed a lot over the years her body developing from that of a girls to a fully grown woman. She had curves that would make any woman jealous and her bust was the perfect size for her figure. But this new look shocked her. She was not expecting such a change. But on the up side, she has a tail! She had always wanted a tail now she had a fluffy silver one that just about touched the ground. In stark contrast to her ebony hair. All in all she has to think herself rather odd looking now.

Putting these thoughts aside for now she greedily drank up as much water as she pleased. Deciding it might be a good idea to make use of her tail she covered her lower body with it and used her arms to cover her top half. Using her miko abilities to her advantage she searched for any auras that may be close by. For if there was people there was surely food and clothing. She did not like stealing but she didn't really have a choice... so she headed toward two auras she felt not far away.

Hopping into the trees she spied two men gathered around a fire drunk of their asses. There was a chest a few feet away from them. 'I could take that. But how? And they have food oh what I wouldn't do to get that food.' Perhaps she could fool them. Shippo used to tell her about his kind… well her kind all the time, foxes were brilliant at seduction they used this to their advantage all the time. So she could do the same. They were drunk they wouldn't remember afterwards anyways...

Putting on her sexiest "come hither" look she slowly walked toward the two drunk men. The first man to spot her gapes at her and attempts to gain the others attention however, he had passed out.

"Oh beautiful maiden why have you shown yourself to me?" He slurred in what she supposed was supposed to be his attempt at flirting. Calling him to her she faded into shadow and waited for him to follow. When he was close enough she smacked him hard in the head to knock him out. Returning to their camp she found herself some clothes and put them on. A long, white, mans shirt that she was using as a short dress and some black slacks to wear underneath. The waist was to big so she got some string and tied it around her waist. She looked like a child in her daddies clothing.

Now clothed and feeling warm from the fire Kagome ate the food they had been cooking. Found herself a bag and took what she wanted, making sure they still had some supplies left then took her leave. She was lost in a new world and she would need to be prepared.





Okay so that's the end of the first chapter, I was excited to get this up and see what people think depending on how many reviews I get I will continue this story ^^

Helpful criticism is always welcomed!

As this is my first story I expect there to be a lot of things needing fixed but still remember to point out the things I am doing right xD

Also the summary is awful but in short it is a kags/Kakashi pairing

I have exams etc this year but I shall try my very best not to abandon this story.

I realised when I was about to publish this chapter that you need double spacing so I had to go back and put them in so I may have missed a few . Sorry if I have!

Red x Mist xx

Update - My last preliminary exam is this wednesday then I have about 3 months till my proper exams. In which time I will of course be studying and writing this story so expect an update fairly soon :D